Get semantic object and semantic action in controller - sapui5

I'm trying to get the semantic object and semantic action of my deployed SAPUI5 application. I tried looking into ushell services - URLParsing and LaunchPage but it does not seem to return my semantic objects and actions.
Have anybody tried this?

This worked for me so far:
sap.ui.require([ // modules lazily instead of accessing them with global names.
"sap/ushell/library", // Consider adding `"sap.ushell": { lazy: true }` to dependencies in manifest.json
], async (sapUshellLib, HashChanger) => {
const fullHash = new HashChanger().getHash(); // returns e.g. "masterDetail-display?sap-ui-theme=sap_fiori_3&/product/HT-1000"
const urlParsing = await sapUshellLib.Container.getServiceAsync("URLParsing");
urlParsing.parseShellHash(fullHash); /** returns e.g. {
action: "display",
appSpecificRoute: "&/product/HT-1000",
contextRaw: undefined,
params: { "sap-ui-theme": "sap_fiori_3" },
semanticObject: "masterDetail"
} **/

You can always just use
Which you can parse yourself pretty easily. If you really want launchpad code, you can often find it here:
I've noticed it's not always set though when you're looking at an embedded component

A simplistic way to do this would be:
var oHashObject = new sap.ui.core.routing.HashChanger();
//this will return the semantic object and action alongwith the routing params


Kuzzle - inter-plugins communication (via method calls)

Is there a way with Kuzzle, to make two plugins communicate with each other?
Let's say a plugin A wants to call a method of a plugin B at boot time, or even runtime for some use cases. How can I do that ?
For now, there is no way to retrieve a particular plugin instance from another plugin. Plugins manager isn't reachable at plugin initialization, but in some way via a Kuzzle request (not the proper way of doing it)
function (request) {
const kSymbol = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(request.context.user)[0];
The idea behind this question would be to do something like this, when initializing the plugin
function init (customConfig, context) {
const { pluginsManager } = context;
const result = pluginsManager.MyPlugin.someMethod(...args);
// make something with the result ?
// For later use of plugins manager perhaps ?
this.context = context
Looks like Kuzzle Pipes would be the right thing to do it, cause they are synchronous and chainable, but pipes don't return anything when triggering an event
function init (customConfig, context) {
const result = context.accessors.trigger('someEvent', {
someAttribute: 'someValue'
console.log(result) // undefined
Thanks for your help !
full disclosure: I work for Kuzzle
Even if accessing the pluginManager like this may work at this time, we may change the internal implementation without warning since it's not documented so your plugin may not work in next version of Kuzzle.
The easiest way to use a feature from another plugin is exposing a new API method through a custom controller and then call it with the query method of the embedded SDK.
For example if your plugin name is notifier-plugin in the manifest:
this.controllers = {
email: {
send: request => { /* send email */ }
Then you can call it in another plugin like this:
await this.context.accessors.sdk.query({
controller: 'notifier-plugin/email',
action: 'send'
Please note that you can't make API calls in the plugin init method.
If you need to make API calls when Kuzzle start, then you can add a hook/pipe on the core:kuzzleStart event.
this.hooks = {
'core:kuzzleStart': () => this.context.accessors.sdk.query({
controller: 'notifier-plugin/email',
action: 'send'
Finally I noticed that you can't use pipes returns like in your example but I have proposed a feature to allow plugin developers to use the pipe chain return.
It will be available in the next version of Kuzzle.

Writing nested path parameters in FeathersJS

How to generate multi level path parameters in feathers js like below :
The following is taken from this Feathers FAQ entry:
Normally we find that they actually aren't needed and that it is much better to keep your routes as flat as possible. For example something like users/:userId/posts is - although nice to read for humans - actually not as easy to parse and process as the equivalent /posts?userId=<userid> that is already supported by Feathers out of the box. Additionaly, this will also work much better when using Feathers through websocket connections which do not have a concept of routes at all.
However, nested routes for services can still be created by registering an existing service on the nested route and mapping the route parameter to a query parameter like this:
app.use('/posts', postService);
app.use('/users', userService);
// re-export the posts service on the /users/:userId/posts route
app.use('/users/:userId/posts', app.service('posts'));
// A hook that updates `data` with the route parameter
function mapUserIdToData(hook) {
if( && hook.params.userId) { = hook.params.userId;
// For the new route, map the `:userId` route parameter to the query in a hook
before: {
find(hook) {
hook.params.query.userId = hook.params.userId;
create: mapUserIdToData,
update: mapUserIdToData,
patch: mapUserIdToData
Now going to /users/123/posts will call postService.find({ query: { userId: 123 } }) and return all posts for that user.

How to call Hapi Plugins for certain routes?

