How to convert between to case classes with `mostly the same` fields using Scala Shapeless - scala

Here I have to case classes which have mostly the same fields.
final case class Id(id: String) // Param Class
final case class Age(id: Id, age: Int) // Param Class
final case class A(id: Id, data: Map[String, Any], age: Age) extends Presentable[A, APre] // Main Class 1
final case class APre(id: String, data: Map[String, Any], age: Int) // Main Class 2
Here A and APre are my main classes.
Now I want to convert between this two class using Shapeless, so I write the following pseudo function:
trait Presentable[E, P] {
def makePresentation[ET <: HList, PT <: HList](entity: E)(func : ET => PT)(implicit entGen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[E, ET], preGen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[P, PT]): P = {
val entList =
Here func is a mapper mapping the HList of A to HList of APre (or vice versa).
And I want to use the function like this:
val age = Age(Id("age_1"), 18)
val a = A(Id("id"), Map("tag1" -> "value1", "tag2" -> "value2"), age)
val pre = a.makePresentation { entList =>
entList.updateWith('id)((id: Id) =>'age)((a: Age) => a.age)
Here I can imply the mapping function myself. So I can convert any two case classes
So questions are:
1. How can I convert this two classes using shapeless?
2. In fact, I have tons of pairs of class like A to APre. So I want a trait to extract this convert function using generic. How to write this function?

Disclaimer: I'm one of chimney's authors.
In earlier releases of chimney we implemented exactly what you are asking about - conversion between mostly identical case classes using shapeless.
I wouldn't recommend writing it by hand as there are some corner cases to consider (creating values if new object is missing some, transforming the fields that changed type/name, Java Beans, value classes, etc) and then you have to come up with how would you configure it, so if you need to have shapeless-bases solution look at the code from 0.1.10.
However, since 0.2.0, we rewritten the implementation into macros since if you had bigger case classes to transform (e.g. 12 fields or more) some derivations could compute several minutes(!) with no hope of improvement unless we dropped some of cases we support.
If you're just looking for a way of handling your transformations, then use newest chimney and call it a day.


Generically Serialize Java Enums to json using json4s

Our finatra application uses json4s to serialize objects to jsons in our controller responses. However, I noticed that when trying to serialize enums, it creates an empty object.
I saw this response that would resolve my issue but would have to be replicated for each enum:
class EnumSerializer[E <: Enum[E]](implicit ct: Manifest[E]) extends CustomSerializer[E](format ⇒ ({
case JString(name) ⇒ Enum.valueOf(ct.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[E]], name)
}, {
case dt: E ⇒ JString(
// first enum I could find
case class X(a: String, enum: java.time.format.FormatStyle)
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + new EnumSerializer[java.time.format.FormatStyle]()
// {"a":"test","enum":"FULL"}
val jsonString = Serialization.write(X("test", FormatStyle.FULL))[X](jsonString)
Is there a way to make a generic custom serializer that would handle all java enum instances by grabbing their .name() value when serializing to json?
I don't think there is a clean solution because of the type-safety constraints. Still if you are OK with a hacky solution that relies on the fact that Java uses type erasure, here is one that seems to work:
class EnumSerializer() extends Serializer[Enum[_]] {
override def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), Enum[_]] = {
// using Json4sFakeEnum is a huge HACK here but it seems to work
case (TypeInfo(clazz, _), JString(name)) if classOf[Enum[_]].isAssignableFrom(clazz) => Enum.valueOf[Json4sFakeEnum](clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[Json4sFakeEnum]], name)
override def serialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = {
case v: Enum[_] => JString(
where Json4sFakeEnum is really a fake enum defined in Java (actually any enum should work but I prefer to make it explicitly fake)
enum Json4sFakeEnum {
With such definition an example similar to yours
// first enum I could find
case class X(a: String, enum: java.time.format.FormatStyle)
def js(): Unit = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + new EnumSerializer()
val jsonString = Serialization.write(X("test", FormatStyle.FULL))
println(s"jsonString '$jsonString'")
val r =[X](jsonString)
println(s"res ${r.getClass} '$r'")
Produces following output:
jsonString '{"a":"test","enum":"FULL"}'
res class so.Main$X 'X(test,FULL)'
Update or How does it work and why you need Json4sFakeEnum?
There are 2 important things:
Extending Serializer instead of CustomSerializer. This is important because it allows creating a single non-generic instance that can handle all Enum types. This works because the function created by Serializer.deserialize receives TypeInfo as an argument so it can analyze runtime class.
Json4sFakeEnum hack. From the high-level point of view it is enough to have just a Class of the given enum to get all names because they are stored in the Class object. However on the implementation details level the simplest way to access that is to use Enum.valueOf method that has following signature:
public static <T extends Enum<T>> T valueOf(Class<T> enumType, String name)
The unlucky part here is that it has a generic signature and there is a restriction T extends Enum<T>. It means that even though we have proper Class object the best type we know is still Enum[_] and that doesn't fit the self-referencing restriction of extends Enum<T>. On the other hand Java uses type erasure so valueOf is actually compiled to something like
public static Enum<?> valueOf(Class<Enum<?>> enumType, String name)
It means that if we just trick the compiler into allowing us to call valueOf, at the runtime everything will be alright. And this is where Json4sFakeEnum comes on the scene: we just need some known at the compile time specific subclass of Enum to make the valueOf call.

