DataLogger service to be configured to subscribe to your own whiteboard resource - movesense

Have investigated sample code to subscribe DataLogger to move sensors.
But failed to subscribe to my own whiteboard resource.
As example used jump counter from jump count sample.
And have tried to connect to it by
DataLoggerConfig.DataEntry[] entries = {new DataLoggerConfig.DataEntry('/Sample/JumpCounter/JumpCount')};
But get only last value, not all the values.
What need to do else?
Or have some sample of DataLogger service to be configured to subscribe to your own whiteboard resource?

There is a bug in the SBEM to JSON conversion (or the .../Descriptors) that causes this if the resource notification type is a simple primitive type (like integer). Change the API to return a complex type and it will work.
Full Disclosure: I work for the movesense team


How can I get the name (string) of a node from a data changed_notification in OPCUA?

I am new to opcua. I have a simple python3 client that I want to use to monitor a few voltages and currents from the opcua server.
I can subscribe to them and when they change, I can see the changed value but I don't know what the value is for.
I am trying to figure out how to use the info I know I can get like the node.nodeid.Identifier and use that to somehow get the path which is associated with the the id. That should tell me what the value is(?)
I thought it might be in the browse_name but that got me nowhere.
Any push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
When your OPC UA Client want to get notified of the value update of a Node, it actually subscribe to the Attribute Value of this Node. You could try to subscribe to the Attribute BrowseName or DisplayName of the Node to get notified for the name.
You should then send a CreateMonitoredItems and set the corresponding AttributeId for each iTemToMonitor.
However, not every OPC UA Server support this feature.
Most OPC UA Client use the Browse and Read Services just before sending a CreateSubscription/CreateMonitoredItems in order to get the BrowseName/DisplayName or other attributes values they want.

Axon - How to retrieve the new entity version number in the CommandHandler?

I'm currently writing a distributed application with a microservice architecture.
For that I am applying the CQRS pattern and event sourcing with the help of the axon framework. Therefore the data is eventual consistent.
Both, the write and the read side, are accessible over HTTP; REST specifically.
The initial problem:
After updating/creating an entity, the user [1] should be able to see the results. Because the events are handled asynchronously, the client/UI doesn't know when the entity is really updated (or created). So when the client fetches the data after sending the update-request but before the event is processed, the unchanged data is returned. Therefore the user could think, that the application is broken and/or sends a new request.
Solution attempt:
While looking for a solution for the read-after-write problem I came accross this blog entry.
There is proposed to return the new entity version in the write response. The client can then request the data with the expected entity version (as Expect header). If the actual version is equal or greater than the expected version, the data is returned. Or else an empty response with a Retry-After Header is returned.
The problem:
When the client sends an UpdateFoo request to the write side, the application sends a corresponding UpdateFooCommand over the CommandGateway. The Command is processed by the entity aggregate which publishes the FooUpdatedEvent. The read side receives this event and updates its entity view which can be accessed over the REST interface of the read side.
This is controlled by the axon framework. The handlers are annotated with #CommandHandler and #EventSourcingHandler respectively.
Now: How can I access the new version number of the affected entity in the CommandHandler, so that this number can be returned in the update response?
Thanks in advance
[1] Not only users. There can als be non human clients.
you can use AggregateLifecycle.getVersion() from within your aggregate. You can choose to return that value as part of your command's results and pass that information when doing a query. If the query doesn't have that version number of the aggregate's information, yet, you can (wait and) retry.

How to merge/consolidate responses from multiple RESTful microservices?

