How to handle with webdrivers in visual studio code Protractor? - visual-studio-code

I was getting an error
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from unknown error: missing or invalid 'entry.level'
(Session info: chrome=76.0.3809.100)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.27.440174 (e97a722caafc2d3a8b807ee115bfb307f7d2cfd9),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17134 x86_64)
I updated the Visual Studio Code a few days ago. Now i think that it is incompatible with ChromeDriver. I'm using chrome76.
Before updating VS code it was working correctly But now it gives that error. I searched on everywhere on net
Some of them telling that upgrade chrome driver etc. Kindly upload complete procedure how to check for software and how to handle that.

Looks like you are still having old version of chromedriver=2.27.440174 , you should update protractor to use latest version of
Try Updating Webdriver Manager:
webdriver-manager update

webdriver-manager update is the command that will automatically update the Chrome driver But some time is not update Because of slow performance For that i Shutdown my PC, after few hours it updated Automatically


Flutter simply showing 'sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64' returned unexpected output: ''

Not sure which details are relevant so I'll include as many as possible.
Had to upgrade flutter today and instead of working when I typed in 'flutter upgrade' into android studios terminal/Iterm2/terminal zsh I was met with the following response.
'sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64' returned unexpected output: ''
When I search for this issue the only thing i can find is this post which states that sysctl can't be found. The path does appear to be in my .zshrc but still not working. I can't use which or where sysctl as it just says 'sysctl not found'
When I try to upgrade flutter through brew (brew install --cask flutter) it downloads fine but on installing it throws the following error:
==> Purging files for version 3.3.5 of Cask flutter
Error: It seems there is already a Binary at '/opt/homebrew/bin/dart'.
I can't continue working as I need the new flutter version and it seems the web doesn't have much to show for this particular error.
I can't flutter --version, flutter doctor or anything of the sort as I just get the same message.
I'm using:
MacOS monterey 12.6 macbook air.
Android studios
When I open android studios it shows me the following:
"Flutter device daemon #1 exited (exit code 1), stderr: 'sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64' returned unexpected output: '' in a pop up window.
Pubspec has been edited > get dependencies > Upgrade depenedencies: Both of which have the same error as in the title.
The current configured flutter SDK is not known to be fully supported. Please update your SDK and restart intelliJ which I think is what I've been trying to do.
This is an answer I hope will be helpful for others who have the same issue.
Other answers suggested a fix by just updating the path document (.zshrc) but this is what helped me as that did not and my paths were up to date.
Sadly, it's as simple as manually deleting all my flutter SDK files locally. Downloading them again (this time the latest one) and unzipping it into the same place. Didn't even have to update the path).
Worked a charm, issues appear to be all gone except that the dialogue in android studios is still saying that there are dependencies that need getting and upgrading (but doesn't go away even when I've run it).
I solved it by removing the old flutter SDK, downloading the latest version, and setting it up again.
it works perfectly for me!

Not able to launch chrome in protractor

While launching conf.js file in protractor its giving below error :
ERROR [OsProcess.checkForError] - org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Execution failed (Exit value: -559038737. Caused by Cannot run program "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_87.0.4280.88" (in directory "."): error=86, Bad CPU type in executable)
Fix will be available soon this weekend. but you will get a workaround by doing this.
As I badly needed to get unblocked - here is a hacky workaround for anyone in similar situation (only for x86_64 macOS). In node_modules/webdriver-manager/built/lib/files/file_manager.js update fileUrl.url around 166:
add below line
fileUrl.url = fileUrl.url.replace(/_m1/, '')
Was facing the similar issue in MacOs Catalina.
This is how it got resolved for me with below versions :
Option 1 :
Download these :
And made the Selenium server UP with this :
java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar -port 4444
Option 2 :
Protractor :
Use the below versions :
webdriver-manager update
webdriver-manager start
Got an Error
"Timed out waiting for driver server to start." After running
webdriver-manager update
Resolved it by downgrading to the previous version of webdriver that was working for you.
navigate to node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/
check if you can see the last chromedriver that you were using before the update
for my case this is chromedriver_86.0.4240.22
since I still have my previous chromedriver, I just Deleted
in node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/update-config.json
I changed all instances of chromedriver_87.0.4280.88 and replaced with chromedriver_86.0.4240.22
Run your tests.
Incase you dont know what was the last version that worked for you, you can try
webdriver-manager update
or look for a version here
This is what worked for me:
Update the protractor version to current stable version: "protractor": "^7.0.0", npm install was the way to go for me, yours will be similar
Update the webdriver: webdriver-manager update with or without sudo is the right command as stated in other answers
Run the webdriver manager with the current chrome version, this is the command that I use for application: webdriver-manager start as my chrome is currently at that version, replace it with your chrome's version (87.0.4280.88 as per the question)

