I have the following function definition:
private def extractUrl: String => (String, String)
= url =>
.flatMap(e => e.split(":").toList)
.foldLeft[(String, String)](("", "")) { (acc, x) =>
acc match {
case ("", "") => (x, "")
case (a, "") => (a, x)
case z => z
the question is, is there another way to define an empty Tuple instead of ("", "")?
Empty tuple
("", "") is a tuple of empty strings with type (String, String).
Empty is unclear in that context, could be (None, None) or even (null, null) (bad)
You seem to use "" to represents a value that is not present. Try using None and Some[String], both sub types of Option[String], to indicate that a value is not present.
Analysis and comments
Potentially, your method seems not to do what is intended. (execute code below)
Think about using already present functions / methods / libraries for manipulating URLs (also see example below)
Think about using Option
object Fun {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val url1 = "http://localhost:4000/a/b/c?x=1&y=2#asdf"
val url2 = ""
val urls = List(url1, url2)
// your approach
println("Your approach") urlString => extractUrl(urlString ))
println("New approach") => extractUrl2(x))
.filter( x =>"localhost") )
case class HostPort(host: String, port: Option[String])
def extractUrl2: String => HostPort = urlString => {
val url = new URL(urlString)
url.getPort match {
case -1 => None
case i => Some(i.toString)
def extractUrl: String => (String, String) = url =>
.flatMap(e => e.split(":").toList)
.foldLeft[(String, String)](("", "")) { (acc, x) =>
acc match {
case ("", "") => (x, "")
case (a, "") => (a, x)
case z => z
Your approach
New approach
I don't think it is possible to define an empty Tuple.
I tried to use (->) but that resolves to a Tuple2.type and not a Tuple2.
If the values of your Tuple are optional, use the type system to express that:
(Option[String], Option[String])
Better yet, you could define a case class for your data structure:
case class HostAndPort(host: Option[String], port: Option[String])
This would provide default values for each type within the tuple:
let my_tuple: (String, usize) = Default::default();
I have a list of mixed values:
val list = List("A", 2, 'c', 4)
I know how to collect the chars, or strings, or ints, in a single operation:
val strings = list collect { case s:String => s }
==> List(A)
val chars = list collect { case c:Char => c }
==> List(c)
val ints = list collect { case i:Int => i }
==> List(2,4)
Can I do it all in one shot somehow? I'm looking for:
val (strings, chars, ints) = list ??? {
case s:String => s
case c:Char => c
case i:Int => i
Confession -- An example closer to my actual use case:
I have a list of things, that I want to partition according to some conditions:
val list2 = List("Word", " ", "", "OtherWord")
val (empties, whitespacesonly, words) = list2 ??? {
case s:String if s.isEmpty => s
case s:String if s.trim.isEmpty => s
case s:String => s
N.B. partition would be great for this if I only had 2 cases (one where the condition was met and one where it wasn't) but here I have multiple conditions to split on.
Based on your second example: you can use groupBy and a key-ing function. I prefer to use those techniques in conjunction with a discriminated union to make the intention of the code more obvious:
val list2 = List("Word", " ", "", "OtherWord")
sealed trait Description
object Empty extends Description
object Whitespaces extends Description
object Words extends Description
def strToDesc(str : String) : Description = str match {
case _ if str.isEmpty() => Empty
case _ if str.trim.isEmpty() => Whitespaces
case _ => Words
val descMap = (list2 groupBy strToDesc) withDefaultValue List.empty[String]
val (empties, whitespaceonly, words) =
This extends well if you want to add another Description later, e.g. AllCaps...
