How to compare a CSV Host_Name field to a Hashtable Host_Name field and then merge the data into an Out-File in text format - powershell

Need to take my $sw CSV file and use foreach to compare that against a hash translation table $swtranslation, Key field, then output matches including the hash table's values that match into a text file.
Problem I have is it runs the search for a few minutes and returns the sw_names.txt output file with nothing in it. It should have well over 1074+ matches. My guess is my syntax or something is not right.
See code for what I have going so far.
# This is the CSV file listing all the network switches I need to run against the translation table.
$sw = Import-Csv .\AllDeviceForExport.csv -Header Host_Name, IP_Address
# Compile the switch translation table for processing and convert to hash //
$swtranslation = #{};
Import-Csv .\sw_translation.csv -Header Host_Name, DataSpace_ID | % {
$swhash[$_.Host_Name] = $_.DataSpace_ID
# Run the Switch listing $sw against the translation table $swtranslation
# matching the DataSpace_ID and merging DataSpace_ID and Host name and
# all other switch fields together in output //
foreach ($key in $swhash.Keys) {
$sw | Select-Object #{n="Name";e={$outputhash[$swhash.Keys($_.Host_Name).Value]}},* |
Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $null } |
Foreach { $_ -replace '--' } |
Out-File ./sw_names.txt -Force
Expected results:
Host_Name DataSpace_ID
ABC-123-3750-SW1 1
DEF-234-2950-SW1 5
DEF-234-2950-SW2 5
GHI-567-4510-SW1 6
GHI-567-4510-SW2 6

It's unclear what you are after.
You have two csv files without headers,
.\AllDeviceForExport.csv -Header Host_Name, IP_Address
.\sw_translation.csv -Header Host_Name, DataSpace_ID
Usually one builds a hash table from one file and iterates the other to check if there are matching properties or not.
What your code tries to do is building the hash table, iterate the keys of it and then (very inefficiently) on each key search the whole other file thwarting the whole idea.
Not knowing which files Host_Name property should be checked I suggest a different approach:
Use Compare-Object
## Q:\Test\2019\08\15\SO_57515952.ps1
# simulate $swtrans = Import-Csv .\sw_translation.csv -Header Host_Name, DataSpace_ID
$swtrans = #"
"# -split '\r?\n' | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Host_Name, DataSpace_ID
# simulate $sw = Import-Csv .\AllDeviceForExport.csv -Header Host_Name, IP_Address
$sw = #"
"# -split '\r?\n' | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Host_Name, IP_Address
Compare-Object -Ref $swtrans -Diff $sw -Property Host_Name -PassThru -IncludeEqual
This yields:
> Q:\Test\2019\08\15\SO_57515952.ps1
Host_Name DataSpace_ID SideIndicator
--------- ------------ -------------
DEF-234-2950-SW1 5 ==
DEF-234-2950-SW2 5 ==
GHI-567-4510-SW1 6 ==
GHI-567-4510-SW2 6 ==
GHI-567-4510-SW3 =>
ABC-123-3750-SW1 1 <=
The SideIndicator Property can be used to specify which lines to output and itself suppressed.


