How to correctly name a class that contains property that returns value selected from sources set in this class and sets source values thes same way? - class

I've got a class that contains multiple potential sources of value (of same Type ofc) and property that returns value of some source based on provided sources (in order of importance, including internal value). I'd simply call it Provider, but property can be set also (and this actually sets some source value based on the same logic), so it looks incorrect.
I'd rather call it Two-Way Provider or Contractor (which is cumbersome), but it feels like I've got some pattern here, that has a specific or comprehensive name. More of "near-the-truth" variants: Dispenser, Conductor, Supply, Agent, Contributor. Something as simple as Node, but more specific.
tl;dr: Name must reflect all or most of these statements:
class contains multiple external value sources that can be set "outside" (Exposer???)
class contains "default" internal value (that can be "overriden" by source values) (Container?)
class (property) always provide some value (Provider?)
that (class's) property can be set (Receiver?)
that value, which can be get or set, comes either from external value source (if any), either from internal value (Resolver?)
looks logical next to the Type of value that class (property) presents (example: FloatProvider)
public class FloatProvider //Needs proper name
public float internalValue = 1.0f; // these may be renamed
public Foo fooSource = null; // to make more sense
public Bar barSource = null; // in terms of the class
public float Value
get => GetValue();
set => SetValue(value);
public float GetValue()
if (fooSource!=null) return fooSource.value;
else if (barSource!=null) return barSource.value;
else return internalValue;
public void SetValue(float value)
if (fooSource!=null) fooSource.value = value;
else if (barSource!=null) barSource.value = value;
else internalValue = value;
public FloatProvider(float internalValue, Foo fooSource, Bar barSource)
this.internalValue = internalValue;
this.fooSource = fooSource;
this.barSource = barSource;
public class Foo
public float value = 10.0f;
public class Bar
public float value = 0.1f;

After days of head scratching and eventual epiphanies I think the Hub is the most appropriate term. But in my case I'd rather call the class by its purpose (FloatExt or something).


Argument exception when I try to set a variable with a custom set in unity

I tried to use the Generate() function only if a variable has changed without having to check it every frame. I used the following tutorial to achieve this. but for some reason, whenever i try to set the variable, I get this error:
ArgumentException: GetComponent requires that the requested component 'List`1' derives from MonoBehaviour or Component or is an interface.
the script:
public GameObject CEMM;
private int ListLength;
public static int ListLengthProperty
return JLSV.instance.ListLength;
JLSV.instance.ListLength = value;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
I tried to set the value like this: JLScrollView.ListLengthProperty = JLScrollView.instance.CEMM.GetComponent<List<JLClass>>().Count;
The generic type parameter that you use when calling GetComponent must be a class that derives from Component (or an interface type). List is a plain old class object, which is why you are getting the exception from this:
I'm not really sure what value you are trying to assign to the property. If you are trying to get the number of components of a certain type on the GameObject you can use GetComponents.
JLScrollView.ListLengthProperty = JLScrollView.instance.GetComponents<JLClass>().Length;

Best practice for setting default values for model properties in Domain Driven Design?

What's the best way to set default properties for new entities in DDD? Also, what's the best way to set default states for complex properties (eg. collections)?
My feeling is that default values should be in the models themselves as they are a form of business rule ("by default, we want X's to be Y & Z"), and the domain represents the business. With this approach, maybe a static "GetNew()" method on the model itself would work:
public class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public bool IsAlive { get; set; }
public List Limbs { get; set; }
public static Person GetNew() {
return new Person() {
IsAlive = true,
Limbs = new List() { RightArm, LeftArm, RightLeg, LeftLeg }
Unfortunately in our case, we need the collection property to be set to all members of another list, and as this model is decoupled from its Repository/DbContext it doesn't have any way of loading them all.
Crappy solution would be to pass as parameter :
public static Person GetNew(List<Limb> allLimbs) {
return new Person() {
IsAlive = true,
Limbs = allLimbs
Alternatively is there some better way of setting default values for simple & complex model properties?
This is an instance of the factory pattern in DDD. It can either be a dedicated class, such as PersonFactory, or a static method, as in your example. I prefer the static method because I see no need to create a whole new class.
As far as initializing the collection, the GetNew method with the collection as a parameter is something I would go with. It states an important constraint - to create a new person entity you need that collection. The collection instance would be provided by an application service hosting the specific use case where it is needed. More generally, default values could be stored in the database, in which case the application service would call out to a repository to obtain the required values.
Take a look at the Static Builder in Joshua Bloch's Effective Java (Second Edition). In there, you have a static builder class and you chain calls to set properties before construction so it solves the problem of either having a constructor that takes a ton of arguments or having to put setters on every property (in which case, you effectively have a Struct).

