Using Puppeteer, how to get Chrome DevTools' "Network" tab's timing information? - google-chrome-devtools

Below is a screenshot of me accessing and inspecting the Google Chrome DevTools' "Network" tab, and viewing the Timing data for the root & child requests.
How can I get all of the above timing data programatically using Puppeteer? Ideally, it would look like this JSON structure:
name: "",
queueTime: 0,
startedTime: 1.93,
stalledTime: 4.59,
dnsLookupTime: 10.67,
initialConnectionTime: <the number of milliseconds>,
name: <the next child request>,

You want to check out HAR (HTTP Archive) files, which is what you would create by saving the data via Chrome.
Quotation what a HAR file is (source):
The HAR file format is an evolving standard and the information contained within it is both flexible and extensible. You can expect a HAR file to include a breakdown of timings including:
How long it takes to fetch DNS information
How long each object takes to be requested
How long it takes to connect to the server
How long it takes to transfer assets from the server to the browser of each object
The data is stored as a JSON document and extracting meaning from the
low-level data is not always easy. But with practice a HAR file can
quickly help you identify the key performance problems with a web
page, letting you efficiently target your development efforts at areas
of your site that will deliver the greatest results.
There are libraries like puppeteer-har and chrome-har which can create HAR files by using puppeteer.
Code sample (for puppeteer-har, quote from the page)
const har = new PuppeteerHar(page);
await har.start({ path: 'results.har' });
await page.goto('');
await har.stop();

HAR files are a good option, but if want something a bit more custom you can use Puppeteer to record request timing data by navigating to the page you wish to analyze, and tapping into the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
(async function() {
// launch in headless mode & create a new page
const browser = await pptr.launch({
headless: true,
const page = await browser.newPage();
// attach cdp session to page
const client = await;
await client.send('Debugger.enable');
await client.send('Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth', { maxDepth: 32 });
// enable network
await client.send('Network.enable');
// attach callback to network response event
await client.on('Network.responseReceived', (params) => {
const { response: { timing } } = params;
* See:
* /tot/Network/#type-ResourceTiming for complete list of
* timing data available under 'timing'
await page.goto('', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle2',
// cleanup
await browser.close();
For your case, you can listen on the Network.responseReceived event, and parse out the responseTime parameter, nested within the response property on the response object provided in the event listener callback. Their documentation on the interfaces are quite good. I'll list them below:
Chrome DevTools Protocol Docs
Data you can expect to receive from every Network.responseReceived event callback: Network.responseReceived.
More specific response-related data, in the response property: Network.Response.
And, finally, the nested request timing data you are looking for, under timing: Network.ResourceTiming.
You may also want to check out the Network.requestWillBeSent interface. You will be able to match up requests and responses by requestId.
From here, you can capture more data than you could ever need about the page you're visiting. You can also format however you wish obviously.

Currently, you can also get this information without the HAR file.
Using performance.getEntriesByType("resource")
// Obtain PerformanceEntry objects for resources
const performanceTiming = JSON.parse(
await page.evaluate(() =>
// Optionally filter resource results to find your specifics - ex. filters on URL
const imageRequests = performanceTiming.filter((e) =>"/images")
console.log("Image Requests " , imageRequests)


