select only those columns from table have not null values in q kdb - kdb

I have a table:
q)t:([] a:1 2 3; b:```; c:`a`b`c)
a b c
1 a
2 b
3 c
From this table I want to select only the columns who have not null values, in this case column b should be omitted from output.(something similar to dropna method in pandas).
expected output
a c
1 a
2 b
3 c
I tried many things like
select from t where not null cols
but of no use.

Here is a simple solution that does just what you want:
q)where[all null t]_t
a c
1 a
2 b
3 c
[all null t] gives a dictionary that checks if the column values are all null or not.
q)all null t
a| 0
b| 1
c| 0
Where returns the keys of the dictionary where it is true
q)where[all null t]
Finally you use _ to drop the columns from table t
Hopefully this helps

A modification of Sander's solution which handles string columns (or any nested columns):
q)t:([] a:1 2 3; b:```; c:`a`b`c;d:" ";e:("";"";"");f:(();();());g:(1 1;2 2;3 3))
a b c d e f g
1 a "" 1 1
2 b "" 2 2
3 c "" 3 3
q)where[{$[type x;all null x;all 0=count each x]}each flip t]_t
a c g
1 a 1 1
2 b 2 2
3 c 3 3

The nature of kdb is column based, meaning that where clauses function on the rows of a given column.
To make a QSQL query produce your desired behaviour, you would need to first examine all your columns and determine which are all null, and then feed that into a functional statement. Which would be horribly inefficient.
Given that you need to fully examine all the columns data regardless (to check if all the values are null) the following will achieve that
q)#[flip;;enlist] k!d k:key[d] where not all each null each value d:flip t
a c
1 a
2 b
3 c
Here I'm transforming the table into a dictionary, and extracting its values to determine if any columns consist only of nulls (all each null each). I'm then applying that boolean list to the keys of the dictionary (i.e., the column names) through a where statement. We can then reindex into the original dictionary with those keys and create a subset dictionary of non-null columns and convert that back into a table.
I've generalized the final transformation back into a table by habit with an error catch to ensure that the dictionary will be converted into a table even if only a single row is valid (preventing a 'rank error)


KDB How to update column values

I have a table which has column of symbol type like below.
I need to update it as below, wherever I have FRV, I need to replace it with AB_FRV. How to achieve this?
name v
q)update `$ssr[;"FRV";"AB_FRV"]each string v from t
name v
or without using qSQL
q)#[t;`v;]{`$ssr[;"FRV";"AB_FRV"]each string x}
name v
Depending on the uniqueness of the data, you might benefit from .Q.fu
q)\t #[t;`v;]{`$ssr[;"FRV";"AB_FRV"]each string x}
q)\t #[t;`v;].Q.fu {`$ssr[;"FRV";"AB_FRV"]each string x}

Select from a table with Limit expression works, without - fails

For a table t with a custom field c which is dictionary I could use select with limit expression, but simple select failes:
q)r1: `n`m`k!111b;
q)r2: `n`m`k!000b;
q)t: ([]a:1 2; b:10 20; c:(r1; r2));
a b c
1 10 `n`m`k!111b
2 20 `n`m`k!000b
q)select[2] c[`n] from t
q)select c[`n] from t
[0] select c[`n] from t
Is it a bug, or am I missing something?
Why does select [2] c[`n] from t work here?
Since c is a list, it does not support key indexing which is why it has returned a type
You need to index into each element instead of trying to index the column.
q)select c[;`n] from t
A list of confirming dictionaries outside of this context is equivalent to a table, so you can index like you were
q)type c
I would say that the way complex columns are represented in memory makes this not possible. I suspect that any modification that creates a copy of a subset of the elements will allow column indexing as the copy will be formatted as a table.
One example here is serialising and deserialising the column (not recommended to do this). In the case of select[n] it is selecting a subset of 2 elements
q)type exec c from t
q)type exec -9!-8!c from t
q)exec (-9!-8!c)[`n] from t

