Is it possible to call a scala macro from generic scala code? - scala

I'm trying to use Scala macros to convert untyped, Map[String, Any]-like expressions to their corresponding typed case class expressions.
The following scala macro (almost) gets the job done:
trait ToTyped[+T] {
def apply(term: Any): T
object TypeConversions {
// At compile-time, "type-check" an untyped expression and convert it to
// its appropriate typed value.
def toTyped[T]: ToTyped[T] = macro toTypedImpl[T]
def toTypedImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[ToTyped[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
if (tpe <:< typeOf[Int] || tpe <:< typeOf[String]) {
q"""new ToTyped[$tpe] {
def apply(term: Any): $tpe = term.asInstanceOf[$tpe]
} else {
val companion = tpe.typeSymbol.companion
val maybeConstructor = tpe.decls.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
val constructorFields = maybeConstructor.get.paramLists.head
val subASTs = { field =>
val fieldName =
val fieldDecodedName = fieldName.toString
val fieldType = tpe.decl(fieldName).typeSignature
val subTerm = term.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]($fieldDecodedName)
q"""new ToTyped[$tpe] {
def apply(term: Any): $tpe = $companion(..$subASTs)
Using the above toTyped function, I can convert for example an untyped person value to its corresponding typed Person case class:
object TypeConversionTests {
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)
case class Address(street: String, num: Int, zip: Int)
val untypedPerson = Map(
"name" -> "Max",
"age" -> 27,
"address" -> Map("street" -> "Palm Street", "num" -> 7, "zip" -> 12345))
val typedPerson = TypeConversions.toTyped[Person](untypedPerson)
typedPerson shouldEqual Person("Max", 27, Address("Palm Street", 7, 12345))
However, my problem arises when trying to use the toTyped macro from above in generic scala code. Suppose I have a generic function indirection that uses the toTyped macro:
object CanIUseScalaMacrosAndGenerics {
def indirection[T](value: Any): T = TypeConversions.toTyped[T](value)
import TypeConversionTests._
val indirectlyTyped = indirection[Person](untypedPerson)
indirectlyTyped shouldEqual Person("Max", 27, Address("Palm Street", 7, 12345))
Here, I get a compile-time error from the toTyped macro complaining that the type T is not yet instantiated with a concrete type. I think the reason for the error is that from the perspective of toTyped inside indirection, the type T is still generic and not inferred to be Person just yet. And therefore the macro cannot build the corresponding Person case class when called via indirection. However, from the perspective of the call-site indirection[Person](untypedPerson), we have T == Person, so I wonder if there is a way to obtain the instantiated type of T (i.e., Person) inside the macro toTyped.
Put differently: Can I combine the Scala macro toTyped with the generic function indirection and yet be able to figure out the instantiated type for type parameter T inside the toTyped macro? Or am I on a hopeless track here and there is no way to combine Scala macros and generics like this? In the latter case I would like to know if the only solution here is to push the macro usage so far "out" that I can call it instantiated as toTyped[Person] rather than as toTyped[T].
Any insights are very much appreciated. Thank you! :-)

