how to do 3D number-density scatter plot using given data? - matlab

I have a cubic box with the size of, lets say 300 in each direction. I have some data (contains X,Y,Z coordinates) which represent the distribution of nearly 1 million data-points within this box. I want to specify a color to their Number density (its an intensive quantity used to describe the degree of concentration of countable objects in this case data-points). In another word, Using color to illustrate which part is more condensed in terms of data-points rather than the other parts. The index for the color-bar in the final image should represent the percentage of data-points specified with that color.
I have tried to do it by dividing the whole space in cubic box to 1 million smaller cube (each cube has a length of 3 in all direction). By counting the number of particles within those cube, I will know how they distributed in the box and the number of existed data-points within. Then I can specify a color to them which I wasn’t successful in counting and specifying. Any suggestion is appreciated.
%reading the files
[FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile('H:\*.txt','MultiSelect','on');
numfiles = size(FileName,2);%('C:\final1.txt');
for ii = 1:numfiles
entirefile = fullfile(PathName,FileName{ii});
a = importdata(entirefile);
x = a(:,2);
y = a(:,3);
z = a(:,4);
for jj = 2:size(X,2)
%for kk=1:m
if x(:)<X(jj) & y(:)<X(jj) & z(:)<X(jj)
scatter3(x, y, z, 'filled', 'MarkerSize', 20);
cb = colorbar();
cb.Label.String = 'Probability density estimate';
I need to get a similar result like the following image. but I need the percentage of data-point specified by each color. Thanks in advance.
Here is a link to a sampled data.

Here is a way to count the 3D density of a point cloud. Although I am affraid the sample data you provided do not yield the same 3D distribution than on your example image.
To count the density, the approach is broken down in several steps:
Calculate a 2D density in the [X,Y] plane: This counts the number of points laying in each (x,y) bin. However, at this stage this number of point incorporates all the Z column for a given bin.
For each non-empty (x,y) bin, calculate the distribution along the Z column. We now have the number of point falling in each (x,y,z) bin. Counting the density/percentage is simply done by dividing each count by the total number of points.
Now for each non-empty (x,y,z) bin, we identify the linear indices of the points belonging to this bin. We then assign the bin value (color, percentage, or any value associated to this bin) to all the identified points.
display the results.
In code, it goes like this:
%% Import sample data
entirefile = '1565015520323.txt' ;
a = importdata(entirefile);
x = a(:,1);
y = a(:,2);
z = a(:,3);
npt = numel(x) ; % Total Number of Points
%% Define domain and grid parameters
nbins = 100 ;
maxDim = 300 ;
binEdges = linspace(0,maxDim,nbins+1) ;
%% Count density
% we start counting density along in the [X,Y] plane (Z axis aglomerated)
[Nz,binEdges,~,binX,binY] = histcounts2(y,x,binEdges,binEdges) ;
% preallocate 3D containers
N3d = zeros(nbins,nbins,nbins) ; % 3D matrix containing the counts
Npc = zeros(nbins,nbins,nbins) ; % 3D matrix containing the percentages
colorpc = zeros(npt,1) ; % 1D vector containing the percentages
% we do not want to loop on every block of the domain because:
% - depending on the grid size there can be many
% - a large number of them can be empty
% So we first find the [X,Y] blocks which are not empty, we'll only loop on
% these blocks.
validbins = find(Nz) ; % find the indices of non-empty blocks
[xbins,ybins] = ind2sub([nbins,nbins],validbins) ; % convert linear indices to 2d indices
nv = numel(xbins) ; % number of block to process
% Now for each [X,Y] block, we get the distribution over a [Z] column and
% assign the results to the full 3D matrices
for k=1:nv
% this block coordinates
xbin = xbins(k) ;
ybin = ybins(k) ;
% find linear indices of the `x` and `y` values which are located into this block
idx = find( binX==xbin & binY==ybin ) ;
% make a subset with the corresponding 'z' value
subZ = z(idx) ;
% find the distribution and assign to 3D matrices
[Nz,~,zbins] = histcounts( subZ , binEdges ) ;
N3d(xbin,ybin,:) = Nz ; % total counts for this block
Npc(xbin,ybin,:) = Nz ./ npt ; % density % for this block
% Now we have to assign this value (color or percentage) to all the points
% which were found in the blocks
vzbins = find(Nz) ;
for kz=1:numel(vzbins)
thisColorpc = Nz(vzbins(kz)) ./ npt * 100 ;
idz = find( zbins==vzbins(kz) ) ;
idx3d = idx(idz) ;
colorpc(idx3d) = thisColorpc ;
assert( sum(sum(sum(N3d))) == npt ) % double check we counted everything
%% Display final result
hs=scatter3(x, y, z, 3 , colorpc ,'filled' );
cb = colorbar ;
cb.Label.String = 'Probability density estimate';
As I said at the beginning, the result is slightly different than your example image. This sample set yields the following distribution:
If you want a way to "double check" that the results are not garbage, you can look at the 2D density results on each axis, and check that it matches the apparent distribution of your points:
%% Verify on 3 axis:
Nz = histcounts2(y,x,binEdges,binEdges) ./ npt *100 ;
Nx = histcounts2(z,y,binEdges,binEdges) ./ npt *100 ;
Ny = histcounts2(x,z,binEdges,binEdges) ./ npt *100 ;
ax1=subplot(1,3,1) ; bz = plotDensity(Nz,ax1) ; xlabel('X'),ylabel('Y') ;
ax2=subplot(1,3,2) ; bx = plotDensity(Nx,ax2) ; xlabel('Y'),ylabel('Z') ;
ax3=subplot(1,3,3) ; by = plotDensity(Ny,ax3) ; xlabel('Z'),ylabel('X') ;
Click on the image to see it larger:
The code for plotDensity.m:
function hp = plotDensity(Ndist,hax)
if nargin<2 ; hax = axes ; end
hp = bar3(Ndist,'Parent',hax) ;
for k = 1:length(hp)
zdata = hp(k).ZData;
hp(k).CData = zdata;
hp(k).FaceColor = 'interp';
shading interp


