Flutter provider in initState - flutter

I'm currently trying Provider as a state management solution, and I understand that it can't be used inside the initState function.
All examples that I've seen call a method inside a derived ChangeNotifier class upon user action (user clicks a button, for example), but what if I need to call a method when initialising my state?
Creating a screen which loads assets (async) and shows progress
An example for the ChangeNotifier class (can't call add from initState):
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
class ProgressData extends ChangeNotifier {
double _progress = 0;
double get progress => _progress;
void add(double dProgress) {
_progress += dProgress;

You can call such methods from the constructor of your ChangeNotifier:
class MyNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
MyNotifier() {
void someMethod() {
// TODO: do something

Change your code to this
class ProgressData extends ChangeNotifier {
double _progress = 0;
double get progress => _progress;
void add(double dProgress) async {
// Loading Assets maybe async process with its network call, etc.
_progress += dProgress;
ProgressData() {

In initState all the of(context) things don't work correctly, because the widget is not fully wired up with every thing in initState.
You can use this code:
Provider.of<ProgressData>(context, listen: false).add(progress)
Or this code:

So an AssetLoader class which reports on its progress will look something like this, I guess:
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
class ProgressData extends ChangeNotifier {
double _progress = 0;
ProgressData() {
Future<void> _loadFake() async {
await _delayed(true, Duration(seconds: 1));
await _delayed(true, Duration(seconds: 2));
await _delayed(true, Duration(seconds: 3));
// progress
double get progress => _progress;
// add
void _add(double dProgress) {
_progress += dProgress;
// _delayed
Future<dynamic> _delayed(dynamic returnVal, Duration duration) {
return Future.delayed(duration, () => returnVal);

As Fateme said:
the widget is not fully wired up with everything in initState
Also, you can use something like this in your initState
WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
Provider.of<ProgressData>(context, listen: false).add(5);
I think it's more standard!
Be aware that you should use the correct context! I mean the context of the Builder!

The problem here lies with the fact that context does not exist yet in initState as extensively explained by the other answers. It doesn't exist because it hasn't yet been made a part of the widget tree.
Calling a method
If you're not assigning any state and only calling a method then initState would be the best place to get this done.
// The key here is the listen: false
Provider.of<MyProvider>(context, listen: false).mymethod();
The code above is allowed by Flutter because it doesn't have to listen for anything. In short, it's a one off. Use it where you only want to do something instead of read/listen to something.
Listening to changes
Alternatively, if you need to listen to changes from Provider then the use of didChangeDependencies would be the best place to do so as context would exist here as in the docs.
This method is also called immediately after initState.
int? myState;
void didChangeDependencies() {
// No listen: false
myState = Provider.of<MyProvider>(context).data;
If you've never used didChangeDependencies before, what it does is get called whenever updateShouldNotify() returns true. This in turn lets any widgets that requested an inherited widget in build() respond as needed.
I'd usually use this method in a FutureBuilder to prevent reloading data when data already exists in Provider after switching screens. This way I can just check Provider for myState and skip the preloader (if any) entirely.
Hope this helps.


Video Player not showing unless I do a hot reload

I have code in the initState that goes something like this (video_player package):
#override void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) async {
final navBar = Provider.of<NavBar>(context, listen: false);
navBar.urls.forEach((element) {
videoPlayerOptions: VideoPlayerOptions(
allowBackgroundPlayback: false,
)..initialize().then((value) => navBar.initialized = true)
navBar.notify(); // This is a method that calls notifyListeners() within the NavBar class (with ChangeNotifier like how a Provider class does).
The behaviour of this code is such that the video starts playing, I can hear the audio as well, but the page has not been loaded as I see no UI elements but a white screen.
Once I just do a hot reload, all the UI elements are there and I can see the video playing as well.
Where am I going wrong here?
Maybe you are having a problem with async methods...
Try to move this block:
navBar.notify(); // This is a method that calls notifyListeners() within the NavBar class (with ChangeNotifier like how a Provider class does).
Inside the initialize response, something like this:
..initialize().then((value) {
navBar.initialized = true
navBar.notify(); // This is a method that calls notifyListeners() within the NavBar class (with ChangeNotifier like how a Provider class does).
In this way you will only start the video after it is added to the videoControllers and it`s properly initialized.
The final code:
#override void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) async {
final navBar = Provider.of<NavBar>(context, listen: false);
navBar.urls.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
videoPlayerOptions: VideoPlayerOptions(
allowBackgroundPlayback: false,
)..initialize().then((value) {
navBar.initialized = true)
// To execute this block just when it is the first item.
if (index == 0) {
The video_player package works as such that it will not display the video correctly if you display the VideoPlayer before it is initialized in your Widget tree. So just like their tutorial in the flutter packages website (which I sadly overlooked at that part), you need to check for the initialization before displaying it. If you don't, only a hot reload can work.
(navBar.videoControllers[0].value.isInitialized) ?
navBar.scrollingVideos :
Note: scrollingVideos is a List<Widget> that contains the video players.