Scenario based questions in Datastage

I have two scenario based questions here.
Question 1
Input Dataset
Output Dataset
Col1 Col2
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 2
C 3
D 1
Input data string
AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF (can be of any delimiter and string can have any length)
Output data string
string 1 -> AA
string 2 -> BB
string 3 -> CC
string 4 -> DD
Thanks & Regards,
Question 1: Can be solved with a transformer. Sort the data and use the lastrowingroup functionality.
For Col2 just create a counter as a stage variable and add 1 for each row - if reset it with a second stage variable if lastrowingroup is reached.
Aternatively you could use a rownumber column in SQL.
Question2: You have not provided enough information. Is string1 a column or row? If you do not know anything upfront about the structure (any delimiter) this will get hard...

TorQ: .loader.loadallfiles and referential integrity leads to `cast error

I have a table volatilitysurface and a detail table volatilitysurface_smile as part of the detail table I define a foreign key to the master table i.e.
volatilitysurface::([date:`datetime$(); ccypair:`symbol$()] atm_convention:`symbol$(); ...);
volatilitysurface_smile::([...] volatilitysurface:`volatilitysurface$(); ...);
When I try using AquaQ's TorQ .loader.loadallfiles to load the detail table volatilitysurface_smile I need as part of the "dataprocessfunc" function to dynamically build the foreign key field i.e.
rawdatadir:hsym `$("" sv (getenv[`KDBRAWDATA]; "volatilitysurface_smile"));
.loader.loadallfiles[`headers`types`separator`tablename`dbdir`partitioncol`partitiontype`dataprocessfunc!(`x`ccypair...;"ZS...";enlist ",";`volatilitysurface_smile;target;`date;`month;{[p;t] select date,ccypair,volatilitysurface,... from update date:x,volatilitysurface:`volatilitysurface$(x,'ccypair) from t}); rawdatadir];
Note the part:
update date:x,volatilitysurface:`volatilitysurface$(x,'ccypair) from t
The cast error is pointing to the construction of the volatilitysurface key. However, this works outside .loader.loadallfiles and the tables are globally :: and fully defined before calling the .loader.loadallfiles function.
Any ideas how to deal with this use-case? If the detail table foreign key is not initialized then the insertion will fail.
The error may be due to the scoping in the update. As you are running the cast/update within the .loader namespace the tablename would need to be full scoped (`..volatilitysurface).
eg. update date:x,volatilitysurface:`..volatilitysurface$(x,'ccypair) from t
Are you sure that all possible x & ccypair combinations are in the volatilitysurface table? The 'cast error would seem to suggest this is not the case e.g.
q)t:([a:1 2 3;b:`a`b`c] c:"ghi")
q)update t:`t$(a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1;b:`b`c`a)
a b t
2 b 1
3 c 2
1 a 0
q)update t:`t$(a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1 5;b:`b`c`a`d)
[0] update t:`t$(a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1 5;b:`b`c`a`d)
Note in the second case I have the a-b pair of (5;`d), which isn't present in the table t, and so I get the 'cast error
You can determine if there are missing keys, and which they are, like so:
q)all (exec (a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1;b:`b`c`a)) in key t //check for presence, all present
q)all (exec (a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1 5;b:`b`c`a`d)) in key t //check for presence, not all present
q)k where not (k:exec (a,'b) from ([] a:2 3 1 5;b:`b`c`a`d)) in key t //check which keys AREN'T present
5 `d
If this is the case, I guess you kind of have two options:
Make sure the volatilitysurface table is loaded correctly - assuming you have full data coverage in your files, presumably every possible key should be present in this table
If there is the possibility of possibly keys not being present in the volatilitysurface table, you could perhaps add dummy records to it before making the foreign key (which could be replaced if an actual record comes in later
The second option could perhaps work something like this:
q.test){if[count k:k where not (k:exec (a,'b) from x) in key `..t;#[`..t;;:;value[`..t](0N;`)]'[k]];update t:`t$(a,'b) from x}([] a:2 3 1;b:`b`c`a)
a b t
2 b 1
3 c 2
1 a 0
q.test){if[count k:k where not (k:exec (a,'b) from x) in key `..t;#[`..t;;:;value[`..t](0N;`)]'[k]];update t:`t$(a,'b) from x}([] a:2 3 1 5 6;b:`b`c`a`d`e)
a b t
2 b 1
3 c 2
1 a 0
5 d 3
6 e 4
q.test)value `..t //check table t, new dummy records added by previous call
a b| c
---| -
1 a| g
2 b| h
3 c| i
5 d|
6 e|
I've done these tests inside a namespace as this is how the dataprocess function will run in TorQ (i.e. at certain places you need to use `..t to access t in the root namespace.) The analogous version of this function for your setup (with some nicer formatting than the one-liners above) would be something like:
if[count k:k where not (k:exec (x,'ccypair from volatilitysurface_smile) in key `..volatilitysurface; //check for missing keys
#[`..volatilitysurface;;:;value[`..volatilitysurface](0Nz;`)]'[k]]; //index into null key of table to get dummy record and upsert to global volatilitysurface table
update volatilitysurface:`volatilitysurface$(x,'ccypair) from x //create foreign key