Directional artifacts in MATLAB randn arrays?

I'm generating 3d fractal noise in MATLAB using a variety of methods. It's working relatively well, but I'm having an issue where I see vertical striping artifacts in my noise. This happens regardless of what data type or resolution I use.
Edit: I figured it out. The solution is posted as an answer below. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and guidance!
expo = 2^6;
dims = [expo,expo,expo];
beta = -4.5;
render = randnd(beta, dims); % Create volumetric fractal
render = render - min(render); % Set floor to zero
render = render ./ max(render); % Set ceiling to one
%render = imbinarize(render); % BW Threshold option
render = render .* 255; % For greyscale
slicer = 1; % Turn on image slicer/saver
i = 0; % Page counter
format = '.png';
imagename = '___testDump/slice';
imshow(render(:,:,1),[0 255]); %Single test image
if slicer == 1
for c = 1:length(render)
i = i+1;
pagenumber = num2str(i);
filename = [imagename, pagenumber, format];
function X = randnd(beta,varargin)
seed = 999;
rng(seed); % Set seed
%% X = randnd(beta,varargin)
% Based on similar functions by Jon Yearsley and Hristo Zhivomirov
% Written by Marcin Konowalczyk
% Timmel Group # Oxford University
%% Parse the input
narginchk(0,Inf); nargoutchk(0,1);
if nargin < 2 || isempty(beta); beta = 0; end % Default to white noise
assert(isnumeric(beta) && isequal(size(beta),[1 1]),'''beta'' must be a number');
assert(-6 <= beta && beta <= 6,'''beta'' out of range'); % Put on reasonable bounds
%% Generate N-dimensional white noise with 'randn'
X = randn(varargin{:});
if isempty(X); return; end; % Usually happens when size vector contains zeros
% Squeeze prevents an error if X has more than one leading singleton dimension
% This is a slight deviation from the pure functionality of 'randn'
X = squeeze(X);
% Return if white noise is requested
if beta == 0; return; end;
%% Generate corresponding N-dimensional matrix of multipliers
N = size(X);
% Create matrix of multipliers (M) of X in the frequency domain
M = [];
for j = 1:length(N)
n = N(j);
if (rem(n,2)~=0) % if n is odd
% Nyquist frequency bin does not show up in odd-numbered fft
k = ifftshift(-(n-1)/2:(n-1)/2);
k = ifftshift(-n/2:n/2-1);
% Spectral multipliers
m = (k.^2)';
if isempty(M);
M = m;
% Create the permutation vector
M_perm = circshift(1:length(size(M))+1,[0 1]);
% Permute a singleton dimension to the beginning of M
M = permute(M,M_perm);
% Add m along the first dimension of M
M = bsxfun(#plus,M,m);
% Reverse M to match X (since new dimensions were being added form the left)
M = permute(M,length(size(M)):-1:1);
assert(isequal(size(M),size(X)),'Bad programming error'); % This should never occur
% Shape the amplitude multipliers by beta/4 which corresponds to shaping the power by beta
M = M.^(beta/4);
% Set the DC component to zero
M(1,1) = 0;
%% Multiply X by M in frequency domain
Xstd = std(X(:));
Xmean = mean(X(:));
X = real(ifftn(fftn(X).*M));
% Force zero mean unity standard deviation
X = X - mean(X(:));
X = X./std(X(:));
% Restore the standard deviation and mean from before the spectral shaping.
% This ensures the random sample from randn is truly random. After all, if
% the mean was always exactly zero it would not be all that random.
X = X + Xmean;
X = X.*Xstd;
Here is my solution:
My "min/max" code (lines 6 and 7) was bad. I wanted to divide all values in the matrix by the single largest value in the matrix so that all values would be between 0 and 1. Because I used max() improperly, I was stepping through the max value of each column and using that as my divisor; thus the vertical stripes.
In the end this is what my code looks like. X is the 3 dimensional matrix:
minVal = min(X,[],'all'); % Get the lowest value in the entire matrix
X = X - minVal; % Set min value to zero
maxVal = max(X,[],'all'); % Get the highest value in the entire matrix
X = X ./ maxVal; % Set max value to one

