How to include/exclude files using Giter8 - scala

According to docs conditional truthy could also be used include/exclude files or directories . how can I do it in practice ? if I add all the files and directories to the template, how can I exclude them from the project based on the condition ?
* According to this issue, it is not possible but according to the docs (IIUC) it should work. This is pretty confusing

If you don't want to include some files, you should set its name to be something like $if(some_condition.truthy)$your_file_name.scala$endif$
When some_condition is false, this file won't be created.
There are some examples in http4s.g8. In directory src/main/g8/, there is a file called $if(graal_native_image.truthy)$$endif$. If the variable graal_native_image is set to true, a file named will be created. Otherwise, this file won't be created.
This method is also worked for directories, as long as you use the same pattern for the directory name.


What is the usage of blacklist.txt in pythonforandroid (p4a)?

In the documentation of pythonforandroid, at, there is a build option described called blacklist.
--blacklist: The path to a file containing blacklisted patterns that will be excluded from the final APK. Defaults to ./blacklist.txt
However, not a word can be found anywhere about how to use this file and what exactly the patterns are supposed to represent. For instance, is this used to exclude libraries, files, or directories? Do the patterns match file names or contents? What is the syntax of the patterns, or an example of a valid blacklist.txt file?
This file should contain a list of glob patterns, i.e. as implemented by fnmatch, one per line. These patterns are compared against the full filepath of each file in your source dir, probably using a global filepath but I'm not certain about that (it might be relative to the source dir).
For instance, the file could contain the following lines:
This would prevent all files ending with .txt from being included in the apk, and all files named test.jpg in any subfolder.
If using buildozer, the android.blacklist_src buildozer.spec option can be used to point to your choice of blacklist file.

I have mutiple folders I want to include in doxywizard

I have mutiple folders I want to include in doxywizard. Any Idea how can I do that? Currently If I select folder with multiple subfolder in it and when I run doxygen, It is not showing me any output.
When having specified just folders in the INPUT tag the files here are handled but not the files in subdirectories. For the later ones one needs the RECURSIVE tag (from the documentation):
The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should be searched for input files as well.
The default value is: NO.

Is there a way to ignore temporary folders in RTC client?

I have temporary files created in separate folders inside my source tree which I would like to ignore. Something like:
I already ignore file.src.tmp by extension using .jazzignore, but I would also like to ignore the file-9df29e29373e66caef72/. The folder looks empty in the "Unresolved" category for the component, but since its name changes over time, I cannot ignore it by name.
since its name changes over time, I cannot ignore it by name.
Still, if you know its naming convention, you might consider an ignore pattern:
core.ignore= \
Note it is non-recursive, you that would ignore any file, folder or symlink named file-... anywhere under component.
Here, that would ignore only file-... directly under component.
Eclipse workspaces often include files or folders, such as compiler output, log files, and so on, that you do not want to place under source control.
You can specify resources or classes of resources to be ignored by Rational Team Concertâ„¢ source control. Ignored resources are never checked in.
A .jazzignore file is used to prevent items from being checked into change sets.
A .jazzignore file consists of a series of patterns. Any file, folder, or symbolic link whose name matches a pattern cannot be committed to a change set.
There are two types of patterns in a .jazzignore file:
core.ignore patterns, that are effective in the same directory as the ignore file; and
core.ignore.recursive patterns that affect items in all of the directories below the .jazzignore file.

How to include specific directories in gtags.conf file

I work on a big project and want to only get the tags for some of the directories.
How do I tell gtags to only parse these directories and maybe "exclude" some sub directories within the ones specified?
I looked online but there is not enough documentation on how to construct or modify a gtags.conf file.

TYPO3 Filecollection, Type "Folder from Storage" - Recursion possible?

is there a way to get a file list recursively based on one file collection that points to a directory in fileadmin?
Currently I only got it to work with files directly in that directory, not also with files in sub-directories of that directory.
So instead of setting lots of file collections for each (sub directory)
I'd like to set only the "top"level directory (here "Kurs77") and have the files, even from sub directories, displayed.
Reason is, editors may add an unknown amount of (sub)sdirectories, and I'd like to have the files automagically displayed in the file list in the front end -- without the need to create an increasing amount of file collections.
it seems that this is a missing feature. Check out It seems that the underlaying API is able to do that.
So one solution would be to use TypoScript to make that work.
To give the correct answer now: The recursive option is of course available but it is part of the sys_file_collection record.
In TYPO3 9 this is working out of the box. pity is not showing folder as title, but recursive works: