Dart: convert Map to List of Objects - flutter

Did several google searches, nothing helpful came up. Been banging my head against some errors when trying to do something that should be pretty simple. Convert a map such as {2019-07-26 15:08:42.889861: 150, 2019-07-27 10:26:28.909330: 182} into a list of objects with the format:
class Weight {
final DateTime date;
final double weight;
bool selected = false;
Weight(this.date, this.weight);
I've tried things like: List<Weight> weightData = weights.map((key, value) => Weight(key, value));
There's no toList() method for maps, apparently. So far I'm not loving maps in dart. Nomenclature is confusing between the object type map and the map function. Makes troubleshooting on the internet excruciating.

Following on Richard Heap's comment above, I would:
List<Weight> weightData =
mapData.entries.map( (entry) => Weight(entry.key, entry.value)).toList();
Don't forget to call toList, as Dart's map returns a kind of Iterable.

List<Weight> weightData = List();
weights.forEach((k,v) => weightData.add(Weight(k,v)));

Sometimes the typecast will fail and you can enforce it by doing:
List<Weight> weightData =
weightData.entries.map<Weight>( (entry) => Weight(entry.key, entry.value)).toList();
Example from my project where it wasn't working without typecast:
List<NetworkOption> networkOptions = response.data['data']['networks']
.map<NetworkOption>((x) => NetworkOption.fromJson(x))

Use the entries property on the map object
This returns a List of type MapEntry<key,value>.
myMap.entries.map((entry) => "${entry.key} + ${entry.value}").toList();

You can also use a for collection to achieve the same.
var list = [for (var e in map.entries) FooClass(e.key, e.value)];

Flutter 1.26.0-18.0.pre.106
extension ListFromMap<Key, Element> on Map<Key, Element> {
List<T> toList<T>(
T Function(MapEntry<Key, Element> entry) getElement) =>
import 'package:myApp/libs/extensions/map.dart';
final map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
print(map.toList((e) => e.value));
print(map.toList((e) => e.key));

You can do this:
List<Weight> weightData = (weights as List ?? []).map((key, value) => Weight(key,value)).toList()
or you can try:
List<Weight> weightData = List.from(weights.map((key, value) => Weight(key, value)))

If you need to convert Map values to a list, the simplest oneline code looks like this:
final list = map.values.toList();

Vidor answer is correct .any way this worked for me
List<String> list = new List();
userDetails.forEach((k, v) => list.add(userDetails[k].toString()));

its very simple just initialize a list of your custom object like this
List<CustomObject> list=[];
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
CustomObject customObject= CustomObject(
hope it works for you thanks

You simply don't need to. the values property is an Iterable<> of your objects. You can iterate over this or you can convert it to a list. For example,
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
testWidgets("convert Map to List of Objects", (tester) async {
final weight1 = Weight(const ValueKey("1"), DateTime.now(), 1);
final weight2 = Weight(const ValueKey("2"), DateTime.now(), 2);
final map = {weight1.key: weight1, weight2.key: weight2};
//You don't have to convert this to a list
//But you can if you want to
final list = map.values.toList();
list.forEach((w) => print("Key: ${w.key} Weight: ${w.weight} "));
class Weight {
final Key key;
final DateTime date;
final double weight;
bool selected = false;
Weight(this.key, this.date, this.weight);

Object Class
class ExampleObject {
String variable1;
String variable2;
required this.variable1,
required this.variable2,
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'variable1': this.variable1,
'variable2': this.variable2,
factory ExampleObject.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return ExampleObject(
variable1: map['variable1'] as String,
variable2: map['variable2'] as String,
Convert Map to Object List
List<ExampleObject> objectList = List<ExampleObject>.from(mapDataList.map((x) => ExampleObject.fromMap(x)));


