Writing to Vault secret with consul-template - hashicorp-vault

Im struggling to understand from the doc on how to write to Vault KV using consul-template.
I enabled KV with vault secrets enable -path=secret -version=2 kv
I have the following template,
vault {
ssl {
ca_cert = "tls/ca.pem"
retry {
backoff = "1s"
template {
contents = <<EOH
{{ secret "secret/data/test/admin" "value=test" }}
However I keep getting,
2019/08/08 22:28:43.201250 [WARN] (view) vault.write(secret/data/test/admin/password -> 2b955093): vault.write(secret/data/test/admin/password -> 2b955093): Error making API request.
URL: PUT http://<vault address>/v1/secret/data/test/admin
Code: 400. Errors:
* no data provided (retry attempt 2 after "500ms")
I have figured out how to read from the store as its well documented but not writing to it. Any help is appreciated

This has been raised as a bug in #1252.

Experiencing the same issue with secret updates.
The cert update works as expected.
{{ with secret "pki/issue/exampledotcom" "common_name=example.com"}}
{{ .Data.certificate }}
{{ end }}


In CDK, can I wait until a Helm-installed operator is running before applying a manifest?

I'm installing the External Secrets Operator alongside Apache Pinot into an EKS cluster using CDK. I'm running into an issue that I think is being caused by CDK attempting to create a resource defined by the ESO before the ESO has actually gotten up and running. Here's the relevant code:
// install Pinot
const pinot = cluster.addHelmChart('Pinot', {
chartAsset: new Asset(this, 'PinotChartAsset', { path: path.join(__dirname, '../pinot') }),
release: 'pinot',
namespace: 'pinot',
createNamespace: true
// install the External Secrets Operator
const externalSecretsOperator = cluster.addHelmChart('ExternalSecretsOperator', {
chart: 'external-secrets',
release: 'external-secrets',
repository: 'https://charts.external-secrets.io',
namespace: 'external-secrets',
createNamespace: true,
values: {
installCRDs: true,
webhook: {
port: 9443
// create a Fargate Profile
const fargateProfile = cluster.addFargateProfile('FargateProfile', {
fargateProfileName: 'externalsecrets',
selectors: [{ 'namespace': 'external-secrets' }]
// create the Service Account used by the Secret Store
const serviceAccount = cluster.addServiceAccount('ServiceAccount', {
name: 'eso-service-account',
namespace: 'external-secrets'
serviceAccount.addToPrincipalPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
actions: [
resources: [
// create the Secret Store, an ESO Resource
const secretStoreManifest = getSecretStoreManifest(serviceAccount);
const secretStore = cluster.addManifest('SecretStore', secretStoreManifest);
// create the External Secret, another ESO resource
const externalSecretManifest = getExternalSecretManifest(secretStoreManifest)
const externalSecret = cluster.addManifest('ExternalSecret', externalSecretManifest)
Even though I've set the ESO as a dependency to the Secret Store, when I try to deploy this I get the following error:
Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Error: b'Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "/tmp/manifest.yaml": Internal error occurred:
failed calling webhook "validate.clustersecretstore.external-secrets.io": Post "https://external-secrets-webhook.external-secrets.svc:443/validate-external-secrets-io-v1beta1-clusterse
cretstore?timeout=5s": no endpoints available for service "external-secrets-webhook"\n'
If I understand correctly, this is the error you'd get if you try to add a Secret Store before the ESO is fully installed. I'm guessing that CDK does not wait until the ESO's pods are running before attempting to apply the manifest. Furthermore, if I comment out the lines the create the Secret Store and External Secret, do a cdk deploy, uncomment those lines and then deploy again, everything works fine.
Is there any way around this? Some way I can retry applying the manifest, or to wait a period of time before attempting the apply?
The addHelmChart method has a property wait that is set to false by default - setting it to true lets CDK know to not mark the installation as complete until of its its K8s resources are in a ready state.

Helm variables used at custom places

I am not able to reference variable inside a nested variable in Helm. Also, I am not able to do this as nested reference. I want to retrieve all client variables under client name using the value of the client_name variable. How can I do that?
incomigBucket: databucket
outgoingBucket: tempbucket
webURL: http://example.com
incomingBucket: databucket
outgoingBucket: tempbucket
webURL: http://example.com
I want to store client variables values in one variable and want to use it at different places in my Json file. if I use range function then it create section twice(as I have mentioned 2 clients), is there any thing in Helm I can use which can store these variables dynamically and use it in custom places in json file?
Sample File Section:
"FileConfig": {
"Client1": {
"incomingLocationPath": "s3://{{ .Values.clients.client1.incomingBucket }}/dir1/dir2",
"outgoingLocationPath": "s3://{{ .Values.clients.client1.outgoingBucket }}/dir1/dir2",
"Client2": {
"incomingLocationPath": "s3://{{ .Values.clients.client2.incomingBucket }}/dir1/dir2",
"outgoingLocationPath": "s3://{{ .Values.clients.client2.outgoingBucket }}/dir1/dir2",
I am not entirely sure where you intend to use this snippet. I assume it is inside a configMap. At least, I am not aware of any resource that had FileConfig section. I wouldn't know why it should be JSON either.
The basic pattern could look like this.
{{- range $client, $config := .Values.clients }}
{{ $client }}:
incomingLocationPath: "s3://{{ $config.incomingBucket }}/dir1/dir2"
outgoingLocationPath: "s3://{{ $config.outgoingBucket }}/dir1/dir2"
{{- end }}
In something like a configMap to create JSON it could look like this.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: file-config-json
config.json: |
"fileConfig": {
{{- range $client, $config := .Values.clients }}
"{{ $client }}": {
"incomingLocationPath": "s3://{{ $config.incomingBucket }}/dir1/dir2",
"outgoingLocationPath": "s3://{{ $config.outgoingBucket }}/dir1/dir2"
{{- end }}

