How can I disable this box on VS Code? - visual-studio-code

I've searched through similar questions, and couldn't find an answer. It's that box that keeps opening whenever I push Enter, and proceed to include another style component on my stylesheet.
Most of the times it covers a lot of the code when it appears, and this is kinda bothering me. Thanks in advance!

You could stop quick suggestions by adding the following snippet in settings.json
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
Or if you just want to disable only emmet abbreviations, you could do so by adding this property in settings.json
"emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation": "never"
More information about various intellisense and emmet abbreviations settings could be found in the following pages
VS Code intellisense settings
VS Code Emmet settings


Visual Studio Code show only user snippets in suggestions

Is there a way to make Visual Studio Code show only my snippets when suggestions come up when typing?
I've tried adding different options to my settings.jason file, including trying to make suggestions come on top of others but still no success. Sometimes my snippets don't come on top, or don't come at all in the suggestions box.
Any ideas on how to make only my snippets show, or at least make sure they always come at the top of the list?
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": "on",
"comments": "off",
"strings": "off"

Only show relevant intellisense suggestions in VSCode editor

This problem is difficult to explain.
In the image below, how do I get VSCode to only show adjL? I only want suggestions from the file I'm currently editing.
Currently, it shows a whole list of variables that I don't ever use.
See here:
Adding this to your setting.json should do it.
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"variable": true
But I not recomended that, because intellisence is realy helpfull! ;)
Unless you only care about hiding other variables but not other types of prompts.

How do I disable suggestions for plain text documents in VScode?

I sometimes use VScode for plain text documents, however I'm constantly interrupted by suggestions to use particular words:
How can I stop this behavior for txt files? I would still like suggestions for code.
Via this VScode bug and various related bugs I've attempted the following:
"[txt]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": false
However that does not stop the suggestions from happening.
Found the answer to this one myself, via this screenshot on a related bug - pasting it here to help others:
"[plaintext]": {
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false,
"editor.quickSuggestions": false
this worked for me:
command palette -> Preferences: configure language specific settings
under suggestions, go to Editor: Quick suggestions, and under the other item, change the value from on to off.
Note there were two other confusingly-named settings: Inline suggest: enabled and `Editor: Snippet suggestions". I had no idea what they meant, but they were not relevant here.

Prettier is not working in React Code and disappeared in status bar

sorry if this question is dumb. I'm coming from Sublime Text and recently been using VSCode for my React projects. I noticed there was a Prettier status with tick or cross in the status bar but I've noticed it's not showing anymore and showing JavaScript Standard Style Instead. I've been trying to search for a way to make my Prettier works again by re-installing Prettier, install other extensions, all doesn't work at all.
The obvious sign I notice is printWidth option isn't working in my VSCode. I might have screwed up the configuration previously because of JS Standard but after nuked and re-installed VSCode it doesn't fix the issue at all. Any kind help or pointer is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This is my .prettierrc.json. No other overrides.
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 2,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"printWidth": 80
Go to File -> Preference -> Settings and search for default formatter and select prettier - Code formatter
In your vs code settings.json file add this "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",

How to automatically expand snippets without opening suggestion window in VS Code?

I've installed VS Code extension named dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets to quickly type boilerplate ES7 code.
So when I type imd a quick suggestion shows up
and then by pressing Tab this snippet expands
I want to get the following behavior:
Disable Quick Suggestion so it will not be showed up automatically
Create keyboard shortcut which, after I typed imd, and called shortcut will expand snippet automatically (without showing suggestion / autocompletion windows and needing to navigate to snippet)
How would I do that?
Add the following to your user settings:
"editor.tabCompletion": true,
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
// Control whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestions.
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
so suggestions do not intrude while completing a snippet.