Get current frame of playing video in Flutter - flutter

I am using a combination of video_player and chewie packages in flutter to play a video in my app.
The documentation does not tell anything about video frames, so I was wondering if anyone has a method to get the current playing frame on a playing video. Or if that is even possible.


How to integrate video player with quality option in flutter?

Want to integrate video player with diffrent quality option with below url in flutter
Also, guide me on video player and streaming concept.
Hi You can use this plugin to ``Video-player to achieve it. They provide a option for video playback controller and video player options.

Preview video taken with camera on Flutter web

I have just implemented taking videos with the camera plugin on Flutter Web. After I stop recording, there's no way to show the users the video they have just recorded. The video player plugin won't play files on Flutter web, is there any other way to go about this?

Is it possible to play a video in Flutter backwards?

I'm using video_player plugin and can't find an option to play a video backwards.
Is there a different plugin with that functionality?
Specifically, I'm trying to create a video loop, where the video plays forward and then backwards

Flutter video player quality control for hls videos

I am developing a video player app using flutter. In this app, there will be a section for video streaming(HLS). I am using video_player package of Flutter for it, but there is no option to change the quality(1080p, 720p, 240p etc.). How can I implement video quality selection in video_player package?

Is it possible to get video frame by frame using video_player in flutter?

I am working on one of the flutter applications where I want to fetch a video frame by frame using the video_player plugin. Is this possible to do so? or is there any other way for the same.