string contains inside of attribute of list - flutter

I wanted to display contact which has id = 'asdf-123' from List of class Contact which have attributes [id, name, phone, dob].
i can do it by doing
bool isContainId = false;
String testId = 'asdf-123';
contacts.foreach((contact) {
if ( == testId) {
isContainId = true;
however, is there any better way of doing it. something like .contains. please help!.

Contains can not work with custom models in dart, you have to traverse through each object for this kind of operation.
bool isContainId = false;
String testId = 'asdf-123';
isContainId = contacts.firstWhere((contact)=> == testId, orElse: (){isContainId = false;}) != null;
class CustomModel {
int id;
void main() {
List<CustomModel> all = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
all.add(CustomModel(id: i));
bool isContainId = false;
isContainId = all.firstWhere((contact)=> == 5, orElse: (){isContainId = false;}) != null;


How to get list from docx file?

How to determine whether a list is bulleted or numbered? I use OpenXML
In general, what will be the list determines NumberingDefinitionsPart, I thought to find out the Numbering of a certain element, but this method did not work
I am processing the list in the recommended way, but I need to know which way it is
`public void ParagraphHandle(Elements.Paragraph paragraph, StringBuilder text)
var docPart = paragraph.DocumentPart;
var element = paragraph.Element;
var r = element.Descendants<Numbering>().ToArray();
var images = GetImages(docPart, element);
if (images.Count > 0)
foreach (var image in images)
if (image.Id != null)
string filePath = _saveResources.SaveImage(image);
_handler.ImageHandle(filePath, text);
var paragraphProperties = element.GetFirstChild<ParagraphProperties>();
var numberingProperties = paragraphProperties?.GetFirstChild<NumberingProperties>();
if (numberingProperties != null)
var numberingId = numberingProperties.GetFirstChild<NumberingId>()?.Val?.Value;
if (numberingId != null && !paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = true;
paragraph.List = new List();
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
if (paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = false;
_handler.ParagraphHandle(element, text);

my code not complete for where contact number

How to fix code my code flutter and use plugin
filterContacts() {
setState(() {
List<Contact> _contacts = [];
if (searchController.text.isNotEmpty) {
(contact) {
String searchTerm = searchController.text.toLowerCase().trim();
String searchTermFlatten = flattenPhoneNumber(searchTerm);
String contactName = contact.displayName.toString().toLowerCase();
bool nameMatches = contactName.contains(searchTerm);
if (nameMatches == true) {
return true;
if (searchTermFlatten.isEmpty) {
return false;
var phone = contact.phones.firstWhere((phn) {
String phnFlattened = flattenPhoneNumber(phn);
return phnFlattened.contains(searchTermFlatten);
}, orElse: () => null);
return phone != null;
contactsFiltered = _contacts;
Flutter code How to fix code my code flutter and use plugin contacts_service,
this image is about a problem
contact.phones can be null, in this you need to check its value 1st then proceed,
you can use contact.phones?.firstWhere to handle this situation or
If you're sure it will have value, you can also do contact.phones!.firstWhere but I don't recommend this. You don't need to use orElse you want to pass null,
Item? phone = contact.phones?.firstWhere((phn) {
String phnFlattened = flattenPhoneNumber(phn);
return phnFlattened.contains(searchTermFlatten);
}, );
You can learn more about ?. !...
[how to fix now]
error code not complete
filterContacts() {
setState(() {
List<Contact> _contacts = [];
if (searchController.text.isNotEmpty) {
(contact) {
String searchTerm = searchController.text.toLowerCase().trim();
String searchTermFlatten = flattenPhoneNumber(searchTerm);
String contactName = contact.displayName.toString().toLowerCase();
bool nameMatches = contactName.contains(searchTerm);
if (nameMatches == true) {
return true;
if (searchTermFlatten.isEmpty) {
return false;
Item? phone = contact.phones?.firstWhere((phn) {
String phnFlattened = flattenPhoneNumber(phn);
return phnFlattened.contains(searchTermFlatten);
}, );
return phone != null;
contactsFiltered = _contacts;

