Stenciljs PWA Favicon - ionic-framework

How can I change the Favicon of a Stencil PWA ?
I've changed the favicon.ico file inside src/assets/icon and done npm run build
Inside www/assets/icon all the files, also favicon.ico has change correctly, but when I check my pwa with npm start, the favicon it's the older one.
I don't get how to change it. Can someone help? Thank you.


How to export static HTML from Svelte without Surge or Vercel?

I want to publish my Svelte web app to GitHub pages and based my application on the template When I run npm run build, public/build/bundle.js is created but no index.html. All the tutorials I found talk about how to deploy Sapper projects, or to use external tools like Vercel and Surge, but is it possible to just build Svelte without any external tools? All I want is a static HTML page that I can copy to GitHub pages.
Edit: See the accepted answer for the general approach, however for non-root-directory-deployment, you still need to make the paths relative. I created a pull request at
In svelte, index.html is a static file which will import your bundle.js and run it.
index.html is located at /public/index.html while your bundle.js is located at /public/build/bundle.js
in svelte template, index.html imports /build/bundle.js using a script tag to initialize the application.
while deploying, you just need to upload the whole /public folder and everything should be operational.

Flutter web located in a server folder

I have recently upload a flutter website inside of a folder in my server.
But it's not working well. I have notice that main.dart.js needs to have the folder name in the url. But It is not working well... What more things I have to change for running the website without more problems?
Try adding the base path to you're index.html.
<base href="/FolderName/">

Server returns 404 on assets for PWA with vue

I run NPM build on the PWA boilerplate I am using.
Folder structure on server is as follows:
my-project ->
I have then hosted on server and the Manifest and assets are returning a 404.
The project is currently here.
Any help is much appreciated.
Changing routes on the manifest and two different servers
I want to get a boiler-plate hosted as a starting point for my PWA
Your script tags point to the wrong path.
Take this tag for example:
<script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/app.98f21a65b373eaa50022.js></script>
The browser resolves it to, which does not exist.
The correct path should be ./static/js/app.98f21a65b373eaa50022.js. The extra dot instructs the browser to build the full url relative to the current path.
Alternatively, you can specify an absolute path, such as /my-project/static/js/app.98f21a65b373eaa50022.js which points to the correct location.
In conclusion, any of the following 2 script tags would work:
<script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/app.98f21a65b373eaa50022.js></script>
<script type=text/javascript src=/my-project/static/js/app.98f21a65b373eaa50022.js></script>
By default Vue CLI assumes you are running the application as root, so it will try to load the files from '/'.
When deploying to production, or in a subfolder, you need to set the publicPath in vue.config.js

Page is empty when deploy create-react-app build folder by nginx?

I just put the build folder to the root folder of nginx server, e.g. /var/www/html, but nothing is visible.
When inspect from browser, the root content is empty?
enter image description here
Check your developer console for possible errors. You can also use React Developer Tools to debug your app. You can provide your non-sensitive code to make us understand it better.

cordova 1.7.0 set info error

I am using cordova 1.7.0. My app is running fine in simulator but a message comes like
Error: executing module function 'setInfo' in module 'cordova/plugin/ios/device'. Have you included the iOS version of the cordova-1.7.0.js file?
I have included
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="[location of cordova.ios(for ios)]"></script>
in index.html but did not work.Plz help.
there must be something wrong with the path to the js.
The index.html file is read?
Is your www folder maybe a group instead of a reference folder?
Go step by step
This generally happens when the cordova file is not properly available when the page is loaded. You can check that it is referencing properly by opening the index.html (or your start page) in the Chrome and check in Inspect Element that all the resources are loaded and there are no errors.
to solve this problem, just follow steps in picture