Im using Hapi 12.1.
Trying to figure out how to call certain extension points only on certain routes.
For example for :
I want to call three different extension points that work on the 'onRequest' step.
I want to call a different extension point that works also on the 'onRequest' but is a different operation and a 'onPreAuth' step.
Dont call any extension points, and just drop into the handler straight away..
I have tried various ways to create a plugin, define the routes, and extension points. But it seems the the extension points are global, and dont only operation on the plugin's scoped routes.
What am I missing?
You have access to the path on your extension points, using request.route.path. With that, you can define what you want to run, depending on the path. Example:
server.ext('onPreAuth', function (request, reply) {
switch(request.route.path) {
case '/test1':
case '/test2':
// Do something
case '/test3':
// Do something else
Alternatively, you can also make it dependent on the route configuration:
server.ext('onPreAuth', function (request, reply) {
if(request.route.settings.plugins.runPreAuth) {
// Do something
Then, you just define in your route the configurations:
method: 'get',
path: '/test1',
handler: function(request, reply) {
reply({result: 'ok'});
config: {
plugins: {
runPreAuth: true

Ext.define() order

I'm using Extjs5 and Sencha Cmd, and I'm working on a l10n engine (over gettext) to implement localization.
Suppose I want to offer a translation function to every class of my project, named _().
In every controller, view, model and any class, I'd like to be able to write something like that:
Ext.define('FooClass', {
someStrings: [
_('One string to translate'),
_('A second string to translate'),
_('Yet another string to translate')
First problem: _() must exist before all the Ext.define() of my project are executed. How to achieve that?
Second problem: _() is looking in "catalogs" that are some JavaScript files generated from .po files (gettext). So, those catalogs must have been loaded, before all the Ext.define() of my app are executed.
_() is a synchronous function, it musts immediately return the translated string.
Edit concerning the edited question
You have at least two ways to load External libraries:
loadScript( options )
Loads the specified script URL and calls the supplied callbacks. If
this method is called before Ext.isReady, the script's load will delay
the transition to ready. This can be used to load arbitrary scripts
that may contain further Ext.require calls.
options : Object/String/String[] //The options object or simply the URL(s) to load.
// options params:
url : String //The URL from which to load the script.
onLoad : Function (optional) //The callback to call on successful load.
onError : Function (optional) //The callback to call on failure to load.
scope : Object (optional) //The scope (this) for the supplied callbacks.
If you still run into problems you can force the loader to do a sync loading:
syncLoadScripts: function(options) {
var Loader = Ext.Loader,
syncwas = Loader.syncModeEnabled;
Loader.syncModeEnabled = true;
Loader.syncModeEnabled = syncwas;
Place this in a file right after the ExtJS library and before the generated app.js.
Old Answer
You need to require a class when it is needed, that should solve your problems. If you don't require sencha command/the ExtJS class system cannot know that you need a specific class.
Ext.define('Class1', {
requires: ['Class2'],
items: [
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: Class2.method('This is a field label')
For further reading take a look at:
requires : String[]
List of classes that have to be loaded before instantiating this
class. For example:
Ext.define('Mother', {
requires: ['Child'],
giveBirth: function() {
// we can be sure that child class is available.
return new Child();
uses : String[]
List of optional classes to load together with this class. These
aren't neccessarily loaded before this class is created, but are
guaranteed to be available before Ext.onReady listeners are invoked.
For example:
Ext.define('Mother', {
uses: ['Child'],
giveBirth: function() {
// This code might, or might not work:
// return new Child();
// Instead use Ext.create() to load the class at the spot if not loaded already:
return Ext.create('Child');
Define the translate function outside the scope of the ExtJs project and include it before the Ext application is included in the index.html.
The scripts are loaded in the right order and the _() function is ready to use in your whole project.
function _() {
// do the translation
<script src="i18n.js"></script>
<script id="microloader" type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>

Can I divide my tests into separate specs and then call them from another or is it better to use helper functions?

