day of week date format string java inside spark - scala

val df = Seq("2019-07-30", "2019-08-01").toDF
val dd = df.withColumn("value", to_date('value))
according to the docs
F is the format string if I need to see the day of the week in month. And
dd.withColumn("dow", date_format('value, "EEEE")).withColumn("dow_number", date_format('value, "F")).show(false)
|value |dow |dow_number|
|2019-07-30|Tuesday |5 |
|2019-08-01|Thursday|1 |
gives only the day of the week in the month, not the day of the week.
Which format string gives me the day of the week as a number /integer?
Obviously, I could use:
But do not want to go for a UDF / want to use the catalyst optimized date_format. So which date format string gives me the desired result?

As mentionned in the comments, you are looking for the "u" format.
Also, from spark 2.3.0 you might want to use dayofweek method, which is faster dayofweek documentation

your code is correct instead of "F" just use "u" like below
dd.withColumn("dow", date_format('value, "EEEE")).withColumn("dow_number", date_format('value, "F")).show(false)


Is there a date format in Spark only for the year or month?

For a dataframe df with a column date_string - which represents a string like "20220331" - the following works perfectly:
df = df.withColumn("date",to_date(col("date_string"),"yyyymmdd"))
For "20220331" the column "date" of type date - just as required - now looks like this: 2022-03-31
I now want two columns "year" and "month" of type date. For "20220331" the column year should be 2022 and the column month should be 2022-03. The following does not work:
df = df.withColumn("year",to_date(col("date_string"),"yyyy")
Is it even possible in Spark to have something in the form of yyyy and yyyy-mm in the date type?
You can use date_format:
scala> Seq(1).toDF("seq").select(
| date_format(current_timestamp(),"yyyyMM")
| ).show
|date_format(current_timestamp(), yyyyMM)|
| 202203|
Alternatively, if your date is stored as a string, you could just substring the values out.

Changing date format in Spark returns incorrect result

I am trying to convert a string type date from a csv file to date format first and then to convert that to a particularly expected date format. While doing so, for a row (for the first time) I saw the date format change is changing the year value.
scala> df1.filter($"pt" === 2720).select("`date`").show()
| date|
scala> df1.filter($"pt" === 2720).select(date_format(to_date($"`date`","dd/MM/yyyy"),"YYYY-MM-dd")).show()
|date_format(to_date(`date`, 'dd/MM/yyyy'), YYYY-MM-dd)|
| 2019-08-24|
| 2020-12-30|
As you can see above, in the above, the two rows of data has 24/08/2019 and 30/12/2019 respectively, but after explicit type casting and date format change, it gives 2019-08-24 (which is correct) and 2020-12-30 (incorrect and unexpected).
Why does this problem occur and how can this be best avoided?
I solved this issue by changing the capital YYYY to yyyy in the expected date format parameter.
So, instead of
df1.filter($"pt" === 2720).select(date_format(to_date($"`date`","dd/MM/yyyy"),"YYYY-MM-dd")).show()
I am now doing
df1.filter($"pt" === 2720).select(date_format(to_date($"`date`","dd/MM/yyyy"),"yyyy-MM-dd")).show()
This is because, as per this Java's SimpleDateFormat, the capital Y is parsed as week year where as small letter y is parsed as year.
So, now, when I ran with small y in the year's field, I get the expected result:
scala> df1.filter($"pt" === 2720).select(date_format(to_date($"`date`","dd/MM/yyyy"),"yyyy-MM-dd")).show()
|date_format(to_date(`date`, 'dd/MM/yyyy'), yyyy-MM-dd)|
| 2019-08-24|
| 2019-12-30|

Spark date format issue

I have observed weird behavior in spark date formatting. Actually I need to convert the date yy to yyyy. After date conversion it should be 20yy in date
I have tried as below, it failing after 2040 year.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df= Seq(("06/03/35"),("07/24/40"), ("11/15/43"), ("12/15/12"), ("11/15/20"), ("12/12/22")).toDF("Date")
df.withColumn("newdate", from_unixtime(unix_timestamp($"Date", "mm/dd/yy"), "mm/dd/yyyy")).show
| Date| newdate|
| 06/3/35|06/03/2035|
|11/15/43|11/15/1943| // Here year appended with 19
Why this behavior, Is there any date utility function that I can use directly without appending 20 to string date
Parsing 2-digit year strings is subject to some relative interpretation that is documented in the SimpleDateFormat docs:
For parsing with the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), SimpleDateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the SimpleDateFormat instance is created. For example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and a SimpleDateFormat instance created on Jan 1, 1997, the string "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string "05/04/64" would be interpreted as May 4, 1964.
So, 2043 being more than 20 years away, the parser uses 1943 as documented.
Here's one approach that uses a UDF that explicitly calls set2DigitYearStart on a SimpleDateFormat object before parsing the date (I picked 1980 just as an example):
def parseDate(date: String, pattern: String): Date = {
val format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
val cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1980)
val beginning = cal.getTime();
return new Date(format.parse(date).getTime);
And then:
val custom_to_date = udf(parseDate _);
df.withColumn("newdate", custom_to_date($"Date", lit("mm/dd/yy"))).show(false)
|Date |newdate |
Knowing your data, you would know which value to pick for the parameter to set2DigitYearStart()

