We have a VM running on CentOS KVM that we want to export to MS Hyper V.
We saw the instructions to export the image here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/virtual_pc_guy/2015/06/22/handy-tool-for-converting-kvm-vmware-images-to-hyper-v/
Using qemu-img, we can convert the image as following:
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 “SourceDisk.img” -O vhdx -o subformat=dynamic “Destination.vhdx”
However, we're not sure how to create the SourceDisk.img from running VM.
We found the image at the following location:
I am using redhat OS in virtual box. I have mounted my Server's (windows 2012 R2) hard disk
on my redhat(/home/user1/myfolder) using
sudo mount -t cifs // /home/user1/myfolder -o username=MyRegisteredUserNameForServer
I can read write and executes the file stored in that server.
Also, using 'sudo nano myfile.txt' I can create a file in the mounted folder "/home/user1/myfolder" but when I try to execute any script that creates files, it says permission denied.
eg: python myscript.py > output.txt
"permission denied"
I tried a lot to get into it but couldn't find the issue.
finally the below worked:
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=MyRegisteredUserNameForServer,password=P#ssw0rd,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 // /home/user1/myfolder
I am trying to install pg_cron extension in postgres in alpine linux docker.
When running
in psql console I get:
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/local/share/postgresql/extension/pg_cron.control": No such file or directory
The problem is that the actual pg_cron.control is not under /usr/local/share/... but under /usr/share/..
Where in postgresql.conf I can define the path?
Steps taken:
docker run --name postgres-0 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Password1 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:10-alpine
docker exec -it postgres-0 /bin/bash
apk update
apk add postgresql-pg_cron --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community
cat <<EOT >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
pg_ctl reload
PostgreSQL expects to find the extension files in the SHAREDIR/extension/ directory associated with the installation (execute pg_config --sharedir to confirm the value of SHAREDIR for your particular installation).
There is however no facility for specifying an alternative location for extension files; it looks like something is wrong with the packaging.
I'm not familiar with Alpine Linux, but a quick Google search brings up e.g. this issue: Postgres extensions are installed into incorrect path and the suggested solution is to use a bare Alpine Linux image and install PostgreSQL via the apk command, so you might want to try that.
When I start confluent local start I get /users/myusername/.confluent/config.json: No such file or directory.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
you need to create the .confluent directory
1)Install the Confluent CLI, confluent, using the following script. The parameter must be in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin).
On Microsoft Windows, an appropriate Linux environment may need to be installed in order to have the curl and sh commands available, such as the Windows Subsystem for Linux https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about.
curl -L --http1.1 https://cnfl.io/cli | sh -s -- -b /path-to-cli
and then go to the path-to-cli folder and run below command
./confluent local start
I'm using qemu as my raspberry pi emulator.
I use IDE for writing my codes in windows and I am having a hard time in transferring files every time from my windows to qemu.
I tried using winscp, but it did not allow me to connect using default credentials.
Is there anything I need to do or configure to use winscp for transferring files directly??
Go to https://azeria-labs.com/emulate-raspberry-pi-with-qemu/
$ qemu-system-arm -kernel ~/qemu_vms/<your-kernel-qemu> -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb -serial stdio -append "root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw" -hda ~/qemu_vms/<your-jessie-image.img> -redir tcp:5022::22 -no-reboot
scp -P 5022<file_to_transfer> pi#
Another handy way: :)
Mount .img file in your host (Use Disk Image Mounter in Linux , Don't forget to mount it in non read-only mode)
Add your file to this img file (Don't add it in boot partition)
Umount the img
Load .img file in qemu and find your file in proper path
I am trying to install the matlab on my ubuntu 14.04. I have downloaded the student trial version from mathworks. I downloaded a zip file. The other resources are telling me to unzip it and the open the installer. I did that but I cannot find the installer. if i click on install it opens some text file which has some shell programming in it
Please help me to get out of this problem.
You will need to use ISO images:
Assuming that image is named R2015b_glnxa64.iso, simply mount ISO:
sudo mkdir -p /media/iso sudo mount -o ro,loop ./R2015b_glnxa64.iso
run the installation script:
sudo /media/iso/install
and if you want to install (two DVDs/ISOs), you should use the same path for mounting both ISO images:
mount DVD1 sudo mount -o ro,loop /media/data/R2017a_glnxa64_dvd1.iso /media/iso,
install sudo /media/iso/install and wait for a pop-up window to change the disk,
mount DVD2 sudo mount -o ro,loop /media/data/R2017a_glnxa64_dvd2.iso /media/iso
and finally unmount image:
You can just install matlab with this one line command.
sudo apt-get install matlab-gdf dynare-matlab libpdl-io-matlab-perl matlab-support matlab-support-dev matlab2tikz