UI5: Retrieve and display thousands of items in sap.m.Table - sapui5

There is a relational database (MySQL 8) with tens of thousands of items in the table, which need to be displayed in sap.m.Table. The straight forward approach is to retrieve all the items with SQL-query and to deliver it to the client-side in JSON in an async way. The key drawback of this approach is performance and memory consumption at the client-side. The whole table needs to be displayed on the client-side to provide user and ability to conduct fast searches. This is crucial for the app.
Currently, there are two options:
Fetch top 100 records and push them into the table. This way user can search the last 100 records immediately. At the same time to run an additional query in a web worker, which will take about 2…5 seconds and get all records except those 100. Then, to merge two JSONs.
Keep JSON on the application server as a cached variable and update it when the user adds a new record or deletes a record. Then I fetch the JSON which supposed to be much faster than querying the database.
How can I show in OpenUI5's sap.m.Table thousands of items?

My opinion;
You need to create OData backend for your tables. User can filter or search records with OData capabilities. You don't need to push all data to client, sap.m.Table automatically request rest of data with OData protocol while user scroll the table.

Quick answer you can`t.
Use sap.ui.table or provide a proper odata service with top/skip support as shown here under 4.3 and 4.4.
Based on your backend code(java, abap, node) there are libs to help you.

The SAP recommandation says max 100 datasets for sap.m.Table. In praxis, I would advise to follow the recommendation, even on fast PC the rendering will be slowed down.
If you want to test more than 100 datasets, you need to set the size limit on your oModel like oModel.setSizeLimit(1000);


Delete "views" in Cloudant to make space

I am currently using the Lite version of Cloudant and I have reached the 1GB limit that is offered.
I tried to delete some data but as you can see in the picture below, the actual data in my database is not very heavy.
Most of the space seems to be taken up by views. Does anyone know what this represents and how we can get rid of them such that I can make some space in the database?
Views are secondary indexes generated by map and reduce functions in your design documents. They may have been created by a developer directly, or behind your back if you are using an application such as NodeRed. If you delete a design document, the associated index should be removed, but this may of course affect the functionality of whatever it is using your Cloudant database.
Removing views WILL break any application expecting to find them there. Think carefully if this is really what you want to do. You should think about backing up your data first (https://github.com/cloudant/couchbackup).
Views are stored in design documents. They are documents where the id starts with _design. You can list design docs using curl:
% curl 'https://USER:PASS#USER.cloudant.com/DATABASE_all_docs?startkey="_design/"&endkey="_design0"'
You can then delete those with a curl -XDELETE ... -- or you can do it via the Cloudant dashboard.

Entity Framework - add or subtract set amount from DB field

I am working on my first project using an ORM (currently using Entiry Framework, although that's not set in stone) and am unsure what is the best practice when I need to add or subtract a given amount from a database field, when I am not interested in the new value and I know the field in question is frequently updated, so concurrency conflicts are a concern.
For example, in a retail system where I am recording a sale, as well as creating records for the sale and each of the line items, I need to update the quantity on hand of the items sold. It seems unnecessary to query the database for the existing quantity on hand, just so that I can populate the entity model before saving the updated quantity - and in the time taken for that round-trip, there is a chance that the same item will have been sold through another checkout or the website, so I either have a conflict or (if using a transaction) the other sale is blocked until I complete my update.
In SQL I would simply write
UPDATE Item SET Quantity=Quantity-1 WHERE ...
It seems the best option in this case is to fall back to ADO.NET + stored procedure for this one update, but is there a better way within Entity Framework?
You're right. ORMs are specialized in tracking changes to each individual entity, and applying those changes to the DB individually. Some ORMs support sending thechanges in btaches, but, even so, to modify all the records in a table implies reading them all, modifyng each one, and sending the changes back to the DB as individual UPDATEs.
And that's a big no-no! as you have corectly thought. It implies loading all the rows into memory, modifying all of them, track their changes, and send them back to the DB as indivudal updates, which is way more expensive that running a single UPDATE on the DB.
As to the final question, to run a SQL command you don't need to use traditional ADO.NET. You can run SQL queries directly from an EF DbContext using ExecuteSqlCommand like this:
MyDbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand('Your SQL here!!');
I recommend you to look at the MSDN docs for Database class, to learn all the things that can be done, for example managing transactions, executing commands that return no data (as the previous example) or executing queries that return data, and even mapping them to entities (classes) in your model: SqlQuery().
So you can run SQL commands and queries without using a different technology.

Tableau - How to query large data sources efficiently?

I am new to Tableau, and having performance issues and need some help. I have a query that joins several large tables. I am using a live data connection to a MySQL db.
The issue I am having is that it is not applying the filter criteria before asking MySQL for the data. So it is essentially doing a SELECT * from my query and not applying the filter criteria to the where clause. It pulls all the data from MySQL db back to Tableau, then throws away the un-needed data based on my filter criteria. My two main filter criteria are on account_id and a date range.
I can cleanly get a list of the accounts from just doing a select from my account table to populate the filter list, then need to know how to apply that selection when it goes to pull the data from the main data query from MySQL.
To apply a filter at the data source first, try using context filters.
Performance can also be improved by using extracts.
I would personally use an extract, go into your MySQL DB Back-end, run the query, and a CREATE TABLE extract1 AS statement, or whatever you want to call your data table.
When you import this table into Tableau it will already have a SELECT * of your aggregate data in the workbook. From here your query efficiency will be increased ten fold.
Unfortunately, it's going to take awhile for Tableau processing time + mySQL backend DB query time = Ntime to process your data.
Try the extracts...
I've been struggling with the very same thing. I have found that the tableau extracts aren't any faster than pulling directly from a SQL table. What I have done is within SQL created tables that already have the filtered data in them, so the Select * will have only the needed data. The downside to this is it takes up more space on the server, but this isn't a problem on my side.
For the Large Data sets Tableau recommend using an Extract.
An extract will create a snapshot of the data that you are connected with and processing on this data will be faster than a live connection.
All the charts and visualization will load faster and saves your time, each time when you go to the Dashboard.
For the filters that you are using to filter the data-set will work faster in an extract connection. But to get the latest data you have to refresh the extract or schedule a refresh in the server ( if you are uploading the report to server).
There are multiple type of filters available in Tableau, the use of which depends on your application, context filters and global filters can be use to filter the whole set of data.