Handle uncompleted file upload by API POST endpoint in core MVC

To simplify the problem let's say I have a simple mvc endpoint which receives a file. In most of the cases it will be a .jpg one:
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status201Created, Type = typeof(IEnumerable<AppraisalFileModel>))]
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, Type = typeof(ModelStateDictionary))]
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadAppraisalFile(int appraisalID, string fileSubjectCode, [FromForm]IFormFile file)
file = file ?? Request.Form.Files?.FirstOrDefault();
// intermitent code change to investigate and validate Complete File Size and Actual File Size
var completeFileSizeHeader = Request.Headers["Complete-File-Size"];
int.TryParse(completeFileSizeHeader, out int completeFileSize);
if (file == null || file.Length != completeFileSize)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
await file.CopyToAsync(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
var inputAsString = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());
Logger.LogDebug("Complete-File-Size header doesn't much received byteArray size", file.Length, completeFileSize, inputAsString);
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status411LengthRequired, "Complete-File-Size header doesn't much received byteArray size");
// some other logic..
I'm trying to prevent an edge case when somebody performs a POST request against my API UploadAppraisalFile endpoint and suddenly loses an internet connection which would result in sending a request with not the full file content.
My idea was to count the file size at the point where the file is uploaded, add the information about the file size as an extra HTTP-HEADER (I called it Complete-File-Size), and then when the request reaches the backend, count if the received file size is exactly the same as the Complete-File-Size.
To produce such an issue/edge case I tried:
uploading a big file(about 16MB) and then suddenly after submitting the HTML form immediately close the browser window.
uploading a file and then, in the Chrome browser, in the Network pane, change the uploading speed to a very minimum, then submit the form and then immediately close the browser.
When I run the debug mode, in each case I found that either: UploadAppraisalFile endpoint was never reached or if it was reached then always the full file was sent. For the 2nd successful case, to be 100% sure I converted the received file into base64 string and then I checked how the file looks like in
My question is: Is it even possible that the sent POST request is broken and contains not full file content due to a broken internet connection that happened suddenly during the sending process? If yes, then what's the best way to produce the issue. Cheers
You can pass HttpContext.RequestAborted as a CancellationToken to ALL async methods provided by .NET in "some other logic" part.
Let's use code you provided as an example :
await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream, HttpContext.RequestAborted)
I don't have an access to a full method but I assume you save it to some blob storage or file system. Most of these persistence API's accept CancellationToken as a parameter.
Receiving incomplete file
I was able to achieve a "partial" file using this code and Postman. It will basically read chunks from response stream until connection is interrupted.
As soon as I close Postman window TaskCancelledException is raised and stream is closed.
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadAppraisalFile([FromForm] IFormFile file)
var appraisalfile = file ?? Request.Form.Files.FirstOrDefault();
if (appraisalfile != null)
var buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(1024);
using var stream = appraisalfile.OpenReadStream();
while (await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, HttpContext.RequestAborted) > 0)
// Do something with buffer
_logger.LogInformation("Total length (bytes) {0}, partial length (bytes) {1}", stream.Length, stream.Position);
return Ok();
} using to send base64 encoded data rather than specifying a file input

Is there a way to send base64 encoded data using I already have it working for 'soft-copy' document uploads using the Dashboard component, but cant seem to work out a way where I can pass the file bytes and not use an input file tag to provide the data to be uploaded.
I have a page that uses a JavaScript component to access local scanner hardware. It scans, shows a preview, all working. The user then hits an upload button to push it to the server, the scanning component outputs the scan as base64 encoded data. I can send this up to the server using XMLHttpRequest like so:
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('fileName', uploadFileName);
formData.append('imageFileAsBase64String', imageFileAsBase64String);"POST", uploadFormUrl);
req.onreadystatechange = __uploadImages_readyStateChanged;
but I would really like to use uppy because scan files can be quite large and I get the resumable uploads, nice progress bar etc, and I already have tusdotnet on the back setup and ready to receive it.
All the examples rely on input tags so I dont really know what approach to take. thanks for any pointers.
I eventually figured this out. here in case its useful to anyone else.
you can use fetch to convert the base64 string, then turn it into a blob and finally add it to uppy files via the addFile api.
I referenced this article:
code below works with my setup with tusdotnet handling the tus service server side.
var uppy = new Uppy.Core({
autoProceed: true,
debug: true
.use(Uppy.Tus, { endpoint: 'https://localhost:44302/files/' })
.use(Uppy.ProgressBar, {
target: '.UppyInput-Progress',
hideAfterFinish: false,
uppy.on('upload', (data) => {
uppy.setMeta({ md:'value' })
uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
// do completion stuff
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((blob) => {
name: 'image.jpg',
type: 'image/jpeg',
data: blob

Mistake in using DOMPurify on the backend to sanitize form data?