How to pass dictionary into query constraint?

If this is the dictionary of constraint:
I would like to pass the dict to a function and depending on how many keys there are and let the query react accordingly. If there is one key region, then I would like to put it as
select from table where region in dict`region;
The same thing is for code. But if I pass two keys, I would like the query knows and pass it as:
select form table where region in dict`region,Code in dict`code;
Is there any way to do this?
I came up this code:
funcForOne:{[constraint]?[`bce;enlist(in;constraint;(`dict;enlist constraint));0b;()]};
{[dict]$[(null dict)~1;select from bce;($[(count key dict)=1;($[`region in (key dict);funcForOne[`region];funcForOne[`Code]]);select from bce where region in dict`region,rxmCode in dict`Code])]};
It works for one and two constraint. but when I called funcForAll[] it gives type error. How should I change it? i think it is from null dict~1
I tried count too. but doesn't work too well.
So I did this but I have some error
?[tab;f dict;0b;()];
and I got 'NY error. Do you know why? Also,if I pass a null dictionary it doesn't seem working.
As I said funtional form would be the better approach but if your requirement is very limited as you said then you can consider other solution as below:
Note: Assuming all dictionary keys will be in table columns list.
q) f:{[dict] if[0=count dict;:select from t];
select from t where (#[key dict;t]) in {$[any 0<=type each value x;flip ;enlist ]x}[dict] }
1. convert dict to table depending on the values type. Flip if any value is a general list else enlist.
$[any 0<=type each value dict;flip ;enlist ]dict
Get subset of table t which consists only of dictionary keys as columns.
#[key dict;t]
get rows where (2) in (1)
Basically we are using below form of querying and matching:
q)t1:([]id:1 2;s:`a`b);
q)t2:([]id:1 3 ;s:`a`b);
q)select from t1 where ([]id;s) in t2
If you're just using in, you can do something like:
f:{{[x;y](in),'key[y],'(),x}[;x]enlist each value[x]}
So that:
a| 10 1
b| ,`a
q)f d
in `a 10 1
in `b ,`a
a b c
1 a 10
2 b 20
3 c 30
q)?[t;f d;0b;()]
a b c
1 a 10
Note that because of the enlist each the resulting list is enlisted so that singletons work too:
q)d:enlist[`a]!enlist 1
a| 1
q)?[t;f d;0b;()]
a b c
1 a 10
Update to secondary question
This still works with empty dict, i.e. ()!(). I'm passing in the dictionary variable.
In your 2nd question your dictionary is not constructed correctly (also remember q is case sensitive). Also your values need to be enlisted. Look up functional select in the reference pages on the kx site, you'll see that you need to enlist the symbol lists to differentiate them from column name declarations
`region`code!(enlist `NY`NJ;enlist `B90057)