How to find out where kubelet is creating the emptyDirs? - kubernetes

I know where the location is by default which is under /var/lib/kubelet
However I don't want to depend on this knowledge. I'd like to get the location using command line or checking some config file (which hopefully is stored in a more permanent location).
Is there a way to determine where the location is? if indeed changed by the user?

So it depends how the root-dir parameter was applied to the kubelet:
F.e you should see this in systemctl status kubelet.
Another approach is to search for KubeletRootDir journalctl -u kubelet | grep KubeletRootDir
So please use this approach -root-dir by default = /var/lib/kubelet/
sudo ls -l /root-dir/`kubectl get pod -n mynamespace mypod -o 'jsonpath={.metadata.uid}'`/volumes/
Hope this help.


How do I know which pod a container is running in?

Sorry about a newbie question. I am trying to deploy an image into k3d (a dockerized version of k3s).
k3d image import -c my-cluster
Now I can see the image on a node:
kubectl get node my-node -o json | grep hello123
However, the documentation doesn't say much about what "import" does. Is my image running? Is it allocated to a pod yet? Where can I find its logs?
If I knew what pod it's running in, I could do kubectl logs. The list of the cluster's pods doesn't show anything relevant.
I am beginning to think my image isn't running yet.
Edit: This if further confirmed by
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c
showing nothing relevant.
What's the next step?
You have just pulled the image to the cluster registry, the image has not been yet assigned to a pod.
Once you create a pod with the same image and image tag, it will try to pull from the local registry.
If you could ssh to the k8s node (kubectl get nodes -o wide and ssh user#nodeip), you can run the docker commands like:
docker images
You can expect to see the image that you pulled in the list.
If non of the pods are running the docker ps will return you an empty list.

kubectl cp from a completed pod to local computer

I would like to use kubectl cp to copy a file from a completed pod to my local host(local computer). I used kubectl cp /:/ , however, it gave me an error: cannot exec into a container in a completed pod; current phase is Succeeded error. Is there a way I can copy a file from a completed pod? It does not need to be kubectl cp. Any help appreciated!
Nope. If the pod is gone, it's gone for good. Only possibility would be if the data is stored in a PV or some other external resource. Pods are cattle, not pets.
You can find the files, because the containers of a pod in the state Completed are not deleted, they are just not running.
I am not aware of any way to do it via Kubernetes itself, but here is how to do it if your container runtime is Docker:
$ ssh <node where the pod is>
$ docker ps -a | grep <pod name>
$ docker cp <pod name>:/your/files ./
The files in containers are just overlayfs mounts; if the container still exists, the files still exist.
So if you are using containerd runtime or something else, look at /var/lib/containers or something (don't know where different runtimes do their overlayfs mounts, but it can't not be at the node. you could check if you find out where via $ mount).

kubectl logs command does not appear to respect --limit-bytes option

When i issue
kubectl logs MY_POD_NAME --limit-bytes=1
command, the --limit-bytes option is ignored and i get all the pod's logs.
My kubernetes version is 1.15.3
Trying to understand why that would be. When i issue the same command in GKE setup, the --limit-bytes option works as expected. I wonder what might be different in my setup to prevent this option from working correctly. (This is on CentOS).
Update: i tracked down the issue to Docker's --log-driver option.
If the Docker --log-driver is set to 'json-file', then kubectl logs command works fine with --limit-bytes option. However, if the Docker -log-driver is set to 'journald', then kubectl logs command ignores the --limit-bytes option. Seems like a kubectl bug to me.
After executing this command you shoud have seen following error:
error: expected 'logs [-f] [-p] (POD | TYPE/NAME) [-c CONTAINER]'.
POD or TYPE/NAME is a required argument for the logs command
See 'kubectl logs -h' for help and examples.
$ kubectl logs your_pod_name -c container_name --limit-bytes=1 -n namespace_name
If you set --limit-bytes flag you must know that
--limit-bytes=0: Maximum bytes of logs to return.
Defaults to no limit.=0: Maximum bytes of logs to return. Defaults to no limit.
Documentation of kubectl-logs.
Please let me know if it helps.
Yeah, it should work fine -
Please try this, if you have one container in application -
kubectl -n namespace logs pod_name --limit-bytes=1
If you have multiple containers then please mention like -
kubectl -n namespace logs pod_name -c container_name --limit-bytes=1