Dart - How to merge two list of objects into singe list

2> as you can see below i have two list of object and i want to merge into single it should compare list based on date
//here is the list 1
List<Object1> list1=[
//here is the list 2
List<Object2> list2=[
//expected output
List<Object3> expectedList=[
The code below should do the trick. It uses a Map where the keys are, let's say, the Primary Key. And the values are the reduce from list1 and list2 (It even merges duplicated items by date from list1 and/or list2). At the end, I've added some asserts to actually test if it works.
Here's also the DartPad to run it online.
class Object1 {
final String date;
final int day_data;
const Object1({required this.date, required this.day_data});
class Object2 {
final String date;
final int night_data;
const Object2({required this.date, required this.night_data});
class Object3 {
final String date;
final int? day_data;
final int? night_data;
const Object3({required this.date, this.day_data, this.night_data});
List<Object3> merge(List<Object1> obj1List, List<Object2> obj2List) {
final map = <String, Object3>{};
obj1List.forEach((obj1) =>
(obj3) => Object3(date: obj3.date, day_data: obj1.day_data, night_data: obj3.night_data),
ifAbsent: () => Object3(date: obj1.date, day_data: obj1.day_data, night_data: null),
obj2List.forEach((obj2) =>
(obj3) => Object3(date: obj3.date, day_data: obj3.day_data, night_data: obj2.night_data),
ifAbsent: () => Object3(date: obj2.date, day_data: null, night_data: obj2.night_data),
return map.values.toList()
..sort((a, b) => a.date.compareTo(b.date));
void main() {
//here is the list 1
List<Object1> list1=[
//here is the list 2
List<Object2> list2=[
List<Object3> actualList = merge(list1, list2);
//expected output
List<Object3> expectedList=[
print('Checking size...');
assert(actualList.length == expectedList.length);
print('Checking items...');
actualList.asMap().forEach((i, actual) {
final expected = expectedList[i];
print(' Checking item $i...');
assert(actual.date == expected.date);
assert(actual.day_data == expected.day_data);
assert(actual.night_data == expected.night_data);
print(' OK');
You need to do manually with two loops and comparing dates.
Hey you can achieve by compering two list and get list like below -
void compareList(){
List<ObjectModel> list1=[
//here is the list 2
List<ObjectModel> list2=[
//expected output
List<ObjectModel> expectedList= [];
list1.forEach((element) {
ObjectModel innerObject = list2.firstWhere((ObjectModel innerElement) => element.date == innerElement.date, orElse: (){return ObjectModel();});
if(innerObject.date !=null){
expectedList.add(ObjectModel(date:element.date,dayData:element.dayData,nightData: innerObject.nightData));
list2.forEach((element) {
ObjectModel innerObject = list1.firstWhere((ObjectModel innerElement) => element.date == innerElement.date, orElse: (){return ObjectModel();});
if(innerObject.date ==null){
class ObjectModel{
String? date;
int? dayData;
int? nightData;
ObjectModel({ this.date, this.dayData, this.nightData});

How remove element duplicates in a list flutter

I am streaming api. With the API, I get 1 item each and add to the list. The fact is that the api stream works in a circle, and duplicates are added to the list. How can I eliminate duplicates?
Code add list:
groupData.map((dynamic item) => GetOrder.fromJson(item))
.where((element) {
if (element.orderId != null) {
if (!list.contains(element)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
If elements are primitives, you can use a Set:
final myList = ['a', 'b', 'a'];
Set.from(myList).toList(); // == ['a', 'b']
but if elements are objects, a Set wouldn't work because every object is different from the others (unless you implement == and hashCode, but that goes beyond this answer)
class TestClass {
final String id;
final myClassList = [TestClass('a'), TestClass('b'), TestClass('a')];
Set.from(myClassList).toList(); // doesn't work! All classes are different
you should filter them, for example creating a map and getting its values:
class TestClass {
final String id;
final myClassList = [TestClass('a'), TestClass('b'), TestClass('a')];
final filteredClassList = myClassList
.fold<Map<String, TestClass>>({}, (map, c) {
map.putIfAbsent(c.id, () => c);
return map;
That said, this should work for you
.map((dynamic item) => GetOrder.fromJson(item))
.fold<Map<String, GetOrder>>({}, (map, element) {
map.putIfAbsent(element.orderId, () => element);
return map;
You can use Set instead
A Set is an unordered List without duplicates
If this is not working, then chances are that u have different object for the same actual object. (meaning, you have in 2 different places in memory)
In this case .contains or Set will not work

How can I use firstWhereOrNull with a map in Flutter?

