Why vscode does not include ffmpeg in its build? - visual-studio-code

I want to create extension that enables video plays in webview on vscode workbench.
I have already tried vid.canPlayType within Extension Development Host with various video formats, but none of them worked.
Some developer said it will work with another nw.js project here, but I still cannot figured it out
Why Vscode team does not include default FFMPEG codes in the electron build ?

VS Code does not include ffmpeg because there is currently not a good use case to ship it with an editor. ffmpeg also has a cost in terms of executable size, security surface, and all the fun around patent/license stuff.
As of VS Code 1.38, there are no plans to change this. You should investigate alternative ways to present this media, such as opening it in the user's normal browser
Source: I'm a developer on VS Code and created the webview api

ffmpeg support has been added in the Aug 2022 release of vscode


Are there apps built on top of VSCode open source base?

VSCode has a very customizable UI with Activity Bar, Sidebar, Tabs, Status Bar etc (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface); customizable via extensions and seems to have been developed without any of the common web frameworks (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/99845).
It is well maintained, works in different OSes and has automatic updates.
Even if we remove the code-editor part, there is a lot of work in that.
This makes me wonder if it is possible to write a totally different app (not a code editor) on top of VSCode. For example a Slack-like messaging app, an Obsidian-like knowledge base app, etc.
Is it possible? Are there apps built on top of this code? Have I missed an important point that makes this idea unviable?
Some have pointed a very valid point. Some of what I mentioned here as VSCode features are really Electron features that VSCode inherits. Having developed an Electron app (5yrs ago) I see many things in VSCode that are not in Electron (but maybe my concept of Electron is wrong).
I want to emphasize that VSCode UI (bars, tabs, etc) + its extensibility seems to be a valid development framework. And I am ignorant of anything in this sense.
EDIT (jan/2023):
I guess we can add StackBlitz as a product that just did that.
I think your question is very valid and I was wondering the same thing, so thanks for asking it.
One thing that VS Code gives you that Electron doesn't is a distribution model - the marketplace and how new versions of your app can be detected and downloaded automatically etc. This is a big deal.
I think the disadvantages are that a very fancy UX may not be possible directly - but you have to "work around" by putting HTML within a Web View perhaps. This is just my guess and I haven't directly tried it.
To answer your question - the only one I am aware of is Thunder Client - so think of Postman - but as a VS Code plugin.
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/67069697/314780 , which points to Eclipse Theia which uses parts from Visual Studio Code (i.e "Code - OSS") - https://theia-ide.org/ . The site links to a number of IDE-style apps built on top of it.
VS Code is an electron app. You might want to research what electron is – because you mention it: The Slack app is built on that same framework.
So, you've just invented something that already is done, very widely, in practice.

Is it possible to start a React application from within a Visual Studio Code extension?

See question. I am working within a Visual Studio Code extension that uses the Webview API. I've been searching for any method but can't seem to find one.
Yes, that should be possible. After generating the production build you can load the main page into a Webview and it should work just like in a browser. You have to ship the production build with your extension, of course.

Is it possible to navigate to assemblies definitions inside Visual Studio Code

I'm using VS Code several days as MonoDevelop replacement in Unity3D on Mac OS. I installed mono via homebrew as suggested to let VS Code to parse system assemblies. Everything works almost great, but I can't navigate definitions that are not part of my code. For example I can't go to definition of System.String or UnityEngine.Vector3 to see methods signatures. MonoDevelop has Assembly browser but I miss it in VS Code. Does anybody know if VS Code has such feature? Maybe I need to setup something for that?
PS: I've posted feature request. If you're interested in this feature vote for it, please.
It seems VS Code now can do that with the new extension ms-vscode for C# support. Previously it was recommended to use Legacy C# Support for Unity3D. I don't know exactly if this recommendation is still valid, but I tried to uninstall legacy and to install normal one. After some background work OmniSharp parsed my files and now it can open classes from assemblies! Look at this picture, it has open AnimationCurve class as [metadata]!
I'm trying it with Unity3D 5.5.0b2 beta now, so I'm not sure if this will work with production release of Unity3D. By the way I also removed VSCode plugin from dotBunny out of project as Unity3D 5.5 supports Visual Studio Code self.

Use Chrome Dev Tools as a library?

Is Chrome Dev Tools available only through Chrome extensions? Or is there a way we can use it, for instance, as a library from a JS standalone file?
Chrome DevTools Frontend is now an NPM package that you can take advantage of. It is based from the new DevTools sub-repo in Blink. So you can easily pull in the DevTools assets and keep then up-dated without much work.
Original post
It depends on what you want exactly. You can dig in and rip out bits of the frontend to use. Like Betwixt by Konrad pulls the network panel design out and plugs it up to an OS interceptor. So you can use the network panel you know and love to debug any app on your desktop.
Now, can you easily do this kind of stuff. Even keeping it auto-updated? No, not really. It is fairly complicated and you need to be able to handle ripping the stuff out yourself. That being said, if you want a challenge then the code is open to everyone.
I'd say that the first sentence on the About website is pretty clear:
... built into Google Chrome.
So officially, by Google, it's only for Chrome. It's part of Chrome, not a standalone library. Issues linked to DevTools are part of Chromium, where people can contribute.

MonoGame content builder

Is it possible to build content for MonoGame 3.0 without having to install Visual Studio 2010 and XNA 4.0?
The content I have to build is:
3D models
sprite fonts
I am aware that there exists MGCB, but before I try and use it I need to know if it is reasonably reliable for what I need it to do.
I'm no expert in this area, but I noticed you don't have an answer yet so I'll try my best.
Having Visual Studio and XNA Game Studio 4.0 installed will allow you to create Content projects that can compile your content into XNB files. Those XNB files can be used in your game without Visual Studio. You can use Xamarin Studio instead.
However, it's also possible to use some content directly. For example, you can use raw PNG files instead of compiled textures and you can build your own system for fonts. I'm not sure about 3D models.
I can't vouch for MGCB but I've read that the MonoGame team are currently developing the content pipeline. If it's not working now it probably will be in the not so distant future.
So yes, it's probably possible.
Just some helpful links. I don't know if the MGCB is finished or completed. I say that because i though i saw a todo list some where on their Git repo. I could be wrong about that.
docs on git say build from source
Video shows how to build MGCB from source.