Hope this help:
list.foldLeft((List[String](), List[String](), List[String]())) {
case ((e,s,w),str:String) if str.isEmpty => (str::e,s,w)
case ((e,s,w),str:String) if str.trim.isEmpty => (e,str::s,w)
case ((e,s,w),str:String) => (e,s,str::w)
case (acc, _) => acc
You could use partition twice :
def partitionWords(list: List[String]) = {
val (emptyOrSpaces, words) = list.partition(_.trim.isEmpty)
val (empty, spaces) = emptyOrSpaces.partition(_.isEmpty)
(empty, spaces, words)
Which gives for your example :
// (List(""),List(" "),List(Word, OtherWord))
In general you can use foldLeft with a tuple as accumulator.
def partitionWords2(list: List[String]) = {
val nilString = List.empty[String]
val (empty, spaces, words) = list.foldLeft((nilString, nilString, nilString)) {
case ((empty, spaces, words), elem) =>
elem match {
case s if s.isEmpty => (s :: empty, spaces, words)
case s if s.trim.isEmpty => (empty, s :: spaces, words)
case s => (empty, spaces, s :: words)
(empty.reverse, spaces.reverse, words.reverse)
Which will give you the same result.
A tail recursive method,
def partition(list: List[Any]): (List[Any], List[Any], List[Any]) = {
def inner(map: Map[String, List[Any]], innerList: List[Any]): Map[String, List[Any]] = innerList match {
case x :: xs => x match {
case s: String => inner(insertValue(map, "str", s), xs)
case c: Char => inner(insertValue(map, "char", c), xs)
case i: Int => inner(insertValue(map, "int", i), xs)
case Nil => map
def insertValue(map: Map[String, List[Any]], key: String, value: Any) = {
map + (key -> (value :: map.getOrElse(key, Nil)))
val partitioned = inner(Map.empty[String, List[Any]], list)
(partitioned.get("str").getOrElse(Nil), partitioned.get("char").getOrElse(Nil), partitioned.get("int").getOrElse(Nil))
val list1 = List("A", 2, 'c', 4)
val (strs, chars, ints) = partition(list1)
I wound up with this, based on #Nyavro's answer:
val list2 = List("Word", " ", "", "OtherWord")
val(empties, spaces, words) =
list2.foldRight((List[String](), List[String](), List[String]())) {
case (str, (e, s, w)) if str.isEmpty => (str :: e, s, w)
case (str, (e, s, w)) if str.trim.isEmpty => (e, str :: s, w)
case (str, (e, s, w)) => (e, s, str :: w)
==> empties: List[String] = List("")
==> spaces: List[String] = List(" ")
==> words: List[String] = List(Word, OtherWord)
I understand the risks of using foldRight: mainly that in order to start on the right, the runtime needs to recurse and that this may blow the stack on large inputs. However, my inputs are small and this risk is acceptable.
Having said that, if there's a quick way to _.reverse three lists of a tuple that I haven't thought of, I'm all ears.
Thanks all!
Is there an easy/best way to get a BitSet I can pattern match like a list?
val btst = BitSet(1,2,3,4)
btst match {
case head :: tail => tail
By definition a set is an unordered collection, and pattern matching over such one is error-prone. Convert it to list if you want to... Also, you should not rely on head and tail to always return the same thing.
A BitSet is ordered, but extractorless.
Edit: but not humorless.
object |<| {
def unapply(s: BitSet): Option[(Int, BitSet)] =
if (s.isEmpty) None
else Some((s.head, s.tail))
def flags(b: BitSet) = b match {
case f"5 || 10" => println("Five and dime") // alas, never a literal
case 5 |<| any => println(s"Low bit is 5iver, rest are $any")
case i |<| any => println(s"Low bit is $i, rest are $any")
case _ => println("None")
def dump(b: BitSet) = println(b.toBitMask.mkString(","))
val s = BitSet(5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 65)
// ordinary laborious tests
s match {
case x if x == BitSet(5) => println("Five")
case x if x == BitSet(5,7,11,17,19,65) => println("All")
case x if x(5) => println("Five or more")
case _ => println("None")
// manually matching on the mask is laborious
// and depends on the bit length
s.toBitMask match {
case Array(2L) => println("One")
case Array(657568L) => println("First word's worth")
case Array(657568L, _) => println("All")
case _ => println("None")
// or truncate for special case
s.toBitMask(0) match {
case 2L => println("One")
case 657568L => println("First word's worth")
case _ => println("None")
I have the following code:
class CSplit(var s1: CanvNode, var s2: CanvNode) extends SplitPane
topComponent = s1.merge
bottomComponent = s2.merge
def containsV(orig: MapCanvT): Option[MapCanvT] =
def containsIn(cn: CanvNode): Option[MapCanvT] = cn match
case Left => None
case Right(mc) => if (mc == orig) Some(mc) else None
containsIn(s1) match
case Some(mc) => Some(mc)
case None => containsIn(s2)
I want to reduce the code of the containsV method. My first thought was to use a fold method to shorten the containsIn method. But Option doesn't have one, nor does it extend Class Either. Shouldn't Option[T] extend Either[T, None] ? Then at least one could use Either's fold method.
