Anonymous on Azure Devops Wiki - azure-devops

Is it possible to give anonymous access for foreign people to my Wiki Page on my Azure Devops Project?
I've looking to wiki's permissions, but I didn't found a credential like "anonymous" to it.

Is not possible, I also have asked on Microsoft Boards:

Raphael Hagi's answer is correct, there is no Azure DevOps Wiki 'anonymous' access. However, you can add individuals to the containing Azure DevOps Project as 'stakeholder', achieving no-cost, read-only access (as of 4/2021).


Get GitHub commit contributions from commits to Azure DevOps repository

My wish is to have the contributions I make to a repo in Azure DevOps show up on my GitHub profile.
Is there a way to link this up properly?
The email I use for credentials when authenticating towards Azure DevOps is different than my GitHub connected email.
I have tried to use the same credentials for both but to no avail. Maybe I'm missing something.
Hopefully, someone out there has got this working.
Thanks a bunch in advance!
Firstly, you should understand that GitHub and Azure DevOps are independent systems. Azure DevOps has provided some functions e.g REST API,UI function to get repository from GitHub. But It’s a one-way data transfer from GitHub to Azure DevOps.
There is no supported REST API or UI functions that can sync repo changes from to Azure DevOps to your GitHub according DevOps documents at present.
I am afraid that your GitHub contributions graph can’t get credited when you push a change to the Azure DevOps repo.

How to dynamically manage azure devops users

Do you guys know how to dynamically manage (scripts, API, off-the-shelf solution...) the replacement of members coming from Azure AD with proprietary rights in Azure DevOps organizations and also in Azure DevOps projects (which are inside these organizations)
Thanks for your(s) answer(s)

Azure DevOps organization wide variables for Azure pipelines

I would like to have some Azure DevOps organisation specific configuration settings that can be consumed by Azure Pipelines. So far I have only seen the "library" which is project specific.
Is there anything that I can use on an organisation level?
Thank you
I am afraid there is no out-of-the-box option in azure devops to set the variable group on organization level, variable groups is in Team project level.
Until now, in our official feature suggestion for Azure Devops forum, there has been a such suggestion exist in it: Library of Variable and Task groups shared between all projects. You can comment and vote it there. Our PM and Product Group are reviewing these suggestion regularly and considering take it as plan.
As a workaround, you can use the Azure Key Vault task to pull data from Azure Key Vault. You can have as many Vaults as you like and use in one or all projects.

User named "Azure Boards" in Azure Devops org

In hardening our ADO projects for security, we found that an org-level user named "Azure Boards" has been granted access to all area paths. We haven't yet found documentation on this user, so we're assuming that this is a built-in user that should not be altered. However, as part of hardening we do need to understand more about this user.
The question is: Where is the documentation for the org-level ADO user named Azure Boards (if any)?
Update per comment request:
I cannot find doc to describe this service account, I have raised a new feedback ticket in the GitHub and report it to Microsoft Doc teams, you can follow the ticket to get the latest news, I will continue to check the ticket and If have any achievements, I will inform you here.
This account Azure Boards gets created when you connect Azure Boards to GitHub. It works in the background to support the features that the GitHub connection supports.

How to create an Azure DevOps Organization programmatically

I have the need to be able to create completely new Azure DevOps organizations from scratch. I have tried with azure devops cli but there just seems to be no way to do it.
I already checked MS documentation but it only mentions the manual way through a browser to do so.
Is this even possible?
Is this even possible?
As far as I know it is not possible to create organizations in Azure DevOps programmatically. You can create Projects, Work Items or Teams through Rest API but not Organizations.
In addition, please also refer to Use Azure DevOps REST API to Delete organizations / accounts? Where you can see there isn't a way to automate delete an organization currently too.