403 Forbidden: Session not accepted while playing video using wrench module on wowza - server

I have installed a Wrench module on Wowza streaming engine. Now, I have created a new production environment to play video. But it showing 403 forbidden error. And on error log, it showing session not accepted. It is working fine in current production but not working on a newly created production environment. Videos are playing without wrench on the new production environment.
Following is the error log image link:-


Azure Media services video doesn't play when published with streaming locator

I'm trying to use Azure Media Services. For demo purpose I've uploaded a video directly on the portal then clicked to encode this uploaded video in 'Adaptive Streaming' preset.
This scheduled a encoding job which generated another file.
I can't play this video on the portal, when I play I get the following error:
A network error caused the video download to fail part-way.
Please check your network connection or try again later. (0x20200000)

IBM MobileFirst issue with securityTest="wl_unprotected" in IBM Containers

My adapter is running in an IBM Container. I have marked all my procedures as securityTest="wl_unprotected".
Everything works fine locally when testing with browser simulation, but fails when I try the same after deploying both the app and adapter in container.
I do get my first page pulling data correctly, but subsequent calls for navigating to other pages of the application fail. All I see is following error messge
With status as "404 Not Found"
I am not sure why this is failing in a container but working fine locally
In an external server environment there is no preview available - the servlet that allows previewing of an application is not present, which is expected.
Previewing applications is available only in the development environment, locally.
If you'd like to preview your application once moving to an external server environment (QA, UAT, Production... bluemix or not), you'll need to test it in a device. Alternatively you could add the Mobile Web or Desktop Browser environments as well, which will allow previewing in the browser (but of course may not have all capabilities available to a Mobile app).

Error while deploying play web app into azure cloud

Hello i am trying to deploy play application into azure cloud using eclipse and application is working fine in azure storage emulator but while publishing the same in azure i am getting invalid publish setting file cannot parse the file error.I deployed code in azure using bit bucket and linked necessary database .When i try to access the URL i get "you do not have permission to view the file" message.
have followed this blog https://msopentech.com/blog/2014/09/25/tutorial-running-play-framework-applications-microsoft-azure-cloud-services-2/ still getting the same invalid publish setting file cannot parse the file error
can any one show me way.
thank you in advance!!

Google APIs Explorer posting to remote API instead of local

I'm currently developing a (Java) backend for a mobile application using Google App Engine (SDK v1.8.8) and Cloud Endpoints. I'm using Eclipse (Kepler) with Google Plugin (v3.8.0) to develop/deploy the code.
I've been using Google API's explorer for many months during the development to test the endpoints and up until yesterday, everything was working well... if I ran App Engine locally, I could test the endpoints at:
Likewise, I could execute against the remotely deployed version at:
...in both cases, everything worked as expected.
However, as of yesterday, local execution no longer works... instead, my requests are sent to the remote (i.e. live!) version of my API. I'm still accessing API Explorer on localhost and according to it's output, my requests are still being posted locally... here is what is printed when I execute a function 'foo' on 'admin' endpoint:
POST `http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/adminendpoint/v1/foo`
X-JavaScript-User-Agent: Google APIs Explorer
However, for some reason, these requests are being sent to the live/deployed instance of the API.
I restarted my browser (Chrome) and cleared it's cache, tried another browser (Safari), restarted the machine, re-deployed the API... It feels like something is being cached somewhere but I'm running out of ideas.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The error has been fixed in the Google App Engine SDK for Java version 1.9.17, as indicated in the release notes (https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkForJavaReleaseNotes). I updated my libraries to 1.9.17, and the APIs explorer started working again for localhost.

deploying play framework application on amazon ec2 (external libs)

I am trying to deploy my play application to an instance on amazon ec2.
I have copied the project directory to the server and used 'play start'.
It is a simple app including an index page with a form with a submit button.
When I use the submit button I get a Reflection runtime exception. Caused by a null pointer exception. What is happening is the form value is not being submitted in the post request. Causing a null value to exist in my form validation.
I am guessing this is down to my deployment as the app runs perfectly on my laptop.
Any help?
The solution turned out to be to delete the /target directory in the application. Running 'play run' and this all got recompiled and worked!