How can I use firstWhereOrNull with maps in Flutter?
In other words, how can I do this:
final myVariable1 = myList.firstWhereOrNull(
(myVariable2) =>
Instead of using a list (myList), I'd like to do the same with a map (Map<String,int>).
Map<String,int> myMap = {};
myMap("stuff1") = 1;
myMap("stuff2") = 2;
myMap("stuff3") = 3;
There is no such firstWhereOrNull method for Maps, but you can easily come up with one using extension methods:
extension ExtendedMap on Map {
/// The first entry satisfying test, or null if there are none.
MapEntry? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(MapEntry entry) test) {
for (var entry in this.entries) {
if (test(entry)) return entry;
return null;
Here is how you can use it:
final map = <String, int>{
'stuff1': 1,
'stuff2': 2,
'stuff3': 3,
final test = map.firstWhereOrNull((entry) => entry.value == 2);
print(test); // Prints MapEntry(stuff2: 2)
final nullTest = map.firstWhereOrNull((entry) => entry.key == "stuff5");
print(nullTest); // Prints null
So, I created this implementation, I don't think it's the most optimized, also because it was necessary to use the cast since because of the sound null safety, it's not possible to return any value. But it works for you.
var myMap = {"key1": "value", "key2": 3};
var result = myMap.entries
.firstWhere((e) => e.key == "key", orElse: () => null);
I hope this helps in some way!

How to convert a list of numbers in a String to a list of int in dart

After reading a line from a file, I have the following String:
"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]"
What is the best way to convert this String back to List<int>?
Just base on following steps:
remove the '[]'
splint to List of String
turn it to a int List
Sth like this:
List<int> list =
value.replaceAll('[', '').replaceAll(']', '')
.map<int>((e) {
return int.tryParse(e); //use tryParse if you are not confirm all content is int or require other handling can also apply it here
You can also do this with the json.decode() as #pskink suggested if you confirm all content is int type, but you may need to cast to int in order to get the List<int> as default it will returns List<dynamic> type.
List<int> list = json.decode(value).cast<int>();
You can convert String list to int list by another alternate method.
void main() {
List<String> stringList= ['1','2','3','4'];
List<int> intList = [];
var intValue = int.tryParse(e);
Or by using for in loop
void main() {
List<String> stringList= ['1','2','3','4'];
List<int> intList = [];
for (var i in stringList){
int? value = int.tryParse(i);

How to convert List<Object> flutter

i'm new in flutter and need to help:
I have already got
final List<Genres> genres = [{1,"comedy"}, {2,"drama"},{3,"horror"}]
from api.
class Genres {
final int id;
final String value;
In another method I get genres.id.(2) How can I convert it to genres.value ("drama")?
Getting a Genre from an id is inconvenient when your data structure is a List. You have no choice but to iterate over the list and compare the id value to the id of each element in the list:
final id = 2;
final genre = genres.firstWhere((g) => g.id == id, orElse: () => null);
The problem with this code is that it's slow and there could be multiple matches (where the duplicates after the first found would be ignored).
A better approach would be to convert your list to a Map when you first create it. Afterwards, you can simply use an indexer to get a Genre for an ID quickly and safely.
final genresMap = Map.fromIterable(genres, (item) => item.id, (item) => item);
// later...
final id = 2;
final genre = genresMap[id];
This way, there is guaranteed to not be any duplicates, and if an ID doesn't exist then the indexer will simply return null.
you could iterate over the json result of the api and map them to the Gener class like so,
void fn(id) {
final gener = geners.firstWhere((gener) => gener['id'] == id);
// now you have access to your gener
You can find the item inside the List<Genres> like this
Genres element = list.firstWhere((element) => element.id == 2); // 2 being the id you give in the question as an exaple. You should make it dynamic