Run Kitura Docker Image causes Error - swift

after i had some previous problem to Dockerise my MySQL Kitura SETUP here : Docker Build Kitura Sqift Container - Shim.h mysql.h file not found
I am running in a new Problem i can not solve following the Guide from : .
After i followed all the steps and also did the fixing on the MySQL issue previously i was now able to run the following command :
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it myapp-run
THis however leads to the following issue :
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
i assume something tries again to open the libmysqclclient from some wrong Environmental Directories ?
But how can i fix this issues by building the docker images ... is there any way and better a smart way ?
Thanks a lot again for the help.

I was able to update and enhance my dockerfile this is now running smoothly and also can be used for CI and CD tasks.
FROM ibmcom/swift-ubuntu-runtime:latest
##FROM ibmcom/swift-ubuntu-runtime:5.0.1
LABEL maintainer="IBM Swift Engineering at IBM Cloud"
LABEL Description="Template Dockerfile that extends the ibmcom/swift-ubuntu-runtime image."
# We can replace this port with what the user wants
# Default user if not provided
ARG bx_dev_user=root
ARG bx_dev_userid=1000
# Install system level packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo libmysqlclient-dev
# Add utils files
ADD /swift-utils/
ADD /swift-utils/
RUN chmod -R 555 /swift-utils
# Create user if not root
RUN if [ $bx_dev_user != "root" ]; then useradd -ms /bin/bash -u $bx_dev_userid $bx_dev_user; fi
# Bundle application source & binaries
COPY ./.build /swift-project/.build
# Command to start Swift application
CMD [ "sh", "-c", "cd /swift-project && .build/release/Beautylivery_Server_New" ]


MongoDB connection failed in ubuntu container

I create a docker container with the base image ubuntu:18.04 and installed MongoDB using the shell in this container. Now, I commit and export this container and use this container image as a base image in a new container in which I need the MongoDB status as running for further process. I am using Dockerfile for both containers.
First Dockerfileis :
#getting base image ubuntu
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils wget gnupg gnupg2 curl
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
CMD ["echo","Create base image"]
After building this Dockerfile, I accessed shell installed MongoDB, created a new db and collection, commit and export in the tar file.
Next, I import this tar file as image mongoubuntu:1.0
Now, I create another Dockerfile in which I want to run some commands which need MongoDB status as running.
The second Dockerfile is as follows:
FROM mongoubuntu:1.0
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install sudo && apt-get -y install curl
RUN apt-get install -y wget #install wget lib
COPY . /
RUN chmod +x /
RUN chmod +x /
RUN / >> /
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
CMD ["echo","Install EOS Complete"]
When I run this as docker build -t eossample:1.5 . It gets build successful. When I check the bash shell for the newly created container using this image, MongoDB is not running. If I manually start MongoDB it shows running status. Please help. How could I start MongoDB from DockerFile?

How to build docker image that have telnet client

I've been trying to build docker image for my flask app. The application have a script that relied on telnet command. However, after putting the app in then container, the script stop working since the telnet command not found in the container.
How can I make telnet avilable in docker container?
here is my docker file:
# For more information, please refer to
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
# Keeps Python from generating .pyc files in the container
# Turns off buffering for easier container logging
# Install pip requirements
ADD requirements.txt .
RUN python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /app
# Switching to a non-root user, please refer to
RUN useradd appuser && chown -R appuser /app
USER appuser
# During debugging, this entry point will be overridden. For more information, please refer to
CMD ["gunicorn", "--bind", "", "run:app"]
You can update the package list and install telnet as part of your Docker file. For example.
# For more information, please refer to
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
#update package list and install telnet
RUN apt update && apt install telnet
This will refresh the package list of the OS then install telnet into the OS