Let's say there are two (or more) RESTful microservices serving JSON. Service (A) stores user information (name, login, password, etc) and service (B) stores messages to/from that user (e.g. sender_id, subject, body, rcpt_ids).
Service (A) on /profile/{user_id} may respond with:
{id: 1, name:'Bob'}
{id: 2, name:'Alice'}
{id: 3, name:'Sue'}
and so on
Service (B) responding at /user/{user_id}/messages returns a list of messages destined for that {user_id} like so:
{id: 1, subj:'Hey', body:'Lorem ipsum', sender_id: 2, rcpt_ids: [1,3]},
{id: 2, subj:'Test', body:'blah blah', sender_id: 3, rcpt_ids: [1]}
How does the client application consuming these services handle putting the message listing together such that names are shown instead of sender/rcpt ids?
Method 1: Pull the list of messages, then start pulling profile info for each id listed in sender_id and rcpt_ids? That may require 100's of requests and could take a while. Rather naive and inefficient and may not scale with complex apps???
Method 2: Pull the list of messages, extract all user ids and make bulk request for all relevant users separately... this assumes such service endpoint exists. There is still delay between getting message listing, extracting user ids, sending request for bulk user info, and then awaiting for bulk user info response.
Ideally I want to serve out a complete response set in one go (messages and user info). My research brings me to merging of responses at service layer... a.k.a. Method 3: API Gateway technique.
But how does one even implement this?
I can obtain list of messages, extract user ids, make a call behind the scenes and obtain users data, merge result sets, then serve this final result up... This works ok with 2 services behind the scenes... But what if the message listing depends on more services... What if I needed to query multiple services behind the scenes, further parse responses of these, query more services based on secondary (tertiary?) results, and then finally merge... where does this madness stop? How does this affect response times?
And I've now effectively created another "client" that combines all microservice responses into one mega-response... which is no different that Method 1 above... except at server level.
Is that how it's done in the "real world"? Any insights? Are there any open source projects that are built on such API Gateway architecture I could examine?
The solution which we used for such problem was denormalization of data and events for updating.
Basically, a microservice has a subset of data it requires from other microservices beforehand so that it doesn't have to call them at run time. This data is managed through events. Other microservices when updated, fire an event with id as a context which can be consumed by any microservice which have any interest in it. This way the data remain in sync (of course it requires some form of failure mechanism for events). This seems lots of work but helps us with any future decisions regarding consolidation of data from different microservices. Our microservice will always have all data available locally for it process any request without synchronous dependency on other services
In your case i.e. for showing names with a message, you can keep an extra property for names in Service(B). So whenever a name update in Service(A) it will fire an update event with id for the updated name. The Service(B) then gets consumes the event, fetches relevant data from Service(A) and updates its database. This way even if Service(A) is down Service(B) will function, albeit with some stale data which will eventually be consistent when Service(A) comes up and you will always have some name to be shown on UI.
You might want to perform response aggregation strategies on your API gateway. I've written an article on how to perform this on Core and Ocelot, but there should be a counter-part for other API gateway technologies:
You need to write another service called Aggregator which will internally call both services and get the response and merge/filter them and return the desired result. This can be easily achieved in non-blocking using Mono/Flux in Spring Reactive.
An API Gateway often does API composition.
But this is typical engineering problem where you have microservices which is implementing databases per service pattern.
The API Composition and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern are useful ways to implement queries .
Ideally I want to serve out a complete response set in one go
(messages and user info).
The problem you've described is what Facebook realized years ago in which they decided to tackle that by creating an open source specification called GraphQL.
But how does one even implement this?
It is already implemented in various popular programming languages and maybe you can give it a try in the programming language of your choice.

OPC UA - Client - Milo - Best Practice - Subscription to Data Change

I started a OPC UA project using the Milo project to create a OPC UA Client. I am still very new to OPC UA. Right now I am stuck looking for the best practice to read values from several Nodes after a data change of one specific node.
The information model looks like this:
On my server i will have several objects of this RfidSensorType. The client creates a subscription on the CurrentAtTag Node to listen for data changes.
My Question:
When the value of CurrentAtTag is changed a callback function will be called in my client which contains the UaMonitoredItem and the DataValue of the CurrentAtTag.
In my application i need to process (at the same time) also the values of Station, IOLPort and CurrentValue which are changed at that moment too.
How can i access those values within the callback from CurrentAtTag?
My only solution is: Using a synchronous read request within that callback
-> Is that an legit approach?
My Research:
1) TriggeringService
I've seen that a TriggerigService exists, which monitors items will send reports only if one specific node changes it values.
Problem: This will call several callsbacks and noz just one..i need all the informations at the same time to further process them..
2) Event Monitoring
In event monitoring one can select "Event fields" which will be returned for each Event notificaiton. I am not sure if i could select the CurrentAtTag, Station, IOLPort and CurrentValue...
Just like you can subscribe to the server's ServerStatus (nodeid "i=2256"), you should be able to subscribe to the nodeid corresponding to 'RfidSensor_Station1'. The server will send PublishResponse with data of type 'RfidSensorType' encoded as an ExtensionObject. The trick is decoding the ExtensionObject.
As Kevin corrected, because 'RfidSensor_Station1' is not node class 'Variable' then it doesn't have a value attribute and you can not monitor the node for data changes. If you are using a PLC, I might combine all properties of the sensor into a string, or byte array. Then I monitor the new variable, and parse the string in the client.
Or you could make ReadRequest as you describe. That will work just fine.

