I would like to know the best (and most consistent) way to add redundant bits to my restful uris so that they are more readable while remaining unchanging when some things such as username change.
I read of the concept at this excellent blog post and it is something like what stack overflow does /users/3836923/inkalimeva where the last segment of the URI is redundant and may change but makes the URI more readable and SEO friendly.
Currently I am using Laravel's Route::resource() but that creates routes with only the id segment.
You can use eloquent-sluggable to create slugs for your users. That way the slug will change when they update their username. You can also simply call their username in the url method, though this will result in uglier urls.
This method still requires that you drop Route::resource() and write your routes explicitly.
Here is the code, tested and working:
ROUTES.PHP (don't mind the route details)
Route::get('route-name/{id}/{slugOrUsernameAsYouPlease}', [
'as' => 'admin-confirm-detach-admin',
'uses' => 'AdminController#confirmDetachAdmin'
Click me!
Click me!
URL RESULT (My users name here is Fnup. Just for testing)
With Username: http://website.local/route-name/8/Fnup
With Slug: http://website.local/route-name/8/fnup
A quick final note
I just changed fnup's username to fnupper and here is the result:
However the slug didn't change automatically. You have to add that code yourself to the user update method. Otherwise the slug stays as what it was the first time the resource was made. Here is my code when using eloquent-sluggable
public function update(UpdateUserRequest $request)
$user = \Auth::user();
$user->name = $request->name;
$user->email = $request->email;
session()->flash('message', 'Din profil er opdateret!');
return redirect()->route('user-show');
Which result in: http://website.local/route-name/8/fnupper
New edit per request: Controller method example
Here is my confirmDetachAdmin() method in AdminController.php. Just to clarify, the methods job is to show a "confirm" view before modifying a users status. Just like edit/update & create/store, I made up confirm to accompany destroy (since I'd like a javascript free confirmation option should javascript be disabled).
public function confirmAttachAdmin($id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
/* Prevent error if user already has role */
if ( $user->hasRole('admin')) {
return redirect()->back();
return view('admin.confirmAttachAdmin', compact('user'));
You can add your slug/username as a second parameter if you want to, but I don't see a reason, as you can access it from $user when you find them by id.
As opposed to #MartinJH's answer, I don't think you should store your slugs in database if you don't rely only on them in your URIs. A simple link() method on your model, and an explicit route is enough.
class User extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public function link()
return route('user-profile', [ $this->id, Str::slug($this->username) ]);
Route::get('{id}/{username}', [ 'as' => 'user-profile', 'uses' => 'UserController#profile' ])
->where('id', '\d+')
->where('username', '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+');
public function profile($id, $username)
$user = \App\User::findOrFail($id);
return view('profile')->with('user', $user);
I have a form for some element creation with captcha.
It works fine.
But I want use this form in Admin page too, and there should be no captcha.
When I try to submit form I have an error
["captcha"] => array(1) {
["isEmpty"] => string(36) "Value is required and can't be empty"
How can I reuse this form without captcha? Is there another method without extending another new form?
Just create Filter
use Zend\InputFilter\Input;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter;
class FreeLessonFilter extends InputFilter
public function __construct()
protected function addElements()
$captcha = new Input('captcha');
And than use it in Admin page controller, but not in Index page
$this->defaultForm = new FreeLessonForm();
$filter = new FreeLessonFilter();
By default it required, but in admin - not.
In my form's model, I have a custom validation function for a field defined in this way
class SignupForm extends Model
public function rules()
return [
['birth_date', 'checkDateFormat'],
// other rules
public function checkDateFormat($attribute, $params)
// no real check at the moment to be sure that the error is triggered
$this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
The error message doesn't appear under the field in the form view when I push the submit button, while other rules like the required email and password appear.
I'm working on the Signup native form, so to be sure that it is not a filed problem, I've set the rule
['username', 'checkDateFormat']
and removed all the other rules related to the username field, but the message doesn't appear either for it.