Macros need to be expanded. Every time you use a function which body is a macro, Scala will have to generate the code and put it there. As you suspect, this is very very specific and contradict the idea of parametric polymorphism where you write code independent of specific knowledge about your type.
Type classes are one of solutions to the general problem when you want to have one generic (parametric) definition and multiple per-type implementations of certain parts of your algorithm. You basically, define something that you could consider interface which (most likely) need to follow some contract (speaking in OOP terminology) and pass this interface as as argument:
// example
trait SpecificPerType[T] {
def doSomethingSpecific(t: T): String
val specificForString: SpecificPerType[String] = new SpecificPerType[String] {
def doSomethingSpecific(t: String): String = s"MyString: $t"
val specificForInt: SpecificPerType[Int] = new SpecificPerType[Int] {
def doSomethingSpecific(t: Int): String = s"MyInt: $t"
def genericAlgorithm[T](values: List[T])(specific: SpecificPerType[T]): String ="\n")
As you can see, it would be pretty annoying to pass this specific part around, which is one of the reasons implicits were introduced.
So you could write it using implicits like this:
implicit val specificForString: SpecificPerType[String] = new SpecificPerType[String] {
def doSomethingSpecific(t: String): String = s"MyString: $t"
implicit val specificForInt: SpecificPerType[Int] = new SpecificPerType[Int] {
def doSomethingSpecific(t: Int): String = s"MyInt: $t"
def genericAlgorithm[T](values: List[T])(implicit specific: SpecificPerType[T]): String ="\n")
/* for implicits with one type parameter there exist a special syntax
allowing to express them as if they were type constraints e.g.:
def genericAlgorithm[T: SpecificPerType](values: List[T]): String =[SpecificPerType[T]].doSomethingSpecific).mkString("\n")
implicitly[SpecificPerType[T]] is a summoning that let you access implicit
by type, rather than by its variable's name
genericAlgorithm(List(1,2,3)) // finds specificForString using its type
genericAlgorithm(List("a","b","c")) // finds specificForInt using its type
If you generate that trait implementation using macro, you will be able to have a generic algorithm e.g.:
implicit def generate[T]: SpecificPerType[T] =
macro SpecificPerTypeMacros.impl // assuming that you defined this macro there
As far as I can tell, this (extracting macros into type classes) is one of common patterns when it comes to being
able to generate some code with macros while, still building logic on top of it
using normal, parametric code.
(Just to be clear: I do not claim that the role of type classes is limited as the carriers of macro generated code).