Why can't nlog read the current date

I'm using Nlog to write some logging to a textfile. Partial nlog.config:
<target name="file" xsi:type="File" fileName="${basedir}/MBWRunner_log.txt"
layout="${date} (${level}): ${message}
Exception: ${exception:format=Method, ToString}"/>
Lines in the logfile look like this:
0001-01-01 00:00:00 (Trace): MBWRunner started
As you can see the date and time are all 0. I have tested {longdate} and {date:format=yyyyMMddHHmmss} with the same result.
The application is a console app, run from an elevated commandline.
Any clues?
[EDIT] I have tested this on 2 machine's within the organisation with the same result. Please help!
Code used:
static Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public static void Log(string message, LogLevel priority)
LogEventInfo eventinfo = new LogEventInfo(); ;
eventinfo.Message = message;
eventinfo.Level = priority;
static void Log(LogEventInfo logentry)
#edosoft I think the problem is your use of the default constructor for LogEventInfo. If you look at the source for LogEventInfo here
You will see that using the default constructor does not populate the .TimeStamp field, so the field will probably just default to the default value for DateTime, which I assume is DateTime.MinValue. You should use one of the other constructors or one of the Create methods. Since you are setting only the Message and Level fields, I would suggest either:
var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(priority, "", message); //Second param is logger name.
var logEvent = LogEventInfo.Create(priority, "", message);
From the NLog source for DateLayoutRenderer (from here) we can see that the date value that gets written as part of the logging stream is calculated like this:
protected override void Append(StringBuilder builder, LogEventInfo logEvent)
var ts = logEvent.TimeStamp;
if (this.UniversalTime)
ts = ts.ToUniversalTime();
builder.Append(ts.ToString(this.Format, this.Culture));
What is happening here is that the DateLayoutRenderer is getting the TimeStamp value from the LogEventInfo object (NLog creates one of these each time you use the Logger.Trace, Logger.Debug, Logger.Info, etc methods. You can also create LogEventInfo objects yourself and log them with the Logger.Log method).
By default, when a LogEventInfo object is created, its TimeStamp field is set like this (from the source for LogEventInfo here) (note the use of CurrentTimeGetter.Now):
public LogEventInfo(LogLevel level, string loggerName, IFormatProvider formatProvider, [Localizable(false)] string message, object[] parameters, Exception exception)
this.TimeStamp = CurrentTimeGetter.Now;
this.Level = level;
this.LoggerName = loggerName;
this.Message = message;
this.Parameters = parameters;
this.FormatProvider = formatProvider;
this.Exception = exception;
this.SequenceID = Interlocked.Increment(ref globalSequenceId);
if (NeedToPreformatMessage(parameters))
The TimeStamp field is set in the LogEventInfo constructor using the TimeSource.Current.Now property, whose implementation can be seen here.
(UPDATE - At some point NLog changed from using CurrentTimeGetter to a more generic approach of having a TimeSource object that has several flavors (one of which, CachedTimeSource, is essentially the same as CurrentTimeGetter)).
To save the trouble of navigating the link, here is the source for CachedTimeSource:
public abstract class CachedTimeSource : TimeSource
private int lastTicks = -1;
private DateTime lastTime = DateTime.MinValue;
/// <summary>
/// Gets raw uncached time from derived time source.
/// </summary>
protected abstract DateTime FreshTime { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets current time cached for one system tick (15.6 milliseconds).
/// </summary>
public override DateTime Time
int tickCount = Environment.TickCount;
if (tickCount == lastTicks)
return lastTime;
DateTime time = FreshTime;
lastTicks = tickCount;
lastTime = time;
return time;
The purpose of this class is to use a relatively cheap operation (Environment.Ticks) to limit access to a relatively expensive operation (DateTime.Now). If the value of Ticks does not change from call to call (from one logged message to the next), then the value of DateTime.Now retrieved the this time will be the same as the value of DateTime.Now retrieved this time, so just use the last retrieved value.
With all of this code in play (and with Date/Time logging apparently working for most other people), one possible explanation of your problem is that you are using the Logger.Log method to log your messages and you are building the LogEventInfo objects yourself. By default, if you just new a LogEventInfo object, the automatic setting of the TimeStamp property should work fine. It is only dependent on Environment.Ticks, DateTime.Now, and the logic that reuses the last DateTime.Now value, if appropriate.
Is it possible that you are creating a LogEventInfo object and then setting its TimeStamp property to DateTime.MinValue? I ask because the date that is being logged is DateTime.MinValue.
The only other explanation that I can think of would be if Environment.Ticks returns -1 for some reason. If it did, then CurrentTimeGetter would always return the initial value of the lastDateTime private member variable. I can't imagine a scenario where Environment.Ticks would return -1.