Export the matched output to a CSV as Column 1 and Column 2 using Powershell

I have below code to match the pattern and save it in CSV file. I need to save regex1 and regex2 as col1 and col2 in csv instead of saving all in 1st col.
$inputfile = ( Get-Content D:\Users\naham1224\Desktop\jil.txt )
$FilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\jil2.csv"
$regex1 = "(insert_job: [A-Za-z]*_*\S*)"
$regex2 = "(machine: [A-Z]*\S*)"
$inputfile |
Select-String -Pattern $regex2,$regex1 -AllMatches |
ForEach-Object {$_.matches.groups[1].value} |
Add-Content $FilePath`
Input file contains : input.txt
/* ----------------- AUTOSYS_DBMAINT ----------------- */
insert_job: AUTOSYS_DBMAINT job_type: CMD
command: %AUTOSYS%\bin\DBMaint.bat
machine: PWISTASASYS01
owner: svc.autosys#cbs
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: su,mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa
start_times: "03:30"
description: "Runs DBmaint process on AE Database - if fails - MTS - will run next scheduled time"
std_out_file: ">$$LOGS\dbmaint.txt"
std_err_file: ">$$LOGS\dbmaint.txt"
alarm_if_fail: 0
alarm_if_terminated: 0
send_notification: 0
notification_msg: "Check DBMaint output in autouser.PD1\\out directory"
/* ----------------- TEST_ENV ----------------- */
insert_job: TEST_ENV job_type: CMD
command: set
machine: PWISTASASYS01
owner: svc.autosys#cbs
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: su,mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa
start_times: "03:30"
description: "output env"
std_out_file: ">C:\Users\svc.autosys\Documents\env.txt"
std_err_file: ">C:\Users\svc.autosys\Documents\env.txt"
alarm_if_fail: 1
alarm_if_terminated: 1
Current output :
Current output
Expected output :
Expected output
I am trying various ways to do so but no luck. any suggestions and help is greatly appreciated.
Here is how I would do this:
$inputPath = 'input.txt'
$outputPath = 'output.csv'
# RegEx patterns to extract data.
$patterns = #(
'(insert_job): ([A-Za-z]*_*\S*)'
'(machine): ([A-Z]*\S*)'
# Create an ordered Hashtable to collect columns for one row.
$row = [ordered] #{}
# Loop over all occurences of the patterns in input file
Select-String -Path $inputPath -Pattern $patterns -AllMatches | ForEach-Object {
# Extract key and value from current match
$key = $_.matches.Groups[ 1 ].Value
$value = $_.matches.Value
# Save one column of current row.
$row[ $key ] = $value
# If we have all columns of current row, output it as PSCustomObject.
if( $row.Count -eq $patterns.Count ) {
# Convert hashtable to PSCustomObject and output (implicitly)
[PSCustomObject] $row
# Clear Hashtable in preparation for next row.
} | Export-Csv $outputPath -NoTypeInformation
Output CSV:
"insert_job: AUTOSYS_DBMAINT","machine: PWISTASASYS01"
"insert_job: TEST_ENV","machine: PWISTASASYS01"
Using Select-String with parameter -Path we don't have to read the input file beforehand.
An ordered Hashtable (a dictionary) is used to collect all columns, until we have an entire row to output. This is the crucial step to produce multiple columns instead of outputting all data in a single column.
Converting the Hashtable to a PSCustomObject is necessary because Export-Csv expects objects, not dictionaries.
While the CSV looks like your "expected output" and you possibly have good reason to expect it like that, in a CSV file the values normally shouldn't repeat the column names. To remove the column names from the values, simply replace $value = $_.matches.Value by $_.matches.Groups[ 2 ].Value, which results in an output like this:
As for what you have tried:
Add-Content writes only plain text files from string input. While you could use it to create CSV files, you would have to add separators and escape strings all by yourself, which is easy to get wrong and more hassle than necessary. Export-CSV otoh takes objects as inputs and cares about all of the CSV format details automatically.
As zett42 mentioned Add-Content is not the best fit for this. Since you are looking for multiple values separated by commas Export-Csv is something you can use. Export-Csv will take objects from the pipeline, convert them to lines of comma-separated properties, add a header line, and save to file
I took a little bit of a different approach here with my solution. I've combined the different regex patterns into one which will give us one match that contains both the job and machine names.
$outputPath = "$PSScriptRoot\output.csv"
# one regex to match both job and machine in separate matching groups
$regex = '(?s)insert_job: (\w+).+?machine: (\w+)'
# Filter for input files
$inputfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter input*.txt
# Loop through each file
$inputfiles |
ForEach-Object {
$path = $_.FullName
Get-Content -Raw -Path $path | Select-String -Pattern $regex -AllMatches |
ForEach-Object {
# Loop through each match found in the file.
# Should be 2, one for AUTOSYS_DBMAINT and another for TEST_ENV
$_.Matches | ForEach-Object {
# Create objects with the values we want that we can output to csv file
# remove next line if not needed in output
InputFile = $path
Job = $_.Groups[1].Value # 1st matching group contains job name
Machine = $_.Groups[2].Value # 2nd matching group contains machine name
} | Export-Csv $outputPath # Pipe our objects to Export-Csv
Contents of output.csv

Powershell - Using ConvertFrom-csv

I'm brand new to Powershell. I have a variable that contains comma separated values. What I want to do is read each entry in the csv string variable, and assign it to a variable. I am using ConvertFrom-csv to separate the data with headers.
How can I assign each value to a variable, or even better, use ConvertTo-csv to create a new csv string which only has, for example, columns 2/3/6/7 in it?
I would ultimately want to write that data out to a new csv file.
Here is my test code:
#Setup the variable
$Data = "test1,test2,test3,1234,5678,1/1/2021,12/31/2021"
$Data | ConvertFrom-csv -Header Header1,Header2, Header3, Header4, Header5, Header6, Header7
# Verify that an object has been created.
$Data |
ConvertFrom-csv -Header Header1,Header2, Header3, Header4, Header5, Header6, Header7 |
#Show header1
Write-Host "--------Value from $Data----------------------------------------"
$Data[0] #doesn't work, only displays the first character of the string
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
Let me suggest a different approach. If you use ConvertFrom-Csv and assign the result of a variable ($data), this will be an array of Custom Objects. You can run this through a loop that steps through the elements of the array , one at a time, and then through an inner loop that steps through the properties of each object one at a time, setting a variable with the same name as the field header and the same value as the current record's value.
I don't have code that does exactly what you want. But I'm including code that I wrote a few years back that does something similar only using Import-Csv instead of ConverFrom-Csv.
Import-Csv $driver | % {
$ | % {Set-variable -name $ -value $_.value}
Get-Content $template | % {$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_)}
Focus on the first inner loop. Each property of the current object will have a name that came from the header and a value that came from the current record of the Csv file. You can ignore the line that says ExpandString. That's just what I choose to do with the variables once they have been defined.
How can I assign each value to a variable, or even better, use ConvertTo-Csv to create a new csv string which only has, for example, columns 2/3/6/7 in it?
This is one way of automating this:
# Define the CSV without headers
$Data = "test1,test2,test3,1234,5678,1/1/2021,12/31/2021"
# Set the number of headers needed
$headers = $Data.Split(',') | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 1 } -Process {
"Header$i"; $i++
# Set the desired columns we want
$desiredColumns = 2,3,6,7 | ForEach-Object { $_ - 1 } | ForEach-Object {
# Convert to CSV and filter by Desired Columns
$Data | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header $headers | Select-Object $desiredColumns
Header2 Header3 Header6 Header7
------- ------- ------- -------
test2 test3 1/1/2021 12/31/2021
Result as CSV
$Data | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header $headers |
Select-Object $desiredColumns | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation

Powershell script to match string between 2 files and merge

I have 2 files that contain strings, each string in both files is delimited by a colon. Both files share a common string and I want to be able to merge both files (based on the common string) into 1 new file.
File3.txt (results should look like this)
$File1 = #"
$File2 = #"
# You are probably going to want to use Import-Csv here
# I am using ConvertFrom-Csv as I have "inlined" the contents of the files in the variables above
$file1_contents = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject $File1 -Delimiter ":" -Header name, code # specifying a header as there isn't one provided
$file2_contents = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject $File2 -Delimiter ":" -Header code, test
# There are almost certainly better ways to do this... but this does work so... meh.
$results = #()
# Loop over one file finding the matches in the other file
foreach ($row in $file1_contents) {
$matched_row = $file2_contents | Where-Object code -eq $row.code
if ($matched_row) {
# Create a hashtable with the values you want from source and matched rows
$result = #{
name = $
code = $row.code
test = $matched_row.test
# Append the matched up row to the final result set
$results += New-Object PSObject -Property $result
# Convert back to CSV format, with a _specific_ column ordering
# Although you'll probably want to use Export-Csv instead
$results |
Select-Object name, code, test |
ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ":"

How to detect and remove CSV columns based on common text in header names?

I am working on a CSV File which I recently created. The CSV file contains columns with headers and corresponding rows.
I need to remove entire columns (including its data) that have specific text common to their headers. For e.g column 1 has header named intID, column 2 has header named boolID, column 3 has header named charID and so on ('ID' being the common text). There are some columns that don't have 'ID' as text in their headers, so we need to retain those.
The csv file is getting generated dynamically, so there may be more/less columns based on what data we select for the csv. But we need these columns with their headers having some common text to be removed.
How can we achieve this?
Would something like that do the trick?
$yourfile = "<path to your csv>"
# Import the CSV
$csv = Import-Csv -Path $yourfile
# Find all columns that do not end with "ID"
$colsToKeep = $csv | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty |?{$ -notmatch "^.+ID$"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
# Filter out all unwanted columns
$newCsv = $csv | Select-Object -Property $colsToKeep
# Export CSV to new file
$newCsv | Export-Csv -Path "<path to new csv>"
Assuming the following:
the ID part is not a plain text "ID" but a dynamic arbitrary text
headers of interest start with int, char, bool
Let's count occurrences of ID part and build a list of headers used just once, then export the CSV.
$csv = Import-Csv 1.csv
$prefix = '^(int|char|bool)' # or '^([a-z])' for any lowercase text
$headers = $csv[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
$uniqueIDs = $headers -creplace $prefix, '' | group | ? Count -eq 1 | select -expand Name
$uniqueHeaders = $headers | ?{ $_ -creplace $prefix, '' -in $uniqueIDs }
$csv | select $uniqueHeaders | Export-Csv 2.csv -NoTypeInformation
Note: in the old PowerShell 2.0 instead of ? Count -eq 1 use ?{ $_.Count -eq 1 }

PowerShell Import-Csv Issue - Why is my output being treated as a single column and not a CSV?

So I have a CSV file which I need to manipulate a bit, select the data I need and export to another CSV file.
The code I have is:
$rawCSV = "C:\Files\raw.csv"
$outputCSV = "C:\Files\output.csv"
Import-Csv -Header #("a","b","c","d") -Path $rawCSV |
select -Skip 7 |
Where-Object { $_.b.length -gt 1 } |
ft b,a,c,d |
Out-File $outputCSV
So this code uses the Import-Csv command to allow me to select just the columns I need, add some headers in the order I want and then I am simply putting the output in to a CSV file called $outputCSV. The contents of this output file look something like this:
b a c d
- - - -
john smith 29 England
mary poopins 79 Walton
I am not sure what the delimiter is in this output and rather than these columns being treated as individuals, they are treated as just one column. I have gone on further to replace all the spaces with a comma using the code:
$b = foreach ($line in $a)
$fields = $line -split '`n'
foreach ($field in $fields)
$field -replace " +",","
Which produces a file that looks like this:
But these are all still treated as one column instead of four separate columns as I need.
Using the answer given by #, I now get a file looking like this:
Don't use ft to reorder your columns - it's intended to format output for the screen, not really suitable for CSV.
"Manual" solution:
$rawCSV = "C:\Files\raw.csv"
$outputCSV = "C:\Files\output.csv"
# Import and filter your raw data
$RawData = Import-Csv -Header #("a","b","c","d") -Path $rawCSV
$Data = $RawData | Select -Skip 7 | Where-Object { $_.b.length -gt 1 }
# Write your headers to the output file
"b","a","c","d" -join ',' | Out-File $outputCSV -Force
$ReorderedData = foreach($Row in $Data){
# Reorder the columns in each row
'{0},{1},{2},{3}' -f $Row.b , $Row.a , $Row.c, $Row.d
# Write the reordered rows to the output file
$ReorderedData | Out-File $outputCSV -Append
Using Export-Csv:
As of PowerShell 3.0, you could also push the rows into a [pscustomobject] and pipe that to Export-Csv (pscustomobject preserves the order in which you supply the properties):
$rawCSV = "C:\Files\raw.csv"
$outputCSV = "C:\Files\output.csv"
# Import and filter your raw data
$RawData = Import-Csv -Header #("a","b","c","d") -Path $rawCSV
$Data = $RawData | Select -Skip 7 | Where-Object { $_.b.length -gt 1 }
# Take the columns you're interested in, put them into new custom objects and export to CSV
$Data | ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject]#{ "b" = $_.b; "a" = $_.a; "c" = $_.c; "d" = $_.d }
} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outputCSV
Export-Csv will take care of enclosing strings in quotes to escape ',' properly (one thing less for you to worry about)
First of all, what your raw CSV file looks like? If it's already like this
then import-csv will give you an array of objects which you can easily manipulate (and objects are the main reason to use PowerShell ;). For example, to check what you have after import:
$r = Import-Csv -Path $rawCSV -Header #("b","a","c","d")
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
$r[0] | get-member
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
a NoteProperty System.String a=smith
b NoteProperty System.String b=john
c NoteProperty System.String c=29
d NoteProperty System.String d=England
For now you have array of objects with properties named "a","b","c","d". To manipulate objects you have select-object cmdlet:
$r | Select-Object a,b,c,d
a b c d
- - - -
smith john 29 England
poppins mary 79 Walton
And after all use export-csv to set the output file:
$r | where { $_.b.length -gt 1 } |
select a,b,c,d |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8 -path $outputCSV
I could think of two possible reasons why your data teated as one column:
consuming application expect different encoding and can't find
delimiters are not commas but something else