A RESTful singleton resource

I'm coming from the RPC world but currently investigating if using REST is a good idea for my project. As for as I understand from Wikipedia the basic idea of RESTful services is to provide access to collections and their individual elements.
In my case the server would be a measuring instrument. I must be able to start, stop, and pause the measurement routine, and read the data at any time.
Currently, I'm considering the following:
POST /measure (start measurement, this continues until stopped by the user)
PUT /measure pause=true/false (pause/unpause)
DELETE /measure (stop)
GET /measure (get measurement data)
However, I'm not sure if this fits the REST model, since I don't really work with collections or elements here.
My question: How would I access a singleton resource and do the start/stop requests to the server break the RESTful stateless constraint?
Not RESTful
No, your approach isn't RESTful, because if I understand the workflow, you would delete the resource to stop the measurement and then get the resource to read out the final result. But deleting a resource implies that there would be nothing left to GET.
The fact that your resource is a singleton isn't a problem at all. The problem lies in the way you're mapping verbs and state.
Your description is a bit abstract, so let's be a bit more concrete: let's assume that the instrument in question measures the angular velocity of a fly wheel in radians/sec. This instrument has some cost associated with measurement, so the client needs to be able to disable measurement for some periods of time as a cost-saving measure. If this is roughly analogous to your scenario, then the exposition below should be applicable to your scenario.
Now, let's review your verbs.
GET returns a representation of a resource. So when you GET /measure, it should return some data that represents the current measurement.
PUT creates or updates a specific, named resource. The resource is named by its URL. So PUT /measure implies that you're updating the state of a resource called /measure, or creating that resource if it doesn't already exist. In your case, the instrument value is read-only: we can't write a radian/sec value to the instrument. But the paused/active state of the instrument is mutable, so PUT /measure should include a body that modifies the state of the instrument. You could use a lot of different representations here, but one simple approach would be a request body like active=true or active=false to indicate what thew instrument's new state should be.
POST is similar to PUT, except that the client does not specify the name of the resource that should be created or updated. In a different API, for example, the client might POST /articles to create a new a article. The server would create a resource and give it a name like /articles/1234 and then it would tell the client about this new name by returning a 201 CREATED HTTP code and adding a Location: /articles/1234 header to tell the client where the new resource is. In your scenario, POST isn't a meaningful verb because you always know what the name of your singleton resource is.
DELETE means you remove a resource, and since a resource is identified by a URL, DELETE /measure implies that /measure no longer exists. A subsequent GET /measure should return either 404 NOT FOUND or 410 GONE. In your case, the client can't actually destroy the instrument, so DELETE isn't meaningful a meaningful verb.
So in sum, a RESTful design for your service would be to have PUT /measure with a request body that tells the instrument whether it should be active or not active (paused) and GET /measure to read the current measurement. If you GET /measure on a paused instrument, you should probably return a 409 CONFLICT HTTP status. Your service shouldn't use POST or DELETE at all.
You are still working on a resource, and the way you broke it down sounds good to me. Fielding explicitly mentions temporaral services in the REST chapter:
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any
information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image,
a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles")
Maybe it would make sense to give each measurement a unique id though. That way you can uniquely refer to each measurement (you don't even have to store the old ones, but if someone refers to an old measurement you can tell them, that what they are requesting is not up to date anymore).
Building upon the last answer. Here is how you might want to break it down
measures/ - GET all the measures from the instrument (Paginate/limit if needed based on query params)
measures/:measure_id - GET a particular measure
measures/ - POST - Starts a new measure. This returns the new measure ID which you can deal with later.
measures/:measure_id - DELETE - stop the measure.
measures/:measure_id - PUT - update the measure
measures/last_measure - Last measured resource.