How to attach file stored in Document directory in ionic capacitor in email composer - ionic-framework

I have application which is developed using Ionic 4 and capacitor 1.1.1 . In this i am creating file and sending as email attachment.File i am able to create in document directory but unable to attach in email composer. File path of file i am getting is like this "file:///storage/emulated/0/Documents/file1.pdf'.
When email composer(Cordova plugin) open ,it can not attach it as attachment.
So how i can attach generated file as attachment from Document directory in email composer.


How to Uploading my files to a webserver?

I uploaded my files to the webserver hostgator, using cyberduck. all the files uploaded. But one of my html pages and its scss file could not be found. The scss files got converted to css so that's not the issue. I tried reloading them but the same thing happened.
To specif files you can get upload the file through cPanel's File Manager
How to Upload a File Using File Manager
To upload a file through cPanel's File Manager, please do the following:
1 Login to cPanel.
2 Under Files, click File Manager.
3 Select Web Root and Show Hidden Files, then click Go.
4 Click to open the folder to which you'd like to upload files.
5 Click Upload from the top toolbar.
6 Click Browse (some web browsers will have Choose File instead).
7 Select the file on your computer that you wish to upload.
8 Once the file has been selected, it will automatically upload. You may select additional files while uploads are in progress.
more detailed information:

Including DeviceCapability in appx file generated by pwabuilder

I need to upload a progressive web app appx file generated by to the MicroSoft partner Center. It must include in its list of capabilities
I could not see any way to add capabilities during the appx generation process. So I
renamed windows.appx to
edited AppxManifest.xml and added in the location capability DeviceCapability Name="location"
zipped it up again
renamed it back to windows.appx
submitted it to the Microsoft partner center
Without adding the capability in the appx file upload fine but with the capability in I get
Package acceptance validation error: The package file format for windows.appx is invalid: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80510007. Update the package and try again.
How can I include the capability and get the package uploaded ?
The above error was a certificate signing error. The solution was to add the following to the web app manifest file
"mjs_capabilities": [
and submit as before using . Full details at

TCPDF library, file tcpdf_fonts.php missing after uploading

When i upload TCPDF library files to live server, the file tcpdf_fonts.php from tcpdf/include folder dissapears .. any idea of why ?
The file tcpdf_fonts.php has been blaklisted by the hosting company.
Requesting for include it in a whitelist (solved).

How to get full path of web server uri in android?

I am trying to display "bpub" book. The book is in the server folder. What can I do?
This below code is get sdcard files.
Am try to get file from Server.

Can I manually extract email files from backups created by Plesk?

I have made a email backup with plesk for a particular domain. Now i like to extract/import the emails in email program local.
When i unzip domain.com_mn_1112091008.tgz i get a .discorvery folder and another .zip file.
How can i import the emails with their corresponding attachments?
NO can one can extract .tgz file in plesk panel.
I can only done via on your desktop with WinRar Software or you can upload .tgz file thorugh backup manager and then click on uploaded and then click on Restore.