Writing a rather obtuse JSON query using Slick - postgresql

I am looking to translate an SQL query (Postgres) into Scala Slick code for use in my Play application.
The data looks something like this:
parent_id | json_column
| [ {"id": "abcde-12345", "data": "..."}
2 | , {"id": "67890-fghij", "data": "..."}
| , {"id": "klmno-00000", "data": "..."} ]
Here's my query in PostgreSQL:
SELECT * FROM table1
table1 t1,
json_array_elements(t1.json_column) e,
json_to_record(e.value) AS r("id" text, data text)
"id" = 'abcde-12345'
AND t1.parent_id = 2
This finds the results I need; any objects in t1 that include a "row" in the json_column array that has the id of "abcde-12345". The "parent_id" and "id" will be passed in to this query via query parameters (both Strings).
How would I write this query in Scala using Slick?

The easiest - maybe laziest? - way is probably to just use plain sql ..
sql"""[query]""".as[ (type1,type2..) ]
using the $var notation for the variables.
Otherwise you can use SimpleFunction to map the json calls, but I'm not quite sure how that works when they generate multiple results per row. Seems that might get complicated..


Search for string in jsonb values - PostgreSQL

For simplicity, a row of table looks like this:
key: "z06khw1bwi886r18k1m7d66bi67yqlns",
reference_keys: {
"KEY": "1x6t4y",
"CODE": "IT137-521e9204-ABC-TESTE"
"NAME": "A"
I have a jsonb object like this one {"KEY": "1x6t4y", "CODE": "IT137-521e9204-ABC-TESTE", "NAME": "A"} and I want to search for a query in the values of any key. If my query is something like '521e9204' I want it to return the row that reference_keys has '521e9204' in any value. Basicly the keys don't matter for this scenario.
Note: The column reference_keys and so the jsonb object, are always a 1 dimensional array.
I have tried a query like this:
LEFT JOIN jsonb_each_text(table.reference_keys) AS j(k, value) ON true
WHERE j.value LIKE '%521e9204%'
The problem is that it duplicates rows, for every key in the json and it messes up the returned items.
I have also thinked of doing something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT jsonb_object_keys(reference_keys) from table;
and then use a query like:
WHERE reference_keys->>'CODE' like '%521e9204%'
It seems like this would work but I really don't want to rely on this solution.
You can rewrite your JOIN to an EXISTS condition to avoid the duplicates:
FROM the_table t
WHERE EXISTS (select *
from jsonb_each_text(t.reference_keys) AS j(k, value)
WHERE j.value LIKE '%521e9204%');
If you are using Postgres 12 or later, you can also use a JSON path query:
where jsonb_path_exists(reference_keys, 'strict $.** ? (# like_regex "521e9204")')

Conversion of plain PostgreSQL query to Slick query

I have a single table ABC with these (relevant) columns
create table abc
transaction_id uuid not null,
store_items jsonb not null,
store_items is a Sequence[StoreItem] that looks like this:
{"itemId": "123",
"isAccountSafe": false
{"itemId": "456",
"isAccountSafe": true
{"itemId": "789",
"isAccountSafe": false
I want to query the count of store_items in abc where isAccountSafe is false, in the above example the result would be 2. The tricky part is that I'm not joining multiple tables, I'm joining a single table with one of its columns.
Here's the postgres SQL that I got so far:
select count(transaction_id)
from abc
cross join jsonb_array_elements(store_items) elem
where not (elem->>'isAccountSafe')::boolean
I've been wracking my brain figuring out how to do this in slick. My guess was to first do a query of the store_items first and then do a joinLeft, something like below, but it's wrong. I don't know how to filter isAccountSafe that sits inside the jsonb column.
val getStoreItems = abc.map(_.storeItems)
val finalQuery = abc

