How do I make Kepler GL use a local MBTiles Server for base maps instead of online maps? - mbtiles

I have an MBTile Server running on my local machine as a service for an offline web app. We use this to serve base maps in an offline environment. I'm exploring broadening the scope of the web app to include Kepler GL functionality.
What file(s) and code need to be changed or added to direct Kepler GL to use my tiles server on localhost:3000?
Tried replacing the token key for mapbox and the map URL.
export const MAP_URI = 'demo/map?mapUrl=';
// Optional: Enables reading mapbox and dropbox client token from environment variable
plugins: [
//new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['MapboxAccessToken', 'DropboxClientId'])
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({'MapboxAccessToken': 'pk.XXX', 'DropboxClientId': null})
Replacing the MAP_URI with the path to the tiles server (http://localhost:3000) will still pass the compiler and kepler will run, but absent any maps.

You need to load your style via url or static object which contains your sources pointing to your local tile server. Then call loadCustomMapStyle to load it, and addCustomMapStyle to use it immediately.
const wrapIt = wrapTo("map");
style: styleObject


NextJS app builds fine locally but fails when deploying to Vercel (FetchError)

Fairly new to web dev and I'm trying to build fullstack for the first time.
I've built a simple blog using Next as frontend and Strapi as the backend. The app works fine locally but I'm stuck at deployment. I figure it's some sort of a connection issue with the backend (which is still running locally) or I'm totally missing something on the frontend. Is it that I need to make Strapi available online first and then use that domain in my fetch?
Vercel throws this error during build:
FetchError: request to http://localhost:1337/api/places?populate=%2A failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
at ClientRequest.
This is how I'm getting data from Strapi
export async function getStaticProps() {
// const postRes = await axios.get("http://localhost:1337/api/articles?populate=*");
const reviewsRes = await fetchAPI("/articles", { populate: ["image", "place"] });
return {
// props: { reviews: },
props: { reviews: },
I'm also using this line to bring in images and data
backgroundImage: `url(${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL}${})`,
I've also tried changing localhost to in my env/config
You've actually answered your question in this line:
Is it that I need to make Strapi available online first and then use that domain in my fetch?
Yes! You have to deploy your Strapi backend first, and use the domain/URL inside your deployed NextJS frontend.
Strapi Deployment Documentation:
What you're doing with the backgroundImage url is what you need to do to your data-fetching url.
Use that NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL env variable so you don't have to change the code before deploying.
Locally you can have .env file in you NextJS root folder something like this
Then, once you've deployed the NextJS app to Vercel, you have to set the NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL variable to the project setting.
Set env variables in Vercel:
Welcome to web dev world! Hope it helps!

AWS MobileAnalyticsManager access to folder 'AWS Mobile Services\M4SP' is denied

I am trying to add the AWSSDK DLL into my C# code to collect my event data and pass the data to the AWS bucket. My C# code is created with VS Share point template. The project contains WSP files. The following code indicates how I use the AWSSDK :
using Amazon;
using Amazon.CognitoIdentity;
using Amazon.MobileAnalytics.MobileAnalyticsManager;
CognitoAWSCredentials credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(
Amazon.AWSConfigs.ApplicationName = "M4SP";
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogMetrics = true;
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogResponses = ResponseLoggingOption.Always;
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogMetricsFormat = LogMetricsFormatOption.JSON;
MobileAnalyticsManager manager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(
RegionEndpoint.USEast1 // Region
CustomEvent customEvent = new CustomEvent("TestRecordEvent");
customEvent.AddAttribute("label", "M4SP");
customEvent.AddAttribute("action", "invoke");
customEvent.AddAttribute("details", "run the workflow test");
I found the code inside AWSSDK DLL was trying to log the data to local folder before passing it to AWS database. The location of the folder is C:\Users\[userid]\AppData\Roaming\AWS Mobile Services.
There is no problem in a standalone project since it always uses current user’s identity to run the application so it has access to the folder. But, because of the authentication mechanism of SharePoint solutions, it uses Application Pool Identity to access the folder and it gets access denied issue and the whole process fails.
Here is the error:
"Access to the path 'AWS Mobile Services\M4SP' is denied."
I modified the access right of Share point Application Pool Identity (in my case, it is “network service” account) but it still can’t access the folder .
Does anyone have a solution for this issue? Thanks very much for the help!!