Scala case class conversion

Is there a way to convert one case class to another when they have the same fields and inherit from the same trait, without providing a converter function (that would simply do the one to one field mapping)?
For example:
trait UberSomething {
val name: String
// these may be located in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
val s = Something("wtv")
//s.asInstanceOf[SomethingOther] FAILS
First of all never define trait members as val if they are meant to be implemented at a later point.
trait UberSomething {
def name: String
// these maybe in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Align
Another approach I've seen somewhere on Stackoverflow before, so apologies for stealing street cred, is to use Align such that order of the fields wouldn't matter.
class Convert[Target] {
def apply[Source, HLS <: HList, HLT <: HList](s: Source)(implicit
// Convert the Source to an HList type
// include field names, e.g "labelled"
// Shapeless "generates" this using an implicit macro
// it looks at our type, extracts a list of (Name, Type) pairs
genS: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Source, HLS],
// Convert the Target o an HList type
// include field names, e.g "labelled"
// So again we have a (Name, Type) list of pairs this time for Target
genT: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Target, HLT],
// Use an implicit align to make sure the two HLists
// contain the same set of (Name, Type) pairs in arbitrary order.
align: Align[HLS, HLT]
) = genT from align(genS to s)
// Small trick to guarantee conversion only requires
// a single type argument, otherwise we'd have to put something
// in place for HLS and HLT, which are meant to be path dependant
// and "calculated" by the LabelledGeneric.Repr macro so it wouldn't work as it breaches the "Aux pattern", which exposes a type member materialized by a macro in this case.
// HLT and HLS come from within genS.Repr and genT.Repr.
def convert[T] = new Convert[T]
This is a bit better as the HList params are nicely masked as part of apply so you don't trip yourself up.
val sample = Something("bla")
convert[SomethingOther](sample) // SomethingOther("bla")
Let's review this line: genT from align(genS to s).
First genS to s converts the Source instance to a LabelledGeneric, e.g an HList with field info.
Align aligns the types and fields of the created HList for the Source type to match the Target type.
genT from .. allows us to create an instance of Target from an HList granted the compiler can "prove" the fields and types are "all there", which is something we already have with Align.
You can do that using implicit conversions, eg:
trait UberSomething {
val name: String
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
object Something {
implicit def somethingToSomethingOther(s:Something):SomethingOther = SomethingOther(
object SomethingOther {
implicit def somethingOtherToSomething(s:SomethingOther):Something = Something(
val s = Something("wtv")
val so:SomethingOther = s

How to define implicit Writes in trait

I have multiple case classes representing values in DB for ex User which saves user based properties like name / age / address and CallLog which saves timestamp / status_of_call
What i want to achieve
I want to have a helper function which accepts list of models and checks if the list is empty then returns "error" otherwise should return json array of the list.
My Approach
I want to have a trait which groups certain models in it and the helper method will accept either the trait or List of it in order to check or may be have a generic which implements the trait.
Since implicit writes are tightly coupled with the model class, compiler throws the error on the line Json.toJson(list)
Things i have tried
Kept implicit in trait and got recursive type error
I am scala noob pardon me if this sounds silly
Thanks in advance
Since User, CallLog, etc. will be serialized differently, Each Writes[T] will be different for each implementation of your Model trait, so a Writes[Model] has to know about the implementation it is trying to serialize.
It is therefore not possible to have it part of the Model trait, because this information isn't known yet when you define it.
A workaround in your case would be to define your Writes[Model] in the scope of your helper function instead.
An implementation of your helper function could be like this :
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json, Writes}
sealed trait Model
case class User(name: String, age: String, address: String) extends Model
object User {
implicit val userWrites = Json.writes[User]
case class CallLog(timestamp: String, status_of_call: String) extends Model
object CallLog {
implicit val callLogWrites = Json.writes[CallLog]
implicit val modelWrites = new Writes[Model] {
override def writes(o: Model): JsValue = o match {
case u: User => Json.toJson(u)
case cl: CallLog => Json.toJson(cl)
def helper(models: Model*): Either[JsValue, String] = models match {
case Nil => Right("Error")
case _ => Left(Json.toJson(models))
helper(User("John", "32", "..."))
helper(User("John", "32", "..."), CallLog("now", "In progress"))

