How to generate a build artifact in Azure Devops through Powershell - powershell

I would need to have a build definition totally included inside a powershell script.
I can install dotnet, restore packages, build everything, and now I need to create an artifact.
I cannot find a way to call in Powershell the equivalent of the task PublishBuildArtifacts#1, nothing comes up also googling everywhere. It shouldn't be difficult...
Thanks in advance.

Maybe I found it, finally: I will try it using this documentation:

'Publish build artifacts' should solve it.
I would also add a task to archive the files to be considered artifacts before the publish.
The build report now shows a link to download the files produced by the powershell script.
Archive task to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip
Publish Build Artifacts task publishing $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
yaml for the archive:
- task: ArchiveFiles#2
displayName: 'Archive output'
rootFolderOrFile: Deliver
yaml for the publish:
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
displayName: 'Publish Artifact: drop'


DevOps - Where to view dependency check report? E drive?

I have an Azure DevOps pipeline step failing running the OWASP dependency check. I want to find what dependencies need to be updated.
The logs that are written during the dependency check pipeline step say:
[INFO] Writing report to: e:\vsts\a\7567\TestResults\dependency-check\dependency-check-report.html
I assume this dependency-check-report.html is where it will tell me what dependencies need to be updated. But I do not understand where this e:\vsts\a\7567\TestResults\ location is, as this step is being run in DevOps. Is this somewhere in DevOps? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. "Download logs" on the pipeline page doesn't seem to have it either.
where this e:\vsts\a\7567\TestResults\ location is
When you run the pipeline in Azure DevOps, this path represents the local path of the machine where the agent locates.
In your case, the agent is self-hosted agent. You go to the local machine where the agent locates and find the dependency-check-report.html in e:\vsts\a\7567\TestResults\dependency-check.
On the other hand, you can use the Publish Pipeline Artifacts task to upload the target file to Pipeline artifacts.
For example:
- task: dependency-check-build-task#6
displayName: 'Dependency Check'
projectName: test
scanPath: test
continueOnError: true
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact#1
displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact'
targetPath: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)'
artifact: drop
Note: You need to set the continueOnError: true in OWASP dependency check task.
In this case, the dependency-check-report.html on agent machine will be uploaded to Azure Artifacts.
For example:

Terraform: Error while loading schemas for plugin components

I have an Azure DevOps Build pipeline that publishes the entire repository as an artifact to be used with the Release pipeline.
# Publish artifacts to be used in release
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
displayName: 'publish artifacts'
PathtoPublish: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
ArtifactName: 'TerraformModule'
publishLocation: 'Container'
The build pipeline triggers the creation of a release pipeline where I try to deploy the terraform configuration.
I can successfully run terraform init in this pipeline but when I try to run plan or apply, I get the following error:
Looking at the screenshot, it looks like it tries to execute the command from /usr/local/bin instead of what I specified in the step? Confused by this. Below is the yaml for my plan step:
- task: ms-devlabs.custom-terraform-tasks.custom-terraform-release-task.TerraformTaskV3#3
displayName: 'terraform plan'
provider: aws
command: plan
workingDirectory: '/home/vsts/work/r1/a/_terraform/TerraformModule/Projects/Potentium/Prod'
environmentServiceNameAWS: 'AWS-Terraform-Build'
I manually changed workingDirectory to where the Artifacts from the build pipeline were downloaded to. See log below for example:
2022-08-14T23:41:31.3359557Z Downloaded TerraformModule/Projects/Potentium/Prod/ to /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_terraform/TerraformModule/Projects/Potentium/Prod/
The plan step in my build pipeline executes without any issues so I have a feeling it is something to do with the artefacts/extraction that is occurring in the download step. Looking for any advice.
I've had similar issues with the extraction phase, when using ExtractFiles#1 doing a similar thing with terraform. I think there's a bug in it, I could not get it to extract files back to the root of System.DefaultWorkingDirectory unless the root folder was included in the archiv, I am using ArchiveFiles#2. So I was ending up with /opt/az_devops/_work/*/s/s
My solution, was to shell out a command to do the extraction. No problems extracting to the root of System.DefaultWorkingDirectory
Just remember if you're running a subsequent terraform plan, by default the working directory System.DefaultWorkingDirectory will change between runs. So ensure you use these variables rather than an explicit reference.