Proper place for human-readable representation of entity-based key

First some background. We recently converted from a Zend_Db_Table-based solution to entity-based solution (Doctrine). As our application grew, the table classes grew uglier and uglier. Some of the tables used ENUM columns to store string-based keys, which were converted into human-readable strings with static methods. Something like this:
public static function getProductType($productKey)
if (!array_key_exists($productKey, self::$productTypes)) {
return null;
return self::$productTypes[$productKey];
public static function getProductTypes()
return self::$productTypes;
In moving to the entity-based system, I tried to avoid static methods where possible. I moved the key to value translations into a view helper and called it a day. In the end, I found that it was not sufficient, as we needed to return them in JSON objects, which occurred outside of the presentation layer (i.e. no direct access to view helpers).
Does anyone have any theories on the proper place for these types of methods? Should I create separate objects for doing the translation from key to human-readable value, implement static methods on the entity object, or something else?
Well my theory is that this should be done in the model itself. But sometimes when dealing with a complex model, I like to create a separate class that handles any special "presentation" of that model. It takes the model as an argument and encapsulates the presentation logic.
So using your example, perhaps something like this:
class Model_Product
public static function getAllTypes()
return array(/* key-value pairs */);
//returns non human readable value
public function getType()
return $this->_type;
class Model_Product_Presenter
protected $_model;
public function __construct(Model_Product $model)
$this->_model = $model;
//returns human readable value
public function getType()
$types = $this->_model->getAllTypes();
if (!array_key_exists($this->_model->type, $types)) {
return null;
return $types[$this->_model->type];
public function getDateCreated($format = "Y-m-d")
return date($format,$this->_model->timestamp);
You can go further and create a base presenter class to define any common tasks, i.e. converting timestamps to dates, formatting numbers, etc.
For anonymous access to a list of product types, I don't see any harm in making it the responsibility of the product model via a static method. Not all static methods are evil. In my opinion, the use of static methods for this purpose is fine, because it declares a global constant.
In a more complex scenario, I would delegate this responsibility to a separate class like Model_ProductType. Here is an example of such a complex model in production:

how can pass T dynamicaly in Ilist<T>?

i have a question.i have a method (Filter),i want to pass T dynamic.but it dosen`t can i do it?
public List<T> Filter<T>(string TypeOfCompare)
List<T> ReturnList2 = new List<T>();
return ReturnList2;
IList MakeListOfType(Type listType)
Type listType1 = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(listType1);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
Filter < ConstructGenericList(h) > ("s");
IList MakeListOfType(Type listType)
Type listType1 = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(listType1);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
It should be the other way round, you should call MakeGenericType on the generic type definition, not on the generic type argument. So the code becomes this:
IList MakeListOfType(Type elementType)
Type listType = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(elementType);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
(note that I changed the variables names to make the code clearer)
Generic parameters must have a type able to be determined at compile time (without resorting to something like functional type inference that some other languages have). So, you can't just stick a function between the angle brackets to get the type you want.
Now that I know what you're trying to do, I would suggest a different approach entirely.
You mention that you are using Entity Framework, and you are trying to use one method to get a list of different types of objects. Those objects -- like Student and Teacher -- must have something in common, though, else you would not be trying to use the same method to retrieve a list of them. For example, you may just be wanting to display a name and have an ID to use as a key.
In that case, I would suggest defining an interface that has the properties common to Student, Teacher, etc. that you actually need, then returning a list of that interface type. Within the method, you would essentially be using a variant of the factory pattern.
So, you could define an interface like:
public interface INamedPerson
int ID { get; }
string FirstName { get; }
string LastName { get; }
Make your entities implement this interface. Auto-generated entities are (typically) partial classes, so in your own, new code files (not in the auto-generated code files themselves), you would do something like:
public partial class Student : INamedPerson
public int ID
return StudentId;
public partial class Teacher : INamedPerson
public int ID
return TeacherId;
Now, you may not even need to add the ID property if you already have it. However, if the identity property in each class is different, this adapter can be one way to implement the interface you need.
Then, for the method itself, an example would be:
public List<INamedPerson> MakeListOfType(Type type)
if (type == typeof(Student))
// Get your list of students. I'll just use a made-up
// method that returns List<Student>.
return GetStudentList().Select<Student, INamedPerson>(s => (INamedPerson)s)
if (type == typeof(Teacher))
return GetTeacherList().Select<Teacher, INamedPerson>(t => (INamedPerson)t)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type.");
Now, there are certainly ways to refine this pattern. If you have a lot of related classes, you may want to use some sort of dependency injection framework. Also, you may notice that there is a lot of duplication of code. You could instead pass a function (like GetStudentList or GetTeacherList) by doing something like
public List<INamedPerson> GetListFromFunction<T>(Func<IEnumerable<T>> theFunction) where T : INamedPerson
return theFunction().Select<T, INamedPerson>(t => (INamedPerson)t).ToList<INamedPerson>();
Of course, using this function requires, once again, the type passed in to be known at compile time. However, at some point, you're going to have to decide on a type, so maybe that is the appropriate time. Further, you can make your life a little simpler by leaving off the generic type at method call time; as long as you are passing in a function that takes no arguments and returns an IEnumerable of objects of the same type that implement INamedPerson, the compiler can figure out what to use for the generic type T.