Do we have any sample ui integration tests for vscode extensions - visual-studio-code

I am trying to write e2e integration tests for a vscode extension. I didn't find any ui integration tests. Can you please provide me the links if any

I recommend using extensions/vscode-api-tests/src/singlefolder-tests/editor.test.ts in the vscode sources as a starting point for integration tests. If that particular test isn't quite what you want, there are a bunch of tests adjacent to it that might be.
See also this answer I gave to a related question about using the API from within tests.


Requirements coverage using pytest

We use LabGrid for our testing, which is based on pytest. I would like to do some requirements coverage measuring. All the searches on covertage for pytest, ends up in line coverage for python and that is not what I want.
Actually I'm not testing python code at all, but remotely testing features on an embedded target.
Now my idea was to create a marker for each test function with an URL to a requirement (eg in Jira). Now when a requirement is identified, then first thing to do is to add an empty test case in the pytest, and mark it as skipped (or some not tested).
After running the test, a report could be generated, telling the total coverage, with links. This would require the information being dumped into the junit.xml file.
In this way I get a tight link between the test and the requirement, bound in the test code.
Now anybody knows of some markers which could help do this. Or even some projects which has gotten a similar idea.
we are using a marker which we create by ourselves:
Afterwards we analyzing the test run with self written script.
Using some pytest hooks, collecting the marker, checking JIRA via python api and creating metrics out of it (we are using Testspace).
Not found a way to add this marker to junit report.
Link to JIRA can be done in different ways,
using SPHINX docu and link the Jira id automatically from test
case description to Jira
use the python script, which analyze the requirements coverage
and create a link to Jira.
hope that helps

UI integration tests for vscode extensions

I want to implement end to end testing for my vscode extension. For command we implemented in package.json & run tasks intergated that takes input parameter as pickString, promptString, etc. How to write intergation test case to pick UI elements in vscode?
Do we have any sample UI integration tests for vscode extensions?
I was facing the same problem with an extension I am working on.
You should check the vscode docs on testing as they have a way to run tests.
Another project I have been working on is a way to run tests using That enabled me to write more functional test cases. I am still exploring best practices for that, but if you are interested here is my blog post:
and some boilerplate code that I have on github:

Testing autocompletion in an Eclipse plugin

I am working on an Eclipse Plug-in which provides property auto-completions with a ICompletionProposalComputer contributed via the org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.completionProposal.
I'd like to create automated tests for the functionality but have no idea where to start. How can I write automated tests for my proposal computer?
Some time ago a colleague and I had a similar problem while implementing a IContentAssistProcessor for a SourceViewer based editor in a console view.
We started with an integration test that simulated a Ctrl+Space key stroke within the console editor and expected a shell with a table that holds the proposal(s) to show up.
Here is such a test case: ConsoleContentAssistPDETest. It uses a ConsoleBot that encapusulates the key stroke simulation and a custom AssertJ assertion that hides the details of waiting for the shell to open and finding the table, etc. (ConsoleAssert)
With such a test in place we were able to implement a walking skeleton. We developed individual parts of the content proposal code test-driven with unit tests.
Instead of writing your own bot you may also look into SWTBot which provides an API to write UI/functional tests.
I ended up writing a simple SWTBot test. Once I have the editor open, it's pretty simple to get a list of autocompletions:
editor.insertText("<html>\n<div ></div>\n</html>");
editor.navigateTo(1, 5);

Automated testing developer environments

We use gradle as our build tool and use the idea plugin to be able to generate the project/module files. The process for a new developer on the project would look like this:
pull from source control.
run 'gradle idea'.
open idea and be able to develop without any further setup.
This all works nicely, but generally only gets exercised when a new developer joins or someone gets a new machine. I would really like to automate the testing of this more frequently in the same way we automate our unit/integration tests as part of our continuous integration process.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if there is any libraries for doing this kind of thing?
You can also substitue idea for eclipse as we have a similar process for those that prefer using eclipse.
The second step (with or without step one) is easy to smoke test (just execute the task as part of a CI build), the third one less so. However, if you are following best practices and regenerate IDEA files rather than committing them to source control, developers will likely perform both steps more or less regularly (e.g. every time a dependency changes).
As Peter noted, the real challenge is step #3. The first 2 ones are solved by your SCM plugin and gradle task. You could try automating the last task by doing something like this
identify the proper command line option, on your platform, that opens a specified intellij project from the command line
find a simple good enough scenario that could validate that the generated project is working as it should. E.g. make a clean then build. Make sure you can reproduce these steps using keyboard shortcuts only. Validation could be made by validating either produced artifacts or test result reports, etc
use an external library, like Robot, to program the starting of intellij and the running of your keyboards. Here's a simple example with Robot. Use a dynamic language with inbuilt console instead of pure Java for that, it will speed your scripting a lot...
Another idea would be to include a daemon plugin in intellij to pass back the commands from external CLI. Otherwise take contact with the intellij team, they may have something to ease your work here.
beware of false negatives: any failure could be caused by external issues, like project instability. Try to make sure you only build from a validated working project...
beware of false positives: any assumption / unchecked result code could hide issues. Make sure you clean properly the workspace, installation, to have a repeatable state and standard scenario matching first use.
Final thoughts: while interesting from a theoretical angle, this automation exercise may not bring all the required results, i.e. the validation of the platform. Still it's an interesting learning experience and could serve as a material for a nice short talk, especially if you find out interesting stuff. Make it a beer challenger with your team when you have a few idle hours to try to see who can implement the fastest a working solution ;) Good luck!

Writing Logs/results or generating reports using Selenium C# API

I am testing the web application using Selenium RC. All things works fine and I have written many test cases and executing these test cases using Nunit.
Now the hurdle that I am facing is how to keep track of failures or how to generate the Reports?
Please advice which could be best way to capture this.
Because you're using NUnit you'll want to use NUnits reporting facilities. If the GUI runner is enough, that's great. But if you're running from the command line, or NAnt, you'll want to use the XML output take a look at the NAnt documentation for more information.
If you're using Nant you'll want to look at NUnit2Report. It's nolonger maintained, but it may suit your needs. Alternatively, you could extract it's XSLT files and apply it against the XML output.
Selenium itself doesn't have report because it is only a library used by many different languages.
For anyone else happening randomly into this question, the 'nunit2report' task is now available in NAntContrib.
NantContrib Nunit2report task