How to filter YouTube Analytics API request for embedded video stats only - youtube-analytics-api

I'm trying to get data from the YouTube Analytics API for embedded videos only.
When I use the "insightPlaybackLocationType==EMBEDDED" filter, I get a response that the query is not supported. Without this filter, the query returns a response without any errors.
response = self.executeAPIRequest(
ids="channel==" + c_id,
Here's the error I get:
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: returned "The query is not supported. Check the documentation at for a list of supported queries.">

That filter can only be used with the insightPlaybackLocationDetail dimension.
Bear in mind that the dimension only supports views and estimatedMinutesWatched metrics.
Documentation (Playback location detail):
Be sure to set the sort and maxResults parameters correctly for this dimension.


API Request Assistance

I'm new to playing around with calling third party REST API's.
I have an API which requires an ID (/sites/{id}/. As I don't know the ID off the top of my head and would like to query multiple ID's, is there anyway to wildcard this ID for it to run through and check for instance ID's 1 through to 10? Or is this more of a python integration?
As mentioned above, if an API happens to have a parameter "id", whether or not you can scan for all available IDs (or any ID between 1 and 10) depends entirely on the API.
In your case, the API (for is well documented. It appears to have an endpoint to "list sites", which should give you what you're looking for:
GET /api/3/sites
Server URL
Retrieves a paged resource of accessible sites.
Query Parameters
* page integer <int32>
Default: 0
The index of the page (zero-based) to retrieve.
* size integer <int32>
Default: 10
The number of records per page to retrieve.
* sort
Multiple query params of string
The criteria to sort the records by, in the format:
The default sort order is ascending.
Multiple sort criteria can be specified using multiple sort query parameters.
You would probably want to do the following:
Call /api/3/sites (with a filter) to get a list of sites you're interested in, then
Make successive calls to /sites/{id}/ for each site in the list you want detailed information about.

How to get more than 100 query results with Azure DocumentDB REST API

I am following a sample for Azure DocumentDB below. In the sample, C# code queries for documents in the DocumentDB.
Line 182:
var qry = new SqlQuerySpec { query = "SELECT * FROM root" };
var r = client.PostWithNoCharSetAsync(new Uri(baseUri, resourceLink), qry).Result;
The problem is the result 'r' only contains the first 100 documents. If I use the Client SDK, I can get more than 100. I tried using stream, but had no luck so far. Any help would be appreciated!
For a SQL query the results are returned in segments if the result set is too large. The results are returned in chunks of 100 items or 1 MB (whichever limit is hit first) by default.
You can either use continuation tokens to get each segment after another. Or you set the x-ms-max-item-count custom header in a request to increase the limit to an appropriate value.
You can have a look the the REST API for further details.
For the sample program you have to add the line
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-ms-max-item-count", "1000");
in order to get 1000 documents instead of 100.
I'm just guessing here, but it might be worth a shot. Here's the documentation from MSDN that describes the List action:
In the "Headers" section under "Response" it is mentioned that you might get an optional token in the header "x-ms-continuation". Based on the description you have to issue another GET request with this token specified to get the other elements of the result set.
Can you check whether you get a header like this in the response? If so, you can issue another get request with this token specified (see the same documentation page under "Request").

Facebook Marketing API: Is it possible to filter insights by status

I am trying to filter adsets insights by adset status, but when I add a status filter, I get an empty dataset back:
curl "<redacted>/insights?fields=clicks,impressions,cpc,ctr,account_id&time_range%5Bsince%5D=2016-01-12&time_range%5Buntil%5D=2016-09-12&access_token=<redacted>&format=json&filtering=%5B%7B%22field%22:%22status%22,%22operator%22:%22EQUAL%22,%22value%22:%22ACTIVE%22%7D%5D&level=adset"
here is what filtering param looks like before it gets url-encoded:
I have tried all valid values for status ACTIVE, PAUSED, DELETED, ARCHIVED to no avail.
When I remove filtering param - I see my data.
The question is:
Does anyone know if it is possible to filter by status, and if it is, what I am doing wrong?
It is possible. Using latest version as of March 2018.
You need to actually request all the ads that are ACTIVE and then provide insights as a 'nested' list of fields.
Replace 123456 with your ad account (but leave the 'act_' which is needed)
This also works for /campaigns and /adsets
You can also do this (be sure to include &level=ad):
Filtering by insights isn't possible. At least in v2.7. To get insights for let's say ads I've decided to do the following:
1. Fetch ads that I need via /ads call. This allows me to filter by status.
2. Fetch insights for the same collection of ads and make sure that I ad id is included in the response.
3. Filter the second collection using the first one.
i m using this to filter campaigns with insights , working for me , start playing with it
$campaigncheckstatus = array("ACTIVE","PAUSED");
dont forget to json_encode $campaigncheckstatus if passed through url

How to make a GET request using a filter on a datetime property with EspoCRM REST API?

EspoCRM provides a REST API that sadly has only incomplete documentation. Especially the filters that can be used with a GET request are not documented:
where - (array) filters;
From using Firebug I've discovered that a filter consists of three query parameters:
Example, filter on name=Foo:
The meaning of equals is not documented, as are the possible filter types.
Now I want to filter a collection on a datetime field modifiedAt. I have no idea what the proper values for type and value would be to find all entities that have been modified after a given datetime.
How can the EspoCRM REST API be used for this?
After playing around with the EspoCRM web GUI, I was able to make a search that uses the filter I need. The query parameters are:
where[0][value]=2016-06-01 16:12:00

Odata v.4 $filter for the DateTime Calendar Events in the Office 365 REST API

I am trying to get and filter Calendar events from the Office 365 REST API with the following query:$top=100&$select=BodyPreview&$filter=Start ge 2016-02-10T22:00:00Z
So I want 100 results with only the BodyPreview as return value for all Events greater than 2016-02-10 22:00:00.
The Error Message I receive is this one:
ERROR request returned 400
code: 'RequestBroker-ParseUri',
message: 'A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types \'Microsoft.OutlookServices.DateTimeTimeZone\' and \'Edm.DateTimeOffset\' for operator kind \'GreaterThanOrEqual\'.'
The query without the filter option works flawlessly. So how do I get my query to represent a 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.DateTimeTimeZone' type?
I had a look at this post:
Odata $filter for the date in the Office 365 REST API
But I can not see the difference between my query and the one in the post.
And all examples on do not mention this type of DateTimeTimeZone query in the examples.
I also tried this query format:
Also no luck.
Any ideas?
The type for Start and End changed in the beta and v2 endpoints. It's now a complex type, so you need to change your filter a bit:
$filter=Start/DateTime ge 2016-02-10T22:00:00Z