Question regarding VSCode's "Network Connections" documentation - visual-studio-code

So I work behind a corporate network and, at the moment, VSCode's extension search feature doesn't work because it's blocked by our proxy. I'm in the middle of working with our network guys to get it whitelisted and had a question regarding the hostnames listed in their documentation page.
Namely, what each of the hostnames they tell you to whitelist does/which features need said hostname. Some of them are fairly self explanatory based on the name, but others are less clear. For convenience, here's the list of URLs along with a guess for their purpose:
VSCode Proxy URLs
I tried asking on the /r/vscode subreddit, but got no bites there. Since the GitHub issue tracker isn't for questions, I'm asking here.


Adding offline search to static websites created by website generators for internal use in company

I am exploring ways for adding offline search in Docusaurus in any of versions v1 or v2.
The solution mentioned at by using Algolia DocSearch. But problem is "Note that your website needs to be publicly available for this to work (i.e., not behind a firewall). The service is free".
No company wants their confidential information to make public. What are the different cleaner and easier options we have to enable local search.
Has anyone tried: Flexsearch
I am aware that discussion is going at
But I am not able to make anything out of it that which offline search works fine with docusaurus.
You can look for some offline search plugins under our community plugins section. They are not officially endorsed but some of them work pretty well.

Why does 'www' before a Github Page not work?

I am new to Github Pages and was just trying out the links to some pages. works, but does not. Why is that so? I understand that the answer will be in some corner of the internet, but I did search it and failed to find an explanation for it.
That is due to the simple fact that Github has not configured their DNS records to support this naming scheme.
While this is entirely possible using wildcards, see Wildcard DNS record, the web has been shifting away from the www convention for some time now.
The reason why this is happening is very subjective, so it is not in the scope of Stackoverflow to answer this, but it can be inferred that given the ubiquitous nature of the World Wide Web, the shorter an URL is, the better it is, if just to allow people to more easily remember them, and type them.

Confused between Jahia and dotcms as a java CMS

Which is better for web content management purposed only?
The website requirements include a user discussion forum and a poll survey with a good search facility and also needs a good SEO tool. The site should also load faster and should be easy to edit contents.
I can't speak to Jahia, but dotCMS can do everything you're asking for. Below are some links that should help you self evaluate dotCMS. I also would point out that dotCMS is more of a platform (makes a great user experience platform UXP) than an off-the-shelf solution and because of this your requirements might take a little work to setup and get running. With that being said, your finished product should meet your exact needs.
Site Search (uses ElasticSearch)
Performance Report
I hope this helps.
Jahia should be able to handle these request. I am the opposite if Fish and have experience with jahia. Jahia does have a forum and poll component's both available as open source so you can modify the code when you require to.
What I like about jahia (among many other things) is that editing content is straight forward and very easy to for non technical persons. ofcourse it has all the permissions in place for all content so you can set it up in such a way that you don't have to be afraid that the non technical persons will mess-up a website.
Performance of Jahia, even without fancy caching proxies is very good and it can run on low resource VM's, just if you want to start small. I am using them on small Linode machines without any issues
I have not worked with Dotcms, but basic forums, polls, search, and SEO are all freely available as Jahia modules. The forums are certainly not as good as a standalone like Vanilla, but they are simple to add and administrate. Search is good and requires little configuration, and anything more than basic SEO is going to be custom work.

GitHub: Is it common practice for a business to store solutions on there?

I'm looking at Github and it looks great. I see there are business accounts you can set up to version control your work. I know there is a lot of open source stuff on there, but is it common practice for businesses to store solutions on there? And more importantly, is it safe? As the solutions are not to be viewed by anyone else.
For what it's worth, I just transitioned my company's source to GitHub, using private repositories. Also, I've been keeping commercial products of my own on GitHub in the same way for some time
It's working great. Your account has a list of 'contributors' for each repository, which controls who can view / commit to each one.
The business accounts on GitHub are suitable for you if you do not want to store your code on someone else's server. Sign up for this if you want to keep your repositories "behind the firewall" by installing the software on your own server.
GitHub Enterprise (this is the "business" plan)
GitHub Security
Concerning safety - there was a similar question a few months ago.
Check it (and my answer there :-) out:
How safe is it to host sensitive data on repository sites like github, bitbucket, etc.?
I don't know if it's common practice for companies to store their code online...but I guess that a lot of companies don't like the idea of hosting their intellectual property at some third party.
Probably "company culture" makes a big part of it.
I'd say that "hip" internet startups are more likely to host their stuff online than "conservative" enterprises/"non-techy" companies.
Some of the "hip internet" companies (for example Facebook, Twitter, GitHub...) at least have open-sourced part of their stuff, but I don't know which of them also host their private stuff there and which don't.
(except GitHub, I read somewhere that they host ALL of their stuff themselves...makes sense :-)
Another example: Headspring Software (where quite a few known .NET developers work) runs nearly completely on online services.
The linked blog post doesn't explicitly mention where they host their source code, but I wanted to mention this example anyway because of all the other stuff they have outsourced.
Many "conservative" companies wouldn't even want their e-mail/calendar/sales data at some third-party provider in the cloud...let alone their source code.

Are there any open source cross platform NAT punch throughs?

Are there any open source cross platform NAT punch throughs?
I haven't seen one, but you'll find more information than you require here:
It's not terribly hard to implement, just a bit of work.
There is code on the page that demonstrates this that builds on unix and windows, including both the server portion (the introducer) and the client portions. It doesn't list a license, but the author indicates in the readme that the technique is free, and re-implementing it from the information on the page and the source code example appears to be relatively easy.
The author appears to be the owner of the website enchantedage, so you can probably contact them directly for more information.
The best I've seen is UDT, which is a reliable UDP library that also includes a "rendezvous" connect mode that helps take care of the NAT punching. All you have to do is figure out the external IP address and port and somehow get it to the other client (and vice versa). Once you know that information, you both connect and bind at the same time (with rendezvous mode set) and it'll do its best to figure out the rest.
I haven't got an answer here I'm afraid, but I do know that a couple of years ago there was some research done in area that ended up spawning some IETF documents. The curious reader might already be familiar with these:
(...your-link-here: some research that I probably have missed)