Kubernetes is giving junk external ip - kubernetes

Kubernetes is giving junk external ip, check output of below command:
$ kubectl get svc frontend -n web-console
frontend LoadBalancer a55ea503bbuddd... 80:31161/TCP 5d
Please help me to understand what's this external IP means

According to this : https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-ips
Traffic that ingresses into the cluster with the external IP (as destination IP), on the Service port, will be routed to one of the Service endpoints. externalIPs are not managed by Kubernetes and are the responsibility of the cluster administrator.
It seems you selected LoadBalancer type your cloud provider provided you a loadbalancer and that externalip is that loadbalancer dns name.

The options that allows you expose your application for access from outside the cluster are:
Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer
Kubernetes Service of type ‘NodePort’ + Ingress
A Service in Kubernetes is an abstraction defining a logical set of Pods and an access policy and it can be exposed in different ways by specifying a type (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer) in the service spec. The LoadBalancer type is the simplest approach.
Once the service is created, it has an external IP address as in your output:
$ kubectl get svc frontend -n web-console
frontend LoadBalancer a55ea503bbuddd... 80:31161/TCP 5d
Now, service 'frontend' can be accessible from outside the cluster without the need for additional components like an Ingress.
To test the external IP run this curl command from your machine:
$ curl http://<external-ip>:<port>
where is the external IP address of your Service, and is the value of Port in your Service description.
ExternalIP gives possibility to access services from outside the cluster (ExternalIP is an endpoint). A ClusterIP type service with an ExternalIP can still be accessed inside the cluster using its service.namespace DNS name, but now it can also be accessed from its external endpoint, too.


How to connect to a GKE service from GCE using internal IPs

I have an Nginx service deployed in GKE with a NodePort exposed and i want to connect it from my Compute Engine instances through internal IP address only. When i try to connect to the Nginx with the cluster IP i only receive Timeout.
I think that clusterIP is only reachable inside a cluster but when i activated the NodePort might be works.
I am not know well the difference between NodePort and ClusterIP.
You can expose your application outside cluster using NodePort or LoadBalancer. ClusterIP allows connection only inside the cluster and it's default Service type.
Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the default ServiceType
Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service routes, is automatically created. You'll be able to contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting :.
Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer. NodePort and ClusterIP Services, to which the external load balancer routes, are automatically created.
In short, when you are using NodePort you need to use NodePublicIP:NodePort. When you are using LoadBalancer it will create Network LB with ExternalIP.
In your GKE cluster you have something called VPC - Virtual Private Cloud which provides networking for your cloud-based resources and services that is global, scalable, and flexible.
Using VPC-Native CLuster
Wit VPC-native clusters you'll be able to reach to Pod's IPs directly. You will need to create subnet in order to do it. Full guide can be found here
Using VPC Peering
If you would like to connect from 2 different projects in GKE, you will need to use VPC Peering.
Access from outside the cluster using NodePort
If you would like to reach your nginx service from outside you can use NodeIP:NodePort.
NodeExternalIP (keep in mind that this node must have application pod on it. If you have 3 nodes and only 1 application replica, you must use NodeExternalIP where this pod was deployed. Another node, you need to allow NodePort access on Firewall.
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
gke-cluster-1-default-pool-faec7b51-n5hm Ready <none> 3h23m v1.17.14-gke.1600 Container-Optimized OS from Google 4.19.150+ docker://19.3.6
$ kubectl get svc
nginx NodePort <none> 80:30785/TCP 39m
$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
Cluster IP address is only accessible within cluster; so that's why it is giving timeout message. Nodeport use to expose a port on Public IP of every node of cluster; so it may work.

How to assign external IP address to running service?

I have the following service:
rancher ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 10h
that I would like to assign an EXTERNAL-IP to it. I tried:
kubectl expose deployment rancher --type=LoadBalancer --name=rancher-access
but the EXTERNAL-IP does not still get assigned. I am using Digital Ocean Kubernetes.
How to get an EXTERNAL-IP for rancher service.
You have two options:
The LoadBalancer type of service is implemented by adding code to the kubernetes master specific to each cloud provider. There isn't a cloud provider for Digital Ocean supported cloud providers, so the LoadBalancer type will not be able to take advantage of Digital Ocean's Floating IPs.
Instead, you should consider using a NodePort service or attaching an ExternalIP to your service and mapping the exposed IP to a Digital Ocean's floating IP.
To get the actual IP you need to expose you need to ssh into your gateway droplet and find its anchor IP by hitting up the metadata service:
curl -s
Use Digital Ocean created cloud provider implementation
You could use an NGINX ingress controller and point a DigitalOcean LB to the host where the controller is deployed. With some more tinkering you could probably make this a highly available setup

How to expose a service in Kubernetes?