How to match a Case Class containing a Parameter with Generic Type

I have an interesting Problem matching a Case Class in Scala....
I am using Akka and I have functionality that I will use in every Actor in my System, so created a Base Class for my Actor and I try to Match that Command there....
My Command looks like the following...
sealed trait ReportCommand extends ProcessCommand
final case class onReport(key: Key, replyTo: ActorRef[ResponseBase[State]]) extend ReportCommand
while I constructed Base Class so that it might be used from different Actors, onReport is delivered to Base Actor as generic parameter to be used in pattern match with a case class ...
abstract class BaseActor[E: ClassTag, R <: ReportBase[STATE], COMMAND](signal: TypeCase[R]) {
private val report = signal
def base[B <: E: ClassTag](cmd: E, state: STATE)(f: B => ReplyEffect[COMMAND, STATE]): ReplyEffect[COMMAND, STATE] =
cmd match {
case report(report) =>
Effect.reply(report.replytTo)(new ResponseBase[STATE]{
override def state: STATE = state
First if you think this construct will not work, it works, I have another Command (which I didn't place here) which does not have a generic parameter in the Command Class and above snippet is able to match that Snippet.
Now when I first try this code, Shapeless is complained about there is no mapping to ActorRef for Typeable of TypeCase, so after researching the internet I found I have to do the following....
implicit def mapActorRef[T: ClassTag]: Typeable[ActorRef[T]] =
new Typeable[ActorRef[T]] {
private val typT = Typeable[T]
override def cast(t: Any) : Option[ActorRef[T]] = {
if(t==null) None
else if(t.isInstanceOf[ActorRef[_]]) {
val o= t.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[_]]
for {
_ <- typT.cast(myClassOf)
} yield o.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[T]]
} else None
def myClassOf[T: ClassTag] = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
implicit def responseBaseIsTypeable[S: Typeable] : Typeable[ResponseBase[S]] =
new Typeable[ResponseBase[S]] {
private val typS = Typeable[S]
override def cast(t: Any) : Option[ResponseState[S]] = {
if(t==null) None
else if(t.isIntanceOf[ResponseBase[_]]) {
val o = t.asInstanceOf[ResponseBase[_]]
for {
_ <- typS.cast(o.state)
} yield o.asInstanceOf[ResponseBase[S]]
} else None
Now after this changes I don't receive any Exceptions from Shapeless but case report(report) is not matching, I have no idea how we get a reasoning from Scala why it decide it does not match. During my debugging session I observed the following.
I am using the Akka's Ask Pattern to communicate with this actor...
val future : Future[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]] = actorRef.ask[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]](ref =>
Actor.onReport(key, ref)
now if I observe the cmd object that BaseActor receives, I see that 'ask' Pattern of the Akka change ActorRef in the onReport Command class to an ActorRefAdapter, of course ActorRefAdapter is a subclass of an ActorRef but I am not sure what I defined in the implicit for mapping ActorRef to TypeCase can deal with that stuff but I can't figure a way to change implicit to be aware of the Subtypes....
Unfortunately ActorRefAdapter is private to package package so I can't define an extra mapping for ActorRefAdapter.
So can anybody see why Scala is not matching over my Shapeless <-> TypeCase configuration and give me some tips...
Thx for answers...
Your instance Typeable[ActorRef[T]] is incorrect.
Why did you decide to substitute a ClassTag in typT.cast(myClassOf)? This can't be meaningful.
I guess you used something like "No default Typeable for parametrized type" using Shapeless 2.1.0-RC2
If your gole is to make case report(replyTo) matching then you can define
implicit def mapActorRef[T: Typeable]: Typeable[ActorRef[T]] =
new Typeable[ActorRef[T]] {
private val typT = Typeable[T]
override def cast(t: Any): Option[ActorRef[T]] = {
if (t == null) None
else util.Try(t.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[T]]).toOption
override def describe: String = s"ActorRef[${typT.describe}]"
The problem is that this instance is also bad. Now case report(replyTo) is matching too much.
val actorTestKit = ActorTestKit()
val replyToRef = actorTestKit.spawn(ReplyToActor(), "replyTo")
import BaseActor._ // importing implicits
import shapeless.syntax.typeable._
val future: Future[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]] = replyToRef.cast[ActorRef[Int]].get.ask[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]](ref =>
)(5.seconds, system.scheduler)
Await.result(future, 10.seconds) // ClassCastException
A legal instance of the type class Typeable can be defined not for every type.
Providing instances for (concrete instantiations of) polymorphic types (where well defined) is pretty much the whole point of Typeable, both here and in Haskell.
The key phrase in the above is "where well defined". It's well defined in the case of non-empty container-like things. It's clearly not well defined for function values.
ResponseBase is a non-empty container-like thing. But ActorRef is like a function T => Unit, so there shouldn't be a Typeable for it
trait ActorRef[-T] extends ... {
def tell(msg: T): Unit
You should reconsider your approach.

When doing implicit resolution with type parameters, why does val placement matter?

In one file, I have:
trait JsonSchema[T] {
val propertyType: String
override def toString: String = propertyType
object JsonSchema {
implicit def stringSchema: JsonSchema[String] = new JsonSchema[String] {
override val propertyType: String = "string"
implicit def intSchema: JsonSchema[Int] = new JsonSchema[Int] {
override val propertyType: String = "integer"
implicit def booleanSchema: JsonSchema[Boolean] = new JsonSchema[Boolean] {
override val propertyType: String = "boolean"
In my main file:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T)(implicit val meta: JsonSchema[T])
object JsonSchemaExample extends App {
That works hunky-dory. Now suppose I do this instead:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T) {
val meta: JsonSchema[T] = implicitly[JsonSchema[T]]
It no longer compiles. Why?
My goal is to modify the anonymous Endpoint classes in the scala Finch library by adding a val meta to everything. I've been able to do this without any fancy-business so far, but now I want to do some fancy implicit resolution with shapeless to provide a JsonSchema definition for arbitrary case classes. My question is how to do this while maintaining backward compatibility. As in: provide the jsonschema meta feature for people who want to opt in, don't change the compilation burden for anyone who does not want to use meta,
If instead I go the first route, with an added implicit parameter, wouldn't that require a special import to be added by everyone? Or am I missing something and would backward compatibility still be maintained?
There is big difference between implicit x: X among parameters and implicitly[X] inside body.
When you say implicitly[X] this means "check now whether in the current scope there is an implicit X".
When you say def foo(...)(implicit x: X) = ... this means "check later when foo is called that in the scope of the call site there will be an implicit X (and for now inside foo just assume without checking that there is)".
class Foo(...)(implicit x: X) is similar to the latter, "check when constructor is called that there will be an implicit X".
Regarding whether users have to import or not. If you put implicits for type X to companion object of X then they will be found automatically (implicits for type X[Y] should be put to companion object of either X or Y). If you put them somewhere else then they have to be imported to the current scope.
In order for implicitly[JsonSchema[T]] to compile, there must be a JsonSchema[T] in the implicit scope, which means that there must be a JsonSchema[T] (or something implicitly convertible to a JsonSchema[T]) passed through as an implicit argument, as you had with:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T)(implicit val meta: JsonSchema[T])

