api in GKE - kubernetes

I'm trying the leader-election code example provided with the go client (here) in a GKE cluster v1.13.7.
That requires a resource of type Lease of groupVersion but there isn't. I know that Lease has been promoted to v1 in k8s 1.14 (not yet available with gke), but I expected to find the v1beta1 version.
Try with
kubectl proxy
curl -X GET localhost:8001/apis/
and I get
404 page not found

Although the feature is v1 in 1.14, GKE has not incorporated this feature yet.
Since GKE is a fully managed product, the eng team decide which features to incorporate I to the GKE offering.
I recommend opening a feature request through the Google Public Issue Tracker and provide your use case for the feature to have integrated in future releases


How to install keycloak operator on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service?

The operator is version 11.0.0.
The cluster is Kubernetes version 1.18.12.
I was able to follow the steps from to install the Operator Lifecycle Manager and the Keycloak "OperatorGroup" and "Subscription".
It took much longer than I was expecting (maybe 20 minutes?), but eventually the corresponding "ClusterServiceVersion" was created.
However, now when I try to use it by creating the following resource, it doesn't seem to be doing anything at all:
kind: Keycloak
name: example-keycloak
namespace: keycloak
app: sso
instances: 1
enabled: true
It accepts the new resource, so I know the CRD is in place. The documentation states that it should create a stateful set, an ingress, and more, but it just doesn't seem to create anything.
I checked the cluster logs and this is the error that is jumping out to me:
olm-operator ERROR controllers.operator Could not update Operator status {"request": "/", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}
I have quite a bit of experience with plain kubernetes, but I'm brand new to "operators" and so I'm really not sure where to look next wrt what might be going wrong.
Any hints/suggestions/explanations?
UPDATE: I was creating the keycloak resource in a namespace OTHER than the one I installed the operator into. Since it allowed me to create the custom resource (Kind: Keycloak) into this namespace, I thought this was supported. However, when I created the keycloak resource to the same namespace where the operator was installed (my-keycloak-operator), then it actually tried to do something. Its still failing to bring up the pod, mind you, but at least its trying to do something.
Will leave this question open for a bit to see if the "Could not update Operator status" is something I should be concerned about or not...
It looks like the operator or/and the components that it wants to bring up cannot do a write (POST/PUT) to the kube-apiserver.
From what you describe, it appears that the first time when you installed the operator on a different namespace it just didn't have permissions to bring up anything at all. The second time when you installed it on the right namespace it looks like the operator was able to talk to the kube-apiserver but the components that it's bring up (Keycloak, etc) are not able to.
I would check the logs on the kube-apiserver (control plane) to see if you have some unauthorized requests, also check the log files of the components (pods, deployments, etc) that the operator is trying to bring up.
If you have unauthorized requests you may have to manually update the RBAC rules. Finally, I would check with IBM cloud to see what specific permission its K8s control plane could have that is preventing applications to talk to it (the kube-apiserver).

How kubernetes maintains different api version resource?

Kubernetes versions:
Scenario shows:
kubernetes v1.15.2 have added some new api versions,for example, the autoscaling/v2beta2 in the autoscaling group. But after read the HorizontalController structure in kubernetes code src\\kubernetes\pkg\controller\podautoscaler\, All the members in HorizontalController is autoscaling/v1.
type HorizontalController struct {
scaleNamespacer scaleclient.ScalesGetter ==> autoscaling/v1
hpaNamespacer autoscalingclient.HorizontalPodAutoscalersGetter ==> autoscaling/v1
mapper apimeta.RESTMapper
replicaCalc *ReplicaCalculator
eventRecorder record.EventRecorder
downscaleStabilisationWindow time.Duration
// hpaLister is able to list/get HPAs from the shared cache from the informer passed in to
// NewHorizontalController.
hpaLister autoscalinglisters.HorizontalPodAutoscalerLister ==> autoscaling/v1
hpaListerSynced cache.InformerSynced ==> autoscaling/v1
// podLister is able to list/get Pods from the shared cache from the informer passed in to
// NewHorizontalController.
podLister corelisters.PodLister
podListerSynced cache.InformerSynced
// Controllers that need to be synced
queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
// Latest unstabilized recommendations for each autoscaler.
recommendations map[string][]timestampedRecommendation
So how kubernetes maintans the autoscaling/v2beta2 resources with HorizontalController?
In the official kubernetes documentation You can find following information:
API Object
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is an API resource in the Kubernetes autoscaling API group. The current stable version, which only includes support for CPU autoscaling, can be found in the autoscaling/v1 API version.
The beta version, which includes support for scaling on memory and custom metrics, can be found in autoscaling/v2beta2. The new fields introduced in autoscaling/v2beta2 are preserved as annotations when working with autoscaling/v1.
More details about the API object can be found at HorizontalPodAutoscaler Object.
Also according to kubernetes documentation about API overview under API versioning:
API versioning
To eliminate fields or restructure resource representations,
Kubernetes supports multiple API versions, each at a different API
path. For example: /api/v1 or /apis/extensions/v1beta1.
The version is set at the API level rather than at the resource or
field level to:
Ensure that the API presents a clear and consistent view of system resources and behavior.
Enable control access to end-of-life and/or experimental APIs.
The JSON and Protobuf serialization schemas follow the same guidelines
for schema changes. The following descriptions cover both formats.
So You can find all apis versions for autoscaling like v2beta2 under kubernetes/pkg/apis/autoscaling/ .
For example using HTTP GET would be like this: GET /apis/autoscaling/v2beta2

