Cannot visualize data in IBM Watson IoT Platform - raspberry-pi

I have a TI sensortag CC2650 connected to a Raspberry Pi using Node-Red and I have connected them to IBM Watson IoT output.
I am trying to create a card in a board in IBM Watson IoT Platform in order to see the data but when I click on "boards" => "Usage overview" I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'alert' of undefined at
(orgID is my organization ID)


Invalid session after login into IBM Watson IoT Platform

After login into IBM Watson IoT Platform. I get this error message.
Invalid session
The session is invalid or has expired. Repeat the process.
Logging out and logging in several times did not correct the error.
Yesterday I was still able to process data in the IBM Watson IoT Platform.
Why happens and how do I fix the error?

Watson Assistant and node-red

I am trying to use node-red to connect to my Watson chatbot using the Watson assistant v2 node. For some reason, I keep getting forbidden returns and It doesn't seem to connect properly? Has anyone managed to successfully connect to a Watson service using Node-red?
I am not sure the correct combination of API key or ID to connect to the correct service
In the Watson Assistant UI go to the Assistant you want to use, then to the Settings section. The Assistant ID and URL are shown, then in the Service credentials section the API key.
Enter them in the configuration of your node.
For those who came late for this question:
To use IBM watson node-red nodes
search for the service in IBM cloud.
Create the service.
Get the credentials.
Go to node-red editor and paste the credentials (API key + URL)

How do I list only Watson IoT Platform services using 'bx service' or similar operations

I'm trying to list out all the services of Watson IoT Platform, as deployed against a given Organisation and Space.
Say, for example, I have 3 different Watson IoT Platform services deployed and now, when I use
"bx service list"
It lists all services, including Watson IoT Platform services.
Now, if I know the name of my Watson IoT Platform service, then I can type in
"bx service show iotf-service"
Are you aware of BX SERVICE command or an equivalent REST API that I can leverage, to obtain the needed output?
there isn't a bx service command to show you only the desired services, but (assuming that you are on windows) you can use:
bx service list | find "iotf-service"
this will grab only the "iotf-service"

Push data from dashDB to Watson Analytics using DataWorks?

I have an account in IBM Public Bluemix. I provisioned a dashDB instance and have inserted data into a dashDB table. I login to Bluemix using my IBM ID (not IBM Intranet ID)
I also have a Watson Analytics account. Please note that my Watson Analytics account/access is part of a larger team. I do not access it using the short Watson Analytics URL I access my account using when I go to this URL, it redirects me to IBM Intranet Authentication page and I login using IBM Intranet ID (not IBM ID).
I need to push data from the Bluemix dashDB table to the Watson Analytics account that I have.
when I create a connection in Bluemix DataWorks, it does not allow me to specify Watson Analytics URL. It allows me to enter only the user name and password. I created a connection for Watson Analytics using my IBM ID. And then created an activity to move data from dashDB to Watson Analytics. When I run the activity it fails. Please help.
you can follow steps as in the video -
Instead of using bluemix dataWorks service, use the integrated dataworks within watson analytics by creating the data connections using dashDB credentials.
You are using an IBM internal userid that is not currently supported by DataWorks accessed via Bluemix. Short term, you will have to use the integrated DataWorks support. Unless you are developing a Bluemix application that needs to automatically push data, this will meet your needs.
Unless you are performing DataWorks cleansing operations on your data in dashDB, you can push your data into Watson Analytics directly via the API.

Unable to connect TI SensorTag CC2650STK to IoT Foundation / Bluemix

I can connect the SensorTag with the BLE SensorTag app on my Android phone and I can use the default Push to Cloud Quickstart setup to send data to IoT Foundation Quickstart. But I fail when trying to connect to IoT Foundation as a registered device.
I have registered the device on IoT foundation:
Organization ID abcdef (<- not my real org on IoT Foundation)
Device Type sensortag
Device ID sensortag1
Authentication Method token
Authentication Token somecrypticcharacters
In the BLE SensorTag app on my phone in Cloud Setup:
Cloud Service: IBM IoT Foundation
Username: use-token-auth
Password: somecrypticcharacters
Device id: d:abcdef:sensortag:sensortag1
Broker add.:
Broker Port: 1883
Publish topic: iot-2/evt/sensors/fmt/json
When I enable Push to Cloud I get a
"Failed with error code: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference'
What am I doing wrong here?
I had the same issue with the IoT Foundation connection ("Invalid userID () for device auth: ClientID....").
You can solve it like that:
get the SensorTag code here :
Open "IBMIoTCloudProfile" class
line 245, change the connection code
client.connect(options, new IMqttActionListener() {....
client.connect(options,this.context, new IMqttActionListener() {...
compile and install the updated app.