Scala: reflection against named arguments

I'm trying to pass named arguments to a function from a regular Scala object like string/list/map, where the name of the argument and it's value are both variable (in my case from parsed user input). Is there a way to do this in Scala? I'm in principal looking for a short program in scala, similar to this in python:
def surprise(animal, color):
print('Oh, a ' + color + ' ' + animal + '!')
arguments = {'animal': 'cat', 'color': 'black'}
Since python can unpack dictionaries into named arguments, this results in
Oh, a black cat!
I've been searching for this functionality in scala, but I could not find it. Can anyone give me an example on how to accomplish this in scala?
Thanks in advance!
I would say, it is not that easy as in python, but I will try to propose couple of solutions. You need to extract your parameters from json (or other user input) with types and with order. It could be done using, for example, helper case class and play-json:
def surprise(animal: String, color: String): Unit = {
println(s"Oh, a $color $animal!")
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
case class FuncArguments(animal: String, color: String)
implicit val funcArgumentsFormat = Json.format[FuncArguments]
implicit def jsValueToFuncArguments(json: JsValue): FuncArguments =[FuncArguments]
def surprise2(json: JsValue): Unit = {
(surprise _).tupled(FuncArguments.unapply(json).get)
case class has same signature as your method. implicit val funcArgumentsFormatis play-json format to extract your data into case class (unsafe, because of as. Will throw Exception in case of missing required argument names/types in json), implicit def jsValueToFuncArguments converts your json into case class (theoretically also unsafe, because of Option.get, but do not think that you can get exception here). And helper function surprise2 to convert json into arguments.
Another approach would be, for example, to use some reflection:
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
class SomeClass {
def surprise(animal: String, color: String): Unit = {
println(s"Oh, a $color $animal!")
def surprise3(json: JsValue): Unit = {
val method = classOf[SomeClass].getMethods.find(_.getName == "surprise").get
val params = method.getParameters
val values = => (json \ name).as[String])
val ref = new SomeClass
method.invoke(ref, values: _*)
In this example we have an assumption that all fields have the same type String, your function is inside class. Play-json is used for parsing. You get method, than argument names, than extract values for arguments (in same order as arguments) and than just apply them to function.
And calls:
val json = Json.obj("animal" -> "cat", "color" -> "black")