How to tail all logs in a kubernetes cluster

I tried this command:
kubectl logs --tail
I got this error/help output:
Error: flag needs an argument: --tail
logs, log
# Return snapshot logs from pod nginx with only one container
kubectl logs nginx
# Return snapshot logs for the pods defined by label app=nginx
kubectl logs -lapp=nginx
# Return snapshot of previous terminated ruby container logs from pod web-1
kubectl logs -p -c ruby web-1
# Begin streaming the logs of the ruby container in pod web-1
kubectl logs -f -c ruby web-1
# Display only the most recent 20 lines of output in pod nginx
kubectl logs --tail=20 nginx
# Show all logs from pod nginx written in the last hour
kubectl logs --since=1h nginx
# Return snapshot logs from first container of a job named hello
kubectl logs job/hello
# Return snapshot logs from container nginx-1 of a deployment named nginx
kubectl logs deployment/nginx -c nginx-1
ummm I just want to see all the logs, isn't this a common thing to want to do? How can I tail all the logs for a cluster?
kail from the top answer is Linux and macOS only, but Stern also works on Windows.
It can do pod matching based on e.g. a regex match for the name, and then can follow the logs.
To follow ALL pods without printing any prior logs from the default namespace you would run e.g.:
stern ".*" --tail 0
For absolutely everything, incl. internal stuff happening in kube-system namespace:
stern ".*" --all-namespaces --tail 0
Alternatively you could e.g. follow all login-.* containers and get some context with
stern "login-.*" --tail 25
If you don't mind using a third party tool, kail does exactly what you're describing.
Streams logs from all containers of all matched pods. [...] With no arguments, kail matches all pods in the cluster.
The only thing you can do is to get logs of multiple pods using label selectors like this:
kubectl logs -f -l app=nginx -l app=php
For getting all logs of the entire cluster you have to setup centralized log collection like Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana. Simplest way to do it is installation using Helm charts like described here:
I would recommend using a nice bash script named kubetail.
You can just download the bash script and add it to in your project and run for example:
$ ./some-tools-directory/ --selector app=user --since 10m
To see all pods with the label app=user.
Notice the nice display of colors per pod:
(*) Run ./tools/ -h to see some nice execution options. <search term> [-h] [-c] [-n] [-t] [-l] [-d] [-p] [-s] [-b] [-k] [-v] [-r] [-i] -- tail multiple Kubernetes pod logs at the same time
-h, --help Show this help text
-c, --container The name of the container to tail in the pod (if multiple containers are defined in the pod).
Defaults to all containers in the pod. Can be used multiple times.
-t, --context The k8s context. ex. int1-context. Relies on ~/.kube/config for the contexts.
-l, --selector Label selector. If used the pod name is ignored.
-n, --namespace The Kubernetes namespace where the pods are located (defaults to "default")
-f, --follow Specify if the logs should be streamed. (true|false) Defaults to true.
-d, --dry-run Print the names of the matched pods and containers, then exit.
-p, --previous Return logs for the previous instances of the pods, if available. (true|false) Defaults to false.
-s, --since Only return logs newer than a relative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h. Defaults to 10s.
-b, --line-buffered This flags indicates to use line-buffered. Defaults to false.
-e, --regex The type of name matching to use (regex|substring)
-j, --jq If your output is json - use this jq-selector to parse it.
example: --jq ".logger + \" \" + .message"
-k, --colored-output Use colored output (pod|line|false).
pod = only color pod name, line = color entire line, false = don't use any colors.
Defaults to line.
-z, --skip-colors Comma-separated list of colors to not use in output
If you have green foreground on black, this will skip dark grey and some greens -z 2,8,10
Defaults to: 7,8
--timestamps Show timestamps for each log line
--tail Lines of recent log file to display. Defaults to -1, showing all log lines.
-v, --version Prints the kubetail version
-r, --cluster The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use.
-i, --show-color-index Show the color index before the pod name prefix that is shown before each log line.
Normally only the pod name is added as a prefix before each line, for example "[app-5b7ff6cbcd-bjv8n]",
but if "show-color-index" is true then color index is added as well: "[1:app-5b7ff6cbcd-bjv8n]".
This is useful if you have color blindness or if you want to know which colors to exclude (see "--skip-colors").
Defaults to false.
examples: my-pod-v1 my-pod-v1 -c my-container my-pod-v1 -t int1-context -c my-container '(service|consumer|thing)' -e regex -l service=my-service --selector service=my-service --since 10m --tail 1
I have hardly ever seen anyone pulling all logs from entire clusters, because you usually either need logs to manually search for certain issues or follow (-f) a routine, or collect audit information, or stream all logs to a log sink to have them prepared for monitoring (e.g. prometheus).
However, if there's a need to fetch all logs, using the --tail option is not what you're looking for (tail only shows the last number of lines of a certain log source and avoids spilling the entire log history of a single log source to your terminal).
For kubernetes, you can write a simple script in a language of your choice (bash, Python, whatever) to kubectl get all --show-all --all-namespaces and iterate over the pods to run kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod>; but be aware that there might be multiple containers in a pod with individual logs each, and also logs on the cluster nodes themselves, state changes in the deployments, extra meta information that changes, volume provisioning, and heaps more.
That's probably the reason why it's quite uncommon to pull all logs from an entire cluster and thus there's no easy (shortcut) way to do so.
# assumes you have pre-set the KUBECONFIG or using the default one ...
# set the desired namespaces here vvvv
for namespace in `echo apiv2 default kube-system`; do
while read -r pod ; do
while read -r container ; do
kubectl -n $namespace logs $pod $container | tail -n 2000
done < <(kubectl -n $namespace get pods -o json | jq -r ".items[]|select( | contains ( \"$pod\"))| .status.containerStatuses[].name") ;
done < <(kubectl -n $namespace get pods -o json | jq -r '.items[]') \
| tee -a ~/Desktop/k8s-$namespace-logs.`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.log
For your applications data, you probably just want to tail all the pods in the cluster.
But if you want logs for the control-plane of a cluster - you can use:

Kubernetes identify if deployment or scale up

I do some action on the start of the pod after deployment. But dont want to do it for scale up . Is there a way to identify when a pod is create if it is a new deployment or a scale up/recreate event
So you want to run some db script on the first available pod after the deployment.
Will it work for you if you follow the following steps during the deployment creation:
$ kubectl apply -f app-deployment.yml
// This will give some time for the pod to start.
// Pick any one pod which is in Running State
$ APP_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running | grep <deployment-name> | head -1)
$ kubectl exec -it $APP_POD_NAME -- bash -c "/scripts/"
One possible solution would be to update a flag in your DB and have your script check against the value of that flag.