Convert large xyz file into gridded data (Matlab)

I have a large XYZ file (300276x3, this file includes x and y coordinates (not lat/lon, but polar stereographic) and elevation z) and I'm wondering if it would be possible to convert this into a gridded dataset (n x m matrix). The xyz file can be downloaded from:
and imported in matlab by:
AIS_SEC = importdata('');
I tried:
X= XYZ(:,1);
Y= XYZ(:,2);
Z= XYZ(:,3);
xr = sort(unique(X));
yr = sort(unique(Y));
gRho = zeros(length(yr),length(xr));
gRho = griddata(X,Y,Z,xr,yr')
Requested 300276x300276 (671.8GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays
greater than this limit may take a long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size
limit or preference panel for more information.
I tried:
% Get coordinate vectors
x = unique(XYZ(:,1)) ;
y = unique(XYZ(:,2)) ;
% dimensions of the data
nx = length(x) ;
ny = length(y) ;
% Frame matrix of grid
D = reshape(XYZ(:,3),[ny,nx]) ;
% flip matrix to adjust for plot
H = flipud(H) ;
% Transpose the matrix
H = H' ; % Check if is required
surf(x,y,H) ;
Error using reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.
I can now plot the nx3 file with scatter3 (see image)
scatter3(XYZ(:,1),XYZ(:,2),XYZ(:,3),2,XYZ(:,3)) ;
But I'd like to do it with imagesc. Hence, I would like to convert the nx3 file into a nxm matrix (in raster/gridded format) and as en extra I would like it as a geotiff file for use in QGIS.
You were almost there... Looking at the message about array size you got, it seems likely that the result of unique(X) results in 300276 unique values, probably due to some noisy data.
So instead of using griddata with these large X and Y vectors, you can define some new ones on the domain you need:
% make some sample data
N = 1000;
xv = linspace(-10,10,N);
yv = linspace(-10,10,N);
[XV,YV] = meshgrid(xv,yv);
ZV = XV.^2 + YV.^2;
% make into long vectors:
X = XV(:);
Y = YV(:);
Z = ZV(:);
% make x and y vector to interpolate z
N = 50; % size of new grid
xv = linspace(min(X), max(X), N);
yv = linspace(min(Y), max(Y), N);
[XV,YV] = meshgrid(xv,yv);
% use griddata to find right Z for each x,y pair
ZV_grid = griddata(X,Y,Z,XV,YV);
% look at result