My final thought was to treat s1 and s2 as a List and do find over it but I can't get this to compile:
def containsV(orig: MapCanvT):
Option[MapCanvT] = ::[CanvNode](s1, s2).find(_ == Right(orig))
Scala 2.10 adds fold to Option. In the meantime you can use map(f).getOrElse(g) instead:
// These produce identical results
o.fold(g)(x => f(x)) => f(x)).getOrElse(g)
Edit: so, for example, the following three do the same thing:
val os: List[Option[Int]] = List(Some(5),None)
// Explicit match{ _ match {
case Some(x) => x+3
case None => 0
// map+getOrElse{ }
// fold{ _.fold(0)(_+3) }
In the fold case, you give the default value for the None case first, and then the function that handles the case where there is a value. In each case you should get List(8,0).
It can be implemented with a list by using the collectFirst method
def containsV(orig: MapCanvT): Option[MapCanvT]
= List(s1, s2).collectFirst {case i: MapCanvT if (i == (orig) => i}
Let's start with the easy part:
containsIn(s1) match
case Some(mc) => Some(mc)
case None => containsIn(s2)
is the same as
containsIn(s1) orElse containsIn(s2)
Now we only have to deal with containsIn:
def containsIn(cn: CanvNode): Option[MapCanvT] = cn match
case Left => None
case Right(mc) => if (mc == orig) Some(mc) else None
We can use fold on Either, which gets rid of most of the pattern matching:
cn.fold(_ => None, Some(_))
But there's the orig thingy. We can handle it with a filter, though:
cn.fold(_ => None, Some(_)) filter (orig.==)
def containsV(orig: MapCanvT): Option[MapCanvT] = {
def containsIn(cn: CanvNode): Option[MapCanvT] =
cn.fold(_ => None, Some(_)) filter (orig.==)
containsIn(s1) orElse containsIn(s2)
I think orElse is much overlooked.
I'm often writing code that compares two objects and produces a value based on whether they are the same, or different, based on how they are different.
So I might write:
val result = (v1,v2) match {
case (Some(value1), Some(value2)) => "a"
case (Some(value), None)) => "b"
case (None, Some(value)) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
Those 2nd and 3rd cases are the same really, so I tried writing:
val result = (v1,v2) match {
case (Some(value1), Some(value2)) => "a"
case (Some(value), None)) || (None, Some(value)) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
But no luck.
I encounter this problem in a few places, and this is just a specific example, the more general pattern is I have two things, and I want to know if one and only one of them meet some predicate, so I'd like to write something like this:
val result = (v1,v2) match {
case (Some(value1), Some(value2)) => "a"
case OneAndOnlyOne(value, v: Option[Foo] => v.isDefined ) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
So the idea here is that OneAndOnlyOne can be configured with a predicated (isDefined in this case) and you can use it in multiple places.
The above doesn't work at all, since its backwards, the predicate needs to be passed into the extractor not returned.
How about something like this?
val result = (v1,v2) match {
case (Some(value1), Some(value2)) => "a"
case new OneAndOnlyOne(v: Option[Foo] => v.isDefined )(value) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
class OneAndOnlyOne[T](predicate: T => Boolean) {
def unapply( pair: Pair[T,T] ): Option[T] = {
val (item1,item2) = pair
val v1 = predicate(item1)
val v2 = predicate(item2)
if ( v1 != v2 )
Some( if ( v1 ) item1 else item2 )
But, this doesn't compile.
