How to change port on jboss version jboss-5.1.0.GA - jboss

I am trying to change the ports of my jboss server to run on port 80.
I've tried what feels like everything: editing the server.xml file, editing the C:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\conf\bindingservice.beans\META-INF\bindings-jboss-beans.xml file to no avail.
Is there another way that I'm missing because I can only access my server via port 8082.

Yes, to change ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/default/conf/bindingservice.beans/META-INF/bindings-jboss-beans.xml is the answer, as pointed out in another question
But also change:
1. server.xml file at $jboss/server/jboss-ports-01/deploy/jbossweb.sar to the port you need
Verify also ${jboss.service.binding.set:ports-default} setting the correct binding as in ${jboss.service.binding.set:ports-PORT}
This reference brings more information about it as well.


VSCode and Live Server - change port

Trying to configure Live Server to properly launch and connect to web pages on my local machine in VSCode .However, I seem unable to set the port I want to run live server on. When I accept the default port (chosen by the extension itself) I get ERR_UNSAFE_PORT from both Chrom and Firefox.
I have tried changing the settings, but its seems to be ignoring anything I put in there. Can someone please advise ?
Here is a screenshot of where I am trying to set the port..
P.S It does not matter what value I use for the port (2000 here just as an example.) Whatever you put in is ignored. tried various,, 8080 etc..
May local config overrides the global config?

Expose Ngrok Web interface in same LAN

I have some issue to configurate Ngrok.
I have installed the Ngrok on linux CentOS server dedicated (IP, it works correctly the tunneling is ok.
My question is: how i can reach the web page on in order to check the traffic on my Ngrok server?
The web interface page is only accessible on the server where ngrok is running, but if this is a linux minimal server (without gui and any type of browser) I can't see it.
is there a way to make it accessible also in LAN?
e.g. I have another client that can reach the IP where ngrok is running but if i put on web browser http:\ nothing is showing.
I see from netstat that this port is not listening so isn't a firewall problem or other.
Is possible to change config of Ngrok? otherwise are there other possibilities ? do i have to use a reverse proxy or something like?
Any ideas?
thanks for your help,
Locate your ngrok's config file:
$ ngrok config check
Valid configuration file at /home/youruser/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml
Add to the config file the following line:
In case you want to expose it to all interfaces, you can replace that value with

Play How to find currently used port for debugger?

I have several Play applications running parallel. One of them is running in Eclipse. I want to connect the Eclipse debugger (launcher "Connect JPDA to myapplication.launch"), but the port changes every time (probably due to one of the other applications blocking the default port). I would edit the launcher and enter the current port manually*, but: How would I know which port to use?
PS: As my app runs for quite a while I do not see the port initially displayed in the console anymore.
*PPS: Is there a more elegant way to handle this?
The more elegant way of handling this is to just define the jpda port it should use yourself, so you always know behind which jpda port an application is running and you don't have to look it up all the time. Its documented in the configuration manual and it comes down to adding jpda.port=???? in your application.conf (changing the question marks into a port number, ofcourse).
The reason they change is indeed because they are running in parallel. Java automatically switches to the next available port if the default is in use.
There should be a line in the output log that looks like the following:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: <some port number>
That's the debug port number you need to configure in Eclipse for JPDA.
OK, in OS X you'll find the port in the activity monitor: Double click each "java" process until you find the one belonging to Eclipse. The requested port is the one mapped to "*".
Click here for details (in German) and screenshots (I need 10 reputation to post images or more than two links) when trying to run Jboss on remote system connecting it using RDC

I am trying to run JBoss(5.1) on remote system connecting it using RDC. Which ever port I try, it's says already in use and throwing Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
I have tried to change the port using jboss service binding configuration located at below path:
I have tried various options like ports-01, ports-02 ,ports-03 and then customizing the default port configurations as well with No luck.
I am just wondering how it is possible that it's not allowing any port whichever I try. One thing I would like to let you know here is that the remote system has 3 different logins and all of the users are using the system.
Appreciated if you can provide me any assistance please.
You can pass the -b ${IPofMachine} to bind to an IP. This will also make it externally accessible. You can do which will bind to all available IP's

How do I check and set the URL and port number for JBoss 5?

How do I check and set the URL and port number for JBoss 5? I have a existing JBoss installation in a zip file that I am trying to use. How do I find out what URL and port number I need to type in my browser to access it when it's running? How would I go about modifying this setting to change the URL and port number?
I'm running this in windows 7.
I solved my problem by finding in the file / the HTTP connector was commented out so it was using the AJP connector. I enabled the HTTP connector and was able to connect to jboss using the standard http://localhost:8080 address. I believe you can change the port number as well as the URL in this same area.