Can one connect to Azure DevOps Service using Office365 gcc account? - azure-devops

I know that it is possible to connect to Azure DevOps Services using Microsoft Office365 (O365) public cloud.
But is it possible for US Gov customers to connect to Azure DevOps Service using their O365 Government Community Cloud (GCC) account?
Is it even supported or in the roadmap for future?

Azure DevOps Service is a hosted version of Azure DevOps Server (TFS).
Currently it is not possible to connect Azure DevOps Service using O365 GCC account.
But if you have O365, then you can use it to connect to Azure DevOps Service. Meaning you should be able to create an Azure DevOps Service Organization to manage your projects and add other user from your company who are also using your O365 account.
Azure DevOps Service requires a Azure Commercial or Public Cloud Tenant subscription using either Enterprise Agreement (EA) if you are a company or Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription on Azure Public Cloud.
It is currently hosted on Azure Commercial Cloud and at the moment there is no road-map to also make it available in other Azure Clouds like US Government cloud. However one can still use O365 account to connect to Azure DevOps Services.


Could not retrieve values. Power Automate + Azure DevOps

I'm having a error when try connect power automate with Azure DevOps. I have two ways to login, personal and business account.
I need to use the business account because it contains the automate license.
When I use my personal account, I can acess the projects.
But when i use my business account, the power automate show me a error.
In Azure Devops I'm using my business account and I'm in all projects and permissions.
I enabled auth in Azure Devops.
And my access level is basic

Create a service account for REST API in Azure Devops Service

I am looking for a way to create a service account to access the Azure Devops REST API.
The goal would be that this service account would be able to list all the projects.
For now the only solution I found was to create a new user, add it to an overall admin group and create a PAT for it.
Does anyone found another way of doing so ?
Thanks in advance
PS: we have a Azure Devops Service solution
Based on your description and concern, please note that the service account in Azure DevOps Service is automatically created for you when you create an organization in Azure DevOps Services. It is used when clients communicate with the hosted service and can be viewed through the web portal administration page.
And it is not supported to manually create service Account in Azure DevOps Service.
For more information, you could refer to the doc: Service account requirements - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Docs & Service accounts and dependencies - Azure DevOps Server | Microsoft Docs .

Azure DevOps Service Connection to B2C Tenant?

I am trying to establish a Service Connection from Azure DevOps to my Azure B2C tenant and am running into issues. I'm starting to think it's not even possible.
I have multiple Service Connections to the primary Azure Subscription/Tenant, but specifically wanted a connection to my B2C Tenant, so that I can manage B2C resources using Terraform and the Pipeline Agent within Azure DevOps.
Does anyone know if this is even possible? Or a method of getting this setup? No documentation online has been helpful

Is it possibile to use Azure DevOps Server on premises with Azure Active Directory?

After reading this documentation it seems that Azure DevOps Server on premises can be used only with Active Directory but not with Azure Active Directory. Is it correct? Is there a way to use Azure DevOps Server with Azure Active Directory?
You are right, as on-premises Azure DevOps Server, is built on a SQL
Server back end which can work with on-prem AD .
Azure ad authentication for on prem directly is not feasible as it is
cloud based and involves azure based sql .
Note: On-premise SQL Server only supports Windows Authentication and
SQL Server Authentication. Windows authentication depends on Kerberos
(or NTLM), which needs an Active Directory domain to authenticate the
user in. Azure Active Directory does not handle Kerberos tokens.
But we can opt to migrate devops server to azure devops services to
work with AAD .Migration is when one wants to completely move to
cloud and it involves complex process as database/hardware is
If one wants to continue on premise server to use existing on-premises
identities with Azure DevOps, you can integrate directories with
Azure AD by using Azure AD Connect which connects an organization’s
on-prem Active Directory instance and cloud-based azure active
directory.It involves On prem users to be mapped to AAD tenant.
Please refer this Document.
Other References:
Migrate - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Docs

VSTS ARM Service Endpoint for national cloud environments

I am trying to create a Release Definition from my VSTS instance in west Europe to deploy an App in the Azure German Cloud. I tried creating an ARM Service Endpoint but it seems it tried to use by default the service management and the endpoint in Germany.
I've also tried using an Azure classic but I keep getting an authentication error: There was an error with the Azure credentials used for the deployment....the user I am using for that has owner role in my subscription. Besides Azure Classic Service Endpoint are deprecated.
Is there any way to change the environment endpoints for the Service Endpoint.
Any restrictions trying to deploy to the German cloud from a VSTS instance in west Europe?