Postgres: searching json array for int field value

Following this documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/functions-json.html I came across this syntax for searching a json array for a constant value using single quotes.
I'd like to do the same but search for the value of a field in a table I'm joining to. I've tried a number of variations of this:
SELECT tableA.id, tableB.json_array FROM tableA
LEFT JOIN tableB ON (tableB.json_array)::jsonb #> tableA.id;
But am always running into type-related issues. Does the #> operator only work with constants? How can I solve this problem?
If your data is in JSON ARRAY format then you can use Postgres jsonb_array_elements_text function which is extracting values of array elements. After doing this you can easily use key values in a query or on where conditions.
Sample query for you:
-- sample format for json_array field: [{"id": 110}, {"id": 115}, {"id": 130}, {"id": 145}, {"id": 152}, {"id": 165}]
select b.* from tableB b
cross join jsonb_array_elements_text(b.json_array) b2(pvalue)
(b2.pvalue::jsonb->'id')::int4 > 100
-- (b2.pvalue::jsonb->'id')::int4 = 102
-- (b2.pvalue::jsonb->'id')::int4 in (50, 51, 55)

postgres - syntax for updating a jsonb array

I'm struggling to find the right syntax for updating an array in a jsonb column in postgres 9.6.6
Given a column "comments", with this example:
"Comment": "A",
"LastModified": "1527579949"
"Comment": "B",
"LastModified": "1528579949"
"Comment": "C",
"LastModified": "1529579949"
If I wanted to append Z to each comment (giving AZ, BZ, CZ).
I know I need to use something like jsonb_set(comments, '{"Comment"}',
Any hints on finishing this off?
UPDATE elbat
SET comments = array_to_json(ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_set(x.original_comment,
FROM (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(elbat.comments) original_comment) x))::jsonb;
It uses jsonb_array_elements() to get the array elements as set, applies the changes on them using jsonb_set(), transforms this to an array and back to json with array_to_json().
But that's an awful lot of work. OK, maybe there is a more elegant solution, that I didn't find. But since your JSON seems to have a fixed schema anyway, I'd recommend a redesign to do it the relational way and have a simple table for the comments plus a linking table for the objects the comment is on. The change would have been very, very easy in such a model for sure.
Find a query returning the expected result:
select jsonb_agg(value || jsonb_build_object('Comment', value->>'Comment' || 'Z'))
from my_table
cross join jsonb_array_elements(comments);
[{"Comment": "AZ", "LastModified": "1527579949"}, {"Comment": "BZ", "LastModified": "1528579949"}, {"Comment": "CZ", "LastModified": "1529579949"}]
(1 row)
Create a simple SQL function based of the above query:
create or replace function update_comments(jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
select jsonb_agg(value || jsonb_build_object('Comment', value->>'Comment' || 'Z'))
from jsonb_array_elements($1)
Use the function:
update my_table
set comments = update_comments(comments);

Deep search within jsonb field PostgreSQL

A sample of my data looks something like this:
{"city": "NY",
"skills": [
{"soft_skills": "Analysis"},
{"soft_skills": "Procrastination"},
{"soft_skills": "Presentation"}
"areas_of_training": [
{"areas of training": "Visio"},
{"areas of training": "Office"},
{"areas of training": "Risk Assesment"}
I would like to run a query to find users with soft_skills Analysis and maybe run another one to find users whose area of training is Visio and Risk Assesment
My column type is jsonb. How can I implement a search query on these deeply nested objects? A query on level one for city works using SELECT * FROM mydata WHERE content::json->>'city'='NY';
How can I also run a match using the LIKE keyword or string matching for deeply nested values?
SELECT * FROM mydata
WHERE content->'skills' #> '[{"soft_skills": "Analysis"}]';
SELECT * FROM mydata
WHERE content->'areas_of_training' #> '[{"areas of training": "Visio"},{"areas of training": "Risk Assesment"}]';
About JSON(B) operators
PS: And be ready for extremely slow queries. I highly recommend to think about data normalization.
Update for LIKE
For your example data it could be:
SELECT * FROM mydata
FROM jsonb_array_elements(content->'areas_of_training') as a
WHERE a->>'areas of training' ilike '%vi%');
But query highly depending on the actual JSON structure.
Use json_array_elements() to get values of nested elements, examples:
select d.*
from mydata d,
where value->>'soft_skills' ilike '%analysis%';
select d.*
from mydata d,
where value->>'areas of training' ~* 'visio|office';
It is possible that the query yields duplicate rows, so it is reasonable to use select distinct on (id), where id is a primary key.
Note that the function json_array_elements() is costly and you cannot use indexes in contrary to Abelisto's solution. However you have to use it if you want to have an access to values of nested json elements.