Introspect argument passed to a Scala macro

I would like to program a Scala macro that takes an instance of a case class as argument. All objects that can be passed to the macro have to implement a specific marker trait.
The following snippet shows the marker trait and two example case classes implementing it:
trait Domain
case class Country( id: String, name: String ) extends Domain
case class Town( id: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double ) extends Domain
Now, I would like to write the following code using macros to avoid the heaviness of runtime reflection and its thread unsafety:
object Test extends App {
// instantiate example domain object
val myCountry = Country( "CH", "Switzerland" )
// this is a macro call
logDomain( myCountry )
The macro logDomain is implemented in a different project and looks similar to:
object Macros {
def logDomain( domain: Domain ): Unit = macro logDomainMacroImpl
def logDomainMacroImpl( c: Context )( domain: c.Expr[Domain] ): c.Expr[Unit] = {
// Here I would like to introspect the argument object but do not know how?
// I would like to generate code that prints out all val's with their values
The macro's purpose should be to generate code that - at runtime - outputs all values (id and name) of the given object and prints them as shown next:
id (String) : CH
name (String) : Switzerland
To achieve this, I would have to dynamically inspect the passed type argument and determine its members (vals). Then I would have to generate an AST representing the code that creates the log output. The macro should work regardless of what specific object implementing the marker trait "Domain" is passed to the macro.
At this point I am lost. I would appreciate if someone could give me a starting point or point me to some documentation? I am relatively new to Scala and have not found a solution in the Scala API docs or the Macro guide.
Listing the accessors of a case class is such a common operation when you're working with macros that I tend to keep a method like this around:
def accessors[A: u.WeakTypeTag](u: scala.reflect.api.Universe) = {
import u._
u.weakTypeOf[A].declarations.collect {
case acc: MethodSymbol if acc.isCaseAccessor => acc
This will give us all the case class accessor method symbols for A, if it has any. Note that I'm using the general reflection API here—there's no need to make this macro-specific yet.
We can wrap this method up with some other convenience stuff:
trait ReflectionUtils {
import scala.reflect.api.Universe
def accessors[A: u.WeakTypeTag](u: Universe) = {
import u._
u.weakTypeOf[A].declarations.collect {
case acc: MethodSymbol if acc.isCaseAccessor => acc
def printfTree(u: Universe)(format: String, trees: u.Tree*) = {
import u._
Select(reify(Predef).tree, "printf"),
Literal(Constant(format)) :: trees.toList
And now we can write the actual macro code pretty concisely:
trait Domain
object Macros extends ReflectionUtils {
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
def log[D <: Domain](domain: D): Unit = macro log_impl[D]
def log_impl[D <: Domain: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(domain: c.Expr[D]) = {
import c.universe._
if (!weakTypeOf[D].typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass) c.abort(
"Need something typed as a case class!"
) else c.Expr(
accessors[D](c.universe).map(acc =>
"%s (%s) : %%s\n".format(,
Note that we still need to keep track of the specific case class type we're dealing with, but type inference will take care of that at the call site—we won't need to specify the type parameter explicitly.
Now we can open a REPL, paste in your case class definitions, and then write the following:
scala> Macros.log(Town("Washington, D.C.", 38.89, 77.03))
id (String) : Washington, D.C.
longitude (Double) : 38.89
latitude (Double) : 77.03
scala> Macros.log(Country("CH", "Switzerland"))
id (String) : CH
name (String) : Switzerland
As desired.
From what I can see, you need to solve two problems: 1) get the necessary information from the macro argument, 2) generate trees that represent the code you need.
In Scala 2.10 these things are done with the reflection API. Follow Is there a tutorial on Scala 2.10's reflection API yet? to see what documentation is available for it.
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import language.experimental.macros
trait Domain
case class Country(id: String, name: String) extends Domain
case class Town(id: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double) extends Domain
object Macros {
def logDomain(domain: Domain): Unit = macro logDomainMacroImpl
def logDomainMacroImpl(c: Context)(domain: c.Expr[Domain]): c.Expr[Unit] = {
import c.universe._
// problem 1: getting the list of all declared vals and their types
// * declarations return declared, but not inherited members
// * collect filters out non-methods
// * isCaseAccessor only leaves accessors of case class vals
// * typeSignature is how you get types of members
// (for generic members you might need to use typeSignatureIn)
val vals = typeOf[Country].declarations.toList.collect{ case sym if sym.isMethod => sym.asMethod }.filter(_.isCaseAccessor)
val types = vals map (_.typeSignature)
// problem 2: generating the code which would print:
// id (String) : CH
// name (String) : Switzerland
// usually reify is of limited usefulness
// (see
// but here it's perfectly suitable
// a subtle detail: `domain` will be possibly used multiple times
// therefore we need to duplicate it
val stmts = => c.universe.reify(println(
c.literal( +
"(" + c.literal(v.returnType.toString).splice + ")" +
" : " + c.Expr[Any](Select(domain.tree.duplicate, v)).splice)).tree)
c.Expr[Unit](Block(stmts, Literal(Constant(()))))

