Using Spring Cloud Contract in order to test frontend to backend interactions - wiremock

I would like to use Spring Cloud Contract ( in order to test frontend to backend interactions: especially to catch such errors as 400 http errors.
I was able to run my stubs with the spring cloud contract stub runner. However I noticed that when the actual backend would return a 400, the running stubs return a 404 not found error.
Here is my contract:
description: |
Signup use case
a user signs up
the sign up request is valid
the user is signed up
method: POST
url: /api/signup
userAccountType: PARENTS
firstName: John
plainPassword: secret
placeId: 'an_id'
description: '10 Downing Street'
Content-Type: application/json
status: 200
If my frontend (i.e. Angular) just issues a Http POST with, say the email field missing, then I expect the running stubs to return a 400.
I would be grateful if someone could share best practices or tips in order to better leverage Spring Cloud Contract for the purpose of frontend/backend tests.

Although I agree with what Marcin said in the comments...
If you get 404 that means that WireMock couldn't find a stub. That means that your request >was not matched with a WireMock stub.
You should create another contract [for each invalid request] with [a] missing field and >mark it with status code 400
... there might be a way to cheat a little bit with priority
You could create a low-priority contract for any request that hits the correct URL to returns 400. On its own, this means every call to that URL would return a 400.
Then create contracts that hit the right URL with the right parameters to return 200 and the expected response and set their priority to high. Since these contracts overlap, the priority ensures that the 200 gets returned and not the 400.
Any other URL will still return 404.
Disclaimer: I have not actually tried this out myself.


Should badly formed body in POST, PUT, PATCH request to unknown resource return 400 or 404?

When making a POST, PUT, PATCH request with badly formed body (e.g. wrong types, missing required fields) to an unknown endpoint, should that return 404 or 400?
There exists an endpoint /resource/:resourceId.
There exists a resource with resourcedId: 1.
Endpoint requires 2 fields for PUT request. enable: boolean and count: number.
Client makes the following request PUT /resource/2 with body { enable: 7 }.
Should the server return 404 (because resource with resourceId: 2 does not exist) or 400 (because body is in invalid format)?
The first check you should make is whether the request launched by your client is well formed.
If it's not well-formed, you should return a 400 Bad Request Error, preventing it from going beyond your controller.
In case the request is well formed, you allow it to access your business logic layer and if it does not find the resource it is looking for (in your case the '2') then you must return a 404 Not Found Error.
In case of doubt, you have a lot of documentation about HTTP codes, I leave you for example this documentation from wikipedia
HTTP codes

API design - Optional body in client request - Status code to return if validation fails

In our API, one of the endpoint will expect clients to provide body/payload only in certain scenario.
If the API is unable to generate a payload for given request based on the origin of the client then, we want our API to provide response with the right status code to the client, so that they know they have to provide additional information. Once the client fulfills the request with body/payload then the api will process the request as normal.
I just wanted to know is there any standard, predefined status code or procedure to implement this kind of endpoint in API design or do we have to just reject the request with some custom status code and then ask the client to implement a logic based on custom code?.
HTTP Status codes don't, nor are they intended to, map precisely against every real world error. They represent categories of error.
For example, a 404 means that the resource couldn't be found, but if your path is /customers/11/animals/5 then there are several things which could be wrong with the path. customer 11 may not have an animal 5 for example, or there may be no customer 11. There is no http response for "animal not found". Or your API may not have any calls with that pattern of URL to begin with.
You should return a status code which represents what "category" of error you have (in this case, something was not found), and the response body should contain more specific details about the error. To make things simpler, I find it helpful if the data structure is the same for a success and error (it makes parsing much easier) with a "data" field which varies per response.
Here is one example:
status code: 404 not found
body: {
"messageDetailCode" :"CustomerNotFound",
"messageDetail" : "Customer not found",
"data" : null
Further reading:
What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

What status code should I response with when there is no data found in my database