Scala: collection of similar yet different types

What I want to to is to keep similar yet different types in the same collection. Currently, I'm doing this using polymorphism (code is simplified):
trait Item
case class DoubleItem(id: String, value: Double) extends Item
case class StringItem(id: String, value: String) extends Item
case class BooleanItem(id: String, value: Boolean) extends Item
Then it's possible to create a Seq[Item] and add instances of the three types to it.
What I don't like is the redundancy. Usually I would use a generic Item[A], but from my point of understanding, this eliminates the possibility of using a single collection (since A in Seq[Item[A]] has to be a concrete type).
Is there a better approach?
(Btw: I want to avoid using an HList implementation or something similar that increases complexity).
Since Item is covariant in value, you might do this:
case class Item[+A](id: String, value: A)
// example usage
val seq: Seq[Item[Any]] = Seq(Item("foo", 1), Item("bar", true))
def findBoolean(in: Seq[Item[Any]]): Option[Boolean] = in.collectFirst {
case Item(_, b: Boolean) => b
assert(findBoolean(seq) == Some(true))

Scala case class inheritance

I have an application based on Squeryl. I define my models as case classes, mostly since I find convenient to have copy methods.
I have two models that are strictly related. The fields are the same, many operations are in common, and they are to be stored in the same DB table. But there is some behaviour that only makes sense in one of the two cases, or that makes sense in both cases but is different.
Until now I only have used a single case class, with a flag that distinguishes the type of the model, and all methods that differ based on the type of the model start with an if. This is annoying and not quite type safe.
What I would like to do is factor the common behaviour and fields in an ancestor case class and have the two actual models inherit from it. But, as far as I understand, inheriting from case classes is frowned upon in Scala, and is even prohibited if the subclass is itself a case class (not my case).
What are the problems and pitfalls I should be aware in inheriting from a case class? Does it make sense in my case to do so?
My preferred way of avoiding case class inheritance without code duplication is somewhat obvious: create a common (abstract) base class:
abstract class Person {
def name: String
def age: Int
// address and other properties
// methods (ideally only accessors since it is a case class)
case class Employer(val name: String, val age: Int, val taxno: Int)
extends Person
case class Employee(val name: String, val age: Int, val salary: Int)
extends Person
If you want to be more fine-grained, group the properties into individual traits:
trait Identifiable { def name: String }
trait Locatable { def address: String }
// trait Ages { def age: Int }
case class Employer(val name: String, val address: String, val taxno: Int)
extends Identifiable
with Locatable
case class Employee(val name: String, val address: String, val salary: Int)
extends Identifiable
with Locatable
Since this is an interesting topic to many, let me shed some light here.
You could go with the following approach:
// You can mark it as 'sealed'. Explained later.
sealed trait Person {
def name: String
case class Employee(
override val name: String,
salary: Int
) extends Person
case class Tourist(
override val name: String,
bored: Boolean
) extends Person
Yes, you have to duplicate the fields. If you don't, it simply would not be possible to implement correct equality among other problems.
However, you don't need to duplicate methods/functions.
If the duplication of a few properties is that much of an importance to you, then use regular classes, but remember that they don't fit FP well.
Alternatively, you could use composition instead of inheritance:
case class Employee(
person: Person,
salary: Int
// In code:
val employee = ...
Composition is a valid and a sound strategy that you should consider as well.
And in case you wonder what a sealed trait means — it is something that can be extended only in the same file. That is, the two case classes above have to be in the same file. This allows for exhaustive compiler checks:
val x = Employee(name = "Jack", salary = 50000)
x match {
case Employee(name) => println(s"I'm $name!")
Gives an error:
warning: match is not exhaustive!
missing combination Tourist
Which is really useful. Now you won't forget to deal with the other types of Persons (people). This is essentially what the Option class in Scala does.
If that does not matter to you, then you could make it non-sealed and throw the case classes into their own files. And perhaps go with composition.
case classes are perfect for value objects, i.e. objects that don't change any properties and can be compared with equals.
But implementing equals in the presence of inheritance is rather complicated. Consider a two classes:
class Point(x : Int, y : Int)
class ColoredPoint( x : Int, y : Int, c : Color) extends Point
So according to the definition the ColorPoint(1,4,red) should be equal to the Point(1,4) they are the same Point after all. So ColorPoint(1,4,blue) should also be equal to Point(1,4), right? But of course ColorPoint(1,4,red) should not equal ColorPoint(1,4,blue), because they have different colors. There you go, one basic property of the equality relation is broken.
You can use inheritance from traits solving lots of problems as described in another answer. An even more flexible alternative is often to use type classes. See What are type classes in Scala useful for? or
In these situations I tend to use composition instead of inheritance i.e.
sealed trait IVehicle // tagging trait
case class Vehicle(color: String) extends IVehicle
case class Car(vehicle: Vehicle, doors: Int) extends IVehicle
val vehicle: IVehicle = ...
vehicle match {
case Car(Vehicle(color), doors) => println(s"$color car with $doors doors")
case Vehicle(color) => println(s"$color vehicle")
Obviously you can use a more sophisticated hierarchy and matches but hopefully this gives you an idea. The key is to take advantage of the nested extractors that case classes provide