Copying swift string to fixed size char[][] - swift

I have a C struct like this.
struct someStruct {
char path[10][MAXPATHLEN];
I'd like to copy a list of Swift strings into the char[10][] array.
For me it's very challenging to handle c two-dimensional char array in Swift. Could anyone share some code which can work with Swift 5? Thanks!

C Arrays are imported to Swift as tuples. Here we have a two-dimensional C array, which becomes a nested tuple in Swift:
public struct someStruct {
public var path: (
(Int8, ..., Int8),
(Int8, ..., Int8),
(Int8, ..., Int8)
There is no really “nice” solution that I am aware of, but using the fact that Swift preserves the memory layout of imported C structures (source), one can achive the goal with some pointer magic:
var s = someStruct()
let totalSize = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: s.path)
let itemSize = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: s.path.0)
let numItems = totalSize / itemSize
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &s.path) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self, capacity: totalSize) { ptr in
for i in 0..<numItems {
let itemPtr = ptr + i * itemSize
strlcpy(itemPtr, "String \(i)", itemSize)
ptr is a pointer to s.path, and itemPtr is pointer to s.path[i]. strlcpy copies the string, here we use the fact that one can pass a Swift string directly to a C function taking a const char* argument (and a temporary null-terminated UTF-8 representation is created automatically).

I strongly encourage you to use some kind of helper methods.
/* writes str to someStruct instance at index */
void writePathToStruct(struct someStruct* s, size_t index, const char* str) {
assert(index < 10 && "Specified index is out of bounds");
strcpy(s->path[index], str);
Now, when calling this function, filling the array looks much cleaner:
var someStructInstance = someStruct()
let pathIndex: Int = 3
let path = "/dev/sda1"
let encoding = String.Encoding.ascii
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &someStructInstance) { pointer -> Void in
writePathToStruct(pointer, pathIndex, path.cString(using: encoding)!)
By design, tuples can not be accessed by variable index. Reading statically can thus be done without a helper function.
let pathRead = withUnsafeBytes(of: &someStructInstance.path.3) { pointer -> String? in
return String(cString: pointer.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: CChar.self), encoding: encoding)
print(pathRead ?? "<Empty path>")
However, I assume you will definitely have to read the array with a dynamic index.
In that case, I encourage you to use a helper method as well:
const char* readPathFromStruct(const struct someStruct* s, size_t index) {
assert(index < 10 && "Specified index is out of bounds");
return s->path[index];
which will result in a much cleaner Swift code:
pathRead = withUnsafePointer(to: &someStructInstance) { pointer -> String? in
return String(cString: readPathFromStruct(pointer, 3), encoding: encoding)


Is there a difference between String(validatingUTF8:) and String(utf8String:)?

Those two functions seem to have very close signatures and very close descriptions:
Creates a string by copying the data from a given null-terminated C array of UTF8-encoded bytes.
Creates a new string by copying and validating the null-terminated UTF-8 data referenced by the given pointer.
Since both are nullable initializers, what are their actual differences? Is there a possible input that would give a different output for each? If they are identical in behavior, then which one is recommended to use?
String.init(validatingUTF8:) is a method from the Swift standard library, the implementation is in CString.swift:
public init?(validatingUTF8 cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>) {
let len = UTF8._nullCodeUnitOffset(in: cString)
guard let str = cString.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: len, {
String._tryFromUTF8(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: len))
else { return nil }
self = str
String.init(utf8String:) is implemented in NSStringAPI.swift:
/// Creates a string by copying the data from a given
/// C array of UTF8-encoded bytes.
public init?(utf8String bytes: UnsafePointer<CChar>) {
if let str = String(validatingUTF8: bytes) {
self = str
if let ns = NSString(utf8String: bytes) {
self = String._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(ns)
} else {
return nil
and is the Swift overlay for the Foundation NSString initializer
- (nullable instancetype)initWithUTF8String:(const char *)nullTerminatedCString
which in turn is implemented non-Apple platforms in swift-corelibs-foundation/Sources/Foundation/NSString.swift as
public convenience init?(utf8String nullTerminatedCString: UnsafePointer<Int8>) {
guard let str = String(validatingUTF8: nullTerminatedCString) else { return nil }
So there is no difference in how the two methods convert C strings, but String.init(utf8String:) needs import Foundation whereas String.init(validatingUTF8:) does not need additional imports.

How to convert UInt16 to UInt8 in Swift 3?