How to unit test a class that is created by provider?

So let's say I have a Counter class like this
class Counter extends ChangeNotifier {
int _i = 0;
int get myCounter => _i;
void increment() {
void decrement() {
I want to write a test file for it, so I expose its instance like this. The problem is, after I expose it, how do I access the instance of the class I just created? Like say, I increased _i value through a button, how will I access the instance that is created by Provider in order to test it?
I was looking to do the same but then I found this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/67704136/8111212
Basically, you can get the context from a widget, then you can use the context to get the provider state
Btw, you should test a public variable like i instead of _i
Code sample:
testWidgets('showDialog', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: Material(child: Container())));
final BuildContext context = tester.element(find.byType(Scaffold)); // It could be final BuildContext context = tester.element(find.byType(Container)) depending on your app
final Counter provider = Provider.of<Counter>(context, listen: false);
expect(provider.i, equals(3));
You first initialize the Provider in your main.dart file using
after that you can use the class anywhere in your code by either using the Consumer widget or by using:
final counter = Provider.of<Counter>(context)
Here is a good post/tutorial about how to use Provider

how can I get the other controller's variable inside one controller in flutter using getx

This is an issue related to the getx in flutter.
I have 2 controllers. ContractsController and NotificationController.
In ContractsController I have put the value into observer variable by calling the Api request.
What I want now is to get that variable's data in another controller - NotificationController.
How to get that value using getx functions?
class ContractsController extends GetxController {
ExpiringContractRepository _expiringContractRepository;
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs; // This is the value what I want in another controller
ContractsController() {
_expiringContractRepository = new ExpiringContractRepository();
Future<void> onInit() async {
await refreshContracts();
Future refreshContracts({bool showMessage}) async {
await getExpiringContracts();
if (showMessage == true) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.SuccessSnackBar(message: "List of expiring contracts refreshed successfully".tr));
Future getExpiringContracts() async {
try {
expiringContracts.value = await _expiringContractRepository.getAll(); // put the value from the api
} catch (e) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.ErrorSnackBar(message: e.toString()));
The expiringContracts is updated successfully with data after the api request.
Now, I want to get that value in NotificationController
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
final notifications = <Notification>[].obs;
ContractsController contractsController;
NotificationsController() {
void onInit() async {
contractsController = Get.find<ContractsController>();
print(contractsController.expiringContracts); // This shows an empty list ?????
A couple solutions come to mind:
pass the expiringContracts list as a constructor argument to NotificationsController if you only need this done once at instantiation, or
use a GetX worker to update NotificationsController every time expiringContracts is updated
The first solution isn't related to GetX, rather it's just async coordination between ContractsController and NotificationsController, so lets focus on the 2nd solution: GetX Workers.
In NotificationsController, create a method that will receive expiringContracts.
Something like:
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
void refreshContracts(List<ExpiringContract> contracts) {
// do something
Please note: none of this code is tested. I'm writing this purely in StackOverflow, so consider this pseudo-code.
In ContractsController we'll supply the above callback method as a constructor arg:
In ContractsController, something like:
class ContractsController {
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs
final Function(List<ExpiringContract>) refreshContractsCallback;
void onInit() {
refreshContracts(); // do your stuff after super.onInit
ever(expiringContracts, refreshContractsCallback);
// ↑ contracts → refreshContractsCallback(contracts)
// when expiringContracts updates, run callback with them
Here the GetX ever worker takes the observable as first argument, and a function as 2nd argument. That function must take an argument of type that matches the observed variable, i.e. List<ExpiringContract>, hence the Type of refreshContractsCallback was defined as Function(List<ExpiringContract>).
Now whenever the observable expiringContracts is updated in ContractsController, refreshContractsCallback(contracts) will be called, which supplies the list of expiring contracts to NotificationsController via refreshContracts.
Finally, when instantiating the two controllers inside the build() method of your route/page:
NotificationsController nx = Get.put(NotificationsController());
ContractsController cx = Get.put(ContractsController(nx.refreshContracts));
Timeline of Events
NotificationsController gets created as nx.
nx.onInit() runs, slow call of refreshContracts() starts
ContractsController gets created, with nx.refreshContracts callback
your page paints
nx has no contracts data at this point, so you'll prob. need a FutureBuilder or an Obx/ GetX + StatelessWidget that'll rebuild when data eventually arrives
when refreshContracts() finishes, ever worker runs, sending contracts to nx
nx.refreshContracts(contracts) is run, doing something with contracts
async/await was removed from nx.onInit
ever worker will run when refreshContract finishes
There were some powerful approaches in GetX. I solved this issue with Get.put and Get.find
Here is the code that I added.
class ContractsController extends GetxController {
ExpiringContractRepository _expiringContractRepository;
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs; // This is the value what I want in another controller
ContractsController() {
_expiringContractRepository = new ExpiringContractRepository();
Future<void> onInit() async {
await refreshContracts();
Future refreshContracts({bool showMessage}) async {
await getExpiringContracts();
if (showMessage == true) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.SuccessSnackBar(message: "List of expiring contracts refreshed successfully".tr));
Future getExpiringContracts() async {
try {
expiringContracts.value = await _expiringContractRepository.getAll(); // put the value from the API
// ******************************** //
Get.put(ContractsController()); // Added here
} catch (e) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.ErrorSnackBar(message: e.toString()));
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
final notifications = <Notification>[].obs;
ContractsController contractsController;
NotificationsController() {
void onInit() async {
// ******************************** //
contractsController = Get.find<ContractsController>(); // Added here.
print(contractsController.expiringContracts); // This shows the updated value
Finally, I have found that GetX is simple but powerful for state management in flutter.

