Flash card template fuctions according to her own will - actions-on-google

I made an action on Google where the assistant asks a question regarding country name and the user tells a country name to describe its demography. But the Flash Card template I used knows the answer and doesn't takes user's answer. I want to make it user driven and not assistant driven.
I tried other templates but none of them solves this.


Dialog Flow - Integration issues with Google Assistant

We are working on project using Google Home.
We have built certain intents in Dialog Flow. It has certain follow-up questions to get the parameter values, as a multi-turn dialogue. When testing using Dialog Flow, test console, I am asking
Can you help in booking a table: It prompts back with right question (Where do you want to book a table) as configured in Dialog Flow
Where do you want to book a table : I answer - "Some Restaurant". It prompts back with right question (When do you want to book a table) as configured in Dialog Flow
When do you want to book a table: I answer: "Today" . It prompts back with right question (For how many guests) as configured in Dialog Flow.
For how many guests? - I answer: "4 people." It ends the conversation, as configured in Dialog Flow.
The above conversation works perfectly fine as expected.
When I test using the integration for Google Home (using simulator with action SDK) [See how it works in Google Assistant]
Invoke the app (by using the explicit invocation - Talk to [APP NAME]) - App gets invoked with the right greeting message as configured
After that when I ask the questions as mentioned - above - app leaves the conversation? Nothing is answered back.
Not sure why this issue is happening - anything I am missing in the configuration?
Walk through your intents and make sure the 'set this intent to end conversation' is not set to enabled in Dialogflow (and if you're using a webhook not ending there). Look down at the Responses section in DF.
Start with Welcome Default intent, and then check each intent, all follow-up prompts.
For personal gmail accounts, the Web&App activity, when turned on, it automatically gets enabled.
For gsuite accounts, even when the Web&App activity turned on, it needs to be enabled by the admin of that organization. Only after when it is enabled, the simulator will behave as expected.
I think Actions straight up doesn't work for some (all?) Gsuite accounts, regardless of what permissions you set. Google knows but doesn't care. I spent weeks in an Actions support conversation on this topic and they ultimately punted me to the Gsuite team, who couldn't help. See also:
Sorry, this action is not available in simulation
Actions on Google won't respond to explicit invocations

storing full address from google places api

Users will be able to submit places through my site, providing title, description, address and other info. Info will be later used in mobile app and elsewhere.
Anyway, I was thinking to use autocomplete, powered by google places api. Am I allowed to store the full addres user types in, or selects from autocomplete list?
It is user provided information, the api is used to suggest and display on map, which is on the right from the form. The only thing I need is the full address.
Thanks for your answers.
Probably. Google's Terms of Service are a little vague in this respect, but what they appear to be prohibiting is bulk copying of their database. In your case you're using Places to assist the user. Of course it's impossible to say how Google will choose to change or interpret their TOS in the future, but you should be on safe ground.
Also see: Google Places API mass download?

Unique "reference" for form response?

I just created a Google form for online enquiries for my business. I set it up so that it sends an email to the person who submits the form using the "FormEmailer" script but my question is, is there a way I can give that person or more specifically that FormEmailer generated email a unique "Reference" number at the time of submission?
Thanks in advance.
Absolutely, if you are willing to do some coding on your own.
You may want to look at the recently launched Form Notification add-on for Google Forms, which also sends emails to people who respond to a form. This add-on is meant to be a code sample, and you can find the source code on GitHub, and a quickstart about it in the Apps Script documentation.
To do what you are asking, you would just need to copy the code and add another "Reference number" field to the RespondentNotification template, and then modify the sendRespondentNotification() function accordingly. Alternatively, you can just insert the reference number into the email subject in that function.
Note that this add-on has some limitations: the number of emails sent out (like all of Apps Script) are subject to quota limits. In addition, the add-on isn't really meant used for forms with multiple collaborators/editors. However, Form Notifications should give you a good idea of how to write scripts that respond well to form submissions.

generic form for Seblod (joomla 2.5 )

I'm a developer who has taken over a Joomla website, which was creatied using SEBLOD. The website is a listings website, which has over 300 listings on.
The purpose of the website is to get enquiries through the listsings.
Currently, the queries are attached to a button - which opens your email program and sends the email. This is not ideal.
Is there a way to create and attach a generic enquiry box or form to each listing, and include the name of the listing in this form when its sent?
Is there a way to create a form that can be attached on the frontend of the website page intead of
the "Request a quote" button.
To be candid, seblod is an impressive Joomla app, but I'm afraid you might not be able to get useful answers than on their forum, I've been using it now for over a year and I'm just coming to terms with some of its functionality. Visit the forums and you should be able to find a good answer from the devs there. Its an expansive suite so it might give some unique challenges.

Can I collect data from form fields with Google Analytics?

I have a website with a "contact me" form. Users can leave their name, email, and message and I'll get an email containing their data.
I've set up a goal on Google Analytics for the registration and everything works fine.
Now, the question is: Can I see their names and emails on my Analytics? Is there any way to make Google Analytics save that data and show it to me?
Thanks in advance,
Theoretically this can be done using custom variables. See: http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/gaTrackingCustomVariables.html
However, I believe that name and email address are considered Personally Identifiable Information so sending it to Google Analytics is most likely against their Terms of Service. See section 7: http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/tos.html
You would need to use another tracking system such as Piwik: http://piwik.org/
You can try using event tracking.