Share CMake build folder between jobs in Azure DevOps

I'm building a pipeline in Azure DevOps that first builds a project using CMake and then, conditionally, creates an installer out of it. The creation of the installer is also done using CMake (and CPack). Since the installer is only supposed to be created and published under certain conditions (a tag is created), I'd like to share the build folder from the first job and reuse it in the second job. I do so by uploading the artifacts as the last step from the first job
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
pathToPublish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build
artifactName: build_release
(pipeline artifacts are currently not supported by our environment)
and downloading and moving it in the second step
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts#0
downloadType: 'single'
artifactName: build_release
downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/tmp
- task: CopyFiles#2
displayName: Copy Artifacts into Build Directory
SourceFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/tmp/build_release
TargetFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build
Unfortunately, I'm running into an issue with cached absolute paths now:
CMake is re-running because D:/.../_work/171/s/build/vs-project/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp dependency file is missing.
CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory D:/.../_work/212/s/build/vs-project/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory d:/.../_work/171/s/build/vs-project where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt
CMake Error: The source directory "D:/.../_work/171/s/build" does not exist.
I understand that several paths are cached in CMakeCache.txt and do not match since the build is taking place in a separate folder. Is there an elegant way to have ADO rewrite the paths in CMakeCache.txt automatically? Or to make sure the folder names stay constant for the two jobs?
Any help appreciated here!

How to Publish a ClickOnce application with Azure DevOps Pipeline on different environments?

I try for several days now to publish my ClickOnce application with Azure DevOps Pipeline. Before going in detail here is what I would like to do from my release view:
I started with one artifact and 2 release stage modifying the config.deploy file with staging variables during my Staging stage and modifying the config.deploy file with production variables during my Production stage. Deployment was working fine but installation of application was not working because of hash check system.
So I decided to create 2 builds with 2 artifacts. I renamed the classic drop by a drop_staging during my first build and drop_production for my second build. I was hoping the build system (MSBuild) was able to select the correct app.Debug.config then app.Release.config file during the build and publish process.
Here is my build definition
Here is my build arguments
/p:ProductName="App Staging"
Configuration is set to Staging for first build then on Production for second build. I have, of course, a Staging and Production build definition in visual Studio. I have an app.config with app.Staging.config and app.Production.config in my project.
I cannot simply add a task to transform my config file after the build because I will not respect the hash. I should find a way to say to my build to use the correct XML transformation config file. I don't see any other solution or maybe applying this transformation before the build? Is it possible? What are your solutions?
finally I could solve this by adding a file transform before my build.
In case you need more help here is my YAML detail for transformation
- task: FileTransform#1
displayName: 'File Transform: '
folderPath: App.Example
enableXmlTransform: true
xmlTransformationRules: '-transform **\*.Staging.config -xml **\*.config'
fileType: xml
#Your build pipeline references the ‘BuildPlatform’ variable, which you’ve selected to be settable at queue time. Create or edit the build pipeline for this YAML file, define the variable on the Variables tab, and then select the option to make it settable at queue time. See
- task: VSBuild#1
displayName: 'Build solution'
solution: Example.sln
msbuildArgs: '/target:publish /p:ApplicationVersion=$(Build.BuildNumber) /p:PublishURL= /p:UpdateEnabled=true /p:UpdateMode=Foreground /p:ProductName="App Staging" /p:OutputPath="$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Publish\\"'
platform: '$(BuildPlatform)'
configuration: Staging
To add to the build solution stage, you can use your visual studio Publish profile as shown below on the msbuildArgs. Please note this doesn't do the version incrementation for you
- task: VSBuild#1
displayName: 'Publish Project'
solution: '$(projectSolution)'
msbuildArgs: '/target:publish /p:ApplicationRevision=$(applicationRevision) /p:PublishProfile="Application/PublishProfiles/HerbalPublishProfile.pubxml" /p:PublishDir="$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Publish\\"'
platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
msbuildArchitecture: x64

How to find or add azure pipeline application published output folder for upload those files in to FTP

In the azure pipelines I'm trying to build a CI. I have added 'dotnet publish' in the agent job. But after publish, my application I have no idea where is those published files. There are no input field for enter output path.
I tried to use 'publishing artifacts' but it get wrong files
Here is my dotnet publish YAML
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: 'dotnet publish'
command: publish
workingDirectory: WebApplication1
How to find or add azure pipeline application published output folder for upload those files in to FTP
You can add the Arguments --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) in the Arguments option to specify the output path:
Then it will zip as one zip file( in the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) and you could use publishing build artifacts task to get it.
Hope this helps.