I want to convert UInt16 to UInt8 array, but am getting the following error message:
'init' is unavailable: use 'withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_)' to
temporarily view memory as another layout-compatible type.
The code:
let statusByte: UInt8 = UInt8(status)
let lenghtByte: UInt16 = UInt16(passwordBytes.count)
var bigEndian = lenghtByte.bigEndian
let bytePtr = withUnsafePointer(to: &bigEndian) {
UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer($0), count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: bigEndian))
As the error message indicates, you have to use withMemoryRebound()
to reinterpret the pointer to UInt16 as a pointer to UInt8:
let bytes = withUnsafePointer(to: &bigEndian) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: bigEndian)) {
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: bigEndian)))
The closures are invoked with pointers ($0) which are only valid
for the lifetime of the closure and must not be passed to the outside
for later use. That's why an Array is created and used as return value.
There is a simpler solution however:
let bytes = withUnsafeBytes(of: &bigEndian) { Array($0) }
Explanation: withUnsafeBytes invokes the closure with a UnsafeRawBufferPointer to the storage of the bigEndian variable.
Since UnsafeRawBufferPointer is a Sequence of UInt8, an array
can be created from that with Array($0).
You can extend Numeric protocol and create a data property as follow:
Swift 4 or later
extension Numeric {
var data: Data {
var source = self
return Data(bytes: &source, count: MemoryLayout<Self>.size)
Since Swift 3 Data conforms to RandomAccessCollection so you can just create an array of bytes from your UInt16 bigEndian data:
extension Data {
var array: [UInt8] { return Array(self) }
let lenghtByte = UInt16(8)
let bytePtr = // [0, 8]

Convert a Swift Array of String to a to a C string array pointer

I'm on Swift 3, and I need to interact with an C API, which accepts a NULL-terminated list of strings, for example
const char *cmd[] = {"name1", "value1", NULL};
In Swift, the API was imported like
func command(_ args: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>!)
After trying hundreds of times using type casting or unsafeAddress(of:) I still cannot get this work. Even though I pass a valid pointer that passed compilation, it crashes at runtime saying invalid memory access (at strlen function). Or maybe it's something about ARC?
let array = ["name1", "value1", nil]
// ???
// args: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>
You can proceed similarly as in How to pass an array of Swift strings to a C function taking a char ** parameter. It is a bit different because of the different
const-ness of the argument array, and because there is a terminating
nil (which must not be passed to strdup()).
This is how it should work:
let array: [String?] = ["name1", "name2", nil]
// Create [UnsafePointer<Int8>]:
var cargs = { $0.flatMap { UnsafePointer<Int8>(strdup($0)) } }
// Call C function:
let result = command(&cargs)
// Free the duplicated strings:
for ptr in cargs { free(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ptr)) }
This class provides a pointer that works with char** and automatically deallocates the memory, even though it's a struct (using a little trick with a mapped data with deallocator).
public struct CStringArray {
public let pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?>
public let count: Int
private var data: Data
public init(_ array: [String]) {
let count = array.count
// Allocate memory to hold the CStrings and a terminating nil
let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?>.allocate(capacity: count + 1)
pointer.initialize(repeating: nil, count: count + 1) // Implicit terminating nil at the end of the array
// Populate the allocated memory with pointers to CStrings
var e = 0
array.forEach {
pointer[e] = strdup($0)
e += 1
// This uses the deallocator available on the data structure as a solution to the fact that structs do not have `deinit` = Data(bytesNoCopy: pointer, count: MemoryLayout<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>>.size * count, deallocator: .custom({_,_ in
for i in 0...count - 1 {
self.pointer = pointer
self.count = array.count
public subscript(index: Data.Index) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>? {
get {
precondition(index >= 0 && index < count, "Index out of range")
return pointer[index]
public subscript(index: Data.Index) -> String? {
get {
precondition(index >= 0 && index < count, "Index out of range")
if let pointee = pointer[index] {
return String(cString: pointee)
return nil