What response does leaflet routing machine expect from a custom OSRM router?

I have OSRM (node-osrm) set up locally and it produces correct results for routes on the server. However, when I request routes from it via leaflet routing machine I get the following error in the browser:
leaflet-routing-machine.js:2605 Routing error: Object {status: undefined}status: undefined__proto__: ObjectdefaultErrorHandler
# leaflet-routing-machine.js:2605fire
# leaflet-src.js:588(anonymous function)
# leaflet-routing-machine.js:2900_routeDone
# leaflet-routing-machine.js:4693(anonymous function)
# leaflet-routing-machine.js:4645loaded
# leaflet-routing-machine.js:46
The app works with the mapbox router and the response looks slight different (different order).
After comparing responses from a commercial server and my own server I found the problem: Leaflet routing machine (LRM) expects a route response containing:
LRM docs on iRoute
The OSRM engine does not include instructions out-of-the-box in the response, these must be added on the server after the route is returned by OSRM. The osrm-text-instructions plugin does so nicely. osrm-text-instructions

Caching external resources with sw-precache

I'm trying to get sw-precache to pre-cache external CDN resources, but the generated service-worker.js doesn't contain the CDN url's in the precacheConfig array.
This is what I have in my gulpfile:
staticFileGlobs: [
The files inside my local client/assets folder are added to the precacheConfig array, but the external font-awesome css isn't. Is there a way to achieve this?
sw-precache can only precache and keep up to date local assets, like those that match the client/assets/**/*... pattern you're using. It's not meant to work with remote assets that are accessed via CDN.
You have a couple of approaches:
Use npm (or the package manager or your choice) to download a local copy of the resource (i.e. font-awesome) and then deploy that third party resource alongside your first-party assets. If the third-party code is picked up by a pattern you pass to staticFileGlobs then it can be precached and versioned just like anything else local.
Use runtime caching to handle the resource on the CDN. Since the URL for your specific asset includes a 4.0.3 versioning string, it's safe to assume that the underlying contents will never change, and a cacheFirst strategy is probably safe.
You can modify your sw-precache configuration to look like the following:
staticFileGlobs: [
runtimeCaching: [{
urlPattern: /^https:\/\/netdna\.bootstrapcdn\.com\//,
handler: 'cacheFirst'
// ...any other config options...
That configuration is broad enough to pick up anything served off that CDN, cache it, and then serve it cache-first once in subsequent visits.
Please note that your example used an http: protocol for your CDN's URL, and you'll need to use https: to obtain a response that plays nicely with service worker caching.

Agile Classes.jar file

I am using Agile PLM Version: (Build 20). I am on the client side. I'm trying to use Eclipse to interact with Agile's API features. According to the Agile SDK Developer Guide I need both:
I have the AgileAPI.jar file, but I don't have the agileclasses.jar file.
Any suggestions/links/ methods in which I can obtain this file!
AgileAPI.jar, contains the factories and interfaces used by the Agile EJB on server side.
If you have an Agile instance on a server, you don't need to have agileclasses.jar (unofficial API) but creating an IAgileSession using AgileSessionFactory, all the implementation of interfaces (IChange, IPrograms, IItem. etc) are retrieved using it.
session.getObject(IChange.OBJECT_TYPE, "ChangeNumber123");
where did you find that agileclasses.jar is required?
However, you can find them in the Weblogic Server shared lib folder.
Eclipse interacts with an Agile Server using AgileAPI.jar.
String server = "http://myServer:7001/Agile";
HashMap<Integer,String> params = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
AgileSessionFactory instance = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(server);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, "myUsername");
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, "myPassword");
IAgileSession session=instance.createSession(params);
IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "ITEMID1234");
item.setValue("Page Two.MYFIELD", "Value");
The example above, connect to an instance of Agile (server) already started up and get the item with number ITEMID1234. Then it sets the value of a field (MYFIELD) with "Value"