I've tried passing nothing as parameters to checkDateFormat, I've tried to explicitly pass the field's name to addError()
$this->addError('username', '....');
but nothing appears.
Which is the correct way to set a custom validation function?
Did you read documentation?
According to the above validation steps, an attribute will be
validated if and only if it is an active attribute declared in
scenarios() and is associated with one or multiple active rules
declared in rules().
So your code should looks like:
class SignupForm extends Model
public function rules()
return [
['birth_date', 'checkDateFormat'],
// other rules
public function scenarios()
$scenarios = [
'some_scenario' => ['birth_date'],
return array_merge(parent::scenarios(), $scenarios);
public function checkDateFormat($attribute, $params)
// no real check at the moment to be sure that the error is triggered
$this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
And in controller set scenario, example:
$signupForm = new SignupForm(['scenario' => 'some_scenario']);
Try forcing the validation on empty field
['birth_date', 'checkDateFormat', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'skipOnError' => false],
Also, make sure you don't assign id to your birth_date field in your view.
If you do have id for your birth_date, you need to specify the selectors
<?= $form->field($model, 'birth_date', ['selectors' => ['input' => '#myBirthDate']])->textInput(['id' => 'myBirthDate']) ?>
To make custom validations in yii 2 , you can write custom function in model and assign that function in rule.
for eg. I have to apply password criteria in password field then I will write like this in model.
public function rules()
return [
public function passwordCriteria()
$this->addError('new_password','Password must contains eight letters one digit and one character.');
$this->addError('new_password','Password must contain one digit.');
if(!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $this->new_password)){
$this->addError('new_password','Password must contain one character.');
You need to trigger $model->validate() somewhere if you are extending from class Model.
I stumbled on this when using the CRUD generator. The generated actionCreate() function doesn't include a model validation call so custom validators never get called. Also, the _form doesn't include and error summary.
So add the error summary to the _form.
<?= $form->errorSummary($model); ?>
...and add the validation call - $model->validate() - to the controller action
public function actionCreate()
$model = new YourModel();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) {...
Although it's an old post i thought I should answer.
You should create a Custom Validator Class and to create a validator that supports client-side validation, you should implement the yii\validators\Validator::clientValidateAttribute() method which returns a piece of JavaScript code that performs the validation on the client-side. Within the JavaScript code.
You may use the following predefined variables:
attribute: the name of the attribute being validated.
value: the value being validated.
messages: an array used to hold the validation error messages for
the attribute.
deferred: an array which deferred objects can be pushed into
(explained in the next subsection).
SO that means you can use messages array to push your messages to the client end on runtime within the javascript code block in this method.
I will create a class that includes dummy checks that could be replaced the way you want them to. and change the namespace according to your yii2 advanced or basic.
Custom Client-side Validator
namespace common\components;
use yii\validators\Validator;
class DateFormatValidator extends Validator{
public function init() {
parent::init ();
$this->message = 'You entered an invalid date format.';
public function validateAttribute( $model , $attribute ) {
$model->addError ( $attribute , $this->message );
public function clientValidateAttribute( $model , $attribute , $view ) {
$message = json_encode ( $this->message , JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE );
return <<<JS
if ($("#DATE-1").val()=="" || $("#DATE-2").val() =="") {
and then inside your model SigupForm add the rule
['birth_date', 'common\components\DateFormatValidator'],
Deferred Validation
You can even add ajax calls inside the clientValidateAttribute function and on the base of the result of that ajax call you can push message to the client end but you can use the deferred object provided by yii that is an array of Deferred objects and you push your calls inside that array or explicitly create the Deferred Object and call its resolve() method.
Default Yii's deferred Object
public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
return <<<JS
deferred.push($.get("/check", {value: value}).done(function(data) {
if ('' !== data) {
More about Deferred Validation
You need to render the model from controller. Without initializing the model in view. And in the controller you need to call the validate function
Are you sure the first parameter of addError shouldn't be like this
$this->addError(**'attribute'**, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
I had common problem.