Swift structs to NSData and back

I have a struct containing a struct and an NSObject that I want to serialize into an NSData object:
struct Packet {
var name: String
var index: Int
var numberOfPackets: Int
var data: NSData
var thePacket = Packet(name: name, index: i, numberOfPackets: numberOfPackets, data: packetData)
How do I best serialize the Packet into an NSData, and how do I best deserialize it?
var bufferData = NSData(bytes: & thePacket, length: sizeof(Packet))
of only gives me the pointers of name and data. I was exploring NSKeyedArchiver, but then I'd have to make Packet an object, and I'd prefer to keep it a struct.
Not really getting any feedback, this is the solution I ended up with:
Make encode() and decode() functions for my struct
Change Int to Int64 so the Int has the same size on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
Have an intermediate struct (ArchivedPacket) that has no String or Data, but only Int64
Here is my code, I would be very grateful for your feedback, especially if there are less cumbersome ways to do this:
public struct Packet {
var name: String
var index: Int64
var numberOfPackets: Int64
var data: NSData
struct ArchivedPacket {
var index : Int64
var numberOfPackets : Int64
var nameLength : Int64
var dataLength : Int64
func archive() -> NSData {
var archivedPacket = ArchivedPacket(index: Int64(self.index), numberOfPackets: Int64(self.numberOfPackets), nameLength: Int64(, dataLength: Int64(
var metadata = NSData(
bytes: &archivedPacket,
length: sizeof(ArchivedPacket)
let archivedData = NSMutableData(data: metadata)
archivedData.appendData(name.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!)
return archivedData
func unarchive(data: NSData!) -> Packet {
var archivedPacket = ArchivedPacket(index: 0, numberOfPackets: 0, nameLength: 0, dataLength: 0)
let archivedStructLength = sizeof(ArchivedPacket)
let archivedData = data.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(0, archivedStructLength))
let nameRange = NSMakeRange(archivedStructLength, Int(archivedPacket.nameLength))
let dataRange = NSMakeRange(archivedStructLength + Int(archivedPacket.nameLength), Int(archivedPacket.dataLength))
let nameData = data.subdataWithRange(nameRange)
let name = NSString(data: nameData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String
let theData = data.subdataWithRange(dataRange)
let packet = Packet(name: name, index: archivedPacket.index, numberOfPackets: archivedPacket.numberOfPackets, data: theData)
return packet
Swift 5
If you are on Apple platforms, use Codable now. See documentation.
Swift 3
This is an unaltered copy-paste from a Playground in Xcode 8.2.1 that works. It is a bit simpler than other answers.
import Foundation
enum WhizzoKind {
case floom
case bzzz
struct Whizzo {
let name: String
let num: Int
let kind:WhizzoKind
static func archive(w:Whizzo) -> Data {
var fw = w
return Data(bytes: &fw, count: MemoryLayout<Whizzo>.stride)
static func unarchive(d:Data) -> Whizzo {
guard d.count == MemoryLayout<Whizzo>.stride else {
var w:Whizzo?
d.withUnsafeBytes({(bytes: UnsafePointer<Whizzo>)->Void in
w = UnsafePointer<Whizzo>(bytes).pointee
return w!
let thing = Whizzo(name:"Bob", num:77, kind:.bzzz)
print("thing = \(thing)")
let dataThing = Whizzo.archive(w: thing)
let convertedThing = Whizzo.unarchive(d: dataThing)
print("convertedThing = \(convertedThing)")
I couldn't make archive and unarchive instance methods because Data.init(bytes:​count:​) is mutating on the bytes parameter? And self isn't mutable, so... This made no sense to me.
The WhizzoKind enum is in there because that is something I care about. It's not important for the example. Someone might be paranoid about enums like I am.
I had to cobble this answer together from 4 other SO question/answers:
Getting data out of NSData with Swift
Extract struct from NSData in Swift
'bytes' is unavailable: use withUnsafeBytes instead
Unsafe bytes in Swift 3
And these docs:
And meditating on the Swift closure syntax until I wanted to scream.
So thanks to those other SO askers/authors.
So this will not work across devices. For example, sending from iPhone 7 to Apple Watch. Because the stride is different. The above example is 80 bytes on iPhone 7 Simulator but 40 bytes on Apple Watch Series 2 Simulator.
It looks like the approach (but not syntax) by #niklassaers is still the only one that will work. I'm going to leave this answer here because it might help others with all the new Swift 3 syntax and API changes surrounding this topic.
Our only real hope is this Swift proposal:
The easiest way for basic struct objects is PropertyListEncoder & PropertyListDecoder.
This is the sample code;
Swift 5
struct Packet: Codable {
var name: String
var index: Int
var numberOfPackets: Int
var data: Data
func getDataFromPacket(packet: Packet) -> Data?{
let data = try PropertyListEncoder.init().encode(packet)
return data
}catch let error as NSError{
return nil
func getPacketFromData(data: Data) -> Packet?{
let packet = try PropertyListDecoder.init().decode(Packet.self, from: data)
return packet
}catch let error as NSError{
return nil
I used Jeff's example to create the following struct:
struct Series {
var name: String?
var season: String?
var episode: String?
init(name: String?, season: String?, episode: String?) { = name
self.season = season
self.episode = episode
static func archive(w: Series) -> Data {
var fw = w
return Data(bytes: &fw, count: MemoryLayout<Series>.stride)
static func unarchive(d: Data) -> Series {
guard d.count == MemoryLayout<Series>.stride else {
var w: Series?
d.withUnsafeBytes({(bytes: UnsafePointer<Series>) -> Void in
w = UnsafePointer<Series>(bytes).pointee
return w!
Like Dag mentioned the whole thing is a bit fragile. Sometimes the App crashes when the name contains whitespace or an underline/underscore, and sometimes it crashes just without reason. In all cases the name which is unarchived looks similar to this '4\200a\256'. Surprisingly this is not a problem in the case of season or episode (like in "Season 2"). Here the whitespace doesn't force the app to crash.
Maybe it's an alternative to encode the strings to utf8 but I'm not familiar enough with the archive/unarchive methods to adapt them for this case.
It seems this came out recently, and to me it is looking solid. Didn't try it yet...
Well, Swift doesn't have any magical serialization method, if that's what you are after. Since the good days of C, when you have a struct with a pointer, that is a flag that you can't serialize the bytes of that struct's instance without following the pointers and fetching their data. Same applies to Swift.
Depending on your Serialization needs and constraints, I'd say using NSCoding or even JSON strings will tidy your code and make it more predictable than the current state. Sure, you'll need to write a mapper, and there is an overhead. Everyone will tell you this: "Measure first".
Now, here is the interesting part:
If you really want to inline your data in that struct, and stream the contents without building the packet around NSData as you're doing, you can reserve bytes using Swift Tuples, which work much like how you would reserve bytes in C using char[CONST]:
struct what {
var x = 3
$R0: Int = 8
struct the {
var y = (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 33)
$R1: Int = 56
To expand a bit on this, I think it's pretty horrible, but possible. You can write to the tuple's memory location and read from it using something like this.

Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, and Raw Data in Swift

My application uses a somewhat complex inmutable data structure that is encoded in a binary file. I need to have access to it at the byte level, avoiding any copying. Normally, I would use C or C++ pointer arithmetic and typecasts, to access and interpret the raw byte values. I would like to do the same with Swift.
I have found that the following works:
class RawData {
var data: NSData!
init(rawData: NSData) {
data = rawData
func read<T>(byteLocation: Int) -> T {
let bytes = data.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(byteLocation, sizeof(T))).bytes
return UnsafePointer<T>(bytes).memory
func example_ReadAnIntAtByteLocation5() -> Int {
return read(5) as Int
However, I am not sure how efficient it is. Do data.subdataWithRange and NSMakeRange allocate objects every time I call them, or are they just syntactic sugar for dealing with pointers?
Is there a better way to do this in Swift?
I have created a small Objective-C class that just encapsulates a function to offset a pointer by a given number of bytes:
#implementation RawDataOffsetPointer
inline void* offsetPointer(void* ptr, int bytes){
return (char*)ptr + bytes;
If I include this class in the bridging header, then I can change my read method to
func read<T>(byteLocation: Int) -> T {
let ptr = offsetPointer(data.bytes, CInt(byteLocation))
return UnsafePointer<T>(ptr).memory
which will not copy data from my buffer, or allocate other objects.
However, it would still be nice to do some pointer arithmetic from Swift, if it were possible.
If you just want to do it directly, UnsafePointer<T> can be manipulated arithmetically:
let oldPointer = UnsafePointer<()>
let newPointer = oldPointer + 10
You can also cast a pointer like so (UnsafePointer<()> is equivalent to void *)
let castPointer = UnsafePointer<MyStruct>(oldPointer)
I would recommend looking into NSInputStream, which allows you to read NSData as a series of bytes (UInt8 in Swift).
Here is a little sample I put together in the playground:
func generateRandomData(count:Int) -> NSData
var array = Array<UInt8>(count: count, repeatedValue: 0)
arc4random_buf(&array, UInt(count))
return NSData(bytes: array, length: count)
let randomData = generateRandomData(256 * 1024)
let stream = NSInputStream(data: randomData) // IMPORTANT
var readBuffer = Array<UInt8>(count: 16 * 1024, repeatedValue: 0)
var totalBytesRead = 0
while (totalBytesRead < randomData.length)
let numberOfBytesRead =, maxLength: readBuffer.count)
// Do something with the data
totalBytesRead += numberOfBytesRead
You can create an extension to read primitive types like so:
extension NSInputStream
func readInt32() -> Int
var readBuffer = Array<UInt8>(count:sizeof(Int32), repeatedValue: 0)
var numberOfBytesRead =, maxLength: readBuffer.count)
return Int(readBuffer[0]) << 24 |
Int(readBuffer[1]) << 16 |
Int(readBuffer[2]) << 8 |
I would recommend the simple way to use UnsafeArray.
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: filename)
let ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(data.bytes)
let bytes = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start:ptr, count:data.length)