POST Image throwing "internal_error" - ibm-cloud

I'm trying to use VPC Classic POST Image REST API to upload the image to VPC. Getting internal_error
"file": {
"href": "cos://us-south/vnfimages/BIGIP-13.1.3-0.0.6.vhd"
"operating_system": {
"name": "ubuntu-16-04-amd64"
"format": "vhd"
VHD Image is available in COS.
Expected Result:
REST API should pass and the image should be uploaded in vpc.
Actual Result:
"errors": [
"code": "internal_error",
"message": "An internal error occurred.",
"more_info": "",
"target": {
"name": "",
"type": ""
"trace": "f596852507fcd0c701eb46b63948ca63"

Make sure you have created authorization between VPC Infrastructure (source service) > Image Service for VPC (resource type) and Cloud Object Storage (target service).
Also the format field is not a valid field, you might want to drop it.


Data Factory MSI authentication with Azure Event Hub through Web Activity

I am trying to send messages to an Event Hub through Data Factory's Web activity.
My Data Factory is set up with a system assigned managed identity (MSI), and that identity has been given the "Azure Event Hubs Data Sender" role on the Event Hubs Namespace (RBAC / IAM).
The Web activity is set up as follows:
"name": "Send to Event Hub",
"type": "WebActivity",
"dependsOn": [],
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false,
"secureInput": false
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"url": "https://<eventhubnamespace><eventhub>/messages?timeout=60&api-version=2014-01",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"DeviceId": "dev-01",
"Temperature": "37.0"
"authentication": {
"type": "MSI",
"resource": ""
Unfortunately, it seems that the request is always unauthorized. The web activity fails with the following message:
"errorCode": "2108",
"message": "Invoking Web Activity failed with HttpStatusCode - 'Unauthorized'.",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Event Hub",
"details": []
I also tried specifying the Content-Type header according to the send event REST API docs, but it made no difference.
According to this article, it should be possible to authenticate against Event Hub using a Service Principal with OAuth2.0 Bearer token. My understanding is that ADF's MSI is no different than a Service Principal, except that I don't have to manage the secrets and tokens on my own. What am I missing?

Mirror a GitHub repository using the source-repositories API directly

The cloud console provides an interface for mirroring a repository from GitHub.
When you use this feature it creates a mirrorConfig on the repository which can be read from the API. The API itself however does not seem to provide a way to write to this config.
Example when trying to make a repository with a mirrorConfig
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"fieldViolations": [
"field": "repo.mirror_config",
"description": "mirror_config is a read-only field and must not be set"
"#type": "",
"requestId": "*****"
Is there a way to programmatically create mirrored source repositories in Google Cloud Platform?
Is the answer :(
Source: George's comment above (Google Cloud Platform Support team)

How do I use Marketo REST API with Postman?

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to properly use the Marketo REST API using Postman for testing purpose.
So far I can Authenticate and get my access_token,
but when I try to create a folder... (properly authenticated)
endpoint: [POST] /rest/asset/v1/folders.json
"description": "Test Folder",
"name": "Test",
"parent": {
"id": 1,
"type": "Folder"
I get:
"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "name cannot be null.",
"code": "701"
"message": "parent cannot be null",
"code": "701"
"requestId": "408a#1720c00a893",
"warnings": []
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
See an example in the Marketo API documentation
Create/Update folder request should be an application/x-www-form-urlencoded not application/json
So in Postman, you have to post a form with three parameters:
name=Test 10 - deverly
description=This is a test
For the parent parameter you should specify a specific json-like text, which is a usual format for folderId
For generic folders (not programs) you can provide just integer id, without JSON structure, this is not recommended but can be used for manual API tests

Error trying to write data on google's fit web aplication via rest api

I'm trying to write data on google's fit via rest api. The idea is to write data on google's rest api, and the goal is to show that information on both google fit's web and app.
The information that i'm trying to write is a session (equals to workout)
"id": "11xxxx",
"name": "My example workout",
"description": "A very intense workout",
"startTimeMillis": 1396710000000,
"endTimeMillis": 1396713600000,
"version": 1,
"lastModifiedToken": "exampleToken",
"application": {
"packageName": "",
"version": "web"
"activityType": 1
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Application package name ( provided by un-trusted source.",
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Application package name ( provided by un-trusted source.",
"reason": "forbidden"

Azure Automation Registration Endpoint is corrupted when used to pull DSC configuration

For some reason, I keep getting these weird issues.....
In this case, I have a Key and Endpoint URL for the Automation Account stored as Secrets in a KeyVault (I don't know of a away to extract it natively from Automation Account using ARM).
I can extract these values perfectly and they they are published to the Template that runs a PowerShell extension to pull a DSC Configuration.
For example as seen as an Input deploying the Template:
However, I receive the following error (note the Url in the Error with 3 forward slashes)
"code": "VMExtensionProvisioningError",
"message": "VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'dscLcm'.
Error message: "DSC Configuration 'ConfigureLCMforAAPull' completed with error(s). Following are the first few: The attempt to 'get an action' for AgentId 11A5A267-6D00-11E7-B07F-000D3AE0FB1B from server URL'11A5A267-6D00-11E7-B07F-000D3AE0FB1B')/GetDscAction failed with server error 'ResourceNotFound(404)'.
For further details see the server error message below or the DSC debug event log with ID 4339.
ServerErrorMessage:- 'No NodeConfiguration was found for the agent.'\"."
The Endpoint Url is passed as a Secure String. I tried passing it a normal string - Same problem.
The Key and Endpoint are feed into the Template as Parameters:
"dscKeySecret": {
"type": "securestring",
"metadata": {
"description": "Key for PowerShell DSC Configuration."
"dscUrlSecret": {
"type": "securestring",
"metadata": {
"description": "Url for PowerShell DSC Configuration."
These values are used to create a parameter to be passed to the next template that runs the VM Extension.
"extn-settings": {
"value": {
"configuration": {
"url": "[concat(variables('urls').dscScripts, '/', 'lcm-aa-pull', '/', 'lcm-aa-pull', '.zip')]",
"script": "[concat('lcm-aa-pull', '.ps1')]",
"function": "ConfigureLCMforAAPull"
"configurationArguments": {
"registrationKey": {
"username": "dsckeySecret",
"password": "[parameters('dscKeySecret')]"
"registrationUrl": "[parameters('dscUrlSecret')]",
"configurationMode": "ApplyAndMonitor",
"configurationModeFrequencyMins": 15,
"domain": "[variables('names').domain]",
"name": "dscLcm",
"nodeConfigurationName": "[variables('names')]",
"rebootNodeIfNeeded": true,
"refreshFrequencyMins": 30
"protectedSettings": null,
The next template receives the Parameters and used in the Properties of the VM's Resources section:
"properties": {
"publisher": "Microsoft.Powershell",
"type": "DSC",
"typeHandlerVersion": "2.22",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"settings": {
"configuration": "[parameters('extn-settings').configuration]",
"configurationArguments": "[parameters('extn-settings').configurationArguments]"
"protectedSettings": "[parameters('extn-settings').protectedSettings]"
So why is the Url being corrupted with the the first '/' being changed to '///'?
I don't why the Endpoint Url has 3 x '/', but that wasn't the issue.... I wish I found the issue before I posted this question...
I found the Node Configuration Name was wrong with a spelling mistake (hang head in shame)
Thanks anyway!