When trying to add a Postgresql data source (running inside the service mesh/ with sidecar) to Grafana (running outside service mesh/ without sidecar), a connection cannot be established, however it is able to translate the fully qualified domain name ({app}.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local) into the correct IP address for the service.
I have attempted pinging the grafana pod from the Postgres pod by exec-ing in, which times out but correctly translates the FQDN to the IP address.
Postgres logs do not show any errors or connection attempts, grafana logs show a 500 error when trying to "Save & Test" the datasource in the grafana dashboard.
Expected behaviour is a successful connection to the datasource, would I have to configure a certain istio object to enable the out-of-service-mesh dashboard/pod to access the in-service-mesh datasource/pod.
You can use PERMISSIVE mTLS mode - see https://istio.io/docs/tasks/security/mtls-migration/.
I have installed zabbix on OpenShift cluster. I am trying to monitor a host(vm) outside the cluster but the zabbix server is unable to connect to it. In the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf file I have mentioned the DNS name of the server zabbix-server but it looks like there server is trying to connect through a different public IP. I am not sure what this IP is.
OS / ENVIRONMENT / Used docker-compose files
I applied the kubernetes.yaml file present in this repo - https://github.com/zabbix/zabbix-docker/blob/6.2/kubernetes.yaml - on an OpenShift cluster.
In the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf file Server=zabbix-server.
Apply the kubernetes.yaml file on Openshift cluster and try to monitor any external vm.
The zabbix server should be able to connect to the vm.
Zabbix server logs.
Defaulted container "zabbix-server" out of: zabbix-server, zabbix-snmptraps
\*\* Updating '/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf' parameter "DBHost": 'mysql-server'...added
287:20230120:060843.131 Zabbix agent item "system.cpu.load\[all,avg5\]" on host "Host-C" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds
289:20230120:060858.592 Zabbix agent item "system.cpu.num" on host "Host-C" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds
289:20230120:060913.843 Zabbix agent item "system.sw.arch" on host "Host-C" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds
289:20230120:060929.095 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Host-C": interface unavailable
Logs from the agent installed on the vm.
350446:20230122:103232.230 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "9.x.x.219" rejected, allowed hosts: "zabbix-server"
350444:20230122:103332.525 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "9.x.x.219" rejected, allowed hosts: "zabbix-server"
350445:20230122:103432.819 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "9.x.x.210" rejected, allowed hosts: "zabbix-server"
350446:20230122:103533.114 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "9.x.x.217" rejected, allowed hosts: "zabbix-server"
If I add this IP in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf it will work. But what IP is this? Is this a service? Or any node/pod IP? It keeps on changing. Everytime I cannot change this id in the conf file. I need something more stable.
Kindly help me out with this issue.
So I don't know zabbix. So I have to make some educated guesses both in how the agent works and how the server works.
But, to summarize, unlike something like docker compose where you are running the zabbix server on a known server, in Openshift/Kubernetes you are deploying into a cluster of machines with their own networking. In other words, the whole point of OpenShift is that OpenShift will control where the application's pod gets deployed and will relocate/restart that pod as needed. With a different IP every time. (And the DNS name is meaningless since the two systems aren't sharing DNS anyway.) Most likely the IP's you are seeing are the pod's randomly assigned IPs.
So, what are you to do when you have a situation like yours where an external application requires a predicable IP? Well, option 1, is to remove that requirement. Using something like a certificate is obviously more secure and more reliable than depending on an IP anyway. But another option is to use an egress IP. This is a feature of OpenShift where you essentially use a proxy to provide an external application with a consistent IP.
I am trying to get Grafana stood up in a ECS Fargate stack. The stack is comprise of the following:
An Application Load Balancer with an ACM cert applied listening on port 443
The ALB's target group is forwarding traffic port 3000 on my Grafana container. SSL is terminated at the ALB so the traffic coming into the container is non-SSL.
I have an A record created in Route53 that points to the ALB.
The container is using ephemeral storage that Fargate provides to the container.
What's wrong?
When I try to access Grafana from my A-record I get to the home page fine.
But when I'm prompted to enter the user name and password it fails with an unauthorized exception. On my very first attempt, when asked to change the password. I get a "password was changed successfully" followed by an "unauthorized" message at the same time.