Can anyone see a way to make this solution work? Or propose another solution? I'm probably making this more complicated than it is :)
I think you're asking two slightly different questions.
One question is how to use "or" in switch statements. || doesn't work; | does. And you can't use variables in that case (because in general they might match different types, which renders the type confusing). So:
def matcher[T](a: (T,T)) = {
a match {
case (Some(x),Some(y)) => "both"
case (Some(_),None) | (None,Some(_)) => "either"
case _ => "none"
Another question is how to avoid having to do this over and over, especially if you want to be able to get at the value in the tuple. I've implemented a version here for Option, but you could use an unwrapped tuple and a boolean.
One trick to achieve this is that to prewrap the values before you start matching on it, and then use your own matching constructs that do what you want. For instance,
class DiOption[+T] {
def trinary = this
case class Both[T](first: T, second:T) extends DiOption[T] { }
case class OneOf[T](it: T) extends DiOption[T] { }
case class Neither() extends DiOption[Nothing] { }
implicit def sometuple2dioption[T](t2: (Option[T],Option[T])): DiOption[T] = {
t2 match {
case (Some(x),Some(y)) => Both(x,y)
case (Some(x),None) => OneOf(x)
case (None,Some(y)) => OneOf(y)
case _ => Neither()
// Example usage
val a = (Some("This"),None)
a trinary match {
case Both(s,t) => "Both"
case OneOf(s) => "Just one"
case _ => "Nothing"
If you have to support arbitrary predicates you can derive from this (which is based on Daniel's idea):
List(v1, v2) filter (_ %2 == 0) match {
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ => "c"
the definition of the function:
def filteredMatch[T,R](values : T*)(f : T => Boolean)(p: PartialFunction[List[T], R]) : R =
p(List((values filter f) :_* ))
Now you can use it like this:
filteredMatch(v1,v2)(_ %2 == 0){
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ => "c"
I'm not so sure if it's a good idea (i.e. readable). But a neat exercise nonetheless.
It would be nice if you could match on tuples: case (value1, value2) => ... instead of lists.
How about this:
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.r20327-b20091230020149 (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_17).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> def m(v1: Any,v2: Any) = (v1,v2) match {
| case (Some(x),Some(y)) => "a"
| case (Some(_),None) | (None,Some(_)) => "b"
| case _ => "c"
| }
m: (v1: Any,v2: Any)java.lang.String
scala> m(Some(1),Some(2))
res0: java.lang.String = a
scala> m(Some(1),None)
res1: java.lang.String = b
scala> m(None,None)
res2: java.lang.String = c
You should be able to do it if you define it as a val first:
val MyValThatIsCapitalized = new OneAndOnlyOne(v: Option[Foo] => v.isDefined )
val result = (v1,v2) match {
case (Some(value1), Some(value2)) => "a"
case MyValThatIsCapitalized(value) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
As implied by the name, the name of the val containing the extractor object must be capitalized.
On Scala 2.8:
val result = List(v1,v2).flatten match {
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
On Scala 2.7, however, you need a type hint to make it work. So, assuming value is Int, for instance, then:
val result = (List(v1,v2).flatten : List[Int]) match {
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ = > "c"
The funny thing about it is that I misread "first" as "list" on Mitch Blevins answer, and that gave me this idea. :-)
Since you already matched against (Some(x), Some(y)), you may match against (None, None) explicitly, and the remaining cases are (Some(x), None) and (None, Some(y)):
def decide [T](v1: Option[T], v2:Option[T]) = (v1, v2) match {
case (Some (x), Some (y)) => "a"
case (None, None) => "c"
case _ => "b"
val ni : Option [Int] = None
decide (ni, ni) // c
decide (Some (4), Some(3)) // a
decide (ni, Some (3)) // b
decide (Some (4), ni) // b