How do I convert a dataframe to JSON and write to kafka topic with key - scala

I'm trying to write a dataframe to kafka in JSON format and add a key to the data frame in Scala, i'm currently working with this sample from the kafka-spark:
df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("topic", "topic1")
Is there a to_json method that can be used (instead of the json(path) option which I believe writes out to a file in JSON format) and is there a key option that can be used to replace the null value with an actual key.

This is a minimal example in scala. Let's say you have a dataframe df with columns x and y. Here's a minimal example:
val dataDS = df
.withColumn("key", lit("keyname"))
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "servername:port")
.option("topic", "topicname")
Remember you need the spark-sql-kafka library: e.g. for spark-shell is loaded with
spark-shell --packages "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.1"

You can make use of the to_json SQL function to convert your columns into a JSON.
See Scala code below which is also making use of the Spark SQL built-in function struct in Spark version 2.4.5. Just make sure that your are naming your columns as key and value or applying corresponding aliases in your selectExpr.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, struct, to_json}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
object Main extends App {
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
// create DataFrame
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq((3, "Alice"), (5, "Bob")).toDF("age", "name")
// convert columns into json string
val df2 ="name"),to_json(struct($"*"))).toDF("key", "value")
// +-----+------------------------+
// |key |value |
// +-----+------------------------+
// |Alice|{"age":3,"name":"Alice"}|
// |Bob |{"age":5,"name":"Bob"} |
// +-----+------------------------+
// write to Kafka with jsonString as value
df2.selectExpr("key", "value")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("topic", "test-topic")
This will return the following data into your Kafka topic:
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --property print.key=true --property print.value=true --topic test-topic
Alice {"age":3,"name":"Alice"}
Bob {"age":5,"name":"Bob"}

You can use toJSON() method on dataframe to convert your record to json message.
df = spark.createDataFrame([('user_first_name','user_last_nmae',100)], ['first_name','last_name','ID'])
import json
from datetime import datetime
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
json_df = json.loads(df.withColumn('date_as_key', lit(
print json_df
{u'date_as_key': u'2019-07-29', u'first_name': u'user_first_name', u'last_name': u'user_last_nmae', u'ID': 100}
Your code may be like this
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
df.withColumn('key', lit(
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("topic", "topic1")
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column;
someDF.withColumn("key",lit("name")).show() // replace "name" with your variable
someDF.withColumn("key",lit("name")).toJSON.first() // toJSON is available as variable on dataframe in Scala
res5: String = {"number":8,"word":"bat","key":"name"}


Can we fetch data from Kafka from specific offset in spark structured streaming batch mode

In kafka I get new topics dynamically and I have to process it using spark streaming from a specific offset. Is there a possibility to pass the json value from a variable. For example consider the below code
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribePattern", "topic.*")
.option("startingOffsets", """{"topic1":{"0":23,"1":-2},"topic2":{"0":-2}}""")
In this I want to dynamically update value for startingOffsets... I tried to pass the value in string and called it but it did not work... If I am giving the same value in startingOffsets it is working. How to use a variable in this scenario?
val start_offset= """{"topic1":{"0":23,"1":-2},"topic2":{"0":-2}}"""
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribePattern", "topic.*")
.option("startingOffsets", start_offset)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected e.g. {"topicA":{"0":23,"1":-1},"topicB":{"0":-2}}, got """{"topicA":{"0":23,"1":-1},"topicB":{"0":-2}}"""
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("ReadSpecificOffsetFromKafka");
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate();
import spark.implicits._;
val start_offset = """{"first_topic" : {"0" : 15, "1": -2, "2": 6}}"""
val fromKafka = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092, localhost:9093")
.option("subscribe", "first_topic")
// .option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("startingOffsets", start_offset)
val selectedValues = fromKafka.selectExpr("cast(value as string)", "cast(partition as integer)");
// .trigger(Trigger.Continuous("3 seconds"))
This is the exact code to fetch specific offset from kafka using spark structured streaming and scala
Looks like your job is check pointing the Kafka offsets onto some
persistent storage. Try cleaning those. and Re run your Job.
Also try renaming your job and running it.
Spark can read the stream via readStream. So try with an offset displayed in the error message to get rid of the error.
.option("subscribePattern", "topic.*")

How to send parquet to kafka in batches using strcutured spark streaming?

I'am reading parquet files and convert it into JSON format, then send to kafka. The question is, it read the whole parquet so send to kafka one-time, but i want to send json data line by line or in batches:
object WriteParquet2Kafka {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
.appName("Write Parquet to Kafka")
import spark.implicits._
val ds: DataFrame = spark.readStream
val df: DataFrame =$"vin" as "key", to_json( struct(* ) ) as "value" )
.filter($"key" isNotNull)
val ddf = df
.option("topic", topics)
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/test")
.trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("10 seconds"))
Is it possible to do this?
I finally figure out how to solve my question, just add a option and set a suitable number for maxFilesPerTrigger:
val df: DataFrame = spark
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1)
Note: maxFilesPerTrigger must set to 1, so that every parquet file being readed.

Spark : Kafka consumer getting data as base64 encoded strings even though Producer does not explictly encode

I am trying out a simple example to publish data to Kafka and consume it using Spark.
Here is the Producer code:
var kafka_input = spark.sql("""
'Id', Id,
) as value
FROM offer_data""")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaBrokers)
.option("topic", topicName)
I verified that kafka_inputhas json string for value and the a number casted as string for key.
Here is the consumer code:
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaBrokers)
.option("subscribe", topicName)
df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.as[(String, String)]
The data I receive on the consumer side is base64 encoded string.
How do I decode the value in Scala?
Also, this read statement is not flushing these records from the Kafka queue. I am assuming this is because I am not sending any ack signal back to Kafka. IS that correct? If so, how do I do that?
try this..
df.foreach(row => {
val key = row.getAs[Array[Byte]]("key")
val value = row.getAs[Array[Byte]]("value")
The problem was with my usage of SelectExpr..It does nto do an in-place returns the transformed data.
df1 = df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.as[(String, String)]

How to write stream to S3 with year, month and day of the day when records were received?

I have a simple streams that reads some data from a Kafka topic:
val ds = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1")
.option("subscribe", "topic1")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
val df = ds.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")
.select(from_json($"json", schema).as("data"))
I want to store this data in S3 based on the day it's received, so something like:
When I want to write the data I do:
.option("path", s3_path)
But if I do this I get to only specify one path. Is there a way to change the s3 path dynamically based on the date?
Use partitionBy clause:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
dayofmonth(current_date()) as "day",
month(current_date()) as "month",
year(current_date()) as "year",
.partitionBy("year", "month", "day")
... // all other options

How to use from_json with Kafka connect 0.10 and Spark Structured Streaming?

I was trying to reproduce the example from [Databricks][1] and apply it to the new connector to Kafka and spark structured streaming however I cannot parse the JSON correctly using the out-of-the-box methods in Spark...
note: the topic is written into Kafka in JSON format.
val ds1 = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", IP + ":9092")
.option("zookeeper.connect", IP + ":2181")
.option("subscribe", TOPIC)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("max.poll.records", 10)
.option("failOnDataLoss", false)
The following code won't work, I believe that's because the column json is a string and does not match the method from_json signature...
val df =$"value" cast "string" as "json")
.select(from_json("json") as "data")
Any tips?
[UPDATE] Example working:
First you need to define the schema for your JSON message. For example
val schema = new StructType()
Now you can use this schema in from_json method like below.
val df =$"value" cast "string" as "json")
.select(from_json($"json", schema) as "data")