Energy Consumption in Anylogic - anylogic

I would like to analyse the electrical energy consumed by a furnace in a conveyor system. Is there a method or specific function to do this using Anylogic?
I've found little material surrounding this, so pointing in the right direction would be great.

Simple answer: There is no build-in functionality. But you can easily do this yourself.
If you want very high accuracy, you should check system dynamics (but this slows your model quite a bit).
If you want a simple approach, I can think of this:
create a variable elecConsumptionPerMin in your furnace agent
create an event consumeElec in your furnace that cyclically (every minute) adds to the total furnace consumption (another variable)
on model startup, ideally set myFurnace.consumeElec.suspend()
when the furnace starts producing, call ´myFurnace.consumeElec.resume()` to start consuming enegery
Obviously, you can refine this to the nth degree and you might also want to experiment with state charts. But this is the simple approach


System dynamics SEIR infectious curve for 3 waves of Covid

Using system dynamics on anylogic how can you model a simulation that will give an infectious curve of this nature(Below picture) using SEIR.
enter image description here
I have tried to simulate, however my graph goes up and down. It does not oscillate as per the attached picture.
I need to simulate something similar to the graph for my assingment.
There should be three types of events in your model.
First, lets call it "initial spread", is triggered on the start of your simulation.
Second, lets call it "winter season", is triggered annualy in November\December.
Third, lets call it "mass vaccination" - you can decide when to trigger it and for what selection of your agents.
So first two are kind of global events, and the third event is specific to some sub-population (this can make the third wave kind of "toothy" if you trigger it in slightly different moments for different populations).
That is pretty it.
Curios to see how your model will predict the fourth wave - second winter season of your simulation. So keep us updated :)
There are a number of ways to model this. One of the simplest ways is to simply use a time aspect for one of your infection rate parameters so that the infection rate increases or decreases with time.
See the example below.
I took the SIR model from the Cloud
And simply added an event to change the Infectivity rate using an event.
Changing the chart to only show infected people the result now looked something like this.
(See the 3 waves that were created)
You will obviously use a parameters optimization experiment to get the parameter settings as close to reality as possible

Is there a way to record when (and how often) Transporters get within a certain distance of each other?

I have an AnyLogic simulation model using trucks and forklifts as agents (Transporter type), and among other things would like to identify each time one of them becomes within a certain distance of another one (example within 5 meters). I will record this count as a variable within the main space of the model. I am using path-guided navigation.
I have seen a method "agentsInRange" which will probably be able to do the trick, but am not sure where to call this from. I assume I should be able to use the AL functionality of "Min distance to obstacle" (TransporterFleet) and "Collision detection timeout" (TransporterControl)?
Thanks in advance!
Since there don't seem to be pre-built functions for this, afaik, the easiest way is to:
add an int variable to your transporter agent type counter
add an event to your transporter type checkCollision that triggers every second or so
in the event, loop across the entire population of transporters and count the number that are closer than X meters (use distanceTo(otherTransporter) and write your own custom code)
add that number to counter
Note that this might be very inefficient computationally as it is quite brute-force. But might be good enough :)

How to make Anylogic simulations run faster?

I have a model with agents: cars, passengers and petrol stations. The population size of the cars is 500 and there are 5 petrol stations. The passengers here are generated randomly and I have capped the passengers on the map to be at a maximum of 500 at any point in time (the limit here is set to be the same as the population size of the cars).
However, the simulation speed is running really slow (like 1-2s/sec) on virtual mode. Could this be due to the complicated model built or are there any ways on how we can speed up the running time of the simulation?
Many factors can slow your model, here are just some ideas:
Do you use Pedestrian agent types for your passengers? Try not to, unless ped dynamics are crucial
do you use conditional transitions? They are evualated at every event in the model and can slow it. You can always replace them with message-based transitions easily
Do you use the road traffic library? Again, only apply it if car dynamics are really necessary, else revert to the process library
Do you read/write a lot of data during the sim run to the dbase or an external file? Avoid that and do it at the start/end
Also, it could just be inefficient coding. You can check that using a Java profiler. Easiest is to use the one that comes with any Java JDK.
Good luck

AnyLogic: How to set pedestrian comfortable speed beyond the range

I got the problem of the pedestrian library. I would like to use the pedestrian library to simulate the behavior of the vehicle, therefore, I would like to set the comfortable speed of the agent to be, say 70km/h. However, there is an error saying the speed has to be within [0mps, 10mps]. Is there any way to set whatever speed I want?
Thank you,
First why don't you use the road traffic library? But you must have your reasons.
You can't change the maximum speed value, but what you can do, which is not a very elegant solution, but a solution nonetheless, is to change the time scale of your model. There is no direct option for that, so you basically have to create your own clock that runs your way.
So for instance, if you want your car to move at 20mps, you choose 10 mps as the comfortable speed and you have the transformation customTime(time())=0.5*time(), where custom time is your own function.
So every time 1 second passes in the simulation, in your custom clock only 0.5 seconds will pass... You just have to take care of the statistics you are collecting so they fit your time scale.
Also, you will have to change everything according to your clock in your model, because Anylogic will continue showing you things in normal seconds.
Hope that helps :)

Controlling events in a hybrid Modelica model

I am confused by the hybrid modelling paradigm in Modelica. On one hand, events are useful, on the other hand, they are to be avoided. Let me explain my case:
I have a large model consisting of multiple buildings in a neighborhood that is simulated over 1 year. Initially, the model ran very slow. Adding noEvent() around as many if-conditions as possible drastically improved the speed.
As the development continued, the control of the model got more complicated, and I have again many events, sometimes at very short intervals. To give an idea:
Number of (model) time events : 28170
Number of (U) time events : 0
Number of state events : 22572
Number of step events : 0
These events blow up the output (for correct post-processing I need the variables at events) and slows the simulation. And moreover, I have the feeling that some of the noEvent(if...) lead to unexpected behavior.
I wonder if it would be a solution to force my events at certain time steps and prohibit them in between these time steps? Ideally, I would like to trigger these 'forced events' based on certain conditions. For example: during the day they should be every 15 minutes, at high solar radiation at every minute, during nights I don't want events at all.
Is this a good idea to do? I guess this will be faster as many of the state events will become time events? How can this be done with Modelica 3.2 (in Dymola)?
Thanks on beforehand for all answers.
A few comments.
First, if you have a simulation with lots of events (relative to the total duration of the simulation), the first thing I would encourage you to do is use a lower order integrator. The point here is that higher-order integrators normally allow you to take longer time steps. But if those steps are constantly truncated by events, they just end up being really expensive.
Second, you could try fixed-step integrators. Depending on the tool, they may implement this kind of "pool events and fire them all at once" kind of approach in the context of fixed-time step integrators. But the specification doesn't really say anything on how tools should deal with events that occur between fixed time steps.
Third, another way to approach this would be to "pool" your events yourself. The simplest way I could imagine doing this would be to take all the statements that currently generate events and wrap them in a "when sample(...,...) then" statement. This way, you could make sure that the events were only triggered at specific intervals. This would be more portable then the fixed time step approach. I think this is what you were actually proposing in your question but it is important to point out that it should not be based on time steps (the model has no concept of a time step) but rather on a model specified sampling interval (which will, in practice, be completely independent of time steps).
As you point out, using "sample(...,...)" will turn these into time events and, yes, this should be faster.