Buffon's needle in MATLAB

I am currently working on a project for my Chemical Engineering class called Buffon's needle. The purpose of this project is to use MATLAB to get an estimate for pi and then to make a "cartoon" which will show the needles on a 10x10 graph with lines every 1 unit apart, with needles crossing the line being one color, and needles not crossing being another. I have found the pi estimate and i have created the graph, but my lines are not the one unit in length like they should be, instead the needles are all different lengths. if anyone could help me with this problem it would be much appreciated. my two scripts are below
clear all;
close all;
format compact
% Script to illustrate the estimation of pi value by using Buffon's needle
% experiment
% set number of separate experiments
nExperiments = 1000;
% set number of separate trials
nTrials = 3;
% total number of dropped needles is directly based on number of trials and
% number of experiments
% spacing between the parallel lines
spacing = 1;
% length of the needle
L = spacing;
% the lower bound of x coordinate.
a = 10;
totalhits = 0;
for i = 1:nTrials
% keeps track of the number of hits
hits = 0;
% keeps track of the number of times the needle doesn't hit the
% any of the lines
nothits = 0;
for j = 1:nExperiments
[outcome,endpoints,angle] = needle_drop(spacing,L);
if outcome
hits = hits + 1;
endpointsHitList(:,:,hits) = endpoints;
nothits = nothits + 1;
endpointsNotHitList(:,:,nothits) = endpoints;
angleList(j) = angle;
piestimate(i) = (2*L/spacing)/(hits/nExperiments);
fprintf('The average value of pi is %f plus or minus %f after %d trials of %d experiments with %d total number of dropped needle.\n',mean(piestimate),std(piestimate),nTrials,nExperiments,ndropped);
hold on
% plot the vertical separations
for i = 0:spacing:a
p1 = plot([i,i],[0 11],'k','LineWidth',2);
% plot the needles that hit the vertical separation
for i = 1:hits
p2 = plot(endpointsHitList(:,1,i),endpointsHitList(1,:,i),['-','b']);
% plot the needles that don't hit the vertical separation
for i = 1:nothits
p3 = plot(endpointsNotHitList(:,1,i),endpointsNotHitList(1,:,i),['-','r']);
axis([-2,12 -2 12]);
legend([p1 p2 p3],'Vertical Separations','Hits','Not Hits')
title('Buffon Needle Experiment');
title('Histogram of pi estimate');
This below is my function needle_drop:
function [outcome,endpoints,theta] = needle_drop(spacing,L)
% spacing = spacing between the parallel lines spacing
% L = length of the needle
% spacing = 1;
% % In the special case where the length of the needle is equal to the grid spacing
% % between the parallel lines
% L = spacing;
% a is the lower bound of x coordinate. b is the upper bound.
% the needle position will be randomly between 0 and 10.
a = 0;
b = 10;
% generate random number r1 in [0,1]
r1 = rand;
% sample a value of the angle uniformly distributed over the interval
% from zero to ninety degrees
theta = (pi/2)*r1;
% the projection of half the length of the needle horizontally: S
S = (L/2)*cos(theta);
% Another random number r2 is generated
% this corresponds to x,y coordinate
r2 = a + (b-a).*rand(1,2);
% we need to take care of the offset.
% if the x coordinate is between 0 and d then offset is 0 if xcord is
% between d and 2d then offset is d and likewise for other values.
offset = floor(r2(1));
% The sampled position T of the center of the needle is next compared to the
% sampled projection of half the length of the needle
if r2(1)-S <=0+offset || r2(1)+S >=spacing+offset
outcome = 1;
outcome = 0;
% the projection of half the length of the needle vertically: V
V = L/2*sin(theta);
endpoints = [r2(1)-S,r2(2)+V;r2(1)+S,r2(2)-V];
You made an indexing mistake. Your function returns endpoints:
endpoints = [ r2(1)-S, r2(2)+V; ...
r2(1)+S, r2(2)-V ];
endpoints = [ start_x, start_y; ...
end_x, end_y ];
These are collected in a 3D matrix, which you then plot:
p2 = plot( endpointsHitList(:,1,i), endpointsHitList(1,:,i), ['-','b'] );
% ^ x-coordinates ^ y-coordinates
Thus, here you are plotting a line with x-coordinates [start_x,end_x], and y-coordinates [start_x,start_y]! This latter should have been [start_y,end_y].
This should have been:
p2 = plot( endpointsHitList(:,1,i), endpointsHitList(:,2,i), ['-','b'] );
% ^^^ get second column
The same mistake happens when plotting endpointsNotHitList.