I was wondering if it was possible to use DOMPurify to sanitize user input on a form before it is saved to database. Here's what I've got in my routes.js folder for my form post:
.post('/questionForm', (req, res, next) =>{
const questions = new QuestionForm({
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
price: req.body.price,
seats: req.body.seats,
body_style: req.body.body_style,
personality: req.body.personality,
activity: req.body.activity,
driving: req.body.driving,
priority: req.body.priority
var qClean = DOMPurify.sanitize(questions);
//res.redirect(200, path)({
// res: "Message recieved. Check for a response later."
.then(result => {
//res.redirect(200, '/path')({
// //res: "Message recieved. Check for a response later."
.catch(err => {
I also imported the package at the top of the page with
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
When I run the server and submit a post request, it throws a 500 error and claims that dompurify.sanitize is not a function. Am I using it in the wrong place, and/or is it even correct to use it in the back end at all?
This might be a bit late, but for others like me happening to run into this use case I found an npm package that seems well suited so far. It's called isomorphic-dompurify.
DOMPurify needs a DOM to interact with; usually supplied by the browser. Isomorphic-dompurify feeds DOMPurify another package, "jsdom", as a dependency that acts like a supplementary virtual DOM so DOMPurify knows how to sanitize your input server-side.
In the packages' own words "DOMPurify needs a DOM tree to base on, which is not available in Node by default. To work on the server side, we need a fake DOM to be created and supplied to DOMPurify. It means that DOMPurify initialization logic on server is not the same as on client".
Building on #Seth Lyness's excellent answer --
If you'd rather not add another dependency, you can just use this code before you require DOMPurify. Basically what isometric-dompurify is doing is just creating a jsdom object and putting it in global.window.
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const {JSDOM} = jsdom;
const {window} = new JSDOM('<!DOCTYPE html>');
global.window = window;

actions on google--unable to use app.tell to give response from JSON

I am trying to get my webhook to return a parsed JSON response from an API. I can log it on the console, but when I try to use app.tell; it gives me: TypeError: Cannot read property 'tell' of undefined. I am basically able to successfully get the data from the API, but I'm not able to use it in a response for some reason. Thanks for the help!
[Actions.API_TRY] () {
var request = http.get(url2, function (response) {
// data is streamed in chunks from the server
// so we have to handle the "data" event
var buffer = "",
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
buffer += chunk;
response.on("end", function (err) {
// finished transferring data
// dump the raw data
data = JSON.parse(buffer);
route = data.routes[0];
// extract the distance and time
console.log("Walking Distance: " + route.legs[0].distance.text);
console.log("Time: " + route.legs[0].duration.text);[0].distance.text);
This looks to me to be more of a JavaScript scoping issue than anything else. The error message is telling you that app is undefined. Often in Actions, you find code like yours embedded in a function which is defined inside the intent handler which is passed the instance of your Actions app (SDK or Dialog Flow).

how to capture the data sent by alloy ui io request in serveresource method?

Getting blank values for title and description in serveResource method.Is this the right way to send the parameters from io request?
After inserting blank values in database I have to reload the page to see the inserted values?So io-request is not ajax request?
<aui:script use="aui-base">'#<portlet:namespace/>save').on('click', function(event) {
var A = AUI();
var url = '<%= newJob.toString() %>';
data: {
<portlet:namespace />title: title,
<portlet:namespace />description: description,
AUI's io request is ajax request only.
You can get parameters in serveResource method using code below:
ParamUtil.get(resourceRequest, "NAMEOFPARAMETER");
Modify your javascript function and provide data attribute as below:
data: {
'<portlet:namespace />title': title,
'<portlet:namespace />description': description,
I assume both title and description are textfields. If so, description is missing a .val() call, or more appropriately, .get('value'). I didn't use a dialog/modal in my source, but the overall approach should be the same.
AUI().use('aui-base', 'aui-io-request', function(A){'#<portlet:namespace />save').on('click', function(event) {
var title='#<portlet:namespace />title').get('value');
var'#<portlet:namespace />description').get('value');
var url = '<%=myResourceURL.toString()%>';,
data: {
title: title,
description: description,
I'm still relatively new to Liferay and have had trouble with this as well. I've noticed that the data parameters are not in the parametersMap of the default ResourceRequest, as you have stated. Out of curiosity, I decided to use
UploadPortletRequest req = PortalUtil.getUploadPortletRequest(resourceRequest);
in the serveResource method and check it's parametersMap. The title and description parameters are available therein. I'm still learning where and how to access data from Liferay objects, but it would seem that for the UploadPortletRequest to have the data, it would be plucked from somewhere within the default ResourceRequest ... where still remains elusive to me.
After inserting blank values in database I have to reload the page to see the inserted values?
You have to reload the page because a resource action does not trigger a page refresh. If you are manipulating data that you want reflected in some other "view" you'll need to configure the appropriate communication or use one of the other available url types that does trigger the doView method of your other "view".