However, if try to go directly to the the container's private IP address everything works fine.
Is this a CORS issue or is there a setting I need to pass into the container to tell is to accept traffic from the ALB as the origin (e.g. whitelisting).
Issue was resolved by turning on session stickiness in the target group property for the ALB.
I have a VM instance (e2-micro) on GCP running with postgres. I added my own external ip address to pg_hba.conf so I can connect to the database on my local machine. Next to that I have a nodeJS application which I want to connect to that database. Locally that works, the application can connect to the database on the VM instance. But when I deploy the app to GCP I get a 500 Server Error when I try to visit the page in the browser.
These are the things I already did/tried:
Created a Firewall rule to allow connections on my own external ip address
Created a VPC connector and added that connector to my app.yaml
Made sure everything is in the same project and region (europe-west1)
If I allow all ip addresses on my VM instance with then App Engine can connect, so my guess is that I'm doing something wrong the connector? I use as ip range while the internal ip address of the VM instance is, is that an issue? I tried an ip range with but that also didn't work.
First check if your app uses a /28 IP address range (see the documentation):
When you create a connector, you also assign it an IP range. Traffic
sent through the connector into your VPC network will originate from
an address in this range. The IP range must be a CIDR /28 range that
is not already reserved in your VPC network.
When you create a VPC connector a proper firewall rulle is also created to allow traffic:
An implicit firewall rule with priority 1000 is created on your VPC
network to allow ingress from the connector's IP range to all
destinations in the network.
As you wrote yourself when you create a rule that allows traffic from any IP it works (your app can connect). So - look for the rule that allows traffic from the IP range that your app is in - if it's not there create it.
Or - you can connect your app to your DB over public IP's - in such case you also have to create a proper rule that will allow the traffic from the app to DB.
Second - check the IP of the DB that app uses.
My guess is that you didn't change the IP of the DB (that app uses) and it tries to connect not via VPC connector but via external IP and that's why it cannot (and works only when you create a firewall rule).
This answer pointed me in the right direction: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64161504/3323605.
I needed to deploy my app with
gcloud beta app deploy
since the VPC connector method was on beta. Also, I tried to connect to the external IP in my app.yaml but that needed to be the internal IP ofcourse.
I'm trying to set up a push gateway to connect to my Prometheus instance and I receive the following error...
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Any ideas?
PS - I'm trying to connect using an AWS instance as I'm using an RDP (Windows)
Too fewer pieces of information
If you have an application that needed to send data to Prometheus, you can use a pushgateway.
Usually is Prometheus reading metrics from your application, but, if you need to send the metrics you set up the pushgateway: the information will be sent on port 9091
Try to better describe your problem to get a more detailed help.
I'm still having problems accessing the cloud SQL instance from a GCE container. When I try to open up mysql, I get the following error:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
communication packet', system error: 0
The connection works fine from my local machine, though (The instance has a public IP and I have added my office's IP to the 'allowed Networks'). So, the instance is accessible through the internet just fine.
I guess the db's access control is blocking my access from the gce network, but I'm unable to figure out how to configure this.
I added my project to "Authorized App Engine Applications" in the Cloud SQL control panel, but that doesn't seem to help.
If I add "" to Allowed Networks, all works well. This is obviously not what I want, so what do I need to enter instead?
EDIT2: I could also add all public IPs from my kubernetes cluster (obtained through gcloud compute instances list) and add them to the cloud sql access list manually. But, this doesn't seem to be right, does it?
The recommended solution is to use SSL connection with that CIDR. This is to limit the connection to the correct key. I also read that they won't promise you a specific IP range so the CIDR /14 might not work some times. I had to do the SSL connection with my Cloud SQL for the same reasons.
You should use the public IP addresses of the GCE instances to correctly allow traffic to your Cloud SQL instance (as you mentioned in EDIT2).
You can find more information in Cloud SQL documentation: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/gce-access
If you add the /14 CIDR block for your Container Engine cluster as the source address range does that work?
To find the CIDR block for your cluster, click on the cluster name in the Google Cloud Console and find the row labeled "Container address range".