Just got started with Protractor for E2E testing and I am having a bit of trouble with the test case structure.
Not sure if can I divide my tests into separate specs and then call them from another or how can I make nice helper functions to handle this.
I am finding elements by a repeater and then I would like to make tests for each of the operation for each of the element in the repeater. Sort of like this:
describe('tasty', function () {
'use strict';
var ptor;
beforeEach(function () {
ptor = protractor.getInstance();
it('Should sample three tasty fruits of every kind on my shopping list.', function () {
var fruitshelves = ptor.findElements(protractor.By.repeater('fruit in fruits').column('header'));
fruitshelves.then(function(arr) {
for (var i=0;i<arr.length; i++) {
// Pick up three fruits of this kind from the shelf and put in shopping cart
// Should be listed on my shopping list
// Open the wallet
// Should have money
// Pay for the fruits and put it in your shopping bag
// Should be able to complete the transaction
// For each one of the fruits in your shopping bag
// Take a bite
// Should be tasty
Based on the #langliman answer, I've managed to achieve the desired behaviour.
Note login.spec.js and should be located in the same folder. file:
var LoginPage = function (ptor) {
//following PageObject pattern define the functions here.
module.exports.getLoginPage = function (ptor) {
return new LoginPage(ptor);
login.spec.js file:
(function () {
'use strict';
describe('login page', function () {
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
var loginPageBuilder = require('./');
var loginPage = loginPageBuilder.getLoginPage(ptor);
it('should login as admin', function () {
I came to this question looking for a way to have helper functions shared between spec files in Protractor. In case others are looking for the same, turns out since Protractor is just running in Node, all you need to do is var helpers = require('./your-helper-file').
In case you want shared setup and before/after functions as well as helper methods, one solution is to require the tests from your spec helper instead of requiring your spec helper from the tests.
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
specs: ['e2e/spec.js']
var chai = require('chai'),
homepage = require('./homepage.js'),
signin = require('./signin.js');
browser.baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'
exports.test = function() {
describe('homepage', function() {
it('should have the right title', function() {
exports.test = function() {
describe('signin', function() {
it('should have the right title', function() {
title.should.eq('Sign in')
I'm looking at the same thing myself, and to some extent I had hoped that you would have an answer for me on this question. :-)
Having said that, it appears that protractor is new enough that nobody really knows the answer, and I guess that makes my answer as good as the next persons.
Firstly, I'm using the page object notation that is described on the protractor getting started page, towards the bottom:
This gives an element of modularity, my view here is that I end up with a set of classes, one per page, that abstract away some of the detail. So, for example, I might have a "foo" class, which includes in it abstractions like "foo.get" and "foo.validate(id, name, otherData)". This would be a way to pull out repeated code.
The bit that I haven't worked out is how to create a library of modules and then assemble those into a single set of scenarios. I have a few thoughts though:
The underlying problem is the ability to include javascript files in each other - which really doesn't exist as a capability. There are third party libraries, which I'd prefer not to use, and I haven't seen a way to use Angular's module capability to do this.
End 2 end testing can be very dependent on the order of the tests. So one test may create data, another test may then use that data. As an example, if you want a test that logs people on, you may need a test that registers people first. You probably don't want to put registration on the front of every test that you run. As such, you probably need a lot of control over the order of your test scenarios anyway
As such, one option is to just put everything in one really big file. Which goes against everything we all learned in school, but I haven't really come up with a reason that wouldn't work. Then you can write functions and abstractions to your hearts content.
If you follow that to the next stage, another option is to write a series of javascript files with strict naming conventions, then use grunt to concatenate them for you before executing them. So, for example:
A set of files named, which contain the "page object" definitions - basically helper methods for each page
A set of files named xxxx.functions.scenario.js, which contain common components of your scenarios - so maybe you have a register and logon set of actions, and you make that into a library function
A set of files named nnxx.scenarios.scenario.js, which contain the actual scripts themselves. These are numbered at the start (the nn), so we can concatenate them in a reliable sequence and thereby control which order our scripts run
I'm not yet saying this is a good idea, just that it at least superficially looks like it could work, and would give the desired result. My main concern is that it feels fragile - so as the test suite grows in size it would perhaps become very difficult to maintain. Perhaps another way to do this would be, instead of numbering the scenarios, to instead define them as dependencies, and have something that makes sure that any given script runs after any script it declares itself to be dependent on. That would maybe allow for subsetting of the scripts as well - so you could say "run the bar script" and the framework would know that the bar script needs the foo script run first, and maybe the login script. But it's OK to leave all the other scripts out.
EDIT: I see astrolabe as potentially a good answer here, it looks like it explicitly allows you to modularise your tests. I've just completed a proof of concept with it, and it seems to do everything I might hope. The code for it ends up something like:
* Partial for the page objects associated with clubs
var Page = require('astrolabe').Page;
module.exports = Page.create({
url: { value: 'UI/index.html#clubs' },
title: { get: function() { return this.findElement('title')); } },
description: { get: function() { return this.findElement('description')); } },
clubTableElement: { value: function(rowNum, columnBinding) {
return this.findElement('club in clubs').row(rowNum).column(columnBinding)); } }
* End to end tests for the club functionality
var homePage = require('../home/home.part.scenario.js');
var clubsPage = require('./clubs.part.scenario.js');
describe( 'Navigate to club list page', function() {
it ( 'should allow navigation to the club list page', function() {
expect(clubsPage.title.getText()).toEqual('Club functions');
expect(clubsPage.description.getText()).toEqual('Soon this will show a list of all the clubs, based on information from the server');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'name').getText()).toEqual('First club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('A Person');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'name').getText()).toEqual('Second club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('J Jones');
it ( 'should allow us to go directly to the club list page', function() {
expect(clubsPage.title.getText()).toEqual('Club functions');
expect(clubsPage.description.getText()).toEqual('Soon this will show a list of all the clubs, based on information from the server');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'name').getText()).toEqual('First club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('A Person');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'name').getText()).toEqual('Second club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('J Jones');
I'm pretty happy with this structure, it doesn't do everything but it does most things. The sample code I've provided is from the tutorial that I've been working on for a while with angularjs, which I'm updating for e2e testing and Rails 4 at the moment, if you want the context that goes with that: