patch a configmap from file or with json - kubernetes

I want to edit a configmap from aws-auth during a vagrant deployment to give my vagrant user access to the EKS cluster. I need to add a snippet into the existing aws-auth configmap. How do i do this programmatically?
If you do a kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth you get
apiVersion: v1
mapRoles: |
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
rolearn: arn:aws:iam::123:role/nodegroup-abc123
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: "2019-05-30T03:00:18Z"
name: aws-auth
namespace: kube-system
resourceVersion: "19055217"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/aws-auth
uid: 0000-0000-0000
i need to enter this bit in there somehow.
mapUsers: |
- userarn: arn:aws:iam::123:user/sergeant-poopie-pants
username: sergeant-poopie-pants
- system:masters
I've tried to do a cat <<EOF > {file} EOF then patch from file. But that option doesn't exist in patch only in the create context.
I also found this: How to patch a ConfigMap in Kubernetes
but it didn't seem to work. or perhaps i didn't really understand the proposed solutions.

There are a few ways to automate things. The direct way would be kubectl get configmap -o yaml ... > cm.yml && patch ... < cm.yml > cm2.yml && kubectl apply -f cm2.yml or something like that. You might want to use a script that parses and modifies the YAML data rather than a literal patch to make it less brittle. You could also do something like EDITOR="myeditscript" kubectl edit configmap ... but that's more clever that I would want to do.

First, note that the mapRoles and mapUsers are actually treated as a string, even though it is structured data (yaml).
While this problem is solvable by jsonpatch, it is much easier using jq and kubectl apply like this:
kubectl get cm aws-auth -o json \
| jq --arg add "`cat add.yaml`" '.data.mapUsers = $add' \
| kubectl apply -f -
Where add.yaml is something like this (notice the lack of extra indentation):
- userarn: arn:aws:iam::123:user/sergeant-poopie-pants
username: sergeant-poopie-pants
- system:masters
See also for more information.

Here is a kubectl patch one-liner for patching the aws-auth configmap:
kubectl patch configmap -n kube-system aws-auth -p '{"data":{"mapUsers":"[{\"userarn\": \"arn:aws:iam::0000000000000:user/john\", \"username\": \"john\", \"groups\": [\"system:masters\"]}]"}}'


How to edit a sealed secret in kubernetes?

I've a kubernetes sealed secret with encrypted data in it. How can I edit the sealed secret like editing a deployment using command "kubectl edit deployment".
I know kubectl edit secret works on normal secrets not on sealed secrets.
kind: SealedSecret
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-secret
namespace: test-ns
password: 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
username: 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
data: null
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-secret
namespace: test-ns
You can update the existing SealedSecret by using --merge-into option in SealedSecret service. You can simply copy & paste the encrypted data into a json and merge this to the existing SealedSecret like this
$ echo -n bar | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=foo=/dev/stdin -o json \
| kubeseal > mysealedsecret.json
$ echo -n baz | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=bar=/dev/stdin -o json \
| kubeseal --merge-into mysealedsecret.json
When the sealedsecret needs to decrypt and work the same as normal secrets in kubernetes then both sealedsecrets and secrets need to be in the same namespace.
For more detailed information refer this official sealedsecrets github page
To know more about the usage of SealedSecret refer to this document

How do I remove a specific block from the value of a config map?

I have a config map that looks like this:
kubectl describe configmap example-config --namespace kube-system
Name: example-config
Namespace: kube-system
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/user-role-1
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/user-role-2
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
I want to remove user-role-2 from the configmap. I think I need to use kubectl patch with a "remove" operation. What is the syntax to remove a section from a config map?
Here is an example command I can use to append to the config map:
kubectl patch -n=kube-system cm/aws-auth --patch "{\"data\":{\"mapRoles\": \"- rolearn: "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/user-role-3" \n username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}\n groups:\n - system:bootstrappers\n - system:nodes\n\"}}"
According to kubernetes official docs:
There is not such syntax in kubectl patch to remove a section from an api object like a config map.
Here is an example command I can use to append to the config map:
kubectl patch -n=kube-system cm/aws-auth --patch "{\"data\":{\"mapRoles\": \"- rolearn: "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/user-role-3" \n username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}\n groups:\n - system:bootstrappers\n - system:nodes\n\"}}"
The command above is used to replace the whole data field in configmap. So you can simply use it to patch update with the data you want:
kubectl patch -n=kube-system cm/example-config --patch '{"data":{"mapRoles": "- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/user-role-1\n username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}\n groups:\n - system:bootstrappers\
n - system:nodes"}}'
I think the simplest way is like this:
kubectl get configmaps foo -o yaml > foo.yaml
Now edit foo.yaml the way you want
Then apply your new config:
kubectl apply -f foo.yaml