Issue in setting up the Android emulator with React native

I am fairly new to React native and trying to set up Android environment with Visual studio. All the installation has been fairly successful, however, when I try to run the sample app on the android emulator executing the npx react-native run-android command it shows below error -
'C:\Users\Home' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: Could not start emulator within 30 seconds..
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory.<clinit>(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.GroovyClassValueFactory.<clinit>(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ClassInfo.<clinit>(
However, when i execute adb devices on visual studio, it shows the list of emulator connected -
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
What could be the possible reason? Is this because my users name is Home PC? (Is this because there is a space in between) and it is not able to get the correct path?
This is because your java version is updated to the latest version and gradle is not supported with the installed version. what you can do is update the gradle as well
So go to gradle/wrapper folder inside the android folder
Edit file and replace distributionUrl
with following value
I too faced the same issue.The problem is with the JDK. From JDK 14 i downgraded to JDK 11(LTS) version. And it worked.
Hope it helps.
Install Java 8 version, which is available Java 8 download
Gradle is not keeping up with the Java Latest versions, so roll back
to previous versions

Protractor/webdriver-manager error: "Cannot get automation extension"

I am running protractor tests, and within the last couple days started getting this error:
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot get automation extension
from unknown error: page could not be found: chrome extension://aapnijgdinlhnhlmodcfapnahmbfebeb/_generated_background_page.html
After some research, I tried updating protractor but I was already on the latest version (5.1.1). I checked to see if my chromedriver and chrome version are compatible and it looks like they are. I also updated my webdriver-manage to 12.0.4 but I still have the same problem.
-My chrome version is: 57.0.2987.133 (Official Build) (64-bit)
-protractor is: 5.1.1
-webdriver-manager is: 12.0.4
-chromedriver version: 2.2.6
According to the comment from "JimmyKane" installing chromedriver v2.28 and removing the browser.manage().window().setSize() fixed it.

Webdriver-Manager Start Certificate Error

I am getting the following error below when trying to start webdriver-manager.
It is working yesterday, after restarting it today, I am now getting a certificate error.
I enter --ignore_ssl, added proxy/https-proxy on User Variables and I already tried running the cmd as an administrator.
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm>webdriver-manager start --ignore_ssl
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: unable to get local issuer certificate at Error (native)
at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1092:38)
at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:185:7)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:610:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:440:38)
When updating, I was able to update successfully without an error.
Fixed in webdriver-manager 12.0.5+:
This was an actual issue with webdriver-manager and was tracked as issue #229. On start, webdriver-manager would check the cache and if the cache was old, it would replace it. The problem identified above is that the ignore_ssl and proxy flags were not being passed.
The real issue is that webdriver-manager start should not be making any web requests. Removing web requests removed the need to pass the ignore_ssl and proxy flags around. So if a user were to test their web app locally on an airplane, starting the selenium server should still work.
Anyway, this has been resolved in PR #232 and we should have a new release (12.0.5) later today.
webdriver-manager version 12.0.5+ should have this fixed. The latest as of this update is 12.0.6. You can check what version you have installed with webdriver-manager version.
webdriver-manager version
webdriver-manager: using global installed version 12.0.5
[08:18:51] I/version - webdriver-manager 12.0.5
Potential errors could include having an old installed global version although you have installed a project dependency with the correct webdriver-manager version.
How do I know start makes no web requests? Well, other than unit tests, I have tried this out by turning off wifi and trying webdriver-manager start. If start fails for you at this point with no internet, please check your version.
webdriver-manager start --ignore_ssl
this will work for you.