How to force initState every time the page is rendered in flutter?

I am adding some data into the SharedPreferenceson page2 of my app and I am trying to retrieve the data on the homepage. I have used an init function on page 1 as follows:
void initState() {
void _getrecent() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
// prefs.clear();
String b = prefs.getString("recent").toString();
Map<String, dynamic> p = json.decode(b);
if (b.isNotEmpty) {
print("Shared pref:" + b);
setState(() {
c = Drug.fromJson(p);
cond = true;
} else {
print("none in shared prefs");
cond = false;
Since the initState() loads only once, I was wondering if there was a way to load it every time page1 is rendered. Or perhaps there is a better way to do this. I am new to flutter so I don't have a lot of idea in State Management.
you can override didChangeDependencies method. Called when a dependency of the [State] object changes as you use the setState,
void didChangeDependencies() {
// your codes
Also, you should know that using setState updates the whole widget, which has an overhead. To avoid that you should const, declaring a widget const will only render once so it's efficient.
First thing is you can't force initState to rebuild your widget.
For that you have setState to rebuild your widget. As far as I can
understand you want to recall initState just to call _getrecent()
Here's what you should ideally do :
A simple solution would be to use FutureBuilder. You just need to use _getrecent() in FutureBuilder as parent where you want to use the data you get from _getrecent(). This way everytime your Widget rebuilds it will call _getrecent().
You simply use setState() methode if you want to update widget. Here's documentation for this https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/State/setState.html
init function will render it only once initially, to avoid that -
You can use setState( ) method to re-render your whole widget.

Flutter: Async function in Getx Controller takes no effect when initialized

2021/06/11 After hours of debugging yesterday, I confirmed that the problem is caused by aws amplify configuration: _configureAmplify(). Because the location of the amplify server was set wrong, so _configureAmplify() takes several seconds to work... and therefore, the readPost() function did not work on initialization, as it must run after _configureAmplify()...
2021/06/10I made changes to my code according to S. M. JAHANGIR's advice, and updated the question. The issue still presists. The value of posts is not updated when called in initialization and the data only shows up after reload. (if I commented out the _controller.readPost() in UI, the value of posts is always empty.
I have this page that loads information from aws amplify with getx implemented. However, I found out the readPost() async funtion in getx controller dart file is not reading from database, when the controller instance is initialized. I have to add a _controller.readPost() in UI file to make it work. And the data only shows up after a reload of that UI page...
Getx Controller dart file:
class ReadPostController extends GetxController {
var isLoading = true.obs;
var posts = <Posty>[].obs;
void onInit() {
await readPost();
// print('show post return value: $posts');
void _configureAmplify() {
final provider = ModelProvider();
final dataStorePlugin = AmplifyDataStore(modelProvider: provider);
AmplifyStorageS3 storage = new AmplifyStorageS3();
AmplifyAuthCognito auth = new AmplifyAuthCognito();
AmplifyAPI apiRest = AmplifyAPI();
// Amplify.addPlugin(dataStorePlugin);
Amplify..addPlugins([dataStorePlugin, storage, auth, apiRest]);
print('Amplify configured');
// read all posts from databases
Future readPost() async {
try {
var result = await Amplify.DataStore.query(Posty.classType);
print('finish loading request');
result = result.sublist(1);
// print(the value of posts is $posts');
} finally {
void onClose() {
// called just before the Controller is deleted from memory
And in the UI part:
class TabBody extends StatelessWidget {
TabBody({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ReadPostController _controller = Get.put(ReadPostController());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_controller.readPost();//if commented out, _controller.post is empty
return Container(
child: Obx(
() => Text('showing:${_controller.posts[1].title}'),
In my understanding, the readPost() function should be called when the ReadPost_controller is initiallized. And the UI will update when the posts = <Posty>[].obs changes. Guys, what am I doing wrong here?
First, when you are calling readPost on onInit you are not awaiting. So change it to:
onInit() async{
await readPost();
Secondly, posts is a RxList so you need to use the assignAll method to update it.
Therefore, in your readPost method, instead of posts.value = reault you need to use posts.assignAll(result)
Calling from the UI works because readPost every time the build method is called by the Flutter framework and actually the UI shows the data from every previous call.
I think try with GetBuilder instead of Obx.
builder: (value) => Text('showing:${value.posts[1].title}'),
and also use update(). in readPost() method.