Read case class object from string in Scala (something like Haskell's "read" typeclass)

I'd like to read a string as an instance of a case class. For example, if the function were named "read" it would let me do the following:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val personString: String = "Person(Bob,42)"
val person: Person = read(personString)
This is the same behavior as the read typeclass in Haskell.
dflemstr answered more towards setting up the actual read method- I'll answer more for the actual parsing method.
My approach has two objects that can be used in scala's pattern matching blocks. AsInt lets you match against strings that represent Ints, and PersonString is the actual implementation for Person deserialization.
object AsInt {
def unapply(s: String) = try{ Some(s.toInt) } catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
val PersonRegex = "Person\\((.*),(\\d+)\\)".r
object PersonString {
def unapply(str: String): Option[Person] = str match {
case PersonRegex(name, AsInt(age)) => Some(Person(name, age))
case _ => None
The magic is in the unapply method, which scala has syntax sugar for. So using the PersonString object, you could do
val person = PersonString.unapply("Person(Bob,42)")
// person will be Some(Person("Bob", 42))
or you could use a pattern matching block to do stuff with the person:
"Person(Bob,42)" match {
case PersonString(person) => println( + " " + person.age)
case _ => println("Didn't get a person")
Scala does not have type classes, and in this case, you cannot even simulate the type class with a trait that is inherited from, because traits only express methods on an object, meaning that they have to be "owned" by a class, so you cannot put the definition of a "constructor that takes a string as the only argument" (which is what "read" might be called in OOP languages) in a trait.
Instead, you have to simulate type classes yourself. This is done like so (equivalent Haskell code in comments):
// class Read a where read :: String -> a
trait Read[A] { def read(s: String): A }
// instance Read Person where read = ... parser for Person ...
implicit object ReadPerson extends Read[Person] {
def read(s: String): Person = ... parser for Person ...
Then, when you have a method that depends on the type class, you have to specify it as an implicit context:
// readList :: Read a => [String] -> [a]
// readList ss = map read ss
def readList[A: Read] (ss: List[String]): List[A] = {
val r = implicitly[Read[A]] // Get the class instance of Read for type A _)
The user would probably like a polymorphic method like this for ease of use:
object read {
def apply[A: Read](s: String): A = implicitly[Read[A]].read(s)
Then one can just write:
val person: Person = read[Person]("Person(Bob,42)")
I am not aware of any standard implementation(s) for this type class, in particular.
Also, a disclaimer: I don't have a Scala compiler and haven't used the language for years, so I can't guarantee that this code compiles.
Starting Scala 2.13, it's possible to pattern match a Strings by unapplying a string interpolator:
// case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
"Person(Bob,42)" match { case s"Person($name,$age)" => Person(name, age.toInt) }
// Person("Bob", 42)
Note that you can also use regexes within the extractor.
Which in this case, helps for instance to match on "Person(Bob, 42)" (age with a leading space) and to force age to be an integer:
val Age = "[ ?*](\\d+)".r
"Person(Bob, 42)" match {
case s"Person($name,${Age(age)})" => Some(Person(name, age.toInt))
case _ => None
// Person = Some(Person(Bob,42))
The answers on this question are somewhat outdated. Scala has picked up some new features, notably typeclasses and macros, to make this more easily possible.
Using the Scala Pickling library, you can serialize/deserialize arbitrary classes to and from various serialization formats:
import scala.pickling._
import json._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val person1 = Person("Bob", 42)
val str = person1.pickle.value // { tpe: "Person", name: "Bob", age: 42 }
val person2 = JSONPickle(str).unpickle[Person]
assert(person1 == person2) // Works!
The serializers/deserializers are automatically generated at compile time, so no reflection! If you need to parse case classes using a specific format (such as the case class toString format), you can extend this system with your own formats.
The uPickle library offers a solution for this problem.
Scala uses Java's serialization stuff, with no String representation.