In your validation function:
public function checkDateFormat($attribute, $params)
// no real check at the moment to be sure that the error is triggered
$this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
$params doesn`t get any value at all. It actually always equals to Null. You have to check for your attribute value in function:
public function checkDateFormat($attribute, $params)
if($this->birth_date == False)
$this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
that`s how it worked for me.
If you don't use scenarios for your model, you must mark your atribute as 'safe':
['birth_date', 'checkDateFormat'],
And, on the other hand, you can use this for date validation:
[['birth_date'],'date', 'format'=>'php:Y-m-d'],
You can change format as you want.
**We should set attributes to the function to work with input value **
public function rules()
return [
public function passwordCriteria($attribute, $params)
$input_value = $this->$attribute;
//all good
//Error empty value
$this->addError('social_id','Error - value is empty');
Are you by any chance using client side validation? If you do then you have to write a javascript function that would validate the input. You can see how they do it here:
Another solution would be to disable client validation, use ajax validation, that should bring back the error too.
Also make sure that you have not overwritten the template of the input, meaning make sure you still have the {error} in there if you did overwrite it.
Your syntax on rules should be something like this man,
[['birth_date'], 'checkDateFormat']
not this
['birth_date', 'checkDateFormat']
So in your case, it should look like below
class SignupForm extends Model
public function rules()
// Notice the different with your previous code here
return [
[['birth_date'], 'checkDateFormat'],
// other rules
public function checkDateFormat($attribute, $params)
// no real check at the moment to be sure that the error is triggered
$this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('user', 'You entered an invalid date format.'));
For my application in Zend Framework 2 I created a 'search form' in my layout.phtml.
I did this in my Application module by adding the search form as an variable.
(Form location Application/src/Application/Form/SearchForm.php)
public function setFormToView($e)
$searchForm = new SearchForm();
$viewModel = $e->getViewModel();
'searchForm' => $searchForm,
The form directs to an Action in another module, here I want to handle what to do with
the incoming query.
public function dataAction()
$form = new SearchForm();
$website = $this->params()->fromQuery('search');
return array('searchForm', $form);
Getting the query 'search' is no problem, it works well. No I want to use my inputFilter I created under 'Application/src/Application/Model/Search.php'.
I tried to add this in my 'dataAction()' but no results, but I even can't change the submit value as I tried in my example above.
How do I set this in the right way in this situation? Or else, what is the right situation to handle a search form in layout.phtml.
Thanks in advance,
I am fairly new to symfony and I have 2 fields relating to my table "Pages"; created_by and updated_by. These are related to the users table (sfGuardUser) as foreign keys. I want these to be hidden from the edit/new forms so I have set up the generator.yml file to not display these fields:
General: [name, template_id]
Meta: [meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords]
Now I need to set the fields on the save. I have been searching for how to do this all day and tried a hundred methods. The method I have got working is this, in the actions class:
protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
$form_params = $request->getParameter($form->getName());
$form_params['updated_by'] = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();
if ($form->getObject()->isNew()) $form_params['created_by'] = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();
$form->bind($form_params, $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
So this works. But I get the feeling that ideally I shouldnt be modifying the web request, but instead modifying the form/object directly. However I havent had any success with things like:
If anyone could offer any advice on the best ways about solving this type of problem I would be very grateful.
After processing and saving the form you could set those fields on the object and re-save:
protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
if ($form->isValid())
$page = $form->save();
$user = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser();
if (empty($page->created_by))
$this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'Successfully saved page.');
There's also a Doctrine extension called Blameable that automatically sets edited_by and created_by fields on specified models. The Doctrine website is undergoing some reorganization but here is the cached page for the extension.
To process your form create a new object, set the fields then save.
$article = new Article();
What you want to do is customize your form and unset the 'created_at' and 'updated_at' pieces of the form in configure
class SampleForm extends BaseSampleForm
public function configure()
Then they won't show up in the form and will get the values setup by the "Timestampable" behavior before being saved