summation of level values from contour plot

I'm trying to compute the sum of the level (z axis) values inside a contour:
I've managed to obtain the lines (or edges) of the contour, so I have the limits of each line:
What I want is to sum all the levels in the z axis of the contour that are inside the outer blue line in the second plot, to compare it with the sum of the values of outside the blue line. Is there any way to do this? The code I have so far is:
C = contourc(f, t, abs(tfr));
%extracts info from contour
sz = size(C,2); % Size of the contour matrix c
ii = 1; % Index to keep track of current location
jj = 1; % Counter to keep track of # of contour lines
while ii < sz % While we haven't exhausted the array
n = C(2,ii); % How many points in this contour?
s(jj).v = C(1,ii); % Value of the contour
s(jj).x = C(1,ii+1:ii+n); % X coordinates
s(jj).y = C(2,ii+1:ii+n); % Y coordinates
ii = ii + n + 1; % Skip ahead to next contour line
jj = jj + 1; % Increment number of contours
So after you run the code in the question you have the coordinates of each contour in the array S. Assuming you have variables f and t of the form f = 94:0.1:101 and t = 0:1000 or similar, and the that value you want to sum are abs(tfr) you should be able to use
[fg, tg] = meshgrid(f,t)
is_inside = inpolygon(fg,tg, S(1).x, S(1).y)
integral = sum(abs(tfr(is_inside))
And similarly for other entries in S. See help for inpolygon for more examples. You can use ~is_inside for the points outside the curve