My organization offers Containers as a Service through Rancher. I start a rabbitmq service using some web interface. The service started OK. I'm having trouble accessing this service through an external IP.
Using kubectl, I tried to get the list of the running services:
$ kubectl get services -n flash
rabbitmq-ha ClusterIP XX.XX.X.XXX <none> 15672/TCP,5672/TCP,4369/TCP 46m
rabbitmq-ha-discovery ClusterIP None <none> 15672/TCP,5672/TCP,4369/TCP 46m
How do I expose the 'rabbitmq-ha' service to the external word so I can access it via IP address:15672, etc? Right now, the external IP is none. I'm not sure how to get kubernetes to assign one.
If you are in supported cloud environment(AWS, GCP, Azure...etc) then you can create a service of type Loadbalancer and an external Load Balancer will be provisioned and an external IP or DNS will be assigned by your cloud provider.Here is the docs on this.
If you are on bare metal on prem then you can use melatLB which provides an implementation of LoadBalancer.
Apart from above you can also use Nodeport Type service to expose a service to be accessible outside your kubernetes cluster. Here is guide on how to do that.
One disadvantage of using LoadBalancer type service is that for every service an external load balancer will be provisioned which is costly, as an alternative you can use ingress abstraction. Ingress is implemented by many softwares such as nginx, HAProxy, traefik.

What does the colon mean in the list of ports when running kubectl get services

If I run kubectl get services for a simple demo service I get the following response:
demo-service LoadBalancer <pending> 80:32264/TCP 18m
What does the : mean in the port list?
External access to the demo-service will happen via port 32264, which connects to port 80 on the docker container.
Meaning 80:32264/TCP this is,
You have demo-service and it is pointing 80 port to your pod and 32264/TCP means you can use NodeIP for accessing the application which is running in pod from external network (outside of cluster). And the : will separate these ports for your understanding which is external and internal port for accessing pod.
This means that your service demo-service can be reached on port 80 from other containers and on the NodePort 32264 from the "outer" world.
In this particular case it will be accessed by Load Balancer which is provisioned/managed by some sort of Kubernetes controller.
Though this is old, I want to write a different answer.
For Loadbalancer type of service, the port before : is the port your service exposed, usually specified by admin in service yaml file. The port after ':' is a random NodePort on the node, usually assigned by system.

what is the use of external IP address with a ClusterIP service type in kubernetes

What is the use of external IP address option in kubernetes service when the service is of type ClusterIP
An ExternalIP is just an endpoint through which services can be accessed from outside the cluster, so a ClusterIP type service with an ExternalIP can still be accessed inside the cluster using its service.namespace DNS name, but now it can also be accessed from its external endpoint, too. For instance, you could set the ExternalIP to the IP of one of your k8s nodes, or create an ingress to your cluster on that IP.
ClusterIP is the default service type in Kubernetes which allows you to reach your service only within the cluster.
If your service type is set as LoadBalancer or NodePort, ClusterIP is automatically created and LoadBalancer or NodePort service will route to this ClusterIP IP address.
The new external IP addresses are only allocated with LoadBalancer type.
You can also use the node's external IP addresses when you set your service as NodePort. But in this case you will need extra firewall rules for your nodes to allow ingress traffic for your exposed node ports.
When you are using service with type: ClusterIP it has only Cluster IP and no external IP address <none>.
ClusterIP is unique Ip given from IP pool to a service and to access pods of this service cluster IP can be used only inside a cluster.Cluster IP is default service type in kubernetes.
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port=80 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
above example will create a service with external IP and cluster IP.
In case of loadbalancer,nodeport services ,the service can be accessed from other clusters through externalIP
Just to add to coolinuxoid answer. I'm working with GKE and based on their documentation when you add a Service of type ClusterIP they offer to access it via:
Accessing your Service
List your running Pods:
kubectl get pods
In the output, copy one of the Pod names that begins with
my-deployment-dbd86c8c4-h5wsf 1/1 Running 0 2m51s
Get a shell into one of your running containers:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -- sh
where pod-name is the name of one of the Pods in my-deployment.
In your shell, install curl:
apk add --no-cache curl
In the container, make a request to your Service by using your cluster
IP address and port 80. Notice that 80 is the value of the port field
of your Service. This is the port that you use as a client of the
curl cluster-ip:80
So, while you might find a way to route to such a Service from outside, it's not a recommended/ordinary way to do it.
As a better alternative either use:
LoadBalancer if you are working on a project with a lot of services and detailed requirements.
NodePort if you are working on something smaller where cloud-native load balancing is not needed and you don't mind using your node's IP directly to map it to the Service. Incidentally, the same document does suggest an option to do so(tested it personally; works like a charm):
If the nodes in your cluster have external IP addresses, find the
external IP address of one of your nodes:
kubectl get nodes --output wide
The output shows the external IP addresses of your nodes:
gke-svc-... Ready none 1h v1.9.7-gke.6
Not all clusters have external IP addresses for nodes. For example,
the nodes in private clusters do not have external IP addresses.
Create a firewall rule to allow TCP traffic on your node port:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create test-node-port --allow
where: node-port is the value of the nodePort field of your Service.