spark scala how can I calculate days since 1970-01-01

Looking for scala code to replicate
I have a spark streaming job reading the avro message. The message has a column of type int and holds Days Since 1970-01-01. I want to convert that to date."Value"), valueRegistryConfig) as 'value)
start_date is holding an integer value like 18022 i.e Days Since 1970-01-01. I want to convert this value to a date
18022 - > Sun May 05 2019
Use default date as 1970-01-01 and pass number of days to date_add function.
This will give you date but will be 1 day additional so you do minus 1.
Something like this:
var dataDF = Seq(("1970-01-01",18091),("1970-01-01",18021),("1970-01-01",18022)).toDF("date","num")
|date |date_add |

How to get week start date in scala

I wrote the below code to get the Monday date for the date passed, Basically created an udf to pass a date and get it's monday date
def calculate_weekstartUDF = udf((pro_rtc:String)=>{
val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(pro_rtc)
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY)
//Get this Monday date
val Period=cal.getTime()
Using the above UDF in below code
is there any better way to achieve this.
Try with this approach using date_sub,next_day functions in spark.
next_day('dt,"monday"), //get next monday date
7)) //substract week from the date
val df =Seq(("2019-08-06")).toDF("dt")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
| dt|week_strt_day|
|2019-08-06| 2019-08-05|
You could use the Java 8 Date API :
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.temporal.{TemporalField, WeekFields}
import java.util.Locale
def calculate_weekstartUDF =
val localDate = LocalDate.parse(pro_rtc); // By default parses a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
val dayOfWeekField = WeekFields.of(Locale.getDefault).dayOfWeek()
localDate.`with`(dayOfWeekField, 1)
Of course, specify other thing than Locale.getDefault if you want to use another Locale.
.parse( "2019-01-23" )
TemporalAdjusters.previous( DayOfWeek.MONDAY )
Avoid legacy date-time classes
You are using terrible date-time classes that were supplanted years ago by the modern java.time classes defined in JSR 310.
Your input string is in standard ISO 8601 format. The java.time classes use these standard formats by default when parsing/generating strings. So no need to specify a formatting pattern.
Here is Java-syntax example code. (I don't know Scala)
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( "2019-01-23" ) ;
To move from that date to another, use a TemporalAdjuster. You can find several in the TemporalAdjusters class.
Specify a day-of-week using the DayOfWeek enum, predefining seven objects, one for each day of the week.
TemporalAdjuster ta = TemporalAdjusters.previous( DayOfWeek.MONDAY ) ;
LocalDate previousMonday = ld.with( ta ) ;
See this code run live at
Monday, January 21, 2019
If the starting date happened to be a Monday, and you want to stay with that, use the alternate adjuster, previousOrSame.
Try this:
In my example, 'pro_rtc' is in seconds. Adjust if needed.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.withColumn("Date", to_date(from_unixtime(col("pro_rtc"))))
.withColumn("Monday", expr("date_sub(Date, dayofweek(Date) - 2)"))
That way, you're also utilizing Spark's query engine and avoiding UDF's latency
The spark-daria beginningOfWeek and endOfWeek functions are the easiest way to solve this problem. They're also the most flexible because they can easily be configured for different week end dates.
Suppose you have this dataset:
| some_date|
| null|
Here's how to compute the beginning of the week and the end of the week, assuming the week ends on a Wednesday:
import com.github.mrpowers.spark.daria.sql.functions._
.withColumn("end_of_week", endOfWeek(col("some_date"), "Wed"))
.withColumn("beginning_of_week", beginningOfWeek(col("some_date"), "Wed"))
Here are the results:
| some_date|end_of_week|beginning_of_week|
|2020-12-27| 2020-12-30| 2020-12-24|
|2020-12-28| 2020-12-30| 2020-12-24|
|2021-01-03| 2021-01-06| 2020-12-31|
|2020-12-12| 2020-12-16| 2020-12-10|
| null| null| null|
See this file for the underlying implementations. This post explains these functions in greater detail.