I am wondering what status code would I response with in my else statement from the code below:
if (album) {
res.status(200).json({error: false, data: {channel_id: album.attributes.channel_id, id:}});
} else {
res.status(200).json({error: false, data: {message: 'There is not album found with this name'}});
I don't want to leave both of them 200 as I want from front end to manage messaged thru status code, for ex if it returns 200 I would say "Created Successfully" while in else case I would display "No data found".
What is your suggestion?
"No data found" should be 404.
"Created Successfully" should be 201.
For the 201 you should also specify a Location header for where another request can access the new resource.
I thought I'd expand on this, because the comments below point to thought processes I've battled with myself.
GET /some/thing responding 404 Not Found may mean a database entity not found, but could also mean there is no such API end point. HTTP itself doesn't do much to help differentiate these cases. The URL represents a resource. It's not a thing in itself to be considered differently from the thing it represents.
Some APIs respond 400 when a request is made to a non-existant endpoint, but personally I don't like this as it seems to contradict the way web servers respond to normal resource requests. It could also confuse developers building client applications, as it suggests something is wrong in the HTTP transport rather than in their own code.
Suppose you decide to use 404 for missing database entities and 400 for what you consider bad requests. This may work for you, but as your application grows you'll uncover more and more scenarios that simple status codes just can't communicate on their own. And this is my point..
My suggestion is that all API responses carry meaningful data in the body. (JSON or XML, or whatever you're using). A request for an invalid url may look like:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
{ "error": "no_endpoint", "errorText":"No such API end point" }
Although, I agree with above post, I would also consider HTTP status 200 for some cases.
For example, you have Post and Post_Comments entities. When you request comments for give Post Id, you can have either have 404 (an error which you then need to handle on your REST API consumer side) or 200 which means that everything is OK and an empty array is returned. In the HTTP status 200 case, you do not need to handle an error. As an example, see how FB treats HTTP codes

What should a RESTful API POST/DELETE return in the body?

To follow and unfollow a person via a RESTful API, I have
POST /person/bob/follow
DELETE /person/bob/follow
What should these return in the body?
A collection of everyone you follow
The person you just followed / unfollowed
A status like { status: "ok" }
If you respond on errors using a HTTP server status, the status code does not say anything. If you respond with a 404 Not Found if there is no user Bob, or a 500 Internal Server Error if the database is broken, the only successful response you will ever get is OK. Users do not have to check the status code, they only have to check the HTTP status code.
I suggest you return nothing, and the fact that it is a successful response (i.e. 200 OK or 204 No Content) indicates that the operation was successful.
It all depends on your app/API design and the contract you are gonna define with the client/callers. But generally, in all the cases you should return status code to make your client aware of the result.
Like: respond(ResponseCode::OK, ...)
For POST: I'd return 'bob' object containing all of his followers + status code
For DELETE: I'd only return the status code.
Generally, for an API, I'm apologist to use the HTTP status codes instead of always OK with a code defined status.
This means that you can follow the existing standards for answers, and anyone who gets an error code will know roughly what happened/what they have to do.
Take a look at the wiki article http status codes for a usable reference manual.
Also, together with the error code, and because is an API we are talking about, it is useful to have a more descriptive message about the error. Something meaningful like error: "Auth token missing", or whatever standard you might come up with.
When it comes to creating resources, I generally answer back with 201 (Created) and the resource just created. Keep in mind that you might want to exclude some attributes from the resource (e.g. You're creating a user, you shouldn't return sensitive info such as the encrypted password)
Regarding the deletion of resources, generally return with either 200 (Ok) or 202 (Accepted) and no extra info.
Nevertheless, As #yek mentioned, it highly depends on the commitment with the API consumer. The most important thing is that you document the API decently and explain what should be the expectations.

Picking HTTP status codes for errors from REST-ful services

When a client invokes my REST-ful service, it needs to know if the response came back was 'from me' or rather a diagnosis from the containing web server that something awful happened.
One theory is that, if my code is called, it should always return an HTTP OK(=200), and any errors I've got to return should be just represented in the data I return. After all, it's my code that gets the response, not the naked browser.
Somewhat self-evidently, if I'm using REST to generate HTML read directly by a browser, I absolutely must return an error code if there's an error. In the case I care about, it's always Javascript or Java that is interpreting the entrails of the response.
Another possibility is that there is some family of HTTP status codes that I could return with a high confidence that it/they would never be generated by a problem in the surrounding container. Is this the case?
I use the following:
200 OK
400 Bad Request (when input criteria not correct)
202 Accepted (returned by authorization method)
401 Unauthorized (also returned by authorization)
201 Created (when creating a new resource; I also set the location header)
400 Bad Request (when data for creating new entity is invalid or transaction rollback)
Same as POST
201 Ok
400 Bad Request
200 OK
404 Not Found (same as GET)
I would not know how to avoid that some container returns codes like 404.
4xx codes are meant to handle client errors along with possibly some entity that describes the problem in detail (and thus would mean a combination of both of your mentioned approaches). Since REST relies on HTTP and the according semantics of status as well as methods, always returning 200 in any possible case is a violation of this principle in my opinion.
If you for instance have a request such as which represents a bar ressource with id=123 and you return 200 with some content, the client has no chance to figure out if this was the intended response or some sort of error that occured. Therefore one should try to map error conditions to status codes as discussed in REST: Mapping application errors to HTTP Status codes for example.