Sorting two column vectors into 3D matrix based on position

Using the imfindcircles function in MATLAB to track circles in two images. I start with approximately a grid of circles which deforms. I am trying to sort the two column vector from imfindcircles into matrices so that neighbouring circles are neighbouring elements in the matrices. The first image the circles conform to a grid and the following code works:
[centXsort,IX] = sortrows(centres1,1); %sort by x
centYsort =zeros(289,2); %preallocate
for i = 1:17:289
[sortedY,IY] = sortrows(centXsort(i:i+16,:),2); %sort by y within individual column
centYsort(i:i+16,:) = sortedY;
cent1mat = reshape(centYsort,17,17,2); %reshape into centre matrices
This doesn't work for the second image as some of the circles overlap in the x or y direction, but neighbouring circles never overlap. This means that in the second set of matrices the neighbouring circles aren't neighbouring elements after sorting.
Is there a way to approximate a scatter of points into a matrix?
This answer doesn't work in every single case, but it seems good enough for situations where the points don't vary too wildly.
My idea is to start at the grid corners and work our way along the outside diagonals of the matrix, trying to "grab" the nearest points that seem like they fit into the grid-points based any surrounding points we've already captured.
You will need to provide:
The number of rows (rows) and columns (cols) in the grid.
Your data points P arranged in a N x 2 array, rescaled to the unit square on [0,1] x [0,1]. (I assume the you can do this through visual inspection of the corner points of your original data.)
A weight parameter edge_weight to tell the algorithm how much the border points should be attracted to the grid border. Some tests show that 3-5 or so are good values.
The code, with a test case included:
%// input parameters
rows = 11;
cols = 11;
edge_weight = 4;
%// function for getting squared errors between the points list P and a specific point pt
getErr =#(P,pt) sqrt( sum( bsxfun(#minus,P,pt(:)').^2, 2 ) ); %'
output_grid = zeros(rows,cols,2); %// output grid matrix
check_grid = zeros(rows,cols); %// matrix flagging the gridpoints we have covered
[ROW,COL] = meshgrid(... %// coordinate points of an "ideal grid"
%// create a test case
G = [ROW(:),COL(:)]; %// the actual grid-points
noise_factor = 0.35; %// noise radius allowed
rn = noise_factor/rows;
cn = noise_factor/cols;
row_noise = -rn + 2*rn*rand(numel(ROW),1);
col_noise = -cn + 2*cn*rand(numel(ROW),1);
P = G + [row_noise,col_noise]; %// add noise to get points
d = 0;
while ~isempty(P) %// while points remain...
d = d+1; %// increase diagonal depth (d=1 are the outer corners)
for ii = max(d-rows+1,1):min(d,rows)%// for every row number i...
i = ii;
j = d-i+1; %// on the dth diagonal, we have d=i+j-1
for c = 1:4 %// repeat for all 4 corners
if i<rows & j<cols & ~check_grid(i,j) %// check for out-of-bounds/repetitions
check_grid(i,j) = true; %// flag gridpoint
current_gridpoint = [ROW(i,j),COL(i,j)];
%// get error between all remaining points and the next gridpoint's neighbours
if i>1
errI = getErr(P,output_grid(i-1,j,:));
errI = edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if check_grid(i+1,j)
errI = errI + edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if j>1
errJ = getErr(P,output_grid(i,j-1,:));
errJ = edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if check_grid(i,j+1)
errJ = errJ + edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
err = errI.^2 + errJ.^2;
%// find the point with minimal error, add it to the grid,
%// and delete it from the points list
[~,idx] = min(err);
output_grid(i,j,:) = permute( P(idx,:), [1 3 2] );
P(idx,:) = [];
%// rotate the grid 90 degrees and repeat for next corner
output_grid = cat(3, rot90(output_grid(:,:,1)), rot90(output_grid(:,:,2)));
check_grid = rot90(check_grid);
ROW = rot90(ROW);
COL = rot90(COL);
Code for plotting the resulting points with edges:
%// plotting code
figure(1); clf; hold on;
axis([-0.1 1.1 -0.1 1.1])
for i = 1:size(output_grid,1)
for j = 1:size(output_grid,2)
if i < size(output_grid,1)
plot( [output_grid(i,j,1),output_grid(i+1,j,1)],...
if j < size(output_grid,2)
plot( [output_grid(i,j,1),output_grid(i,j+1,1)],...
I've developed a solution, which works for my case but might not be as robust as required for some. It requires a known number of dots in a 'square' grid and a rough idea of the spacing between the dots. I find the 'AlphaShape' of the dots and all the points that lie along the edge. The edge vector is shifted to start at the minimum and then wrapped around a matrix with the corresponding points are discarded from the list of vertices. Probably not the best idea for large point clouds but good enough for me.
R = 50; % search radius
xy = centres2;
x = centres2(:,1);
y = centres2(:,2);
for i = 1:8
T = delaunay(xy); % delaunay
[~,r] = circumcenter(triangulation(T,x,y)); % circumcenters
T = T(r < R,:); % points within radius
B = freeBoundary(triangulation(T,x,y)); % find edge vertices
A = B(:,1);
EdgeList = [x(A) y(A) x(A)+y(A)]; % find point closest to origin and rotate vector
[~,I] = min(EdgeList);
EdgeList = circshift(EdgeList,-I(3)+1);
n = sqrt(length(xy)); % define zeros matrix
matX = zeros(n); % wrap x vector around zeros matrix
matX(1,1:n) = EdgeList(1:n,1);
matX(2:n-1,n) = EdgeList(n+1:(2*n)-2,1);
matX(n,n:-1:1) = EdgeList((2*n)-1:(3*n)-2,1);
matX(n-1:-1:2,1) = EdgeList((3*n)-1:(4*n)-4,1);
matY = zeros(n); % wrap y vector around zeros matrix
matY(1,1:n) = EdgeList(1:n,2);
matY(2:n-1,n) = EdgeList(n+1:(2*n)-2,2);
matY(n,n:-1:1) = EdgeList((2*n)-1:(3*n)-2,2);
matY(n-1:-1:2,1) = EdgeList((3*n)-1:(4*n)-4,2);
centreMatX(i:n+i-1,i:n+i-1) = matX; % paste into main matrix
centreMatY(i:n+i-1,i:n+i-1) = matY;
xy(B(:,1),:) = 0; % discard values
xy = xy(all(xy,2),:);
x = xy(:,1);
y = xy(:,2);
centreMatX(centreMatX == 0) = x;
centreMatY(centreMatY == 0) = y;