Dynamically update the configmap values

I have following configmaps
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: test
data: |+
key1: value1
key2: value2
keyN: valueN
Configmaps is mounted to pod and works fine.
My requirement is to programmatically replace the value for some of the keys.
I can run shell/python script and I can run any kubectl command.
You can use kubectl patch command to update K8s resources.
kubectl patch configmap/test \
--type=json \
'-p=[{"op": "replace","path": "/data/key1", "value": "test1"}]'
An important point to note as mentioned by Henry is that the application also has to re-read the properties after they have been changed.
You can use Bash script to dynamically replace some keys and values in your ConfigMaps.
I've created simple bash script to illustrate how it may works on my kubeadm cluster v1.20:
read -p 'Enter ConfigMap name: ' configmapName
if kubectl get cm ${configmapName} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "ConfigMap name to modify: ${configmapName}"
echo "ERROR: bad ConfigMap name"
exit 1
kubectl patch cm ${configmapName} -p "{\"data\":{\"${keyName}\":\"${value}\"}}"
In the above example you need to pass ConfigMap name and set what you want to modify.
In addition you may want to pass keyName and value values as command line arguments in similar way to configmapName value.
You can see an example of how the above script works:
root#kmaster:~# ./
Enter ConfigMap name: test
ConfigMap name to modify: test
configmap/test patched
root#kmaster:~# kubectl describe cm test
Name: test
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Events: <none>
Note: If you want to use kubectl replace instead of kubectl patch, you can use below command (e.g. sourceValue="key1: value1" and destinationValue="key1: value100")
kubectl get cm ${configmapName} -o yaml | sed "s/${sourceValue}/${destinationValue}/" | kubectl replace -f -

How to edit configmap in kubernetes and override the values from a different yaml file?

I want to edit the configmap and replace the values. But it should be done using a different YAML in I ll specify overriding values as part of that file.
I was trying using kubectl edit cm -f replace.yaml but this didn't work so i want to know the structure in which the new file should be.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: int-change-change-management-service-configurations
should_retain_native_dn: "False"
NADC_USER: "omc"
NADC_PORT: "991"
plan_compare_wait_time: "1"
plan_prefix: ""
ingress_ip: ""
Now lets us assume NADC_IP should be changed and So I would like to know how should be structure of the YAML file and using which command it can be served?
The override taking place should only be during helm test for example when i run
helm test <release-name>?
kubectl replace -f replace.yaml
If you have a configmap in place like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-configmap
should_retain_native_dn: "False"
and you want to change the value of NADC_IP create a manifest file like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-configmap
should_retain_native_dn: "False"
NADC_IP: "" # the new IP
and run kubectl replace -f replace.yaml
To update variable in configmap you need to take two steps:
First, update the value of variable:
kubectl create configmap <name_of_configmap> --from-literal=<var_name>=<new_value> -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
So in your case it will looks like this:
kubectl create configmap int-change-change-management-service-configurations --from-literal=NADC_IP=<new_value> -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
Second step, restart the pod:
kubectl delete pod <pod_name>
App will use new value from now. Let me know, if it works for you.
kubectl get cm {configmap name} -o=yaml --export > filename.yaml
You can try this it will give you yaml format
kubectl get configmap
int-change-change-management-service-configurations -o yaml
You can copy the content and replace it inside new yaml file and apply the changes
EDIT : 1
If you want to edit over terminal you can run
kubectl edit configmap {configmap name}
It will use vim editor and you can replace value from terminal using edit command.
EDIT : 2
kubectl get cm {configmap name} -o=yaml --export > filename.yaml

Kubernetes ApiVersion for a Resource kind

How can I get an ApiVersion for some resource kind, using the kubectl.
kind: Role
apiVersion: ( complete string )
I tried kubectl api-resources, and kubectl api-versions but could not find some complete mapping. Is there any way to concatenate the output of those commands and get the complete string for each resource kind? Or maybe there is some other command.
I'm not aware of a kubectl command that can provide mapping between all resources in a cluster - built-in and custom, used or not - and their API Groups and group versions (apiVersion: $GROUP_NAME/$VERSION).
If using curl and jq is an option, the following one-liner will provide such mapping:
for v in `curl -ks https://<k8s-master>:<port>/apis | jq -r .groups[].versions[].groupVersion`; do for r in `curl -ks "https://<k8s-master>:<port>/apis/${v}" | jq -r '.resources[]?.kind' | sort -u`; do echo ${r} - ${v}; done ; done
Few explanations:
replace <k8s-master>:<port> with the name/IP and port of the Kubernetes API
Server master.
break it into multiple lines for better readability.
-k in the curl command is to trust any cert.
-s in the curl command is for silent output. E.g. no progress output.
-r in the jq command is for raw output. E.g. no double quotes will be output for strings.
change echo ${r} - ${v} in a way to output the mapping as desired.
Notice that the above doesn't handle api/v1. It is a legacy API Group and its resources are now also under named groups - see
Partial output for a Kubernetes cluster:
APIService -
APIService -
DaemonSet - extensions/v1beta1
Deployment - extensions/v1beta1
DeploymentRollback - extensions/v1beta1
Role -
RoleBinding -
ClusterRole -
ClusterRoleBinding -
Role -
RoleBinding -
You can try
kubectl get roles --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{.items[*].apiVersion}'