Dart : Convert From Iterable<ActivityModel> To ActivityModel

I have model Like This :
class ActivityModel {
String idActivity;
String titleActivity;
String dateTimeActivity;
int isDoneActivity;
int codeIconActivity;
String informationActivity;
String createdDateActivity;
ActivityModel.fromSqflite(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: idActivity = map['id_activity'],
titleActivity = map['title_activity'],
dateTimeActivity = map['datetime_activity'],
isDoneActivity = map['is_done_activity'],
codeIconActivity = map['code_icon_activity'],
informationActivity = map['information_activity'],
createdDateActivity = map['created_date'];
Map<String, dynamic> toMapForSqflite() {
return {
'id_activity': this.idActivity,
'title_activity': this.titleActivity,
'datetime_activity': this.dateTimeActivity,
'is_done_activity': this.isDoneActivity,
'code_icon_activity': this.codeIconActivity,
'information_activity': this.informationActivity,
'created_date': this.createdDateActivity,
I want get data where dateTimeActivity is before than date now, then i update isDoneActivity = 1 with this code :
Source code
final passedDateItem = _selectedActivityItem.where((element) {
DateTime convertStringToDateTime =
return convertStringToDateTime.isBefore(;
if (passedDateItem != null) {
print('Not Null');
} else {
return null;
The problem is , passedDateItem return Iterable[ActivityModel] , it's possible to convert it to ActivityModel? So i can easly update like this ?
if (passedDateItem != null) {
passedDateItem.isDoneActivity = 1; <<<
// return => e.isDoneActivity = 1);
// final testtt= passedDateItem.
print('Not Null');
} else {
return null;
Iterate through passedDateItem
for (var activityModel in passedDateItem) {
activityModel.isDoneActivity = 1;
If you are only interested in the first/last element of passedDateItem
passedDateItem.first.isDoneActivity == 1
passedDateItem.last.isDoneActivity == 1
make sure passedDateItem is not empty in that case.

Flutter - Function - Return Array

I've build an List with 44 places:
List<String> departmentdes = new List(44);
after that I've called a function:
The function is an api call:
postDepartment() async {
final response = await http.get('url');
final jsonresponse = json.decode(response.body);
List<Department> departments = [];
for(var d in jsonresponse) {
Department department = Department(
fid: d["fid"].toString(),
int index = departments.length -1;
for(int i = 0; i<=index; i++) {
departmentdes[i] = departments[i].fid;
return departmentdes;
After the postDepartment(); I want to print the departmentdes but it always returns null. Why?
i < index
You're already defining index to be length -1
Just a little logic error.
Change your postDepartment to this and see if it helps:
Future<void> postDepartment() async {
final response = await http.get('url');
final jsonresponse = json.decode(response.body);
List<Department> departments = [];
for(var d in jsonresponse) {
Department department = Department(
fid: d["fid"].toString(),
int index = departments.length -1;
for(int i = 0; i<=index; i++) {
departmentdes[i] = departments[i].fid;
return departmentdes;
Also check if your departments is not null.