How to build Postgres jsonlog in multi-stage Docker container

I have a multi-stage Docker container where I build jsonlog.
# Build stage
FROM postgres:11.5 AS build-env
ADD . /jsonlog
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential libkrb5-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all
RUN cd /jsonlog && make install
# Used find to see where the output files are being installed
# RUN find / -name "*json*"
# Final stage
FROM postgres:11.5-alpine
COPY --from=build-env /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/bitcode/jsonlog/jsonlog.bc /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/bitcode/jsonlog/jsonlog.bc
COPY --from=build-env /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/bitcode/jsonlog.index.bc /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/bitcode/jsonlog.index.bc
COPY --from=build-env /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/ /usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/
The docker build seems to be okay. However, when I do a docker run, I get this error.
LOG: invalid value for parameter "log_destination": "jsonlog"
DETAIL: Unrecognized key word: "jsonlog".
FATAL: configuration file "/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf" contains errors
The jsonlog code comes from this repo,, which I cloned. I mount just the jsonlog directory into the build container.
The postgresql.conf is vanilla, except for these lines.
log_destination = 'jsonlog'
logging_collector = on
shared_preload_libraries = 'jsonlog'
The reason for doing a multi-stage container is to get rid of build dependencies and have a smaller container. I'd like to run postgres:11.5-alpine, but I also get errors with the postgres:11.5 image.
I tried getting rid of the multi-stage and just keeping everything in 1 container like this.
FROM postgres:11.5
ADD . /jsonlog
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential libkrb5-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all
RUN cd /jsonlog && make install
But that results in the exact Unrecognized key word: "jsonlog" error.
Also, also, I tried building in a Postgres 9.5 container and the same thing happens.
It's my understanding that you simply leave log_destination as 'stderr' and the jsonlog plugin overrides the log_hook in PG and, magically, logs start coming out in JSON format.
So the only change needed, AFAIK, is:
shared_preload_libraries = 'jsonlog'

How to build an image of Postgres:11 with HLL extension?

I want to make a Dockerfile to build an image of Postgres:11 that already installed postgresql-hll extension inside.
Im not experienced with Docker so Im have no idea to follow the instruction of installing this extension properly.
In order to do this you need to:
clone the git repository:
git clone
Create a file called Dockerfile (at the same level with the folder postgresql-hll created at step 1) with the contents:
ARG psversion=11
FROM postgres:$psversion
COPY postgresql-hll /postgresql-hll
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y postgresql-server-dev-${PG_MAJOR} make gcc g++
WORKDIR /postgresql-hll
RUN PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config make
RUN PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config make install
RUN echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'hll'" >> /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample
COPY create_extension.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
Create a file create_extension.sql at the same level with the Dockerfile, with the contents:
Build your image:
# build for POSTGRES 11
docker build -t hll:1.0 --build-arg psversion=11 .
# build for POSTGRES 9.6
docker build -t hll:1.0 --build-arg psversion=9 .
NOTE: The version for POSTGRES 9.6 gives an error when trying to load the library. It is here for completeness and maybe somebody can contribute to fix it.
Run a container based on this image
docker run -d --name hll hll:1.0
Open a shell in the newly created container:
docker exec -ti hll bash
Inside the container run:
su postgres
The output should show the hll extension as installed.

How to start railo service in background on the Docker

My name Trang,
I have created Docker image on
It is run ok.
Now I created Dockerfile but I can't start automatic Railo service. Please help me.
I have start by some commands at shell script:
exec /opt/railo/railo_ctl start
exec /opt/railo/railo_ctl start -D FOREGROUND
service railo_ctl restart
exec service railo_ctl restart
No command it work.
I looked inside your Dockerfile and identified the problem.
You can only use one CMD inside a Dockerfile. (if you use multiple CMD the old one will override) More info :
You need to know that Docker isn't made for running multiple process without a little bit of help. I suggest using supervisord :
You can't use RUN service inside a Dockerfile, the reason is simple the command service will be executed and start a daemon, then notify the execution was successful. The temporary container will be killed (and the daemon too) and after that the change will be committed.
What your Dockerfile should look like :
FROM ubuntu:trusty
MAINTAINER Trang Lee <>, Seta International Vietnam(
#Install base packages
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre-headless
RUN apt-get install -y tomcat7 tomcat7-admin apache2 libapache2-mod-jk
RUN apt-get purge -y openjdk-6-jre-headless icedtea-6-jre-cacao openjdk-6-jre-lib icedtea-6-jre-jamvm
RUN apt-get install -y supervisor
# config to enable .htaccess
ADD apache_default /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
RUN a2enmod rewrite
ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2
# start service
RUN chmod +x /*.sh
#RUN sudo service apache2 start
# install railo
RUN apt-get install -y wget
RUN wget
RUN chmod -R 744
RUN ./ --mode unattended --railopass “123456”
# remove railo setup
#RUN rm -rf
#RUN sudo service railo_ctl start
RUN mkdir -p /etc/service/railo
ADD /etc/service/railo/run
RUN chmod 755 /etc/service/railo/run
# EXPOSE <port>
EXPOSE 80 8888
#CMD ["/"]
#CMD ["/"]
# Supervisord configuration
RUN mkdir /var/log/supervisor
ADD ./supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]
With your supervisord.conf file looking something like that :
command=/bin/bash -c "source /etc/apache2/envvars && exec /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND"
command=/bin/bash -c "exec /opt/railo/railo_ctl start -D FOREGROUND"