K6 Get reqeust result in error against specific endpoint URL

I am new to K6 and is trying to use the tool to perform a Get request by verifying an API.
When the script is executed I get a warning that terminates the scrip. As far as my understanding is that this error is somewhat related to Go (if I have understood it correctly).
The result that I want to achieve is to be able to execute the Get request to the endpoint URL, but would appreciate any kind of feedback if I have done any incorrectly or should try an other approach.
import http from "k6/http";
import { check } from "k6";
export default function () {
var url =
var headerParam = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const response = http.get(url, headerParam);
check(response, {
"Response status reciving a 200 response ": (r) => r.status === 200,
let body = JSON.parse(response.body);
WARN[0000] Request Failed error="Get \"https://endpoint.example.to.cloud/api/reports/v1/SMOKETESTC6KP6NWX\": x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0"
Changing URL endpoint:
If i change the URL endpoint (mockup url) like below, there will be no errors:
var url = "https://run.mocky.io/v3/16fa8113-57e0-4e47-99b9-b5c55da93d71";
Updated solution to run this locally:
In order to run this locally i had to add the certification and key:
export let options = {
tlsAuth: [
cert: open(`${__ENV.Certificate}`),
key: open(`${__ENV.Key}`),
In addition populate the execute command with --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 run -e Certificate=/home/cert/example_certification.crt -e Key=/home/cert/certification/example_key.key -e example.js --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 is written in Go, and the latest versions of Go have a breaking change in how they handle X.509 certificates: https://golang.org/doc/go1.15#commonname
As it says in the error message, you can temporarily allow the old behavior by setting a GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 environment variable, but that will likely stop working in a few months with Go 1.17. Using the insecureSkipTLSVerify k6 option might also work, I haven't checked, but as the name implies, that stops any TLS verification and is insecure.
So the real solution is to re-generate your server-side certificate properly.

GRPC Repeated field does not transcode to an array as body parameter in REST API

I´m having little luck trying to send a PUT request with JSON containing an array of objects to my GRPC Server using REST. Using GRPC however it accepts an array just like expected. This is what I have defined in my proto file:
message UpdateRequest {
repeated Data data = 1;
int32 Id = 2;
message UpdateResponse {
message Data {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
rpc Update(UpdateRequest) returns (UpdateResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
put: "/v1/data/{Id}"
body: "*"
This deploys successfully to GCP Endpoints but according to the GCP enpointsportal the request body is supposed to only contain a single object like:
"data": {
instead of an array of objects like expected:
"data": [
I´ve tried with replacing the "*" in the body with "data"
rpc Update(UpdateRequest) returns (UpdateResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
put: "/v1/data/{Id}"
body: "data"
This also compiles, but fails when trying to deploy to GCP endpoints with the following message:
kind: ERROR
message: "http: body field path 'data' must be a non-repeated message."
Any suggestions as to how I should go about solving this would be greatly appreciated.
Heres the contents of my .yaml file.
type: google.api.Service
config_version: 3
name: xxx.xxx-xxx.dev
title: xxxx
- name: x.x
- name: x.y
- selector: "*"
address: grpcs://xxx-xxx-app-xxxx-lz.a.run.app
This is a known issue, according to GCP support.
Here is the google issuetracker link: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/178486575
There seems that this is a bug in GCP endpoints portal. I´m now successfully sending update requests with arrays containing object through CURL and my frontend application, although this does not work through endpoints.

Pulumi kubernetes secret not creating all data keys

I've declared a kubernetes secret in pulumi like:
const tlsSecret = new k8s.core.v1.Secret('tlsSecret', {
metadata: {
name: 'star.builds.qwil.co'
data: {
'tls.crt': tlsCert,
'tls.key': tlsKey
However, I'm finding that when the secret is created only tls.key is present in the secret. When I look at the Diff View from the pulumi deployment on app.pulumi.com I see the following:
tlsSecret (kubernetes:core:Secret)
+ kubernetes:core/v1:Secret (create)
apiVersion: "v1"
data : {
tls.key: "[secret]"
kind : "Secret"
metadata : {
labels: {
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: "pulumi"
name : "star.builds.qwil.co"
Why is only tls.key being picked up even though I've also specified a tls.crt?
Turns out the variable tlsCert was false-y (I was loading it from config with the wrong key for Config.get()). Pulumi was smart and didn't create a secret with an empty string.