sorting xtext AST through quickfix

I've Been Trying to change the order of nodes through quickfix, but something is wrong.
Here's my code in xtend:
def fixFeatureName( Issue issue, IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor){
acceptor.accept(issue, 'Sort', "Sort '" + + "'", null)[
element, context |
var gr=(element as Greeting)
if ( === null || === 0)
var econt=gr.eContainer.eContents
var comparator = [ EObject obj1, EObject obj2 |
var o1 = (obj1 as Greeting)
var o2 = (obj2 as Greeting)
ECollections::sort(econt, comparator)
No exception is being thrown to console, in debug I found an UnsupportedOperationException is thrown and handled by xtext.
I suspect that EList is immutable.
So how can I sort the AST?
(Here is the generated code: )
public void fixFeatureName(final Issue issue, final IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor) {
String[] _data = issue.getData();
String _head = IterableExtensions.<String>head(((Iterable<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_data)));
String _plus = ("Sort \'" + _head);
String _plus_1 = (_plus + "\'");
final ISemanticModification _function = new ISemanticModification() {
public void apply(final EObject element, final IModificationContext context) throws Exception {
Greeting gr = ((Greeting) element);
boolean _or = false;
String _name = gr.getName();
boolean _tripleEquals = (_name == null);
if (_tripleEquals) {
_or = true;
} else {
String _name_1 = gr.getName();
int _length = _name_1.length();
boolean _tripleEquals_1 = (Integer.valueOf(_length) == Integer.valueOf(0));
_or = (_tripleEquals || _tripleEquals_1);
if (_or) {
EObject _eContainer = gr.eContainer();
EList<EObject> econt = _eContainer.eContents();
final Function2<EObject,EObject,Integer> _function = new Function2<EObject,EObject,Integer>() {
public Integer apply(final EObject obj1, final EObject obj2) {
Greeting o1 = ((Greeting) obj1);
Greeting o2 = ((Greeting) obj2);
String _name = o1.getName();
String _name_1 = o2.getName();
return _name.compareTo(_name_1);
Function2<EObject,EObject,Integer> comparator = _function;
final Function2<EObject,EObject,Integer> _converted_comparator = (Function2<EObject,EObject,Integer>)comparator;
ECollections.<EObject>sort(econt, new Comparator<EObject>() {
public int compare(EObject o1,EObject o2) {
return _converted_comparator.apply(o1,o2);
acceptor.accept(issue, "Sort", _plus_1, null, _function);
Sorting a temporary collection which will then replace econt didn't work. but I managed to solve it in a different way.
so one solution was to force a cast of eContainer as it's runtime element (which is Model), and then getting a list with it's getGreetings getter, and with that element the sorting works, but I didn't want to involve non-generic code, for technical reasons.
So after a lot of experiments I finally found that element without involving any other elements or keywords from the grammar:
var econt = (gr.eContainer.eGet(gr.eContainingFeature) as EObjectContainmentEList<Greeting>)
and that is exactly what was looking for. Sorting is successful!
Here's the resulting Xtend code (got rid of casing in the comperator as well):
def fixFeatureName(Issue issue, IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor) {
acceptor.accept(issue, 'Sort', "Sort '" + + "'", null) [
element, context |
var gr = (element as Greeting)
if ( === null || === 0)
var econt = (gr.eContainer.eGet(gr.eContainingFeature) as EObjectContainmentEList<Greeting>)
var comparator = [ Greeting o1, Greeting o2 |
ECollections::sort(econt, comparator)
and the generated java:
public void fixFeatureName(final Issue issue, final IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor) {
String[] _data = issue.getData();
String _head = IterableExtensions.<String>head(((Iterable<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_data)));
String _plus = ("Sort \'" + _head);
String _plus_1 = (_plus + "\'");
final ISemanticModification _function = new ISemanticModification() {
public void apply(final EObject element, final IModificationContext context) throws Exception {
Greeting gr = ((Greeting) element);
boolean _or = false;
String _name = gr.getName();
boolean _tripleEquals = (_name == null);
if (_tripleEquals) {
_or = true;
} else {
String _name_1 = gr.getName();
int _length = _name_1.length();
boolean _tripleEquals_1 = (Integer.valueOf(_length) == Integer.valueOf(0));
_or = (_tripleEquals || _tripleEquals_1);
if (_or) {
EObject _eContainer = gr.eContainer();
EStructuralFeature _eContainingFeature = gr.eContainingFeature();
Object _eGet = _eContainer.eGet(_eContainingFeature);
EObjectContainmentEList<Greeting> econt = ((EObjectContainmentEList<Greeting>) _eGet);
final Function2<Greeting,Greeting,Integer> _function = new Function2<Greeting,Greeting,Integer>() {
public Integer apply(final Greeting o1, final Greeting o2) {
String _name = o1.getName();
String _name_1 = o2.getName();
return _name.compareTo(_name_1);
Function2<Greeting,Greeting,Integer> comparator = _function;
final Function2<Greeting,Greeting,Integer> _converted_comparator = (Function2<Greeting,Greeting,Integer>)comparator;
ECollections.<Greeting>sort(econt, new Comparator<Greeting>() {
public int compare(Greeting o1,Greeting o2) {
return _converted_comparator.apply(o1,o2);
acceptor.accept(issue, "Sort", _plus_1, null, _function);