petset on GKE: could not find the requested resource

I want to experiment with PetSet on GKE.
I have a 1.3.5 Kubernetes cluster on GKE, but PetSet does not seem to be activated.
> kubectl get petset
Unable to list "petsets": the server could not find the requested resource
Do I need to activate v1alpha1 feature on GKE ?
I'm using PetSet in zone europe-west1-d but got the error you're seeing when I tried in zone europe-west1-c.
Today, September 1, I got an email from Google Cloud Platform announcing that PetSet was "accidentally enabled" and will be disabled on September 30.
Dear Google Container Engine customer,
Google Container Engine clusters running Kubernetes 1.3.x versions accidentally enabled Kubernetes alpha features (e.g. PetSet), which are not production ready. Access to alpha features has already been disabled for clusters not using them, but cannot be safely disabled in clusters that are currently using alpha resources. The following clusters in projects owned by you have been identified as running alpha resources:
Please delete the alpha resources from your cluster. Continued usage of these features after September 30th may result in an unstable or broken cluster, as access to alpha features will be disabled.
The full list of unsupported alpha resources that are currently enabled (and will be disabled) is below:
Resource API Group
petset apps/v1alpha1
poddisruptionbudgets policy/v1alpha1

kubernetes petset on google cloud

I am running a kubernetes cluster on google cloud(version 1.3.5) .
I found a redis.yaml
that uses petset to create a redis cluster but when i run kubectl create -f redis.yaml i get the following error :
error validating "redis.yaml": error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource (get .apps); if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
i cant find why i get this error or how to solve this.
PetSet is currently an alpha feature (which you can tell because the apiVersion in the linked yaml file is apps/v1alpha1). It may not be obvious, but alpha features are not supported in Google Container Engine.
As described in, alpha level API objects are disabled by default, have no guarantees that they will exist in future versions, can break compatibility with older versions at any time, and may destabilize the cluster.
I'm using PetSet with some success, for example, in zone europe-west1-d but when I tried europe-west1-c I got the aforementioned error.
Google just enabled Alpha Clusters for GKE as announced here:
Now you are able (but not SLA covered) to use all alpha features within an alpha cluster, what was disable previously.

apiVersion and beta versions

Following the docs to create a Deployment, I have a .yaml file like this:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
I wasn't sure what to make of the "extensions/v1beta1", so I ended up here in the API docs.
That makes it sound like I should use a value of "v1", but that doesn't seem to be valid when I try to kubectl apply my .yaml file.
Could someome help me to better understand what the apiVersion values mean and how I can determine the best value to use for each component?
Oh, and I'm using minikube and "kubectl version" reports that client and server are "GitVersion:"v1.3.0".
The docs you linked to are from before the release of Kubernetes 1.0 (a year ago). At that time, we had beta versions of the API and were migrating to the v1 API. Since then, we have introduced multiple API groups, and each API group can have a different version. The version indicates the maturity of the API (alpha is under active development, beta means it will have compatibility/upgradability guarantees, and v1 means it's stable). The deployment API is currently in the second category, so using extensions/v1beta1 is correct.
from documentation suggested by #Vern DeHaven
This version of the API includes many new, commonly used features of Kubernetes. Deployments, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets, and Ingresses all received significant changes in this release.
Note that in Kubernetes 1.6, some of these objects were relocated from extensions to specific API groups (e.g. apps). When these objects move out of beta, expect them to be in a specific API group like apps/v1.
Using extensions/v1beta1 is becoming deprecated—try to use the specific API group where possible, depending on your Kubernetes cluster version.