How to handle syncing a user's db with a master db on a server?

So I'm planning an app that will involve having a master db on a server, lets say 3,000 CDs, with the columns Title, Artist, and Release Date.
1)When a user adds a CD to their collection, it will add it to the apps local SQLite DB. But lets say I spelled a CD title wrong, so I make an update to it. When the user goes to sync, how should I go about handling an updated row? Should I have a column 'IsUpdated' that is just a numeric value that increase by one every time I update that row? That way when the app sees IsUpdated on the server is larger than the local IsUpdated for that particular item, it will now to replace the contents. Does that make sense? Is it even practical? What other option would there be?
2) How would I do about handling the addition of brand new columns? Like adding a Barcode or Price? Do I just push an update for the app that adds the new columns locally, then do the same on the server, and let the rest take its run? Which would also trickle to number 1 with the syncing issue.
First you have to give more detail than that. Is the entire 3000 master list also replicated down to the remote db?
Sounds like it.
Ok so if that the case, this isn't a DB design issue so much as it is replication.
It's a bad idea to update every row in a table, especially one that makes the row longer. You'll be better off just dropping the table and recreating. <--- that's how it works in RDBMS on servers, no idea if that concept changes on a client db. And now we get into more iPhone questions of replication than simple db replication. Would it be better to just republish the app? Is the user data segregated from the server data. Can DDL be done on the local/remote tables after published?
Instead of searching the entire list for changes as you outline in #1. I would keep a dated delta table. The local app would store a last_updated_Datetime, any records in the delta table after that datetime would need to be brought down. Once downloaded the local system can determine how to apply them. Again this is inappropriate for mass changes.

What applications do you use for data entry and retrieval via ODBC?

What apps or tools do you use for data entry into your database? I'm trying to improve our existing (cumbersome) system that uses a php web based system for entering data one ... item ... at ... a ... time.
My current solution to this is to use a spreadsheet. It works well with text and numbers that are human readable, but not with foreign keys that are used to join with the other table's rows.
Imagine that I want a row of data to include what city someone lives in. The column holding this is id_city, which is keyed to the "city" table which has two columns: id (serial) and name (text).
I envision being able to extend the spreadsheet capabilities to include dropdown menu's for every row of the id_city column that would allow the user to select which city (displaying the text of the city names), but actually storing the city id chosen. This way, the spreadsheet would:
(1) show a great deal of data on each screen and
(2) could be exported as a csv file and thrown to our existing scripts that manually insert rows into the database.
I have been playing around with MS Excel and Access, as well as OpenOffice's suite, but have not found something that gives me the functionality I mention above.
Other items on my wish-list:
(1) dynamically fetch the name of cities that can be selected by the user.
(2) allow the user to push the data directly into the backend (not via external files/scripts.
(3) If any of the columns of the rows of data gets changed in the backend, the user could refresh the data on the screen to reflect any recent changes.
Do you know how I could improve the process of data entry? What tools do you use? I use PostgreSQL for the backend and have access to MS Office, OpenOffice, as well as web based solutions. I would love a solution that is flexible, powerful, and doesn't require much time to develop or deploy (I know, dream on...)
I know that pgAdmin3 has similar functionality, but from what I have seen, it is more of an administrative tool rather than something for users to use.
As j_random_hacker noted, I've used MS Access for years (since Access 97) to connect to an ODBC Data Source.
You can do this via linking to external tables: (in Access 2010:)
New -> Blank Database
External Data -> ODBC Database -> Link to Data Source
Machine Data Source -> New -> System Data Source -> Select Driver (Oracle, or whatever) -> Finish
Enter a new name for your DSN, the all of the connection parameters, then click OK
Select newly created DSN, hit ok.
You can do so much once Access sees your external table as a linked table, including sorting, filtering, etc. There's one caveat: as far as I can tell, ALL operations happen on the client side unless you're using a pass-through query. That's fine if you're looking at a table with 3000 records. With 2,000,000 records, that hurts. To be clear, all data in the table comes down to the workstation, for all tables being joined, and the join happens client-side, NOT server-side.
There are usually standalone tools for basic database management - e.g., for Oracle and MySQL a free tool called SQL Developer suffices for basic database data entry.
For more complex types (especially involving clobs) I can usually knock an application together in Java+SWT in a day if we already have the model and DAOs available on the Java side. Yeah, you have to put some effort in, but if it will be used regularly in the future then it is probably worth it.
In your case (well, the case where you have bulk imports of data) knocking up some Perl that reads from the CSV and does the city id lookup would be trivial to implement. Maybe a waste for a one-off thing? Depends on the amount of data to import.
I would be surprised if MS Access can't do what you're looking for -- this is basically the exact use case for it. Namely, quickly throwing together a nice UI for a simple CRUD DB application that a spreadsheet doesn't quite stretch to.
This is an answer, technically, but not a recommendation:
I've used Excel and SSIS for importing simple data entry files into MS SQL, but it's not adequate - there's very little ability to control the data, and SSIS is so very touchy, especially when working with Excel.
MS Access does not work well with some non-Microsoft databases. There is an open-source equivalent called Apache OpenOffice Base you may want to try.