Is there any difference between using SYS_syscallname __NR_syscallname in seccomp? - bpf

Which is the difference between using SYS_syscallname and __NR_syscallname in a seccomp filter? Which one should I use?

You should use __NR_syscallname (e.g., __NR_chdir). As per the syscalls manpage:
Roughly speaking, the code belonging to the system call with number __NR_xxx defined in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h can be found in the Linux kernel source in the routine sys_xxx().
The difference is that SYS_syscallname definitions are part of the libc, while __NR_syscallname definitions are from the Linux headers. I'm also not sure all __NR_syscallname have a SYS_syscallname alias.


Modelica MSL CombiTimeTable - how to only set size of table at time of compilation?

I have stated to use MSL CombiTimeTable and replace my own code for a similar function. Is there a way to specify only the size of the table at time of compilation and later give the table values?
The following declaration code works
CombiTimeTable pump(
extrapolation = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.HoldLastPoint,
table=[0,0; 1001,1; 1002,2; 1003,3; 1004,4; 1005,5]);
But I want to avoid giving table dummy values. The documentation of MSL for this block does not indicate that it is possible, but here is perhaps some way to do it?
I usually compile the Modelica code to FMUs and set parameters in a Python script. There is a possibility to read the CombiTimeTable information from a file, but I want to have all parameters for the FMU in the Python script, for simplicity.
It depends. You could try:
CombiTimeTable pump(
extrapolation = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.HoldLastPoint,
parameter Real table[6,2];
which uses an unspecified table of the right-size.
However, tools may require special settings (Dymola seems to require Advanced.IssueErrorForUnassignedParameter=false)- and/or generate default values like 0 regardless.
Would it be an option to specify the table data from file, i.e., tableFromFile=true? This way you do not need to care for the number of table rows in an explicit way as it all is handled within the Modelica external function code.

How does VARIABLE_*_something works? in Yocto

I'm trying to build my own yocto_meta-layer based on the imx6ulevk and in ./meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/meta-sdk/conf/distro/include/ I found something weird:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_mx6ul = "linux-imx"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_mx6sll = "linux-imx"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_mx7 = "linux-imx"
So i was wondering what does the last *_word (i.e. PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_*) means?
a) Does it is a way to set a virtual/kernel parser depending on the machine?
b) If [a] is yes, how do i know which name to put? or what part of the machine_name.conf i need to choose?
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_<recipe-name>_<machine-name> means this variable applies to mentioned recipe AND the respective MACHINE only. This is a common sighting in distro layers. In this particular case, the freescale layer is telling bitbake which Linux kernel recipe to choose depending on the MACHINE you either set in local.conf or pass via command line. More info here.
So the answer to a) is yes.
The answer to b) is that you should not bother with changing the PREFERRED_PROVIDER for the Linux kernel unless you really know what you're doing (i.e, writing a kernel recipe from scratch). Even if you have a custom board you're unlikely to change the virtual/kernel provider. You'd likely want to follow the BSP maintainer's recommendation. What you need to do is set a proper MACHINE, and the bitbake will take care of the rest.
For example if your MACHINE is mx6ul, invoking bitbake virtual/kernel is the same as bitbake linux-imx. The former is best practice, as you call that in Yocto regardless of the machine.
I'm afraid reading the docs is the best way to fully grasp Yocto. The good thing is that it's documented really well. You'd probably want to start from the development manual and the bitbake link above, before diving into the mega manual.
The suffix underscore '_' followed by a string means that the variable, PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel in this case is "overridden". bitbake will use this assignment when the OVERRIDES variable contains that particular string, such as "imx6ul".
Many times, if not all, the SoC architecture is set in the MACHINEOVERRIDES variable in the machine.conf, to define what the SoC is on the board. That consequently gets assigned to OVERRIDES in some yocto/bitbake recipe elsewhere.
The Conditional Syntax (Overrides) section in the bitbake manual [1] specifically talks about how this affects the variable expansion.
a.) If we were being strict with the terminology used by Yocto, it would be no. The "machine" per-se correlates to a board, such as "imx6ulevk". The overrides you have there more generally pertain to an SoC architecture (a chip). You may have many boards running the imx6ul for example. In this case it would pertain to all "machines" running that particular SoC (as defined by your machine in MACHINEOVERRIDES).
b.) Anything appearing in the colon delimited OVERRIDES variable is fair game. You can use the machine name because Yocto does in fact append the MACHINE name to it as well. But it doesn't really make sense to do that because you have a dedication machine.conf file for you to make a hard definition such as PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "something" if you really want a machine/board specific kernel selection. NXP did this in their distro layer to apply to many machines (aka boards) all at once.
Hint: to see what these variables expand out to, run bitbake -e virtual/kernel
These overrides are one of the most powerful features of bitbake. For example if you want to override the source revision of you linux-imx kernel build you can put something like SRCREV_pn-linux-imx = "something" in your local.conf. See if you can grep the recipe sources to find out how this works!

Is there any ways to support usdt probes(User-level Statically Defined Tracing) without recompiling?

I want to trace mysql query event using ebpf tools such as bcc, bpftrace and perf. And I find that we need to compile the application ourself using a --with-dtrace flag to support USDT events. And how does usdt works. Is there other way to use usdt without recompiling the application?
You can use dynamic tracepoints with perf probe. These tracepoints can be defined in any executable or shared library as well as the kernel.
For example:
./perf probe -x /path/to/exectuable function_name
They are then available as tracepoints for perf and friends. You can also add function parameters or local variables if the optimization level permits.

More than one V4L-DVB driver on the same host machine

I have a question related to V4L-DVB drivers. Following the
Building/Compiling the Latest V4L-DVB Source Code link, there are 3 ways to
compile. I am curious about the last approach (More "Manually
Intensive" Approach). It allows me to choose the components that I
wish to build and install using the "make menuconfig". Some of these components (i.e. "CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH") are used in pre-processor directives that define a function in one shape if defined, and a function in another if not defined (i.e.
dvb_attach, dvb_detach) in the resulting modules (i.e. dvb_core.ko)
that will be loaded by most of the DVB drivers. What happens if there are two
drivers (*.ko modules) on the same host machine, one that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH defined and another that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH undefined, is there a clean way to handle this?
What is also not clear to me is: Since the V4L compilation environment seems very customizable (by setting the .config file), if I develop a driver using V4L-DVB structures, there is a big chance that it has conflicts with other drivers since each driver has its own custom settings. Is my understanding correct?

Can I work around name conflicts?

I have a fortran project whith some name conflicts (from doxygen's point of view). Sometimes a local variable in a procedure may have the same name as a subroutine or function. For compilation/linking there are no problems, as the different definitions live separate lives, for instance:
progA/main.f defines and uses the variable delta.
libB/delta.f defines a function named delta.
progB/main.f uses the function delta defined in libB.
progB is linked with libB, progA is not linked with libB.
In this case, when generating call/caller graphs, or linked source code, the variable delta in progA/main.f will be identified as the function delta. Is there some combination of doxygen settings I can use to inform it that progA is not supposed to use definitions in libB, or something similar?
Another issue is that I may have functions/subroutines with the same name in different subdirectories. Again, as long as they are not linked together this does not represent a problem for compilation, but doxygen cannot identify which of them is meant in links, calls, etc. Is there some work around this (without renaming procedures, that is)?