I am working on flutter expansionTile and added different fields inside that. If I expand the expansionTile and hit submit, The form fields are submitted which are inside expansionTile. But If I collapse it and then hit submit, then only those fields values are displayed that are not collapsed.
Well for the reference here is a piece of code.
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context)
title: Text(item.formName),
children: <Widget>[
InputDecoration(labelText: item.formName),
attribute: item.uniqueId,
initialValue: [],
// initialValue: item?.answerMultiple.map( (ans) =>ans )??[],
options: item.formFieldOptions
.map((opt) => FormBuilderFieldOption(
value: opt.optName))
So This if I submit this checkbox field expanded then it shows the values on my DEBUG CONSOLE and if I close the ExpansionTile then its not show me any thing. Below is the output when I have expanded the Tile.
flutter: {uid_201994077147: Yes, uid_201985062316: [• Sodium Chloride – (Road Salt, Table Salt) , • Calcium Chloride , • Ammonium Nitrate , Ammonium Sulfate , Sand]}
Thank you all in advance.
Not sure if you still need this but I experienced the same issue and it seems that default behavior of ExpensionTile is removing all of its children when collapsed. There is a PR in flutter repo waiting to be merged. Until then we need to find a workaround for that. It might be keeping the state whenever value changes or when collapse changes and reinitializing its value when collapse changed again.
I am having a multiple FormBuilder dropdown in my flutter app. all of them are dependent dropdown.
i want to implement something like this:
the first of the main parent dropdown value should be auto fill and hence all other are filled or selected depending on the parents selection.
I can see the text filled in all the dropdown but as it is the dependent it is disabled for first dropdown to be clicked once.
How to fix this issue?
in the below screenshot we can see that the data is filled or been selected in every dropdown but second dropdown is still been disabled. it only gets enabled after clicking or selecting the value in first dropdown. enter image description here
Here is my code for first dropdown
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0),
child: FormBuilderDropdown(
name: 'City',
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: 'City',
allowClear: true,
hint: Text(widget.callLocationModel.CityName),
initialValue: citySelected,
validator: FormBuilderValidators.compose(
items: cityList
.map((citySelected) => DropdownMenuItem(
value: cityChoosen,
child:new Text('$citySelected'),
onChanged: (String value){
setState(() {
citySelected= value;
//this fuction calls my second dropdown depending on first dropdown value selection
I assume all this layout is done in a stageful widget, which has a variable in it’s state for each selected value (when it’s selected). You may override initState member function and set the initial values there, so when the widget is built for the first time it will have those values preselected.
Android Studio + Flutter
I have a Row at the bottom of the screen.
It includes TextField and Button (Add).
When there is some text in TextField and user clicks Add, I want it to appear as a Bubble inside a Container starting from the top left.
What would be the correct way to do it? I want the bubbles to accumulate like a notes app and eventually be scrollable too.
Try using the Snackbar Widget, which can be personalized heavily.
Here's the documentation.
EDIT. Since you want a permanent list of bubbles on the top, I'd suggest using a provider, so that when you click the button, the onTap event validates and adds the data to a list (below, myElements). Then, up to the top, just add a Consumer Widget that listens to changes to the list (it rebuilds its children every time something changes). In the following example code (I have not tested it!) I use an Expanded widget just for fun and I use a ListView.builder inside the Consumer to show the list of elements you've added, since the amount of added element could be high. Finally, I suggest using either ListTile or Card or a combination of the two, since you want something aesthetically beatiful like a bubble (you'll have to play with the settings, a little):
return ... (
child: Column(
children: [
Text("Some title..?"),
builder: (ctx, myElements, _) => ListView.builder(
itemCount: myElements.length,
itemBuilder: (ctx, i) => ListTile(
title: Text("You added ${myElements[i]}"),
// something else...?
Row( /* ... Text field + Button here... */),
// ...
Hello I have a flutter form where the user will enter his card details. I want it to look exactly like in the picture below
I already know how to put the 'Number' and 'Card Holder' text fields. How do I put the Expiry Date and CVV text fields side by side like above?
Use the Row widget and put these two text widgets as children.
children: [
Text( 'Expired Date'),
Very simple row widget is used for side by side container
Column widget is used for side under side
Children [
Container (Text(’row 1’),
Container (Text(’row 1’)
I want to move the box that is full of red background over there to the position of the empty box.
In other words, I want to insert a container right next to the point where TextFormField ends.
Is this something that can be implemented in Flutter? Or is there no way?
I actually want to add a "send" Icon to the end of the text. All the examples I looked up were always going to the end of the Containers due to Rows, as shown in the photos I posted. Since the position of the send icon will always change, depending on the length of the text, in real time, this problem feels very difficult to me. and also for your information, this is not Text, but TextField or TextFormField widget.
Unfortunately, there is no way of doing this since TextFormField accepts string only and not a widget. Also, according to material guidelines, any such widget should be at the end of the text field as a suffix such as:
controller: _controller,
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: "Enter a message",
suffixIcon: IconButton(
onPressed: () => _controller.clear(),
icon: Icon(Icons.clear),
May I ask what is the purpose?! maybe we can help find better solution then?
but if we have to then I can think of 2 ways.
1- Include the box as a Text - For example ▀ (Alt + 223)
var box = ▀
2- Option 2: Wrap in a Stack widget
children: [
Container(height:5, width:5, color: Colors.red]),
I'm trying to implement this design:
i'm very beginner to flutter, and what i'm getting is this:
I don't want you guys to get me wrong, i'm not asking for someone to implement this for me.
i need guidance on how to:
remove the layout padding.
make a textview and edit text side by side look like one widget.
remove the space between the edit texts.
implement the CheckBox (i tried a row with check box and text, didn't work)
show a proper arrow in "Sign In" (instead of ->).
just some explanations, guidance and any documentation or tutorial that could be good for my case.
Here is my code
remove the layout padding.
make a textview and edit text side by side look like one widget.
Im not sure of this if your talking about inside TextFormField you can use contentPadding inside InputDecoration. But based on your layout design, you can separate the Label in TextFormField and create your own label text
child: TextFormField(),
4.implement the CheckBox (i tried a row with check box and text, didn't work)
children: [
value: isValue,
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
isValue = value;
Text("SOME TEXT"), //Read RichText widget for your design
For you arrow -> sign in
Try using Icon() widget